Wild Rekindled Love (11 page)

Read Wild Rekindled Love Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Western

She unrolled the window and said, “I’ll be back in about an hour. Let me get her settled and all.”


“You’re coming back, Mom?”

“Yeah. Wyatt is going to help me study.”

“I’m just going to clean up some of the mess in there that the fifteen nine and ten year old girls made.”

“Oh, Dad!” Samantha rolled her eyes and he laughed.

“I’ll see you in a little bit then. Be careful.”

“I will. See you in a few.” She smiled and his heart stopped in his chest. Rolling up the window, he stepped back and watched her put the truck in reverse before she backed out of the driveway.

When she finally disappeared around the corner of his street, he ambled back inside and started to gather the miscellaneous cups and plates scattered around the house and back yard.

Chapter Eight

The ring of the doorbell shocked Wyatt out of his reverie. His thoughts had drifted to Jamie and their little tryst in the kitchen, making him hornier than he had been in at least six weeks. Now she had returned and he tried to calm the desire racing along his nerve endings.

She came back so I can help her study, not for me to take her to bed and make love to her like I want to.

The bell let out another tinkling ring and he headed toward the front to answer it.

The heavy wooden panel swept open when he pulled the handle and said, “You’re quick.”

She stepped inside and a smile lifted the corners of her mouth. “I didn’t want to waste any time.” Placing her backpack on the dining room table, she said. “I checked my appointment time when I got home and I have to take my test earlier than I thought. It’s actually scheduled for next week.”

“I guess we had better get busy, then.” Moving into the kitchen, he asked, “What would you like to drink before we get started?”

“Uh…soda or whatever is fine. I know there is still some beer left, but since I need to drive home later, I had better not drink.”

He nodded. “That’s probably a good idea.” Two sodas from the refrigerator and a bag of potato chips from the pantry were sat on the table before he pulled out a chair. “So, what do you want to focus on?’

She spread out her notes and study book in front of them. “Probably the medications would be a good start. I’m confused with all the different types and what they are for.”

“What are you planning to specialize in?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like emergency medicine, cardiac, geriatrics…you know.”

“Oh. I’m not sure, actually. I think the ER would be really interesting, fast-paced and all that.”

He took a sip from the can in his hand before he leaned back in the chair. “It can be. Sometimes it’s really boring and very tedious.”

With a frowned, she grabbed the potato chips, pulling the bag open before she popped one into her mouth. “Why did you go into emergency medicine then?”

A groan rumbled in his chest when her tongue peeked out and slipped along her lips. “For the same reasons you mentioned. The adrenaline rush to some extent, but there are definitely downtimes.”

One shoulder lifted in a half shrug. “True. It can’t be all high gear.”

His lips twitched into a small smile as he pictured her rushing around the emergency room to do his bidding and maybe a quick sneak off into one of the supply closets.

That could be interesting.

He shifted uncomfortably in the chair when his cock came to full attention and pressed insistently against the fly of his jeans.

* * * *

Jamie noticed the sparkle in his blue eyes and the smile on his kissable lips. “What are you smiling for?”

“Who, me?”

“Yes, you. I see that little smirk.” She pointed at his mouth and cocked a questioning eyebrow.

“Nothing.” His grin got bigger his perfect white teeth gleamed in the florescent light of the dining room.

Damn it! If I get any hornier, I’m going to jump him right here and make him fuck me on the dining room table.

“Yeah, right, Wyatt. I know you better than that.”

“I just thought it would be interesting for us to work together at the emergency room—after you get your license, of course.”

She narrowed her eyes and contemplated working with him on a daily basis.
Mmm…bad idea, probably.

Bringing the subject back around to what she had come there for, she said, “We should get busy on this studying; otherwise we’ll be here all night.” She opened her book and his hand came across the table to pull it out of her hands.

“Doesn’t bother me. I told you that earlier.”

“Well, no sleep for this girl tends to make her really bitchy.”

“Mmm…that I do remember.”

She wanted to smack the smirk right off his face, remembering all too well the several times she got no sleep after spending the night with him. He would run her home at the wee early morning hours to sneak into the house before anyone else got up. Not an easy task when her brothers were early risers to work with the horses.

“Can we get busy?”
Shit! The smirk returned.
“On studying?”

“Oh—yeah—right.” He opened the book and began firing questions at her like bullets zinging around the room. She had to stop him on several occasions to ask a question about something. With more patience than she contained herself, he would give her a lengthy explanation, telling her more than she would ever remember.

Two hours later he closed the book.

“What? I’m sure there are more in there you could ask me.”

“You know this stuff. You’ll do fine on your test.”

She stood and walked to the window to peer out into the moonlit backyard. A moment later he moved behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. Unable to stop herself, she leaned back against his chest, accepting his solid strength. She shivered when his hands moved down her arms.

“Do you still have your suit? We could go for a swim.”

Goose bumps rose on her skin as she whispered, “It’s a bit cool for a swim isn’t it?”

“No, but if you’d rather, there is always the hot tub.”

His thumbs kneaded the soft flesh of her shoulders, working the tense knots from her muscles and she moaned softly when her head rested fell back against his shoulder. “God, that feels heavenly. You always were good with your hands.”

The soft caress of his lips near her ear had her pussy clenching tight while she struggled to relieve some of the pressure building between her thighs. “Why don’t we get in the hot tub and I’ll work those muscles,” he paused his words for a moment as his warm breath flittered along her skin, before he continued, “Until they are nice and relaxed. You’ll sleep like a baby tonight.”

Closing her eyes as desire zipped along her nerve endings, she sighed and gave into the feelings he stirred. He always knew exactly what to do to get her wound up and begging for more, and sleep was the last thing on her mind at the moment. “Lucky for you, I left my suit on under my clothes.”

He chuckled softly and shivers raced down her arms.

“Let me change and grab a couple of towels. If you want, I’ll meet you out there.”

When she nodded, he stepped back, taking his warmth with him. His reflection in the glass gave her the perfect view of his broad shoulders, slim waist and impossibly perfect ass when he moved toward the bedroom. Shaking her head, she slid open the glass door and stepped outside as the warmth of the evening air hit her face.

The light that illuminated the hot tub beaconed when she walked toward it. Once she reached the side, she unbuttoned her jeans and slipped them down over her hips, stepped out and laid them across a nearby chair. She lifted her t-shirt over her head and put it on top of her pants, just as she heard Wyatt behind her when he groaned softly. Smiling to herself, she sat on the side of the hot tub and swung her legs into the water.

The steamy water lapped at her legs and inched up when she sank down until it reached her shoulders. She tipped her head back on the side of the tub, but didn’t open her eyes when Wyatt sank into the warmth next to her with a soft sigh.

“I love hot tubs,” he whispered. “Turn around.”

She cracked open one eye as she lifted her head and turned her back to him. Thighs cradled her ass, and she fought the urge to grind it against the bulge precariously close to her back. He draped her hair over her shoulder, before his thumbs found the tight muscles at her neck. Dropping her head toward her chest, she moaned softly as his supple hands worked the knots from her neck and shoulders.



“Why don’t you tell me what you’ve been doing the last nine years? We haven’t really had a chance to just talk.”

“Very true.” She rolled her head to one side. “After Sam was born, I stayed with my parents for a few years, but I worked at Johnson’s Grocery in order to help with bills and stuff.” She moaned, and said, “You have no idea how good that feels.”

He chuckled again.

“Anyway. I finally moved out and got a place of my own that I could afford and my mom watched Sam while I worked. I did pretty well until the store laid me off because business went to shit when Wal-Mart came into town.”

“Yeah. I can imagine. They tend to do that when they build a store.”

“That’s when I decided to move back in with my parents and get my nursing degree. It’s been a long three years, but I’m done now and things will be a lot better with more money coming in.”

“You know I’ll help you with her.”

She changed the subject. “So, where did you go after you left here?”

“Los Angeles.”


“It’s not the same as here. Way too fast paced for me. I’m just a simple guy.”

“Simply gorgeous,” she murmured.

His hands wandered down her arms and he pulled her back against his chest. Warm lips whispered softly against the skin of her neck. Her nipples puckered against the top of her bikini and heat flooded between her thighs. Her pussy throbbed and filled at the contact of his mouth. Her body remembered his touch, every whisper of his fingers and every brush of his lips.

Her head fell back on his shoulder when he skimmed up her neck with his tongue. He nibbled her earlobe with his teeth, taking the soft flesh and biting softly. “Do you want me, baby?”

She almost whimpered but groaned instead. “God, yes!”

He turned her in his arms and settled her on his lap, her thighs spread wantonly around his waist. His mouth swooped down and took possession of her lips, groaning his own frustration into her mouth. Opening for him, she allowed his tongue to dance with her own while her hands wound around his shoulders and settled in the hair at the nape of his neck. Skimming his fingers up her side, he found her breast with his palm and kneaded the soft flesh.

His free hand slid under the hair at her neck and untied the knot holding her top together. The material slipped down, exposing her bare breasts. His mouth left her lips and wandered across her cheek. Lips brushed her jaw before he nibbled his way down her throat. She arched her back in offering as she felt his warm breath caress her chest on his search downward. She almost screamed when his lips settled over her nipple.

Whimpering softly when his teeth nipped at the hard nub, she almost slipped off his lap when he sucked, pulling it deep between his lips. His left hand rolled the other nipple between his fingers, sending electricity straight to her pussy. The hand finally abandoned her breast and slipped down her stomach, finding the waistband of her bottoms. A moment later, his thumb glanced across her clit, sending her desire spiraling out of control.

“Oh, God,” she moaned, gyrating her hips to the rhythm his thumb set.

“I need to get these off,” he murmured against her chest when his finger left her clit and she whimpered softly. He moved far enough away so she was able to drop her legs and he could slip her bottoms off.

Awareness returned slightly as she saw her bikini float away from them on the roll of the water from the jets of the hot tub. She knew she wasn’t about to deny herself or him. A small smile lifted the corners of her mouth when their eyes met and she moved toward him, pushing him back against the side of the tub. “My turn,” she whispered before her lips claimed his and her hands found the waist of his swim trunks. She slipped her palms inside and worked the elastic down his buttocks until they were loose enough and she could push them down around his feet. He kicked them off as her tongue delved into his mouth and her hand found his rock hard cock standing proudly against his abdomen.

A low growl left his throat when she caressed his length, sliding up and down as he rocked his hips in time to her stroke. Pulling his mouth away, he whispered, “You’re torturing me, you know.”

She smiled softly, and then slid her tongue along his bottom lip. “I know, but you love it.”

His eyes rolled back as he groaned and laid his head against the side of the tub. “You know I do.”

Her teeth nibbled at his neck where his heart beat frantically at the base of his throat. “I would wrap my lips around your cock, but kind of hard to do in here.”

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