Read Wicked Flower Online

Authors: Carlene Love Flores

Wicked Flower (5 page)

I can’t lie to you … I understand if you’re pissed.

Thom had no idea.

Neither did this guy … she almost
asked him his name but realized quickly she didn’t want it. Not knowing was
better. He would simply be known to her as Superman.

And, if the dark intense man
locked in this stall, breathing the same air lied to her, it wouldn’t matter.
There would be nothing for her to understand and no reason for her to be
pissed. No email to cry over. Just the feeling any woman wanted, once in a
while at least, to be cherished.

Should she touch him? His tanned
neck and dark gaze called her to do it. She felt her fingers curl but forced
them to stay relaxed and instead squeezed her toes. He couldn’t see those. They
were hidden and he wouldn’t know her reaction to him was so strong. Not yet.

No, he had to make the first
move. What would be the point then? Otherwise, he wasn’t proving anything. If
she was sexy, desirable as he’d said, let him show her.

“Whatever happens right now,
make me any promises,” she said, her eyes falling
victim to the shiny silver metal of the toilet to their side. But just as
quickly she brought her eyes back up and locked them on him. “And be
convincing.” Yes, it was bold. But they had to get this right, no screw ups, so
she could at least have this one moment. And when she saw Thom around town with
his love, she’d have this one memory to fall back on. From here on out, it
would be all about her baby. Dani blew out.

His black eyebrows hiked up at
that and in the center of his chin she could see the cleft area where his whiskers
pooled in the small circular dent and became even darker. She had the urge to
set her fingertip over the dimple where it looked like it would fit perfectly but
she didn’t, still needing him to make contact first.

He reached out one long arm and
tilted her chin up with no more than the crook of his tattooed finger.

She wanted to let her head loll
To sink to the floor before him.
She stood tall
and focused on anything she could not to get lost so easily, so fast.

The inked patterns so precise,
this man hadn’t gotten them just anywhere. He had to have paid good money for
the intricacy. No doubts about it. He wasn’t from here. He was just passing
through and would be long gone once he pulled out, in his expensive, white European
luxury car on his way to some place like New York City. Those things made him
perfect for right now. The one clear thing … his gaze was burning a hole
through her chest each time he failed to keep his eyes raised. Those dark eyes
drifted again.

“I promise,” he said, chasing the
words she’d asked him not to use with a definite grin. His cockiness sealed her
decision to do this and promised, like he’d just said, to follow through and to
do it well enough to leave her with no doubts.

least you know up front what this is. You can move on with no strings.

All she needed was a passionate
kiss and some rough hands. Both of which dark-eyed, tatted Superman, seemed
perfectly capable of providing.

“Fine,” she said and straightened
her spine when she realized she’d let herself slip a few notches with his gaze
and the erotic things it promised.

The air became wicked and hot as
she took her next breath and he eyed her ominously.


He wrapped his arm around her
back and then pressed her against the wall with his manly chest. His body heat
was as intense as his stare. Her head clunked at the metal but her masses of
thick hair shielded her from the pain.

“Sorry,” he said.

She didn’t care.
Hadn’t really felt it.
The pain that was.
Wouldn’t have stopped him if she had.

He hooked a finger into her
mouth, enough to wet it, and then pressed and swiped it over her bottom lip. In
response, he licked his own. The rawness he just shared unlocked something
inside her, the pain she needed to dull with whatever passion she had left. Continuing,
she bit down on his finger until he gasped.

“Ouch,” he
his naughty intentions clear in those gorgeous brown eyes and throaty voice. “Kiss
that,” he told her. His kissable lips barely moved with the sexy, bossy demand.

She did. Her heart pounded at
this recklessness and at something else. Something hid in his eyes, darkening
them. Like he needed this too? She was delirious and didn’t care.

As soon as Dani followed that one
command, he let loose on her. Like he’d been a coil of repentance just waiting
to be given the okay to spring forth and indulge again.

His hands moved to her shoulders
and pressed them back and held her there then it was his lips. Like time was
precious to him, he didn’t waste a single second of it debating. He was all
forward motion and deliberate action. Whether she was prepared or not, Dani had
his kiss, his taste, his hot breath with no breaks for breathing or thinking.
His mouth adored her face and neck, leaving them wet.

“Why do you taste so good to me,
sweetheart?” he whispered, so deep it felt like his words reached all the way
into her lungs. It was understood he didn’t want an answer. He ran his tongue
along the ridge of her upper teeth like they’d been doing this for months. She
had the sudden and fierce urge to bite down again. For all the women—surely
there had been a few who had come before her—trapped in his cinnamon tasting
mouth, and the ones who would undoubtedly come after this little tryst was
over. But no, this wasn’t for those other women. He was Dani’s right now. God,
she prayed he didn’t have someone currently.

She nearly lost her nerve at the

She would ask but he was no one
to her. No names, not his, not hers, not anyone who might be his.

This was for her.

And it would never happen again.

She would be a mom soon and not
just a woman licking her wounds.

“It’s not me, it’s the licorice,”
she let out and found the courage to offer him the tip of her tongue. He took
it hungrily, nibbling it and then sucking her into his mouth. Every angle he
took this kiss to let his dark whiskers scrape against her cheeks. Then he ran
a thumb over the
skin as if he was trying to
soothe it. The callous of his fingers was just as tough. She didn’t care. At
least he tried.

No, no
forgiveness allowed.

“It is you, if I say so.” He had
no idea the thrill his territorial words gave to her fractured ego.

Her voice was
all hot breath under the onslaught of his tongue.

“That’s me. You like how I taste
too, sweetheart.” He showed her his gum then swallowed it and gave her more
just then, letting his tongue slide next to hers with a long slow lick. He
planted a soft kiss that got lost inside her mouth. He pushed his hands without
any calculation against the sides of her face, capturing hair in uneven
handfuls she could feel between the pressure of his fingers and her skin. It
pulled a little. She didn’t care because somehow she knew he hadn’t meant it.
He was simply into what he was doing to her. That’s what she was after.

She nodded to answer him. Yes,
his spicy taste carried her to someplace else. She liked it.

He sucked more of her lips into
his mouth then and she didn’t know how long she could last with him. They were
merely kissing and her tummy was already swirling, her legs already weak. Blankly
she remembered they were in a truck stop bathroom so this couldn’t last long. Somewhere,
he had a life to get back to, the same as her.

With time seeming to both stand
still and tick by at extraordinary speed, Dani accepted this could all be over
before she was ready for it to end. Before she’d proved to herself Thom was

“Make the most
of it,” she said, barely making sense.

He pulled his face back the
second the words left her mouth but still cupped her ear on the one side and
jaw on the other in his warm and tattooed,
hands. Everything else she’d noted about him seemed so refined, except for
those callouses. She wondered what a well-off guy like him did with his hands
for a living but refused to ask. It wouldn’t matter. Pressure from his thumbs
rubbed tiny circles that served to both relax and electrify her. He was so good
with those
maybe he was a millionaire masseuse.

Dark chocolate brown eyes, so
deep she nearly missed the gold flecks mixed in, dared her to make another slip
like that.

“You don’t know
what you’re asking, sweetheart.” His sincerity gave her a chill.

Clearly he was
right. But right now, she didn’t care.


She had no idea
what she was dangling in front of him right now.

Every second she stuck it out, he
could bet she was daring herself. He’d have to be a dumbass not to know this meant
something to her. Her determination, that
she had to be doing to have stayed in here with him, kept her skin hot and
smelled so fucking good.

Stefan leaned into her, testing
space and need.

She was no petite little thing.
The areas he liked smaller were deadly so, like her wrists and her waist. The
others, where he liked a woman ample, she promised to be plenty. Her thighs
kept distracting the shit out of him.

Fuck it that they were in a
goddamned public shitter.

He gave her more of his weight
and pressed his chest to hers. She should know he was all man and she should
have at least a few seconds to decide if this was what she really wanted. Her
back arched, her hips moved. Shit,
a few seconds, which wasn’t the norm.

“Yes, I do know.
Wouldn’t be here if I didn’t,” she said to him. “Just don’t squeeze me.”

Everyone had their pet peeves. He
didn’t particularly like that ultra-sticky lip gloss women wore nowadays. He would
remember hers. “No squeezing,” he told her. Then her hands reached around and
dipped to his ass. Her breasts had nowhere to go but to press into his chest.
She rolled her rib cage just then and angled her neck, granting him complete
access. Okay, maybe she did know what she wanted. Didn’t mean he wasn’t
make her say it.

“Tell me what you want,
sweetheart. Exactly,” he said into her mouth, nibbling some of that plump
decadent lip between his teeth. “What you want … and I promise I’ll do it for
you.” Then he whispered his long-standing caveat. “If you’ve changed your mind
and we’re done, then we’re done. No harm, no foul.” He caressed her cheek
softly, knowing she wouldn’t leave. Her need to be touched flamed between them.
His cock thickened at that display of need she couldn’t help or hide.

She breathed out and the rest of
his body tensed, ready to take and claim and satisfy her.

“Whoever you
are, make me feel like I’m the only one.”

There was only one way Stefan
knew how to do that.

He let both hands drop to her
waist and then followed the curve back out to her hips. “Make you feel it
here?” He rubbed the soft lemon velour covering her ass cheeks and then slid
his hands under the material, bypassing the panties she wore as they were short
on time. Her skin was soft and filled his hands as he squeezed. “Sorry, you
said no squeezing,” he let out. Hers might have fluttered closed but keeping
his eyes open and on her face was essential. He’d know the exact moment he
crossed a line.

“There is okay,” she said with
more breath than voice. Her eyes were half hooded, a sign he was doing a good
job, as he kept one hand on her supple cheek and moved the other around to
caress her hip. The warm skin and womanly bone pleased him. What he wouldn’t
give to have her naked and mounted on all fours.

She leaned forward and whimpered
into his shoulder. “I just want to forget.”

Fuck, why did that make his chest
tighten? But it was all he needed to keep going. He watched her get lost when
his one hand trailed up the zipper line of her hoodie and then back down to her
pants’ drawstring.

His body primed to provide for
her. He relented and finally let his cock become completely full and hard. What
he wouldn’t give to be naked with her too, enjoying her

She blinked a couple quick times
as he came to life against her thigh.

“Fuck sweetheart, if I had more
time, this would be so much better.” His hand left her ass cheek and tugged her
hair gently from behind then pushed her head to his so he could kiss her.

“I believe you,” she let out as
they kissed slower now. Less like complete strangers, more like new lovers.

With his other hand, he found her
moist and warm as he stroked the outside front of her panties. She rubbed his
hip over his pants with the backs of her knuckles. “
I like that.” He bit her lip and then kissed it in case he’d hurt her. “Sweetheart,”
he whispered into her mouth. His brain failed him when he told her the rest, “I
want to fuck you.”

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