With Me in Seattle Bundle One (105 page)

The valet pulls up with the car, and Will holds the passenger door open for me, then hops in and takes off toward home.

God, I effing love this car.

I reach over and untie his bow tie, letting it hang onto his chest, and unbutton the top two buttons of his shirt.

“Thank you.” He sighs. “Damn monkey suit.”

“You look hot in that monkey suit,” I remind him.

He grins over at me, then lets his eyes wander down my dress. “That dress is perfect on you.”

“I’m surprised Jules had something that fits me so well. She and I are built differently.”

“She just probably hadn’t had time to have it tailored yet.” He shrugs. He’s probably right.

And I decide to play with him.

“Gosh, it’s hot in here,” I say innocently, my eyes wide, and start hiking my skirt up with my fingers, pulling it until it’s gathered around my thighs, just above where my blush-colored thigh-highs attach to the matching garter.

“Holy fuck,” he whispers.

“Keep your eyes on the road,” I suggest and bite my lip.

“Pull your dress down, sweetheart.”


“Because I can’t drive with you sitting there like that,” he growls, making me laugh.

I leave the skirt where it is, lean back in the seat, spread my thighs, and run my fingertips up the insides of my legs. “Hmm.”

“Are you trying to kill us?”

“No, this just feels good. These stockings are silk.” I look over at him and grin. “Can you imagine how they’ll feel wrapped around your waist?”

“Son of a bitch,” he whispers, as if he’s in pain, and steps on the gas harder, propelling us down the freeway.

I move my fingers up higher on my thighs until I’m touching my pussy, and I squirm.

Suddenly, Will reaches over, grabs my hand and pulls it up to his lips, kisses it and keeps it in his lap, not taking his eyes off the road.

“If you don’t stop,” he says softly, “I will wreck this car. I’m not kidding.”

I slide my hand away from him and grin sassily. “Then don’t watch.”

I resume playing with myself, circling my clit with one hand and pushing two fingers into my wetness with the other. I bite my lip and groan.

“Fuck, that’s hot.” Will’s voice is steel. I look up at him, and his jaw is clenched, hands fisted on the wheel. He glances down to watch me pleasure myself, and then looks me in the eye.

“Lick your fingers.”

I do as I’m told and lick my own sweet essence from my fingers, then slide them back inside me, watching him watch me.

“Fuck, babe, I’m gonna come.”

“Do not make yourself come.”


“I want to do that.”

“Then here.” I grab his hand and pull it between my legs, and he gladly rubs my clit, over my metal, rubbing it against my clit.

“Oh fuck.” I come apart, grinding against our hands, and cry out his name as the orgasm rolls through me.

He grins down at me wolfishly as he drives through the gate and into his garage. Not waiting for him to open the door, I climb out, and he’s suddenly beside me, pulling me into the house, through the kitchen and into the living room that looks out onto the sound.

It’s dark in the house, the only light coming in through the floor-to-ceiling windows facing the water. Lights twinkle at us from the islands across the way.

We stand here for a moment in the moonlight, looking at each other. His blue eyes reflect the light and shine with love and carnal lust, and I know they reflect my own.

“So beautiful.” He slides a finger into the neckline of my dress and drags it against my skin, following the hemline. “You were wonderful tonight.”

His voice is soft, seductive. I don’t know what to say, so I just watch him seduce me. He steps closer to me, so he’s only a few inches away, and wraps his arms around me to drag the zipper of my dress down, then tugs it down my arms, over my breasts, and lets it pool at my feet.

“Dear God,” he whispers, his eyes wide, as he takes in my blush-colored corset, garter and stockings.

I’m not wearing panties, as usual.

He swallows hard. “It’s a good thing I didn’t know that this was under that dress.”

“Why?” I whisper.

“Because I would have locked us in a bathroom and stripped you naked and kept you to myself all night. My God, Megan, you’re stunning.”

I smile shyly and push his jacket off his shoulders and down his arms and lay it nicely on the end of the couch. He’s started to pant, his hands in fists at his sides, and it’s killing him not to just pull me to him and ravage me.

But tonight isn’t the night for that. We both feel it.

I carefully unbutton his shirt, unfasten his cuff links, and let the shirt fall to the floor, then make quick work of his pants as well, until he’s standing before me completely naked, hard and ready.

“I love your body,” I murmur.

“Megan...” Not able to hold back any longer, he drags me to him, sinks his hands in my hair and kisses me with all he’s got, tangling our tongues, biting my lips, devouring me.

When we’re completely gasping for breath, he nibbles his way along my jawline to my ear and nuzzles one of my diamond earrings with his nose.

“You need to keep the earrings and the stockings on, babe.”


He spins me around and unlaces the corset, slowly, unraveling the laces through the loops until it falls forward onto my arms. He reaches around and cups my breasts, massaging and soothing them from being bound so tightly, and I moan in appreciation.

“Feel good?” he asks.


“Oh, baby, the things I want to make you feel tonight.”

My breath catches at his words, my thighs tighten, and I turn so I can kiss him again, bury my fingers in his hair and just hold on to him.

He lifts me and sits in a love seat, right in the middle, and cradles me in his lap, kissing me deeply, his hands roaming all over my body, leaving a trail of fire behind them. I grip his face in my hands and hold his mouth to mine, and show him how much I love him.

Finally, I move to crawl off his lap, headed to kneel on the floor and suck him, but he stops me. “Wait.”


“I don’t want you to do that tonight.”

“Why not?” I frown. I thought he liked it when I did that.

“Because tonight is all about you, my love.”

“Huh?” I tilt my head and look down at him, straddling him, in the moonlight. He places his palm flat on my chest between my breasts and then glides it down my stomach.

“Let me just make love to you.”

“You always make love to me,” I whisper and kiss his cheek. “Remember?”

“I know, but—” He stops himself, a war raging on his face.

“What, babe?”

“You deserve so much. You should never, ever be on your knees.” He lifts me and lays me gently on my back along the couch, kneeling between my thighs, and covers me with his large body. I wrap my silk-covered legs around his hips, and he settles against me, his long, hard cock nestled in my wet folds. He teases my metal with the tip, and I gasp.

“I fucking love that piercing.” He grins down at me and pushes his fingers into my hair, brushing the loosened tendrils back from my face.

“I’m glad.” I sigh as he runs the backs of his fingers down my face. “Will?”

“Yes, my love.” He runs his nose down along my own, nuzzling it.

“When I can say the words, when I can finally tell you how I feel, please don’t leave me.” The words are barely a whisper, spoken so softly that at first I don’t know if he hears me. I run my hands down his back to his ass and up again, watching his face. Watching his eyes. They haven’t changed, but I can see the wheels turning in his handsome head.

“Megan, the thought of being without you destroys me,” he whispers, just as softly, and sinks into me, slowly, until he’s completely buried in me.

He’s holding my head in his palms, his elbows braced on the couch under my shoulders, his face less than an inch from my own. “Just the thought of you not being in my life is my undoing. When you feel safe enough to say what I know you feel, it will be the best moment of my life.”

I cup his face in my hands as he starts to move inside me, gently, in long smooth strokes. Holding my head firmly, he lowers his lips to mine and makes love to me, completely connecting his body to me until, in a slow-building crescendo, we both let go and come apart in each other’s arms.

As we regain our senses, I hear him whisper, “Everything, Megan.”


Chapter Twenty-Three

“I just won a hundred bucks!” I exclaim and grin over at Samantha, who is sitting two machines down from me.

“I just lost two hundred. Jesus, why are we here again?” She scowls as she takes a long sip of her diet soda. “And why can’t I drink?”

“Because we’re the drivers tonight. They were our drivers last week. This week it’s our turn.”

“This sucks,” she mutters and feeds another hundred-dollar bill into her machine.

“It probably sucked for them, too.” I laugh.

We are at the casino north of Seattle on Monday night, waiting for the guys to need a ride home. Will has tomorrow off from training, so they decided tonight was the best night for a bachelor party. They’ve been up in the high-roller room for a few hours now, most likely smoking cigars and drinking whiskey and playing poker. It’s all very Hollywood in my head as I imagine it.

But there’s no way in hell that I’m going up there. I just pray to God no one needs to be carried out to the van, because these guys are big, and there’s no way that Sam and I can carry them.

They’ll have to sleep on the casino floor.

“You’re a bad fucking loser!”

I twirl at the sound, and sure enough, here they all come, tripping over each other, laughing, drunk as shit.

“I am not a bad loser,” Nate slurs. “But you took ten thousand fucking dollars. Do you know what I can do for your sister with that kind of money?”

“Yeah, probably buy her another pair of shoes she doesn’t need,” Matt responds happily, completely sober.

“Why are you sober?” I ask him.

“Because he’s a pussy,” Will explains, earning him a punch to the arm. “Watch it! That’s my throwing arm, asshat.”

“Charming,” I murmur and look over at Sam. “Did we act like this?”

“Yes,” Matt responds with a grin. “Except these guys aren’t talking about sex.”

“Yet,” Isaac adds with a happy grin, then frowns deeply. “Except I don’t get to have sex for another month. Damn babies.”

“Dude, that’s your kid,” Will reminds him.

“Yeah, he’s great.” Isaac grins goofily, and I start to steer them toward the door like I’m herding cattle.

“Come on, guys, let’s go home to the ladies.”

“What lady?” Caleb asks. “Ain’t got no lady.”

“I’ll be your lady, handsome.” Sam grins at him sassily, and Caleb smiles wide and puts his arm around her waist, leaning on her.

“Now, that’s a nice offer,” he murmurs.

“Get your ugly hands off my sister, dude.” Luke’s voice is hard and not quite as slurred as the others’.

“Oh yeah. You’re family.” Caleb pouts and hugs Sam before setting her aside. “Why do all the hot women in the world have to be taken?”

Will saunters over to me with a loose, happy grin on his handsome face. “Hi.”


“Let’s go home and get naked.”

“Holy shit, you’re Will Montgomery!”

We all turn at the woman’s voice to find a tall, slender, long-haired blonde smiling widely. She’s all tan, with too much makeup and not enough clothes.

“That I am,” Will slurs as he walks to her and very deliberately looks her up and down, then smiles back at her. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”

He fucking called her sweetheart!

“Amanda,” Barbie responds and holds her hand out for a shake. I look over at his brothers, all of whom are shifting uncomfortably. “Can I give you a hug?”

“Hey, I always welcome hugs.” He opens his arms wide, and she steps up to him, presses her perky little body against him and hugs him around the neck.

“Seriously?” I ask the room at large.

“Can I give you my number?” Amanda asks as she pulls out of his arms.

“Fuck no, you can’t.” I stomp over to my way-too-drunk boyfriend and slip my arm around his waist.

He smiles down at me happily. “Hey, babe. This is Amanda.”

“Fantastic,” I sneer.

“Amanda, this is Megan, my beautiful girlfriend.”

Amanda blinks at me, then up at Will. “Uh, sorry.”

“Always happy to meet the fans,” Will slurs and waves goodbye to her as I turn him toward the door.

“Fucking moron,” Caleb mutters.

When we get outside, Sam has pulled the van up, and all the guys climb in, Will last.

“I’m an idiot when I’m drunk,” Will slurs, serious now. “You know I wouldn’t have taken her number, right?”

“Right.” I sigh and motion for him to get in the car.

“’Cause I love you, babe.”

“I know. Get in the car so we can take everyone home.”

This ride home is amazingly more calm than the one last week. Most of the guys pass out cold, snoring away. Matt sits quietly behind me and to my left, typing on his phone. At each stop, the girls come out to gather their men, and when we get to Caleb’s, Matt helps him inside, then takes his own car from Caleb’s.

Sam drops us off last.

“See you at the wedding on Saturday.” I smile at her and help Will inside, get him up the stairs, stripped down, and in bed.

“I need to get you something for that headache you’re sure to have tomorrow.”

He pulls me down with him into the bed and loops a heavy arm around my waist. “You’re so pretty.”

I smile and cup his face in my palm. “So are you.”

“I wasn’t really flirting with that girl, Meg.” His eyes are droopy, falling shut, but then he fights them open again.

“Are you worried that I’m mad about that?”

“Yeah.” He sighs, his breath smelling of horrible cigars and beer.

“I’m not.” I sigh back. Amazingly, I’m not. Even if I hadn’t been there, I trust that he would have told her no.

“M’kay.” And he’s asleep.

I slide out from under him and take a shower, dry my hair, and pull on one of the jerseys that I’ve come to claim as mine when I’m here. I pull on his underwear and wander downstairs, leaving the lights off.

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