When Lightning Strikes (20 page)

Read When Lightning Strikes Online

Authors: Sedona Venez

Tags: #Credence Curse#2

“Nice dress,” Jackal commented.

Rip smirked. “Yeah, what there is of it.”

I winked at them saucily. “Well, you can thank your Alpha.” I examined their custom-made tuxedos. “Wow! You two clean up nicely,” I teased before sliding into the back of the limo. They laughed before getting in. Jackal and Rip looked at me quickly as the limo pulled out of the garage and sped through Manhattan.

“Ryker had a meeting, but he’ll meet us at the gala,” Jackal commented.

I pursed my lips and rolled my eyes. “You mean he’s mad at me,” I responded sarcastically. “I know. I’ll straighten out the Alpha when I get there. No one stands me up.”

Rip shook his head. “Oh shit, our Alpha is in trouble.”

I crossed my legs. “You got that right,” I drawled as we pulled up to the hotel. The driver opened the door. “Come on, shifters, we have a party to start.”

We headed past the paparazzi and into the hotel. Men in tuxedoes escorted their diamond-encrusted ladies through the huge front doors. White-gloved security staffers politely scanned guests with handheld metal detectors. I smiled at the envious stares of females as Jackal and Rip flanked me as we waded through the Other high-society world. As we advanced into the ballroom, the live band playing a popular rock song punctuated the crescendo of conversation. We glided into the sea of guests, drinking, dancing, and conversing. The party was in full swing.

“We’re going to mill around. We want to make sure security has everything covered,” Jackal whispered in my ear.

“I’m not worried. Go.” I watched them both walk off before I approached the circular bar. The bartender abandoned making a drink to come over.

“Lemon martini,” I ordered before leaning against the bar, doing what I loved to do, Other watch. My eyes narrowed; it was the same crowd, different event. The only thing I was grateful for was the event was attended only by Others and I wouldn’t have to deal with annoying human emotions driving me crazy.

The band abruptly stopped playing. Guests looked to the stage. Rosa stepped onto the riser, looking stunning. She took the microphone and played up to the crowd before giving them a beauty contestant smile.

“Thank you all for coming tonight and opening your hearts and wallets,” she said with a wink at them. “All jokes aside, tonight we’ve auctioned off some of the city’s finest items… art, jewelry, and artifacts, raising an awe-inspiring three and a half million dollars. All of the proceeds tonight will go to building homes for single mothers and their children, a cause which means a lot to Ryker and me.”

The crowd applauded politely.

“The night is not over. We have one more special surprise for the man himself, Ryker Alfero, who’s late for his own gala.” She scowled and the crowd laughed. “He’s going to kill me for telling you this… but his birthday was a couple days ago.” The crowd clapped and she quieted them down.

Rosa continued. “Now, now, settle down. The big bad Alpha hasn’t celebrated his birthday in years, but tonight”—she winked at me—“I have a special surprise for him. So keep drinking and stick around and we’ll present it once he arrives.” The music started again and Rosa left the stage.

I took a sip of my martini, annoyed with Ryker for being late. How could he be late for his own charity event? Given his track record, he might not even show up at all. Rumor was he hated these events but threw them as a way to raise money for his favorite charities and give Others something productive to do besides fighting over territory, power, and women.

I smiled when I caught sight of Sophie coming straight toward me. I knew this bickering and arguing with her had to stop. It was amusing when I had no intention of going after Ryker. Things had changed now that I decided to make him mine. I had to put an end to Sophie’s antics.

Let the games begin.

stood within inches of me, using her height as intimidation. I definitely disliked her. My body appeared languid, but inside I was prepared for anything from the viper. Up close, I had to admit the woman was more beautiful. Her hair was a mass of spun gold perfection, her porcelain skin flawless. But that was only outer beauty. I could tell by the cold look in her blue eyes and the way her lip curled upward into an icy smile Sophie was ugly and evil inside.

“You actually think you snared the Alpha?” She sneered.

“Go. Away. Sophie,” I snapped.

Sophie tossed her hair over her shoulder. “You’re pretty. I’ll give you that much, but I’ve heard things about you, nasty things.” She sneered. “And a Fae-Witch party girl is not exactly mating material. And damn sure not fit to be alpha female of the strongest pack in New York.”

I arched a brow. “And I presume you are?”

“That’s a given,” Sophie responded with a smug look.

I shook my head. “Girl, you’re aiming way too high.” I sipped my martini, waving at Rosa, who seemed to have some man thoroughly engrossed. Rosa grinned at me, darting her eyes to the man, indicating he was the wolf-shifter she was after. I gave her a thumbs-up.

Sophie glared at Rosa. Rosa stuck up her middle finger at her. I laughed loudly. I guess I wasn’t the only one who despised Sophie.

Sophie smiled. “He hasn’t mated for a reason.”

I smile coldly. “Yeah, because he’s smart enough not to confuse a one-night stand with a woman he’d actually mate,” I spat loudly enough so the surrounding guests heard. I was tired of Sophie. Ryker didn’t want her, but she refused to go away gracefully.

Sophie sputtered with eyes darting around self-consciously. “How dare you? He’ll never mate an inferior Fae-Witch, and I’m damn sure not going to stand by while you steal him away,” she hissed.

God, this psycho was tenacious and crazy. But I did learn something. She was socially conscious, which was like waving a red flag at a bull. I would send her packing in shame.

I batted my eyes dramatically. “Watch me.” I smiled coldly. “Look, I’m done playing around with you. So here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to back away from Ryker because he’s mine. That’s it. End of fucking story.”

Sophie stepped closer. “How about I shift and then fucking tear your inferior ass into so many pieces Ryker won’t even recognize you?”

That was it. Bickering was one thing, but threatening to kill me… She crossed the damn line of no return.

“What did you say?” My voice was barely audible.

Her eyes were icy. “I said I will kill you. Was I clear enough bitch?”

My hands clenched. “Okay. Here’s how this shit is going down,” I hissed. “The next time I see you and you even flinch at me.” I glared at her. “I’m going to jump up and Superman punch you in the fucking face. No words. Just fucking beat the living shit out of you.” I finished, my voice full of menace.

Sophie took a step back.

I continued, seething with rage. “In fact, the only thing keeping me from cunt-punting your ass across this room is that I don’t want blood on my fucking couture dress.” I sneered. “Now, I advise you to walk away before I change my damn mind and show you exactly what a Fae-Witch can actually do.”

Sophie sputtered. “This is not the end of this,” she spat before stomping away like I stole her fucking bike.

“What did the she-wolf from hell want?” Rosa chirped.

Startled, I looked at her with wide eyes. “God, you’re like some type of crazy ninja. You need to wear a freaking bell.”

“Ryker’s not interested in her,” Rosa assured.

I frowned. “Never mind all that. Why in the hell didn’t you tell me you were planning a birthday surprise for Ryker?”

She shrugged with a not-too-innocent look on her face. “He doesn’t celebrate it… ever.” She looked at me smugly. “Now he has a reason and a person to celebrate it with. You.”

“Uh-huh.” I looked at her warily, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Her eyes shifted away from me.

I looked at her suspiciously. “What are you up to Rosa?”

“Nothing. I need you to help me set up his present, which is waiting backstage.”

“Uh-huh.” I paused. “And you couldn’t tell me this earlier because…?”

She wrapped her arm around my waist, dragging me through the crowd. “Never mind that. You’re a size nine, right?”

“Yes. What in the hell are you up to Rosa?” I requested when we stepped backstage. I skidded to a stop when I saw the giant white birthday cake.

She looked at me sheepishly. “I was tired of watching you two dancing around each other.”

I walked around the cake. “You want me to jump out of this thing, huh?”

She pointed over to an outfit hanging on the garment rack, a stunning pinup style black satin strapless corset dress with attached garters. “Wearing this, of course.” She looked at me apprehensively. “It’s for his birthday, sweetie.”

Without pause, I kicked off my stilettos. “That’s all you had to say, Rosa.” I winked at her. “Next time, give a girl some warning.” I examined the skimpiness of the figure-flattering black satin strapless corset dress with light boning, zipper front, and full lace-up back. “Lucky I shaved because this dress is bordering on Brazilian wax territory, but I’ll make it work.”

Rosa hugged me tightly. “I knew you would do it for him.”

I smiled impishly. “Who said I’m doing this for him? I haven’t gotten laid in months. One look at me in this outfit and the Alpha’s definitely going to do me in the back of the limo.” I shivered deliciously. “Shit, I’m getting turned on already.”

“God, you’re truly hilarious.” Rosa hugged me again. “You and Ryker will be happy together.”

I hugged her back. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Where are my matching ‘fuck me’ shoes?”

She pointed to a pair of sparkling black heels tucked in the corner as I started to unzip my dress.

“You are absolutely not getting into that cake,” Sophie screeched.

I tilted my head, staring at Sophie, who was practically foaming at the mouth.

Rosa blocked her. “There’s only one person going in the damn cake. And that’s Light,” she snapped.

“Not if she’s dead,” Sophie boasted while kicking off her shoes.

“Rosa, please step aside,” I warned coldly. “You and I know she won’t stop if I don’t deal with this right now.” It was the way of the shifters. They preyed on the weak and if I didn’t make a stand now, Sophie would make a point to challenge me at every opportunity. I couldn’t continue to deal with Sophie as a distraction to Ryker’s pack or his position as leader of the Council. Besides, if I was going to be alpha female, I had to take a hard stance. There was no other way. And even though I abhorred catfights in any form, this stance was absolutely necessary.

Rosa sighed heavily before stepping aside. “Fine.” She looked at Sophie. “But you can’t shift.”

I headed toward the center of the floor, watching Sophie all the while. Sophie hadn’t moved and was glaring at me. She slowly moved forward with a wide grin on her face. Moments later, she launched herself at me, I quickly moved out of the way. Sophie stumbled forward, rolling into a crouch. Before I could turn, she re-launched once more as I sidestepped her.

Sophie growled, cracking her neck. “When I’m done with you, Ryker won’t recognize that pretty face.”

My hands clenched. My body hummed. “I’ve been waiting for days to kick your ass, bitch.”

That should have been the first clue that things were going to get real nasty. I launched myself at her, flipping onto her back. Our gowns ripped. I began choking her without mercy, enjoying watching her struggle for air as she clawed my arms. Despite the pain, I felt something dark slithering within me, taking control. My pulse raced as I stood, dragging Sophie by the throat, lifting her up until her feet dangled like a ragdoll. Sophie continued to scratch, but I wouldn’t let go… I couldn’t. My hold on her neck tightened. The darkness urged me to kill her.

“Do you give up?” I hissed.

Sophie stopped struggling and went limp.

I grunted, releasing my grip, thinking it was over. Sophie lifted her knee hard, catching me in the belly. I doubled over. When I straightened, Sophie looked at me with deadly intent and charged at me. I didn’t think. I acted. I let the darkness engulf me. My fingers tingled as I lifted my hand, blasting her back onto her ass. She slowly got up and stared at me with disbelief. Her breathing was labored as she circled me, while I hadn’t broken a sweat.

Sophie clawed at her dress, trying to get it off. She was trying to shift. I blasted her back. This time the blast sent her flying into the wall with a crunch. I slowly stalked her.
Kill her. Just kill her
. The voice echoed in my head. Sophie tried to stand up but collapsed to her knees. I read the fear in her eyes, but I didn’t care. I wanted her dead.

Kill her.
The voice urged again. I stopped mid-stride as Sophie looked at me with fear.

“Mercy,” she hissed.

I stepped back, struggling to roll the power away. Sophie looked at me with lowered eyes as she backed away. I didn’t have to speak. I saw the grudging respect in Sophie eyes before she slunk away.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, Rosa’s gentle hand. “Does he know?”

My body tensed. “Not everything.”

Rosa turned me to face her. “Trust him with the truth.” I nodded. She smiled, pulling the damp strands of hair away from my forehead.

“Rosa, he’s here,” her assistant babbled from the entryway.

“Do you still want to do this?” Rosa cross-examined.

I composed myself. “More than anything.”

“That’s my girl. Get dressed. Your Alpha awaits his birthday cake.”


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