Read When Lightning Strikes Online

Authors: Sedona Venez

Tags: #Credence Curse#2

When Lightning Strikes (13 page)

Rosa pursed her lips with distaste. “I’m open to a lot of things, but getting bit and fucked by a vampire is not on my to-do list.”

I laughed. “It’s not on my list either, but I’m going.” I wiggled my brows. “I love to watch kinky fuckery.”

“What a naughty girl! It’s going to be fun watching you take down Ryker like a deer.” She pushed me toward the bathroom. “Go take a shower. We need to get you all hot and bothered. It’s time to show my Ryker what he’s missing.”

“I’m surrounded by people as crazy as me. This is not a good thing,” I mumbled.






, waiting impatiently for Light to come down. Jackal and Rip sat up front, displeased about attending Vivica’s party. They both hated vampires. Ryker wasn’t partial to vampires himself, but Oskar Orlov agreed to meet him at the party. And he needed to get the peace treaty talks back on track, plus find out what the cold bastard knew about the Shadows.

Jackal glanced at his watch. “It’s eleven o’clock. Where is she?”

“What’s up with the time thing?” Rip replied calmly.

“It’s late. It’s bad enough I have to go to this damn party.”

Rip glanced at Ryker. “He’s so fucking uptight.”

“Shut the fuck up, Rip,” Jackal snapped.

Ryker shook his head as he texted Soar the leads he wanted him to follow up on. He didn’t want to talk about Light right now. She was starting to be a damn pain in the ass. In fact, he wouldn’t even be taking her to the party if she hadn’t stubbornly pushed to go. She was right. If he left her here with Bones, she would only figure out a way to manipulate him and escape to the party anyway. The last thing he needed right now was for her to be roaming around Manhattan, open game for whoever had a contract on her and her family. He knew what the real problem was. For the first time in his life, he met a woman who didn’t even want to give him a chance. When he touched her, she yielded beautifully, even when her reaction confused the shit out of her. Everything about Light intrigued him, her stubbornness, her intelligence, and her curvy body. But the choice to let him in, to trust him, had to be hers, up until she handed the right to him.

The elevator opened and Light strutted out into the garage. Ryker stared. How could he not? Light was a visual stunner. She wore her jet-black hair loose and straight with a hint of curl around the ends. Her skintight black mini-dress slid over her curves like it was designed solely for her. Its hemline stopped several inches above her knees and allowed glimpses of skin. Part smolder, part fury—she walked over to the vehicle. Light exuded a hip-thrusting sensuality that would intimidate most men… but he wasn’t most men. A curvy five-foot-nine, she stepped lively in a pair of thigh-high, peep-toe boots, which made his fingers clench, wanting her unabashedly curvaceous body. Rip scrambled out with a look of admiration stuck on his face before opening the door.

Ryker frowned when he realized it had been hours since he’d last seen her. His jaw tightened. He actually missed her annoying ass.

“Let’s get this party started, shifters,” she yelled while sliding into the back seat. She smiled at him, locking eyes with him.

Everyone was silent until Jackal cleared his throat. “Um… are we ready to go?”

Light gave Ryker a sexy smile. “Get that look off your face, Wolfie.”

“What look?”

“The one telling me you wouldn’t mind bending me over your knees and spanking my ass like I’ve been a bad girl.” She crossed her legs slowly.

An image of those sexy legs wrapped around his waist while he pumped her hard and fast flashed through his head. He was seconds from coming in his pants like an uncontrolled teenager.

He was starting to love this woman. “And are you a bad girl?”

She winked at him. “The baddest girl you’ll ever know, Wolfie.”

He silently cursed as he thought of the million ways he’d like to find out how bad she really was. Light was tormenting him. Whether it was intentional or not, she was tormenting him. And until he was buried deep inside her, there would be no peace for him. “You really need to stop calling me Wolfie.”



of Ryker’s stare as we pulled up to Redemption. His physical magnetism was palpable. I calmed my breathing as I glanced over at him. He had turned toward me and was sitting, patiently watching me. Shit, no man should exude so much sex appeal. His jet-black hair kissed his collar. His rich beard added a hint of roughness to his lean, hard face. He wore tailored black slacks and a black shirt showed the outline of his hard muscles. Ryker was dark, hard, deadly, and absolutely yummy. And he was trouble. Right now, all I could think about was how beautiful he would be completely nude. My body pulsed with need and I could resist my attraction to him for only so long. Months of denial, without sex, was coming back to bite me on the ass. Now my defenses were down.

“Having second thoughts, darling?” His green eyes flashed. There was humor but steel underneath as he watched me as if he knew how close I was to laying myself at his feet and calling him “Sir.”

I lifted my chin. “None.”

He was enjoying my struggle. “It’s your call, darling. Let me know when you’re ready to submit.” He was all but laughing at me as his eyes glinted. Breaking contact with me, he opened the car. “Let’s do it,” he ordered, getting out of the vehicle, pulling me out as Rip and Jackal followed out of the car.

I stared curiously at the people walking up to the entrance blocked by several huge security guards. A well-toned young man dressed in a well-cut suit greeted us with a cool smile. “Welcome, Alfero,” he announced, stepping out of the way as one of the guards opened the door. I didn’t flinch when Ryker wrapped a protective arm around me, tucking me into his side. He was so big; I felt tiny next to him. He led me through the entry and into a huge room crowded with people. The heavy pounding of the music reverberated throughout the dimly lit room, setting the mood for the anything goes vibe.

My eyes widened as I looked around. The expensively designed restaurant was transformed into a club on the entire first floor. Rich fabric draped across the ceiling. Victorian styled birdcages with naked women dancing were tucked into the corners of the room. I almost giggled at the coy provocative aura of some of the women swinging back and forth as they sat on their perch like birds. I was like a kid in a candy shop, mesmerized by more women hanging from ropes attached to the ceiling, twisting like a washing machine before they intertwined and twisted like helicopter blades with each other.

I checked out the room. My gaze stopped at a couple in the corner. The huge man pulled a skimpily clad woman to him. He tangled his hands in her hair and tipped her head back to take her lips. He kissed her thoroughly before pulling back with canines glinting. I blinked, watching with fascination as he kissed her neck and bit down. The woman's eyes glazed over with ecstasy.

“This place is fucking amazing,” I whispered under my breath.

The outer perimeter of the dance floor had several booths with high backs and wide sides facing away from the dance floor, obstructing the view and chance of any voyeurs. Suddenly, some of the booths swung to face the dance floor giving me full view of the guests attired in extremely provocative clothing, from latex to corsets and skintight leather. My curiosity was piqued when I saw one man dressed only in tight leather pants, kneeling beside a woman who wore a latex dress. His canines glinted as he bit the woman’s extended wrist.

Damn, watching the sexual acts was getting me overheated. The scent of sex permeated the air around us. My nipples hardened. A couple brushed past, the woman leading a man with a leash strung to a collar around his neck.

Ryker looked at me with a hint of amusement in his eyes before nodding over to the booths. “The guests control the booths, allowing us to watch.” Amusement sparkled in his eyes as he pulled me close, running a finger down my cheek. “Are you rethinking your stance on public play?” he asked with a sensual tinge to his voice.

Something inside me tightened at his words. “Depends on my motivation.” I reached up, dragging my fingers through his hair. “Do you want to be my motivation, Alpha?”

The live band kicked off a sultry rock song. Undulating bodies filled the dance floor, writhing and grinding to the music. Ryker slipped his fingers under the edge of my dress, caressing my ass. His eyes were intent on my face, as if he could read my reactions. My head fell against his chest.

“No, darling. I need to see those beautiful eyes.” He grabbed the back of my hair, tilting my face to look at him before bringing his mouth down on mine. His lips were unyielding, clever, teasing a response from me. A stinging nip of his canines made me open my mouth, and he plunged in, his tongue stroking mine. My clit clenched, and everything inside me shattered with his kiss. My hands curled around his muscular forearms as a searing need burned between my legs.

He had me wrapped around his finger and he knew it. He took my wrists and put my arms around his neck. Nudging my legs apart, he moved between them. Hand on my ass, he slid me closer until my sex rubbed against his thick erection. He took the kiss deeper, his grip relentless. I trembled all over. My hands dug into his wide shoulders tightly, leaving nail marks on his skin.

He pulled back. “Is that enough motivation?” he asked with a husky voice.

“Definitely,” I whispered. I wanted him more than my next breath. This was about to go down. Right here, right now. And I didn’t give a shit about the repercussions. Cupping my cheek, he sucked on my lower lip, drawing it into his mouth, his tongue gliding across it. And when he released me, a wicked smile told me he wanted me in no uncertain terms.

Someone coughed, gently breaking our intimate moment. We both looked over, perplexed to see a lean, muscular man looking at us.

“Alfero, welcome. I’m Jacque, Mistress Vivica’s assistant,” he murmured. “She would greet you herself, but she’s indisposed.” He nodded over to a booth with two somber-looking men standing guard. My eyes widened at the sight of a blond woman draped over Vivica while Vivica sucked blood from the woman’s wrist. Vivica looked up, showing us her canines in a sexy smile.

Ryker acknowledged her with a curt nod while tucking me safely against his side. Rip and Soar flanked us, so three large and dangerous wolves effectively surrounded me.

“Vivica reserved a private booth for you, of course.” Jacque stole a glance at me before turning away. “Please, this way.”

I felt the change in Ryker’s attitude as we made our way through the crowd of half-naked gyrating bodies. It was cold and deadly. If there was a doubt in my mind of the dangerous beast he truly was, it was quickly erased. Even Soar and Rip’s lips were drawn tight in serious expressions projecting their menacing dominance.

Spotting Reason, I stopped, squeezing Ryker’s arm. “I see Reason. I’ll meet you over at our booth.”

Ryker simply nodded at Jackal. “Take care of her.” Jackal nodded back before following me across the dance floor.

“Hey, sweetie.” I embraced Reason in a tight hug. Jackal came up behind me, no doubt keeping watch. I pulled back with a raised brow. “The stuff going on here is kinky, even for me.”

“What can I say? My aunt loves to do it up kinky style,” Reason ranted with a devilish grin.

My eyes widened at a naked woman strapped to a wooden X on the wall. The sight of the woman tied there fascinated me, her legs open and breasts hanging free. I shook my head and stared at Reason. “Aunt?”

She shrugged. “Not related, but she’s been father’s close friend for so long that she’s come to be part of my dysfunctional family.”

I winked at her. “So she’s the freaky aunt?”

“What can I say…? Freakiness runs in the family.” Reason flashed her exposed canines at Jackal. “Hey, Jackal.” She smiled flirtatiously. “Would you like to take a walk on the vampire side and find out how freaky I can be?”

Jackal snorted. “Not on your life, vampire.”

Reason looked him up and down with interest. “You know what they say… Once you go vampire, you never go back.”

“I don’t care what they say, sweetie. It ain’t happening,” he commented. Reason blew a kiss at him before tossing her long auburn hair over her shoulders.

I laughed, loving Reason’s attempt at foreplay. “Is there something I’m missing between you two love birds?”

“He’s playing hard to get,” Reason whispered loudly. “Don’t think I haven’t seen you checking out my ass.” She stared at him impishly while shaking her hips and bottom in a twisting manner.

“Twerk it!” I high-fived Reason, then smiled at Jackal. “Now where else would you see a hybrid vampire twerking but here, in this den of sin?”

Jackal shook his head, lips curling up into a smile.

Reason bit her lip. “Ah, there it is, that sexy smile that drives me crazy.”

I smiled at her. The fun Reason was back with a vengeance, or maybe years of being celibate was finally catching up with her. Being cock deprived for a year could make anyone stir crazy. I’d never seen her so… giddy. I arched a brow, which could only mean one thing. She was really into Jackal. Shit, I didn’t blame her. He was swoon-worthy gorgeous, but clearly, he wasn’t into vampires.

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