What's His Passion 2 - Climbing the Savage Mountain (21 page)

He pushed up a little to meet Toby who leaned down to kiss him. When he settled back, he licked his lips, loving the taste of Toby on his tongue. “Thank you for marrying me. When I came back to you, I never imagined a life like this.”

“What did you imagine?” Toby tipped his head to one side to study him.

Shrugging, Jensen stared at Coop who was still sitting next to his chair. “I guess I didn’t really imagine anything except hoping that you would forgive me. I certainly never thought you’d take me back or love me enough to marry me.”

Toby kissed him again then eased back to say, “Then you weren’t dreaming big enough, love. Now I have to go get supper or it’ll be cold and cold salmon is only good if it’s smoked.”

“In your opinion. Go on, but while we eat, I’ll be dreaming about something else for afterward.” He leered at Toby who rolled his eyes, but Jensen saw the lust burning in them.

“Did the doctor clear you for that?”

Jensen snorted. “I didn’t need my doctor’s permission to have sex with my husband.”

Holding up his hand as though to say ‘hold that thought’, Toby went into the kitchen then returned with their plates. He’d already carried out the utensils and salad while Toby worked on the salmon.

“You didn’t need his permission, but it’s always good to make sure we aren’t going to injure you more if we do something,” Toby informed him before taking a bite.

“True.” He ate a couple of forkfuls of salad while Coop flopped at his feet and sighed with obvious starvation.

“You aren’t starving, you silly dog.” Toby poked Coop with his toe. “Look at you. If the vet saw you, she’d say we’d have to put you on a diet. Not even the runs are making you svelte again.”

Coop groaned as he rolled over, his four paws up in the air and tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. Both Jensen and Toby burst out laughing. Jensen relaxed while they ate and talked about the other things they’d done that day. When Toby had handed in his two-week notice, his boss tried to get him to stay by offering him a raise and a corner office. While it had been tempting, Toby said no, which told Jensen all he needed to know about how much Toby wanted their marriage to work.

Jensen had gone to physical therapy for his hands, plus went to search for some office space. He and Toby had decided that they needed to keep their work separate from their home, so they were going to rent a place for their business.

“I found a few buildings that might work for us. I told our realtor that we could look at them on Saturday,” he explained, as they cleaned up. He moved slowly, but Toby didn’t try to do anything for him. Jensen liked the fact that Toby didn’t treat him like a complete invalid now that his hands were healed.

Once the kitchen was put back to rights, Jensen leaned against the counter then encircled Toby’s waist to pull him close. Their lips meeting brought a deep sigh from him. They hadn’t had full sex since his accident because Toby didn’t want to hurt his injuries. Luckily there were other intimate things they could do while they waited.

Now it was time to feel Toby inside him again—or be inside Toby—however his husband wanted it. Jensen swept his tongue inside to tease Toby while slipping his hands down Toby’s back to cup his ass. They rocked together and Jensen groaned when their erections rubbed against each other.

Panting, he eased a few inches away. “I think we need to move this upstairs.”

Toby nodded. “Why don’t you head on up and I’ll lock the place up?”

It would take him longer to get upstairs, though he had gotten better at going up and down with his crutches. He started to thump his way to their bedroom while Toby took care of the rest of the house. Coop stayed downstairs like he usually did for the first part of the night.

Once in their room, Jensen moved as quickly as he could to strip and get situated on the bed. He made sure the lube was close at hand while he leaned against the headboard. It wasn’t long before Toby strolled in, his gaze going directly to Jensen sprawled on the mattress, stroking his cock idly.

“Hmm…I never get tired of that sight,” Toby muttered as he stripped, his own length rising from his pubes.

“Come here,” Jensen ordered, crooking his finger at Toby.

There was no doubt Toby was eager for whatever they were about to do. Jensen shifted and wiggled until he was flat on his back with only his head propped up. Toby climbed over to put his knees on either side of Jensen’s head then braced his hands on the wall above them.

Jensen licked a line along the underside of Toby’s shaft, loving the salty musky flavor of his lover. He pressed the tip of his tongue to the little piece of flesh just under the flared head and Toby moaned. Once he did, Jensen wrapped his lips around it then sucked.

“Oh my God, I love your mouth,” Toby informed him then pushed in.

He didn’t argue, just scrambled his fingers in the sheets to find the slick. When he got a hold of it, he opened it while Toby slowly slid in and out of Jensen’s mouth. Jensen squirted some on his fingers then let it drop back to the bed.

Jensen slipped his fingers down Toby’s crease, caressing his hole then moving down to play with his balls before returning to push just a small bit of his fingers into Toby. He knew Toby didn’t like a lot of stretching. For some reason, he liked the intense burn he felt when Jensen took him without it. He was okay with that, though he did his best to use a lot of lube, hoping that eased his entrance a little.

When he got two fingers all the way in, Toby rocked between them and Jensen’s mouth. He twisted them, doing what he could to nail Toby’s gland each time. As Toby’s movements grew faster and rougher, Jensen managed to get more lube into Toby’s ass.

“Jensen,” Toby cried out, but Jensen wrapped the fingers of his other hand around Toby’s length to keep him from coming. “Damn it, Jensen.”

Jensen let his head drop back so he could speak. “I don’t want you to come until I’m inside you.”

Toby took a deep breath then nodded. “All right.”

Before he could say anything, Toby shifted down his body then took his cock in his hand and impaled himself. Jensen grabbed a hold of Toby’s hips but didn’t move. Toby bit his bottom lip as he squeezed his channel around Jensen.

His eyes rolling back in his head at the tightness, Jensen whimpered, wanting to move yet not wanting to do it until Toby let him know he was ready for more. He ran his hands over Toby’s sides and chest, hoping his touch soothed his lover.

Toby relaxed a little more, which caused Jensen to sink a little deeper. Both of them groaned then Toby rose up on his knees before lowering slowly. They rocked together, fitting as though they were meant to be.

As Toby undulated over him, Jensen watched his lover fall apart because of him. Toby dropped his head and shouted as he came without Jensen touching his cock at all. A few more thrusts and Jensen filled Toby’s ass with his cum, more being milked from him as Toby’s passage clenched and unclenched around him.

“Toby,” he cried out, keeping Toby tight to him as he climaxed.

Finally, Toby collapsed on top of him and he grimaced at the sticky mess between them. Toby chuckled, but didn’t move.

“I got a towel,” Jensen told him. “It’s on the nightstand if you can reach it.”

Toby whined when Jensen’s softened cock slid from him along with some of his cum to coat his thighs. Then he gathered up the towel to clean them off. Jensen stayed where he was, letting Toby take care of him. Once he was done, Toby tossed the towel in the general direction of their bathroom then tucked a pillow under Jensen’s leg before snuggling close to him.

“I missed that,” Toby confessed.

Jensen placed a kiss on the top of Toby’s head. “So did I. Maybe in the morning, you can do me. I should be all right if I’m on my side.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Toby traced circles around Jensen’s nipples. “You do realize that once we have kids, we probably won’t have as much time to make love as we do now. I mean, Coop’s pretty self-sufficient once we got the dog door put in.”

“I love having that. At least we don’t have to let him out at night if he has to go.” Jensen grunted when Toby pinched one of his hard nubs. “What was that for?”

“You’re so lazy. What if we end up adopting a baby? Are you going to make me be the one who gets up for the late night feedings?” Toby propped his chin on his fist to stare up at Jensen.

Jensen smirked. “I think that’s a good idea. You can be our Asian markets expert, so you’d be up anyway. You can give him his late night feedings while making us money.”

He yelped when Toby pinched him again, this time harder. Holding his hands up, he laughed.

“I was just kidding. Of course, I wouldn’t make you do it all on your own. We’re partners in everything. If we didn’t have the dog door and Coop needed to go out, I’d take him outside. I’m not afraid of a little work, Toby.”

Toby took his hand then placed a kiss on one of the red scars running across his palm. It was where the rope had cut through his gloves and his flesh during his fall. The doctors told him they’d always be there, just faded over time.

“They’re kind of ugly, aren’t they?” He studied them, yet he didn’t hate them. Not like he hated the needle scars on his arms.

“No, they aren’t ugly to me,” Toby said, kissing it again.

The scars on Jensen’s hands spoke to Jensen of courage to face his fears and conquer new places. They showed that he could achieve what he dreamt. The ones on his arms were symbols of his weakness, of his inability to face the world and take it head-on.

Then the flash of his gold band caught his eye and his heart leaped. Of all the scars, tattoos and other things he wore on his body, his wedding ring was the more important because it spoke of love, the one thing no human being could live without and the one thing that was hardest to gain.



Chapter Twenty




Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue, a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible to see the other whole against the sky.


—Rainer Maria Rilke




“I can’t believe you actually are taking me cage diving with Great Whites,” Toby exclaimed, as they entered their room at the South African resort Jensen had booked for them.

Jensen sat in one of the chairs, grimacing a little while he rubbed his thigh. “I thought you might like it as an anniversary present, even if it’s a month late.”

Toby set his carry-on down then knelt next to Jensen, taking over the massage. “Are you okay? We should’ve taken a golf cart instead of walking from the lobby.”

“I’m fine. Just from all the walking and the sitting in the plane for hours, it’s a little stiff.” Jensen caressed Toby’s cheek. “Now that I’m totally healed, I thought we could get away from everything for a while.”

Nuzzling into Jensen’s touch, he gave him a smile. “I know you weren’t too thrilled about the idea when Jigger and I discussed it. I figured I’d never be able to get you out on the water, much less in a cage.”

Jensen raised his eyebrows. “You will get me out on the water. I can’t promise you that I’ll actually get in the cage with you.”

“That’s all right. You don’t have to do it if it makes you uncomfortable.” Toby finished with Jensen’s thigh before pushing to his feet.

He wandered over to the sliding glass doors that led to their balcony. It overlooked the ocean and in the distance, he could see some islands. There were people wandering the beaches, though it was a little cool to be out right then.

“Isn’t this like their winter?” he asked as he got busy unpacking their suitcases.

“Yeah, but the websites for the shark diving tours said the best time to see sharks was between March and September when the water’s the clearest. March seemed like a good time to come.”

He turned to see Jensen stand then grab his own bag from the floor to bring it over to Toby. Together, they finished getting things put away. Once done, Toby turned to look at Jensen.

“What’s on the schedule for the rest of the day?”

Jensen took Toby’s hips in his hands before tugging him closer. Bending down, he kissed him for a minute or two. When Jensen ended it, he motioned to the bed.

“Take a nap. Wake up. Make love. Go have dinner. Come back. Make love again. Sleep.”

Toby pretended to think about it before he grinned. “Sounds like a good plan to me.”

He let Jensen maneuver him to the bed where they fell onto it with a sigh. It was huge and soft, perfect for their tired, jet-lagged bodies. Toby curled into Jensen’s side, resting his head on Jensen’s shoulder while placing his hand on Jensen’s chest so he could feel the man’s heart beat. Taking a nap wrapped in his husband’s arms sounded wonderful to Toby.


* * * *


Wet heat surrounded Toby’s cock and he moaned as a rough hand fondled his balls. He groaned as he opened his eyes, looking down to see Jensen lying between his legs. His gorgeous eyes met Toby’s and held a sparkle as he swallowed Toby to the base of his shaft.

“Hmm…what a nice way to wake up,” he murmured, threading his fingers through Jensen’s hair to cup the back of his head. Toby kept his hold light, not forcing Jensen to do anything he didn’t want, but he liked having another connection.

He lifted his hips to push into Jensen’s mouth and Jensen played with Toby while applying suction. Shuddering, he let his eyes drift closed and allowed pleasure to sweep over him. Toby spread his legs more, then drew his left knee up, exposing his hole. Jensen took the hint and rubbed his thumb over Toby’s opening, but didn’t press in.

“Come on, Jensen,” he begged, wiggling his butt to get Jensen to do more.

Jensen pulled off him with a wet pop then shifted so he rocked back on his heels. “No. I want you to fuck me.” After leaning forward, he kissed Toby and wrapped his arms around Toby’s shoulder. Then with a sudden movement, he rolled them so he was on the bottom and Toby lay on top of him.

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