Read With Caution: With or Without, Book 2 Online

Authors: J. L. Langley

Tags: #Romance

With Caution: With or Without, Book 2 (6 page)

Damn, the man had amazing reflexes. Jake got up and grabbed the box of tissues.

“Sorry, Rhys.” Matt darted a glance at Jake and back to Rhys. “Uh…”

“It’s all right. Go—” Jake waved his hand around, “—do something.”

Matt was a good kid, but the boy had two left feet. Especially in Rhys’ presence. The kid was terrified of Rhys. It amused Jake to no end. It shouldn’t, since lots of people were afraid of Rhys, but it seemed irrational. Rhys may be big, dark and intimidating, but the man did what he did very well because he honestly cared and wanted to help others.

Jake blotted the mess up and tossed the tissue in the trash next to his desk.

As soon as Matt left, closing the door behind him, Rhys grimaced and rubbed his bad thigh. His tanned face was a little pale.

Jake raised a brow, asking without asking.

“I’m fine.”

Jake nodded. “You were telling me about Lassiter?”

“That murder case went cold, but there were all sorts of things that didn’t add together. The asshole’s own kid got beaten badly. The kid was in ICU, internal bleeding, and a whole bunch of other shit. He was in critical condition. According to agents who worked the case, Lassiter was more pissed his son didn’t stand up for himself than he was worried. Didn’t even treat it like it was connected to the other boy’s death.”

Jake growled, feeling like someone had slapped him.
The scars on Remi’s back and legs.
Jake had wondered what they were from, but he’d never— He’d assumed it was some sort of accident, but knowing Remi had nearly died…

His jaw clenched and a chill raced up Jake’s spine. Nothing like that would ever happen to Remi again. Anyone who laid a hand on him would answer to Jake.

“Jake, you okay? What are you pissed off about all of a sudden?”

“No, I’m not fine.” He wanted to hit something, preferably Dirk Lassiter. “See what else you can dig up. I want to know everything about this fucker.”

Rhys nodded. “I’ve already got a call in to my ex boss. He’s still with the FBI and he worked that case. What are you not telling me?”

“Dirk Lassiter is Remi’s dad.”

Rhys shook his head, letting out a long whistle.

“Exactly. And that kid who nearly died is my mate.”


* * *


Is that Jake? It’s blac—no it’s not a Tahoe.

“Yo, Remi. Hello? Throw the ball.” Sterling waved his arms back and forth over his head.

Oh, right. Sterling. Remi tossed the ball, being careful not to overthrow it because they were in the empty lot behind Remi’s apartment. If Sterling missed, the football would end up in the street.

Remi glanced beyond Sterling at the road, looking for a certain black SUV and hating himself for the weakness. He told himself it was because Jake was helping him and that he needed to apologize for last night, but he couldn’t deny the thought of seeing Jake was appealing. But then why wouldn’t it be? Jake was a great guy…a good friend.


Remi looked up in time for the football to hit him right smack-dab in the middle of the forehead.
His sunglasses fell off his nose with the impact. Staggering back a little, he rubbed his head with one hand and adjusted his shades with the other. Oh man, maybe Sterling had his heart set on the wrong position. If he threw that hard all the time—

“Oh my God. Are you okay?” Sterling jogged toward him, already reaching for Remi’s head. “Let me see. Are you hurt?”

“Cut it out. I’m fine.” Remi batted his brother’s hands away. “It was a good, hard throw.”

Sterling groaned. “You have a big red spot in the middle of your forehead.”

“I bet. Maybe you should play quarterback.”

“What are you doing? I thought we were going to play ball.”

“We are playing ball.” Was that a

nope, it was a minivan.

“Since when did you start catching with your head?” Sterling stepped into his line of sight, cutting off the view of the road.

“Don’t be a smartass.” He shoved Sterling’s shoulder lightly.

Sterling shoved back. “What’s bugging you?” He grinned and arched a brow.

“What?” Remi frowned.

The kid’s smirk was downright evil. “Thinking about Jake?”

“Wha—uh. Whata you mean?” Good God, when did Sterling start reading minds? How the fuck was Remi supposed to answer? “Why in the world would I be thinking about Jake?”

“Other than the fact he’s a really great guy?”

Ugh, like he needed a reminder. Remi cringed and picked up the ball, shaking his head. When he straightened, ball in hand, Sterling was beaming at him.

“Jake’s hot.”

Remi got a funny feeling in his stomach.
Damn, it’s really warm out today
. He ran his hand over the back of his neck. Sterling shouldn’t be looking at other guys. Especially when the guy in question was Remi’s. Wait. Where had that thought come from?

“Don’t you think so?” Sterling’s brow wrinkled.

“No. I guess. Why?” The image of Jake grabbing a handful of Remi’s hair, jerking his head back and biting his neck, popped into Remi’s mind. He could practically feel Jake’s fangs pressed against his neck, like last night.
He was getting hard. Right before Remi’s eyes Sterling’s blue shirt turned gray.
He was losing his mind. Remi took a deep breath, trying to clear his head.

“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re blushing.”

“No, I’m not blushing. Don’t be ridiculous. I mean—he’s a guy. You aren’t supposed to think other guys are hot.” Remi didn’t sound convincing, even to himself.

Sterling sighed and gave him a look from under his lashes as if to say, “Yeah sure.”

What the fuck is that about?
Remi glared, his vision returning to normal. “Just—go out for a pass already.” Jesus, all he needed was for Sterling to start checking out guys. Remi pointed toward the far end of the lot. “Go.”

Sterling took off.

Remi threw the ball in a beautiful spiral, right into his brother’s hands.

This time after Sterling caught the ball, he ran it back instead of throwing it. He came to a halt, panting and sweaty, in front of Remi. After giving Remi the ball, he dropped his hands to his knees. “You know, there’s nothing wrong with being gay. Jake’s gay. Chay and Keaton are gay. I mean…”

Remi sputtered before finding his voice. “What? How do you know Jake’s gay?” Of course, Remi had come to the same conclusion last night. It made sense, Jake had kissed Remi. However, Remi wasn’t gay and he’d kissed Jake. It had been a hell of a kiss, though. And it would have gone much further if—
, there went his eyes again. Remi groaned and rubbed his forehead. He was beginning to get a headache. Funny, Sterling hitting him in the head hadn’t done it, but all the talk about who’s gay and who’s not. And God, if Sterling slipped and said something… “Sterling, can we just play ball? Not everyone’s gay, all right?”

The kid shrugged. “Okay, well, bi then.” He turned and ran toward the street.

Remi let his eyes adjust once more then tossed the ball and waited. If the kid kept on like this, Remi was going to be grateful for summer vacation to be over.

Sterling caught it and trotted back toward Remi. Once within talking distance, he flipped the ball to Remi. “You know I don’t care. I mean if you and Jake—”


“It’s perfectly fine with me. You guys looked good together last ni—”

Oh fuck! What had he seen?
“Sterling, I don’t care what you saw, drop it.” Remi shook his head and pointed for Sterling to go out for a pass.
He himself didn’t understand his attraction to Jake.

“Okay, okay.” Sterling held his hands up and took off again.

Remi stepped back and passed the ball. He threw it harder this time, making Sterling have to hustle for it. Maybe it would wear him out and he’d stop with the uncomfortable questions.

The ball was high, but Sterling didn’t hesitate, he jumped for it, snagging it out of midair.

It was a hell of a catch. Remi smiled.

Sterling tripped over his own feet as soon as he landed. Tucking his head, he rolled and ended up flat on his back. He lay there for a few seconds, then his hand shot straight up, ball still clutched in it. “I freakin’ rock.” Sterling hopped to his feet, grinning from ear to ear.

Please throw the damn thing back. I can’t take any more of Sterling’s endless questions.
Remi groaned, seeing Sterling head toward him.

Halfway back, Sterling hesitated and the happy expression slipped from his face.

What the—?
Something hit the back of Remi’s head, hard. “Ow. Fuck.” Remi rubbed it.

“Watch your mouth, Remington. Is that any way to greet me?”

Bile rose in Remi’s throat.
He swallowed hard, turning toward his father. “No. I’m sorry, Dirk.”

Dirk Lassiter stood two feet away with his arms crossed over his massive chest. He appeared to be looking down his hawk-like nose at Remi, even though his brown eyes were hidden behind his mirrored sunglasses.

He wasn’t much taller than Remi, but he was bigger, more intimidating. The years had not diminished the lean, hard muscle he’d worked hard to build. His long black hair was tied back in a braid. He was in his tan uniform with the gun belt around his waist.

God, Remi hated that fucking belt. It was a standard law enforcement utility belt, essentially two leather straps velcroed together, making it thick. Getting hit with it hurt like a son of a bitch. Remi shivered.

“You need a haircut.” Dirk’s breath was surprisingly liquor free today.

Remi didn’t know what to say. His hair wasn’t at all longer than Dirk’s. But any response would get him smacked, so he just nodded.

“How’s work? Put out any fires lately?”

Out of habit, Remi fidgeted, shifting from foot to foot, and managed to get himself out of striking distance.
Okay, this is good. A safe subject. I can do this.
“Work is good. Thankfully, we haven’t had any fires lately. I’m thinking about applying for the open EMT position.”

Dirk’s brow furrowed.

Oh fuck.
Remi winced.

Stepping closer, Dirk glowered. “That’s the thanks I get for getting you that great job? You want to be a fucking nurse? Why not tell everyone you want to be a faggot while you’re at it. It’s a faggot job.”

Remi flinched, inching backward, not even caring if it appeared like he was retreating.

Sterling finally came up beside them. His hand touched the small of Remi’s back briefly and slid away. “Hey, Dirk, is it time for me to go?”

“Yeah. Get your shit. It’s hot out here.” He glanced at Sterling, then grinned, looking back at Remi. “You don’t honestly want to be a pansy-ass EMT, do you?”

“No.” Remi chuckled, hoping it didn’t sound nervous. “I was joking around.”

“Well, quit joking and take your goddamn job more seriously and maybe you’ll make something of your worthless ass.” He looked back at Sterling. “What are you doing standing there? I said I was ready to leave.”

“I’m ready. I didn’t bring anything with me.” Handing Remi the ball, Sterling gave him a wobbly smile.

Taking the ball, Remi ruffled the kid’s hair. It was the most affection he was allowed to show in front of his father. “I’ll come get you tomorrow and we can practice again. We’ll have you ready for football season in no time.”

“Bunch of horseshit. He ain’t gonna make the team. ’Sides, who the hell is going to pay for it if he does?” Dirk glared at Remi.

If the bastard denied Sterling the opportunity to play… “It’s not a problem. I’ll pay—”

“You saying I don’t have enough money to take care of my family?” Dirk came closer, bumping Remi with his chest.

Remi backed away, out of reach again. “No, Dirk. I didn’t want you to be bothered with it. Honest. I was only trying to help.” If Sterling enjoyed it and he got a scholarship, he could go to college and get away. Not that it mattered. Remi would scrounge up the money to pay for Sterling’s college.

“I don’t need your money, Remington.” Dirk’s cool tone never changed, but the snarl he made was downright nasty, letting Remi know he’d been insulted.

“No, of course not, I—I’m sorry.”

Grinning, Dirk nodded. “That’s what I thought.” He lifted his hand toward Remi’s face.

It was a mean, nasty grin and Remi recoiled, waiting for the blow.

Dirk patted his cheek, hard, making it sting a little. “Nevertheless, if you wanna pay for the brat to play ball, I’ll let you. It’s a waste of money in my opinion. I wasted enough letting you play. And we all see how well that turned out.”

Remi nearly sighed in relief. God, he hated the son of a bitch. The man got some perverse pleasure out of making Remi squirm.

Sterling’s attention darted back and forth between them, all the while inching his way closer to Remi.

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