Wild Rekindled Love (17 page)

Read Wild Rekindled Love Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Western

Wyatt turned the bike off and set the kickstand down before Jamie scooted off the back. She pulled the helmet off and shook her head before her hair settled in waves on her shoulders.

I love her hair.

It was all he could do to keep from throwing her over his shoulder and running for the house.

“You got the bag?”

Smiling, she held up the brown paper sack and answered, “Yep.”

“Good.” He grabbed her hand and almost pulled her arm out of the socket in the rush to get her inside. “Let’s go.”

Giggling softly, she said, “Are you in a hurry, Wyatt?”

“Damned right! I’m horny as the devil and you’ve been teasing me since you walked into my house before supper. Making love to you once every couple of weeks is torture, you know.”

“You don’t think I’m there too? It’s not like I have a steady stream of men waiting in the wings to take care of my problem.”

“That’s a good thing. I won’t have to hurt anyone then,” he grumbled as he pushed open the door.

They made it as far as the kitchen, before he pinned her against the counter and his mouth captured hers in a desperate kiss. His tongue slipped between her half-parted lips. He caught her moan in his mouth when his hand pulled the thin straps of her shirt down to reveal her breasts. He pulled his mouth away and slid his lips along her cheek until he reached her ear. Nibbling on her earlobe, he felt a shiver roll down her body as the goose bumps rippled along her skin. His fingers flicked the button on her jeans free before he found the zipper and yanked it down. One hand slid down her flat stomach, under the waistband of her underwear to slide through the curls before one finger rasped along her clit. Her legs widened as she groaned her pleasure.

“Need. To. Get. These. Off,” he growled against her neck while his hands worked around the back of her jeans. He chuckled softly when his hands met her bare ass. “God, I love thongs.”

“Good. Now get it off. I want to feel your mouth,” she murmured.

He growled as he pushed her jeans down along with her sexy underwear until they pooled at her feet. She kicked them loose and he lifted her until her butt met the cool countertop.

“Damn, that’s cold.”

He alternated between licking and sucking at the hardened nipple while she wiggled her butt, trying to get closer.

“Wyatt, please.”

“Please what?”

“Eat me, fuck me, do something! I need…Oh, God!”

His mouth settled on her clit. While he sucked it into his mouth, he slid two fingers, knuckle deep inside her hot center. Cream spilled from her pussy as she grasped his head in her hands.

He lapped at her until she stopped shivering from her climax and then he kissed his way up her stomach. When he reached her mouth, his tongue dove inside as his fingers rolled her nipple.

Her hand wrapped around his stiff cock and he groaned low in his throat. With her palm doing a slow slide up and down while he rocked his hips toward her, she swore he grew bigger within her grasp. He moved far enough back, and she hopped off the countertop so she could reach his chest with her lips. She nipped at his nipple before she licked the hard nub and his skin quivered under her touch.

“Jamie,” he growled.

“Mmm…” Her mouth moved down his chest, following the line of hair that ended at his groin. She dropped to her knees and her mouth wrapped around the head of his penis, taking him within her warmth.

“Ah. God,” he panted as he thread his fingers in her hair and held her head in place. He rocked in time with the slide of her lips and her tongue. “If. You. Don’t. Stop…I’m gonna come, baby.”

She grabbed his ass with both hands and held him in place as she continued to suck everything he had. His balls drew up tight and he felt the unmistakable roar of his climax zing from his toes to settle at the base of his cock. A groan rumbled in his chest and burst from his lips when come shot to the back of her throat. She sucked and swallowed until he had nothing left. When she finally let his softening cock slip from between her lips, she stood in front of him with a wicked smile on her mouth.

“I hope you aren’t a one-shot wonder.”

He tossed his head back and laughed. “Not on your life, baby.” Lifting her in his arms, she squealed when he headed down the hall to his bedroom and kept walking until he reached the bathroom.

“The shower?” she asked, with delight dancing in her brown eyes.

“You bet,” he said as he reached over the turned on the spray.

“This should be fun. I haven’t done this in a long time.” She stepped into the shower stall and let the warm water sluice down her chest. “Are you going to join me?”

“Oh. Yeah.” He walked inside and pulled the shower door closed behind him. Reaching for her breasts, he cupped the mounds in his hands, letting his palms slide over her already hard nipples. “I love your breasts. They fit perfectly in my hands.” He bent down and took the tip in his mouth and sucked softly while his fingers pinched and rolled its mate.

Her wet hand sifted through the curls at the back of his head and held him tight against her chest as she moaned her delight. “God, Wyatt. What you do to me drives me crazy.”

His left hand skimmed down her belly to slide between her pussy lips and delve into her hot warmth. She whimpered and rocked her hips with the movement of his fingers.

Forcing him to stop his wicked torture with a quick step backwards, she gave him a teasing smile, found the soap and began to lather her hands.

He stepped back slightly while her slippery hands moved over his chest, down his abdomen and cupped his balls. Groaning his pleasure at the slide of her hands, he rocked his hips as he felt the blood rush back to his cock.

Good lord, what she does to me.

“Like that?”

“Oh, hell yes.”

A dimpled smile graced her lips and he swore he’d died and gone to heaven. “Jamie,” he growled, grasping her hands to stop her torturous fondling. “I’m hard as a damned rock, baby. Keep that up and this is going to be a quick trip.”

“Don’t want that now, do we?”

“No, we don’t.”

“Is there a condom in here?”

He pushed open the shower door, reached into the drawer of the vanity and pulled out the foil package before he handed it to her and shut the door again. His breath came out in a rush as she grasped his cock and slid the latex over his shaft.

Presenting him with her back, she bent over at the waist, shot him a saucy smile over her shoulder and spread her thighs as she murmured, “Fuck me, Wyatt. Now—right now.”

“God, Jamie,” he growled as he positioned himself at her opening and pushed inside as deep as he could. He grasped her hips and rocked his groin against her ass. “You feel like heaven.”

A soft whimper left her lips as she pushed back against him. He could feel her vagina squeezing him and holding him within her soft walls as he moved. The warm water cascaded over her ass and rolled down between them as he pistoned inside her until she climaxed around him and screamed his name. He roared his own completion moments after her.

They stayed joined for a couple of minutes as they tried to catch their breath, until he finally slipped from her warmth.

He grabbed the soap and lathered some between his hands as he grinned and said, “Now. I get to play.”

Chapter Twelve

Wyatt walked into the emergency room with a silly grin on his face and a whistle on his lips. His new relationship with Jamie had taken on a life of its own. Ever since they agreed to start dating, the two of them had spent many an afternoon together and on into the night. Making love to her had taken on a whole new meaning with the feelings swelling in his heart. He knew he loved her nine years ago, but what he felt now seemed to encompass his entire soul and he wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with her.

“Good morning, people! How are all of you this fine, glorious morning?”

That earned him a grumble and a few raised eyebrows as he swept past the nurse’s station and headed for the doctor’s lounge to store his duffle.

He stuffed his bag into his locker, grabbed his stethoscope and headed back the way he had come.

When he rounded the corner of the counter, Stacy asked, “What are you so chipper this morning for, doc?”

A wide grin spread across his face as he shrugged, “Nothing. It’s just a beautiful day.”

Four heads tipped to the left and peeked out the window at the rain cutting sideways across the parking lot.

“It’s raining cats and dogs out there and you think it’s beautiful?” Marty asked.

“Everything is beautiful when one is in love,” Angela said with a grin.

“Yeah, whatever,” Amy grumbled as she stood propped against the counter.

Wyatt looked at Amy and her eyes narrowed when they raked down his chest and settled on his groin, before returning to his face.

Damn, she’s bold!

His gaze returned to the others at the desk and he said, “I’m not saying a word.” He tapped Doctor Hamilton on the shoulder to get his attention and he got a quick report on the patients needing his concentration at the moment.

Wyatt grabbed a chart and headed for the first exam room.

A few hours later, the cell phone clipped to his belt rang and when he looked at the screen, a wide smile spread across his face before he answered. “Hey, babe.”

“Are you busy?”

“Not too busy for you. What’s up?”

“I wanted to remind you of my appointment with the neurologist. I know how forgetful you can be.”

“When is it again?”

“Day after tomorrow. Put it in your calendar, Wyatt, so you don’t forget.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He wrote down the date and time. “Aren’t you working today?”

“Yeah. I’m upstairs, but I’ll be getting lunch soon. Do you want to meet me in the cafeteria?”

“Sure. The patients have slowed down a bit so I can take a break. How about in thirty minutes?”

“Perfect. I’ll see you shortly.”

“Bye, babe.”


Thirty minutes later found him and Jamie in a corner booth in the cafeteria sharing lunch. He took her hand in his and kissed her palm. Pink colored her cheeks as she pulled it back. “You need to stop doing that. We’re at work.”

“What we do on our lunch break is our time. It’s not like I pushed you into a supply closet and had my way with you, although I kind of like that idea.”

“Wyatt!” Jamie whispered low. A few pairs of eyes fixed on them and she picked up her sandwich to hide her embarrassment.

He chuckled softly and picked up his fork. “I can’t help how I feel so you might as well get used to the idea.”

She rolled her eyes and changed the subject. “Did you put my appointment in your calendar?”

“Yes, ma’am, I did.” He took a bite of his mashed potatoes. “Are you coming over tonight?”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Samantha is having a sleepover tonight and I can’t leave my mother with three giggling preteen girls. Besides, I need to spend some extra time with Sam.”

Frown lines creased his forehead. “Why?”

Jamie’s shoulder lifted in a shrug. “I think she’s feeling a bit neglected lately, with us spending so much time together.” She stuck a chip in her mouth before she continued, “Don’t get me wrong. She loves that we’re together, but she doesn’t see me as much and I don’t want her to feel like I’ve chosen you over her.”

“How about we do a family thing tomorrow after her friends go home? You are off for the next couple of days, right?”


“Great. So am I. How about we go camping? We can pitch a tent, roast marshmallows, have a campfire—you know those family things.” He picked up her hand and kissed her fingertips. “I’ll miss having you with me tonight though, too.”

She groaned softly and retrieved her hand. Her face lit up with a smile that made his heart pound in his chest and she tapped her fingertip to her lips. “Why don’t we take a couple of horses from Chase’s place and go out by the river where we used to go when we were younger? We can still pitch a tent and stuff, we’ll just camp out with the horses instead of a car.”

“Sounds like fun, although you and Sam will have to cut me some slack. I haven’t been on a horse in a number of years. I know I’m pretty rusty at it.”

“It’s like riding a bike—you never forget.” She glanced at her watch. “Oops. Back to work. I’ll call you tomorrow morning and we can arrange to meet somewhere.”

“Sure,” he said as they slid out of the booth and placed their trays on the conveyer belt. They walked to the elevator and he pushed the button for her. He shot her a sideways glance as the ping of the elevator indicated it would be arriving shortly. Turning his head from side to side to check for anyone watching, he leaned down and quickly kissed her on the lips. “Talk to you later.” He walked away with a smile as her mouth opened and closed.

* * * *

“Hey, beautiful.” Jamie smiled wistfully to herself as his words reached her ear through the phone. She lay across her bed on her stomach and slowly kicked her feet. “Lonely?”

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