When Summer Ends (62 page)

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Authors: Isabelle Rae

I felt my body relax. He was just being the sweet and
concerned Will again; this wasn’t about him wanting to get rid of me at all. I
traced my nose up the side of his. “If I hadn’t met you then I’d still be
looking for my Mr Perfect,” I whispered, kissing him again.

I felt him smile against my lips so I pulled back and sat
up, straddling him, sitting on his stomach. “You think I’m perfect?” he asked,
looking at me cockily, trailing one finger up my leg slowly, making my hormones
start to spike.

I laughed and shook my head. “No actually. You’re a messy
math nerd,” I replied, grinning at his put out face. “You snore, you leave the
toilet seat up, and you can’t cook. Nope, Mr Morris, you aren’t perfect at
all,” I teased, sticking my tongue out at him.

He smirked at me and grabbed my waist, pushing me down on
the bed and rolling on top of me, crushing all of my college applications under
us as he pinned me down. “Well you’re way to clean. You always leave the toilet
seat down so I have to put it up again. You eat disgusting cereal for
breakfast, and you suck at math,” he replied, pressing himself to me tighter.
“But all of those things make you perfect in my eyes, Cutie,” he finished.

“Aww, Will, that’s so sweet,” I moaned.

He smiled. “I love all of those things. I love every single
thing about you, even the bad things,” he cooed. “Wait, actually, there is one
thing that I don’t love about you,” he said, frowning at me thoughtfully. I
winced and waited for him to tell me I was too whiney or immature or something.
His eyes were locked on mine as he spoke again, “You always wear too many damn

I burst out laughing as he frowned at the shirt I was
wearing. “You’re such a pervert! Maybe we should have one day a week where we
just don’t wear clothes at all. Just walk around all day butt naked. We could
call it naked Saturday or something,” I suggested, wrapping my arms around his
neck tightly.

“Naked weekends are better,” he chirped, grinning excitedly.

I smiled and nodded. “Naked weekends are definitely better.
I’ll check my diary and see if I can pencil you in for next week,” I teased,
gripping my hand into the back of his hair.

“Great,” he whispered, kissing me softly. I sighed
contentedly and closed my eyes, just taking in the luxury of being in this
man’s arms. I still wasn’t used to it, I didn’t think I’d ever be used it, I
hoped I never took it for granted. He pulled out of the kiss and put his
forehead to mine. “Apply to your dream school,” he begged, his nose brushing
against mine. “Just apply, that’s all. Then, if you get accepted and still
don’t want to go there, then don’t. Just don’t throw away the option. Please?”

I reluctantly agreed. I had no doubt in my mind though that
if I did get accepted, that I would reject the place. I wasn’t moving to New
York, and that was final. I didn’t care how much he gave me the puppy dog face.
But if it ended this conversation, I’d apply. It couldn’t do any harm. If
filling in a couple of forms and writing a couple of essays, stopped us talking
about it, then I was all up for that.

He physically relaxed on top of me, his shoulders loosened,
a beautiful smile stretched across his face. “Thank you, Cutie,” he whispered,
kissing me again. I wrapped my legs around his waist tightly, crushing his body
against mine. My excitement peaked as his weight pressed my down into the soft

My hands roamed his body, slipping under his T-shirt, my
fingers tracing across his back as he continued to kiss me as if he could devour
my soul. Every kiss from Will literally made my toes curl up in ecstasy. It was
beautiful. His kissing was almost poetic. I was a seriously lucky girl.

“So, about this naked weekend…” he trailed off, cupping my
face and kissing the tip of my nose.

I smiled.
Was he serious about that? I was joking when I
suggested it! I bet the damn pervert makes me do that now too! What have I
gotten myself into?
“What about it?” I asked, my voice barely working as my
mind wandered to his body, his perfection just on show for forty-eight blissful
Actually, I hoped he does make us go through with it.

He sighed. “It’ll have to start from Saturday night I’m
afraid. I have something I need to do during the day so I can’t see you,” he
said, shrugging as he pushed himself up off of me, sitting next to me on the

I frowned at his comment. Will and I always spent Saturday
daytime together. What was he doing that meant I couldn’t see him? “Oh really?
What are you up to?” I asked, trying not to sound like an obsessive whiney
girlfriend because he was blowing me off for the day.

He smiled and shrugged. “I have some shopping to do. A girl
I know has a birthday coming up so I need to get her a present.”

Wait, he’s blowing me off so he can buy me a birthday
present? Well that sucks!
I pouted and pushed myself up too, moving so I
could sit up on his lap, facing him. “What if this girl you know, doesn’t want
anything for her birthday?” I countered, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He laughed and flicked my nose, rolling his eyes playfully.
“Tough luck for her I guess.”

I sighed dramatically. “Will, don’t buy me anything. I don’t
want you to spend your money on me,” I insisted, pouting at him again. I really
didn’t want a present from him, his time and company were more than I could
wish for.

He ran his hand down my back, stopping when he got to my
ass, one of his hands pushed down the back of my jeans, his finger stroking
across the material of my panties, making my whole body ache with need. “I’m
getting you a present, Cutie. It’s not every day that your girlfriend turns
eighteen. It’s a special birthday, one you should remember forever. I want to
get you something that you can keep and remember too,” he explained, shrugging.
“Is there anything you actually want for your birthday? I mean, I have
something I want to get you, but if there’s something you want me to get then
I’ll get that too.” He looked at me curiously.

His whole speech about my birthday being special and how I
would remember it forever, made me want just one thing. If there was one thing
that would make my birthday special, it was him. All of him.

I traced my finger across the line of his jaw as I wondered
how to phrase it without me sounding like some sort of nymphomaniac or
something. “There is actually one thing that I want. And you’re the only one that
can give it to me,” I flirted, kissing the base of his throat.

“And what’s that?” he croaked huskily. I moved up and nibbled
on the edge of his jaw. His grip on me tightened. “Chloe, shit, I love it when
you do that,” he moaned breathlessly. I smiled proudly and kissed across to his
ear, nipping his earlobe gently before I spoke.

“I want to spend my birthday with you. I want one night
where we forget everyone else; I want one night where we put everything to one
side and just be Will and Chloe. I want one night where we have no rules and no
boundaries. That’s the only thing I want for my birthday,” I whispered.

He groaned and I pulled back to look at him curiously,
praying he would go for it. If there was one thing that would make my
eighteenth birthday as special as could be, it would be to have every single
part of Will, body, mind and spirit.

“That’s-” he started, frowning, looking like he was choosing
his words carefully.

Disappointment settled in the pit of my stomach because he
was about to say no. I didn’t blame him really, that wasn’t what we agreed on.
We’d already stretched the rules a lot further than he wanted to, and yet here
was me pushing a little further. I was being selfish by asking. I should think
about what I was asking of him. He didn’t want to compromise himself again like
that, so I really shouldn’t have asked, I knew that.

I shook my head guiltily. “Sorry, forget it. I shouldn’t
have asked,” I muttered, flushing with embarrassment that I’d just thrown
myself again him like that.

He sighed and put his finger under my chin, lifting my head
so I had to look at him. His grey eyes searched mine and neither of us spoke
for a couple of minutes. I just lost myself in the beautiful colour of them,
they were mesmerizing. “Okay,” he finally whispered, nodding slowly.

I gasped, looking at him with wide eyes.
What the hell?
Did I hear him right? Did he just agree to make love to me? Wow, it’s seriously
wrong that I had to coerce my boyfriend into sleeping with me.
This whole
situation was slightly wrong. Stereotypically it was usually the other way
around, a guy begging the girlfriend to take things further.
I guess we’re
special… or maybe I’m a pervert like he always says.
I laughed at the
ludicrous situation we were in, and then chewed on my lip trying to stop; I was
probably making myself look like a crazy person. I still hadn’t said anything
back, and Will was looking a little confused now.

I shook my head and felt my face flame with heat. “It’s
fine. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked. We’ll wait until after graduation,” I
said sheepishly.

He smiled, his eyes raking over my face slowly, as if he was
trying to memorise every part of it or something. “You think I don’t want you
too? Chloe, of course I do. Being with you drives me crazy; sometimes I want to
make love to you so much that it’s actually painful. You’re just too beautiful
for my sanity,” he cooed, stroking the side of my face with his thumbs. “I want
to make your birthday special; if that’s what you want, then that’s what we’ll
do.” He stroked the side of my face again before pressing his lips against mine
so lightly that I could barely feel them.

Happiness was trying to consume me as thoughts of making
love to him started to run through my mind.
But my freaking birthday is still
three weeks away! Wow, that feels like a long time now that I know what I’m
“Really?” I asked, just needing the confirmation again, just to
make sure I hadn’t slipped off into another of my Will fantasies.

He nodded. “Yeah, Cutie. I want to give you everything for
your birthday, if it’s me that you want then that’s what you’ll get,” he
whispered, his eyes shining with love and adoration and made my heart crash in
my chest.

I kissed him gratefully. “That’s all I want. Just you,” I

He smirked at me. “I’m still busy next Saturday daytime,” he
stated, laying us down on the bed again, side by side as he wrapped his arms
around me tightly. “And I have a stipulation,” he added. “If we’re having one
night, then I want the daytime too. I want to spend the whole day with you too.
Your birthday is on a Saturday, so stay with me on the Friday night so I can
wake up with you.”

Oh crud, that can’t happen, my parents won’t let me stay
out and not see me on my birthday.
“Will, I can’t. My parents, I’ll have to
spend time with them too.”

His eyebrows knitted together. “Ten o’clock then. You can
have breakfast with them, and then spend the day with me.”

I groaned and shook my head. “Will, usually my mom does a
lunch thing, she makes a load of cakes and desserts, and we just eat junk food
for lunch. It’s like tradition,” I explained, looking at him apologetically. I
couldn’t really break tradition, my parents would be both angry and upset, I
couldn’t do that to them. If I could I would have invited Will over to the lunch,
but his stupid job made that impossible yet again.

He sighed and pressed his forehead to mine. “All right fine,
I’ll pick you up after lunch, but no later,” he countered, shooting me his most
serious face so I knew there was no compromising. I nodded and shrugged. I’d be
able to convince my parents to let me out for the afternoon and night easily,
as long as I didn’t break the lunch tradition then I was certain they wouldn’t
mind. I’d just tell them that Amy was taking me shopping and then we were going
out in the evening so I’d stay at hers. Will smiled. “Great. But just so you
know, this is the last birthday that I’m not waking up with you. Agreed?”

Jeez, I love the sound of that agreement!
yeah,” I breathed. I snuggled further into his chest and sighed contentedly. “I
love you.”

He kissed the top of my head, the college applications still
underneath us scattered on his bed, but neither of us seemed to care. “Love you
too, Chloe. More than anything.”



Chapter Thirty-Nine



“So then, girls, you think you’ll buy much today?” my mom
asked, spooning more chocolate cake into my bowl, looking from me to Amy

I groaned and shook my head, rubbing my bloated stomach.
“Mom, I can’t eat anymore!” I whined, giving her the begging eyes. I’d already
had two slices of chocolate cake, a bowl of sherry trifle, a merengue creamy
mess with berries in it, and a homemade double chocolate brownie. I had
seriously had enough to send my body into a sugar coma.

Amy grinned and pulled my bowl towards her. She loved my
birthday tradition and never missed a lunch at the Hendersons’ when a birthday
came around. “Waste not, want not,” she chirped, tucking into it.

I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair, nursing my
swollen tummy.
I hope I don’t feel bloated all day when I’m with Will.
As soon as my thoughts turned to Will I felt the smile stretch across my face
and my palms start to get slightly sweaty. Today was my birthday, I was legally
an adult, and I was really, really looking forward to collecting on the
birthday present that he’d promised me. My night with him, no boundaries, no
rules, just pure unadulterated bliss. It was going to be incredible.

I shrugged and smiled up at my mom. As far as she was
concerned, Amy and I were heading off after lunch, and I wasn’t due home until
late tomorrow night. Everything had been set up in preparation. We had told my
parents that Amy and I were going shopping today in the city, then seeing a
show and then I was staying at her place. Nick had turned up early this morning
too, so he could partake in the ‘who can eat the most dessert without throwing
up’ tradition we had.

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