When Summer Ends (36 page)

Read When Summer Ends Online

Authors: Isabelle Rae

“Stop it; you’re going to get us thrown out of here!” I
hissed, still giggling to myself.

He grinned wickedly and shrugged. “Never mind, I’ll just
drive you home if we do, then you don’t have to wait around being bored stiff.”

Is it wrong to actually hope we got kicked out just so I
could get in his car with him again?
“I’m not bored stiff. I was actually
just listing all of my music in alphabetical order inside my head,” I countered,

He raised one eyebrow playfully and I felt my insides do a
little flip. “Maybe you could sort it into piles of good, okay, and downright
awful, and then throw out all of your Daniel Masters crap while you’re at it.” He
smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes at his comment.
What is it with guys and
hating on poor Daniel?
“Oh you know you love him really.”

He nodded, looking a little thoughtful. “Yeah his chest is
pretty lickable too,” he replied in a camp voice. I burst out laughing again
but quickly turned it into a cough. Will patted me on the back, looking at me
with mock concern as the coach glared at us. If Will wasn’t a teacher we would
have been thrown out by now for sure.

When I had calmed down, he smiled and stopped patting my
back. “So what are you doing tonight?” he questioned, sitting back in his chair
more and putting his feet on the back of the seat in front of him.

I shrugged; I had no idea what Olly wanted to do. I actually
just wanted to go home, but I had agreed to give him one last chance so I guess
I needed to stick to it. “I don’t really know, maybe a movie or dinner, not
sure yet. What about you?” I asked, biting my lip and hoping he wouldn’t say he
was seeing Miss Teller tonight. I would hate to hear those words come out of
his mouth.

“Nothing much, I’m meeting Sam for a drink and then we’re
going to my parents for dinner. I haven’t seen them in a while so my mom will
probably want to feed me up or something.” He shrugged, and I couldn’t help but
notice he looked a little sad for some reason.
Does he not want to go to his
parents’ house?

“You don’t want to go there?” I asked curiously.

He smiled sadly. “Yeah I do, it’s just that I get ten
thousand questions about you all night, which is sometimes kind of awkward.” He

“Yeah I guess it would be,” I replied quietly. “Well tell
them I said hi.” As soon as I said it I frowned.
How the heck could he tell
them that? I bet he’s just told them we’ve broken up; he couldn’t exactly say
that he still saw me at school every day.

“I will do.” He nodded and smiled. He stood up and looked
down at me. “I guess I should get going then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I nodded; I really didn’t want him to leave. Talking with
him was so easy, it was so nice to be around him again and just enjoy his
company that I didn’t want it to end. “Yeah, have a nice dinner tonight. I
guess I’ll see you in detention for that rematch.”

He laughed and nodded. “Yeah, see ya.” He actually looked a
little reluctant to walk away, and I felt like grabbing his hand and pulling
him back into the seat next to me just so I could hear him talk some more. Or
maybe I should just tell Olly I felt sick or something and then ask Will to
take me home so I could have another fifteen minutes of his time.

I didn’t do either of those things though so he smiled and
walked off, leaving me watching his back, my heart sinking with every step he
took away from me.

Wait, why did he actually come in here in the first
place? He was only here for a couple of minutes, and all he did was talk to me.
Mind you I guess he could have actually been talking to someone or doing something
before he spoke to me. I’d been too busy daydreaming that I probably wouldn’t
have noticed a herd of elephants if they were doing a little jig in front of me
before he sat down. He could have been in here for hours for all I knew.

I turned my attention back poolside and tried my hardest to
watch Olly swim, but I didn’t even know which one he was. They were all wearing
little blue swimming hats and goggles so they all looked the same.
Jeez, I
suck as a girlfriend; I can’t even pick my boyfriend out of a group of guys!
I laughed quietly to myself and waited patiently for the hour to be over.


When he was finally done and dressed we headed to this little
restaurant that Olly said did the best scampi he’d ever eaten. I just smiled
and went along with it, not really caring where we went. When we pulled into
the parking lot I laughed to myself, it was a bar with a little restaurant on
the side; I’d actually been here before with Will to eat. I smiled at the
memory of us playing pool out the back and forced myself to get out of the car
and follow Olly inside.

When we walked in we were told that there was a little wait
for a table, they’d had a rush apparently, so we were told to wait off to one
side. I was sipping my Coke while we talked about his swim trials and the race
he was in next weekend against all of the surrounding schools. I tried my
hardest to be interested in what he was saying, but sports and stuff just
weren’t my thing, so it kind of just went in one ear and out of the other.

Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind. I squealed and
slopped half of my Coke over the floor as I jumped with fright. My heart took
off in a sprint thinking I was being mugged or something. The person whose arms
were now around my waist just laughed in my ear. Olly stepped forward looking
over my shoulder, his face was murderously angry.

I squirmed and looked back quickly, only to see Sam grinning
at me. I relaxed as soon as I realised I wasn’t being attacked or something. I
elbowed him in the ribs. Unfortunately it didn’t really have much effect, just
made him laugh harder and let go of me.

“What the hell, Sam? That wasn’t funny!” I ranted as I
slapped his chest, but laughed with relief at the same time. My heart was
slowly starting to beat again and he just laughed his ass off.

“Hey, Foxy. Sorry couldn’t resist. Maybe I’ll have to buy
you a new drink though huh?” he teased, nodding at the wet puddle on the carpet
at my feet.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the glass I was holding,
there was only about an inch left in the bottom.
Stupid idiot boy!
“Maybe I should throw the rest of this in your face for scaring me,” I
suggested teasingly as I smirked at him.

He shrugged. “It’s not like that’s never happened to me
before, just try not to get it in my eyes would ya? Coke stings,” he joked.

“We’ll you deserve the sting, you jerk!” I laughed as I
slapped his chest again. He grinned and I smiled back. I really liked Sam; he
was a great guy so I couldn’t really get mad at him.

Olly grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from Sam as he just
continued to try and kill him with his eyes.
Oh my days, seriously? Again
with the possessiveness?

“Do you mind? You’re interrupting,” Olly growled.

Sam smiled and shrugged. “I don’t mind at all,” he stated
confidently as he crossed his arms over his chest. I fought a smile at just how
brash Sam was. That was actually one of my favourite things about him, and Will
was just the same too.

Wait, holy crap is Will here too? He said he was meeting
Sam for a drink, were they doing that here?
I flicked my eyes around the
bar and saw Will just walking out of the back, obviously coming from the
bathrooms that were out there. His gaze met mine and a half smile crossed his
face before he frowned and started walking over to us, weaving through the
crowd. I couldn’t help but notice how hot he looked. He looked no different
than when I saw him an hour ago at school, but just being out of that place
made him look different. Younger, cuter, and definitely more handsome.

I dragged my eyes away from Will and looked back at Olly as
his grip tightened on my wrist. “Maybe we should go somewhere else to eat,
Chloe. This place looks a little busy still,” Olly suggested, his voice tight
and controlled.

Sam grinned. “Nah, come on dude, they’ll have a table cleared
for you in a minute. Why don’t I buy you a new drink, Foxy?” Sam smirked at me,
his eyes twinkling with amusement. He turned to look at Olly. “Does your
rebound guy want one?” he asked in a polite tone that didn’t match the words
he’d said.

Holy crap!
“Sam!” I cried, frowning.
What on earth
is he doing? Is he trying to upset Olly on purpose?

He looked at me with wide eyes, giving me the ‘I didn’t do
it’ look. “What? I’m just being polite and offering to buy him a drink,” he
said innocently, but his eyes were playful and teasing.

Olly stepped forward, pulling me behind him roughly. “Why
don’t you just back the fuck off?” he spat. 

Sam just laughed and rolled his eyes. “You don’t own her,
you know. I think I’ll stay for a bit and talk to my friend.” He shrugged.

“Just get lost before I make you!” Olly warned, stepping
closer to Sam again.

I stared at his back in disbelief.
What the hell is his
freaking problem?
I yanked my wrist out of his restraining hold and stepped
away from him.
I know Sam is pushing his buttons, but he’s freaking crazy if
he thinks I’m going to let him keep me away from one of my friends just because
it was a guy.

“Olly, don’t,” I warned, frowning. I noticed Will walk to
Sam’s side, but I didn’t take my eyes off of Olly who was scowling at me
angrily, his whole body tense and annoyed.

“Let’s just go somewhere else.” He stepped closer to me and reached
for my hand again. It actually looked like he purposefully stepped to the side
to put his body between me and Sam - and that made me even angrier. Thankfully
he hadn’t noticed Will standing there. If he knew that Sam was Will’s brother
it might click into place that Will was the ex-boyfriend I’d told him about.

I shook my head in rejection. “No. Let’s just eat here and
we’ll all play nice together,” I suggested, wanting to see what he would do.
needs to try and let this go. I am allowed male friends, and he needs to accept
This was his make or break, if he continued with this little jealous
act then that would be it, his one chance would be blown.

“For goodness sake, Chloe. Is this a freaking joke? Yet
another male friend that I’m supposed to put up with having his hands all over
you?” he hissed, looking at me in disbelief.

I mentally groaned. He hadn’t passed the test. “You know
what, Olly? Just shove it up your ass,” I retorted, turning and storming off towards
the door. I ignored Sam’s laughter behind me, and Olly’s sting of cuss words
that he muttered under his breath. I had no idea how I was going to get home,
but there was no way I was sitting in a car with Olly, so I’d just hope that
there was a bus route or something along this road.

Just as I got about half way across the parking lot Olly
grabbed my hand. “Shove it up my ass? What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked,
frowning as he yanked me to a stop.

I sighed and shook my head.
Could I have said it any
“It means you blew your last chance. I told you I wouldn’t put up
with you being all possessive and you’ve just done it again. You promised you wouldn’t
do it.” I shrugged.

He looked hurt as he stepped closer to me, cupping my face
in his hands. “Chloe, I’m sorry. I just don’t like guys hanging all over you
all the time. I’m your boyfriend, I’m allowed to get jealous!” he said

I pulled my face out of his hands. “There’s a big difference
between being jealous and being a control freak, Olly. I told you that you have
no reason to be like that, but you just carried on anyway. It’s not right and I
hate it. I’m sorry.”

I flicked my eyes back towards the building and saw Will
standing there, frowning angrily in my direction. Sam had one arm over Will’s
chest, looking as if he was holding him in place or something while he spoke to
him, but I was too far away to hear what he was saying.

“So it’s over? That’s it?” Olly asked, throwing his hands up
in exasperation.

“I’m sorry, but you can’t do that. No girl likes being told
what to do. You need to work out your issues, seriously, not all girls are like
Christina but you’ve pushed my away because you can’t trust me. There needs to
be trust in a relationship otherwise there’s no point in being together.” I
shrugged. A rather large part of me was jumping for joy that it was finally
over, that I’d tried, but it didn’t work out. Now I was free to wallow in
self-pity about Will again.

He groaned and gripped his hands in his hair, looking at me
desperately. I felt guilty that I was hurting someone, but to be honest, it
wasn’t my fault. We’d only been dating for a week, but yet he was acting as if
we were breaking up from a marriage or something. It wasn’t the end of the world
so he needed to stop overreacting. This wasn’t my fault.

“I really like you, Chloe,” he said bending slightly, giving
me the face that he was so damn good at.

I felt bad that I just didn’t care this time. He’d gone way
overboard today, first Nick and now Sam, that was too far, and he promised me
he wouldn’t do it. “I’m sorry, but this just isn’t working,” I replied, trying
to keep my voice stronger than I felt.

He frowned angrily at me. “Fine. Whatever. Come on, I’ll
drive you home,” he stated, his voice emotionless as he looked away from me,
his face hard.

I didn’t really want to get in the car with him again, I had
a feeling he would be begging me for another chance all the way home and I
really hated to say no to people and hurt them. I didn’t want to go with him in
case I caved in or something. But, on the other hand, I actually had no idea
how to get home from here, and I probably didn’t have enough money for a cab. I
decided to call Amy and ask her to come and get me, she wouldn’t mind.

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