Wild (49 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

Malec switched on one of the lamps and then led Caroline to his bed.

“Sit down,” he told her, but before she could move he touched a fluffy curl of her hair.

It had rubbed along her cheek, and he pushed it aside, tucking it back behind her ear. She had high cheekbones and thick, elegantly arched brows. Her eyes were a dark brown, like almonds, and her lips. Damn, he loved her lips. With the same hand, he rubbed a thumb across her lower lip and gasped when her tongue quickly darted out to lick its pad.

Malec pulled his hand away slowly and watched her stare up at him. In her eyes he could see himself kissing her again, tossing her on that bed and making love to her all through the night.

He turned away quickly.

Caroline moved then. She sat on the bed and leaned forward to take off her shoes. As she was already bare from the waist up, she only had to push the tight pants over her thighs and down her legs before she was totally naked.

“This is me,” she said, coming to a stand then.

She turned around slowly while Malec's gaze remained glued to her beautiful body. Those barbell piercings twinkled at each nipple on breasts that hung deliciously and naturally low. Her waist curved inward but remained soft and splayed out entrancingly to her hips and thighs. Thick thighs, Malec corrected himself, just as he liked them. The backside view was just as alluring, with her generous ass wiggling mischievously, causing a painful jerk of his cock.

“Get on the bed,” he directed her again.

Her head turned, and she looked at him coyly over her shoulder. “Yes, sir.”

Malec almost came in his pants, right then and there. When she crawled up onto the bed, moving slowly, being sure to give him one hell of a show, his fingers clenched at his sides. He'd desperately wanted to tell her to stay just like that, in that position on her hands and knees, ass up in the air so that he could come up behind her and slip his rigid length between the soft globes of her ass.

But he did not.

Instead, Malec went to his nightstand and reached down to the bottom drawer. He pulled out a black velvet bag and then sat on the bed simply holding it in his hand.

“You know, Malec, we can just talk if that's what you would prefer,” he heard her say.

Malec almost chuckled. How frequently was it that the woman was the one asking to “just talk” in the bedroom? He was such a freakin' mess.

“Have you ever been prepped?”

“Prepped for what?” she asked in return.

“For pleasure,” was his simple reply.



That was the moment Caroline felt her bravado crumble.

She'd been so sure that if she simply stood tall and faced Malec head-on that they'd fall into his bed and make wild, passionate love until neither of them could speak or even think another hostile or restrained word toward each other. And she'd been doing pretty well.

When she'd touched him she'd felt his body go still and knew that he was aroused. As they'd stood in the dark of his room, his mouth on hers, his hands on her ass, she'd figured they were well on their way. It had been over a year since she'd been intimate with anyone, preferring to simply pleasure herself whenever the need became too strong, which it had in these last couple of days since she'd met Malec.

Yes, she was ready to sleep with this guy she'd only known a couple of days. Regardless of all she'd been through in Portland and with Joey, and all she'd watched her mother go through with the men that were in and out of her life. Caroline knew firsthand about promiscuity and the heavy price there was to pay for it, and yet she'd agreed to stay in this house, knowing exactly how things would turn out.

She closed her eyes to those thoughts and to the sound of Malec taking out whatever was in that velvet bag. When he touched her calf, lifting her leg until her foot was flat on the mattress, she forced herself to breathe slowly. If it were truly pleasure he was offering her, she had no reason to be afraid. And there was nothing to make her think he would do otherwise, or was she being too trusting? She wasn't sure, but something instinctual had her remaining still, moaning when his fingers slipped through the damp folds of her pussy.

“Dammit.” She sighed as he worked his fingers back and forth from her center up to her clit and back again. It sounded as if he were stirring something liquid and felt like she was on fire as she tried valiantly to remain still.

“Relax,” he said. “Open your eyes and just relax.”

Caroline did as he said, because his voice was calm, deep, mesmerizing. His jaw was tight when she looked up at him, his eyes darker than they had been before.

“The thing about pleasure is that there's no reason to be tense or reserved. All you need to do is let go and let it take over.”

He continued to touch her, circling the tip of his finger around her clit until she bit down on her lower lip, then thrusting two fingers deep inside of her, stretching her until she lifted her hips to pump against him.

“No,” he warned. “Just relax.”

He pulled his fingers out of her slowly, waiting until her bottom was once again flat on the bed, her breathing still coming in pants but her head was no longer thrashing on the pillow. That's when he leaned forward. She could see his tongue snaking out, long and flat, curling on the tip just before touching her tender vulva lips.

Caroline gripped the sheets and worked like hell to keep from thrusting her pussy up into his face and holding his head right there until she came. It was a fierce urge, and this time she bit down on her bottom lip until she thought she might actually draw blood.

With two fingers he held her lips apart, rubbing his tongue in excruciatingly slow sweeps over the hood of her clit, curling the tip of his tongue again he applied pleasure against the tightened nub, and Caroline couldn't help it—she whispered his name. He seemed to stiffen momentarily, but continued to lick her, up and down, as if he planned to drink every drop of her arousal. When he moved his hands to cradle her bottom, tilting her upward, he speared his tongue inside her center, and this time she did not hesitate. Caroline pumped her hips against his thrusts. She couldn't help it. What he was doing felt so damned good.

As good as it was Caroline wanted to scream when Malec suddenly pulled back. The next time he touched her it was with fingers cool with what she realized was lubricant. He touched them to the rim of her rear, slipping one finger slowly inside, and Caroline's thighs began to shake.

The sound of Malec sighing in pleasure had her creaming so hard she fully expected a gush of her arousal to drip onto his hand.

“So beautiful and so tight,” he whispered. “I love how tight you are.”

She was going to rip the sheets right off his bed if he didn't soon do something, anything, to make her come, to give her this godforsaken release.

When he pulled that finger out she moaned. Thick with more lube, he pushed two fingers inside her this time, stretched them and her until her legs shook and she gritted her teeth.

“Yes, it's coming, baby. That pleasure is coming very soon.”

With his words, Malec's fingers left her once more, only to return with something cool and hard, slipping slowly into that tight hole. She sucked in a breath, knowing exactly what it was and how it would make her feel. Malec inserted the plug slowly, until she'd accepted it, jerking with the tendrils of pleasure filtering throughout her body. After making sure it was positioned securely inside of her, Malec came up on his knees. He touched his moist fingertips to her belly, rubbing over her navel as he stared down at her.

“It's going to be so hot and so fantastic you won't be able to stand it,” he told her. “But you won't want to stop it. You'll want more and more. I know you will.”

Caroline wasn't entirely sure what he was talking about. Hell, she wasn't certain he was speaking English at all. What she knew was that she was on fire with need right now. She wanted him to fuck her so badly her vision was blurred and no words would come. So when he moved off the bed she wanted to scream, needed to yell out for him to get his ass back here and finish her off, but she couldn't. Her breathing was coming in heavy pants, her body tingling all over, primed for release. She watched him walk through a door, and she panicked.

What if he didn't come back?

What if she was forced to stay like this all night?

What if …

The hell with that. As Caroline had often resorted to in the past, she moved a hand between her legs, positioning her finger over her clit and began to rub furiously. She needed to come, there was just no other way around it. Her body was humming with desire, and he'd just walked out on her. Oh hell no!

*   *   *

Channing almost came in his jeans.

The sight of Caroline lying in the center of Malec's bed, her hand working between her spread legs, the sparkle of the rhinestone-tipped butt plug that Malec had no doubt inserted in her twinkling at him.

“Fuck.” He sighed, his hand immediately moving to rub his thick erection.

When the knock had sounded on his door just a few minutes ago Channing had known exactly what that meant. He'd watched Malec and Caroline walking out of the dining room, through the living room, and down the hall that led to the rooms on that side of the house. Malec's rooms came before Channing's, and Channing had known without a doubt that was where Malec had taken her. And he'd thought about nothing else from that moment on.

Caroline wasn't like the other women he and Malec had taken together. Channing had realized that the moment he'd seen her at the bar. He'd sensed something in the way that Malec had spoken of the veterinarian when he'd told the pack about what had happened, but once he'd laid eyes on her himself, he'd known. Still, he'd taken the backseat, as he usually did where Malec was concerned. He'd watched Malec go to her and lead her onto the dance floor, all the while Channing's body and mind had been reacting to the sight. Not only did he want to be inside of her, to see and hear her pleasure as he and Malec took her together, oddly enough, Channing found himself wanting something more.

Never in all his life had Channing thought of wanting more with a woman. He'd accepted his place here with his pack and as a second to Malec in all sexual exploits, but he'd never allowed himself to want or need anything else. With Caroline, however, he felt himself faltering, almost instantly.

Walking with her earlier today, watching as she saw the home they'd built for themselves and asked questions about their lifestyle had drawn him even closer to her, made him want to spend more days like that. He could tell her everything. He hadn't, but somehow he knew that he could. There'd been no one besides Malec and Blaez that knew everything. No one he'd ever trusted with those words. And yet, he'd wanted her to know.

It was beyond strange, Channing knew. Malec wanted her with a potency that had Channing second-guessing their arrangement. Caroline did not want them together, or so she had said. The situation was fucked up before it had even really begun. He'd lie on his bed, staring up at the ceiling thinking of all these things and trying desperately not to entertain the thought of Malec having sex with Caroline alone in the other room. Channing had no idea how he would deal with that if it were actually happening because it had never happened before. He and Malec had never competed for a woman, they'd only shared. The question now was, were they sharing the same intense feelings of connection to Caroline, and if not, how would this ultimately play out?

So, after the knock had successfully pulled him from those troubling thoughts, Channing hadn't said a word when he opened the door and saw Malec standing there. Malec didn't say anything either. He didn't have to. Channing followed him back to his room. The second Malec opened the door and they entered, her scent assailed him, and Channing's body reacted instantly. She was going to be sweet and plenty wet, he could already tell and continued to inhale deeply as he moved farther into the room. Malec had already pulled his shirt up and over his head as he moved to the other side of the bed, while Channing stood for a few seconds, mesmerized by the sight.

For all that Malec preferred things darker in his room than Channing did, the satin comforter and sheets on his bed were stark white. Caroline's gorgeous mocha-hued skin glowed in contrast. Her long legs were spread wide, one lifted with her foot planted firmly on the mattress. French-manicured nails were another draw as his gaze moved to watch her fingers circling her clit, slipping farther to dig deep into her center. She sighed when pulling them out, delectable cream from her spot dripping down onto the bed.

His hands moved then, unbuckling his belt and releasing the zipper of his pants. Malec was already naked and now stood watching her as well, gripping his hard cock and moaning. Toeing off his shoes Channing moved until he was now naked, going to stand on the other side of the bed, his hand going to the base of his cock as well.

Caroline's eyes were closed, so he doubted she even knew they'd come into the room. Still, Malec and Channing stood on either side of the bed, jerking their thick erections as they watched her getting closer to her release.

She lifted a hand to grip one of her breasts, squeezing the plump orbs until Channing's mouth watered, a gasp escaping as he moved even closer to the bed. He bit back on a growl when a bead of pre-come surfaced at the tip of his dick. Her mouth was open as she breathed heavily, her tongue scraping along her lower lip where her teeth had just bit down. Channing wanted that tongue on his dick. He wanted her licking every drop that came from his arousal for her.

His body was so tight with need, so hungry to be inside her. He wasn't sure if the need had ever been this powerful, for either of them, Channing thought as he could hear the rapid beating of Malec's heart as they both watched her seeking her own pleasure. It hadn't taken a rocket scientist to see how into this woman Malec was. Channing had never seen him act this way over a woman in all their time together. Malec had never stepped outside of the parameters they'd created together. He always let Channing do his part.

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