With Me in Seattle Bundle One (129 page)

“What the hell do you feed her?” Leo demands.

“Stop talking about kids!” Jules interrupts. “And definitely stop talking about poop.”

“She said poop.” Will laughs.

“What are you, twelve?” Matt asks him.

“Like you didn’t snicker.”

“Shit, now I want chocolate.” Brynna bites her lip.

“Do you have chocolate?” Jules asks Natalie.

“I live here, girls, and I’m pregnant. Of course there’s chocolate! Follow me!” Nat jumps up, and we all eagerly follow behind, taking our drinks with us to the kitchen.

Natalie retrieves some snacks from the pantry and then opens her fridge and begins piling goodies on the countertop. “We have chocolate ice cream, Kisses, brownies, and whipped cream.”

“I am so in love with you right now, I want to lay you out on this countertop and eat this shit off of you.” Jules hugs Nat tight and pulls down bowls, passes them around.

“Don’t mind us, we’ll just watch,” Nate calls from the living area.

“Oh my God, so good.” Brynna moans as she chews a chunk of brownie.

I love Brynna’s body. Like Nat, she’s curvy, but more so.

“I wish I had your boobs,” I tell her, not able to keep the envy out of my voice.

She smirks. “Right.”

“Dude, I do!” I take a sip of my drink, already happily fuzzy in the brain, and walk over to her and cup her size-C boob in my palm. “See? You have the perfect boobs. Stace, have you felt her boobs?”

“Oh yeah.” Stacy waves me off. “She has great tits.”

“I wanna feel!” Jules bounces over to us.

“Give me more chocolate, and you can touch all you want.” Brynna laughs. “This is the most action I’ve had in months.” She glares in Caleb’s direction, and he swears long and loud.

“Your boobs are fine the way they are, sunshine.” Leo reminds me from the living room, and I blow him a kiss.

“I’m glad you approve, sexy man.”

We continue to gorge ourselves on junk, while the guys laugh and argue about football and cars and other things that I just frankly don’t give a shit about.

“So, how’s the sex?” Jules asks.

“I don’t want to know.” Meg frowns. “Wait. Yeah, I do. Spill.”

I so want to tell them. I really, really do.

“And after you tell us about the sex, tell us how you are,” Natalie adds.

They’re all looking at me with a mixture of curiosity, sympathy and pure pride.

God, I love these girls.

“The sex is…amazing,” I admit and bite my lip. “I’m good. We’re still figuring it out.”

“Sounds about right.” Nat nods with approval. “He’s sexy, that’s for sure.”

“God, he’s sex on a stick,” Stacy agrees.

“I want to lick his stars,” Brynna adds, and we all giggle.

“Dude, I do that all the time. They’re so lickable.”

“I hate you.” Brynna laughs. “I really hate you.”

“Yeah, ’cause living with a hot Navy SEAL is so difficult.”

“Asshole won’t touch me, no matter how hard I try,” she whispers.

Jules’ eyes go wide in surprise. “Oh my God!” she gasps.

“Talk about sex on a stick,” Meg agrees. “Look at them. Goddamn, we’re in the same house with what looks like an issue of
sexiest men alive.”

“I need an orgasm.” I sigh just as Leo looks in my direction and catches my eye. A slow, smug smile spreads across his handsome face, as if he can read my mind.

Probably because he can, damn him.

“I don’t know what else you guys are trying to figure out,” Meg comments and unwraps a kiss.

“It’s only been a few weeks,” I remind her.

“True.” She shrugs and pops the chocolate in her mouth.

My favorite Sara Bareilles song,
King of Anything
, begins to play over the sound system. “God, I love this song.”

“I do, too!” Jules toasts me, and all of us girls begin to sing and dance around the kitchen, using forks for microphones, laughing and shaking what our mamas gave us.


Who cares if you disagree

You are not me

Who made you king of anything


The song ends, and we high-five and spin around to the sound of applause coming from our laughing men.

I don’t remember the last time I had this much fun and felt so…content.

We bow for the men.

“Encore!” Mark yells. “With less clothes. Except you, Sam, keep your shit on.”

“We’re a one-song show, guys. Sorry.”

“I think it’s time we head out anyway,” Isaac responds as the guys wander into the kitchen to join us. He wraps his arms around his wife and kisses her cheek.

“It’s late,” Nate murmurs to Jules.

“Killjoys,” Meg grumbles but laughs when Will plants his hands on her ass and lifts her up to plant a kiss on her. “Okay, I could go home.”

Leo slides up behind me and wraps his arms around my middle, pulling me firmly against his flat abdomen and, after stiffening for just a moment, I relax against him.

“That’s better,” he whispers in my ear. “I’m ready to have you to myself.”

“Okay.” I grin up at him. “Let’s go.”

Will has already carried Meg to the door, and the rest of us grab our jackets and say our goodbyes.

Leo escorts me to the car and holds my door open for me. He’s a gentleman rock star, I’ll give him that.

We’re about halfway home when I just can’t stand it anymore. I unclasp my seat belt and turn in the seat, startling him.

“What are you doing?”

“Can you scoot that seat back a little more and still drive comfortably?” I ask.

He pushes a button on the side of the seat that moves him back a few inches. I unbuckle his belt and unfasten his loose jeans, pull his growing cock out of his tight black boxer-briefs. I lower my face down to him, suck him into my mouth firmly and groan as he hardens instantly.

“Holy fuck!” he exclaims and buries one hand in my hair.

I don’t give him a chance to get used to my mouth. I assault him, in the best way possible, sucking and running my teeth gently along his skin, licking and gripping him with my lips, jacking him with my hand.

“Sam, Jesus, what the hell, baby?”

I prop my ass in the air, my knees on the seat, and grin around his cock when I feel him slap my ass.

I suck harder and feel the tension grip his thighs just before he comes hard, squirting into the back of my mouth. I swallow quickly and continue to gently caress his dick with my lips until he relaxes in the seat again.

He grips my chin between his thumb and forefinger and lifts my face to his, kisses me deeply and quickly, and then smiles with lust in his gray eyes. “Not that I’m complaining because that was fan-fucking-tastic, but what was that for?”

“I love your cock.” I shrug and sit back in my seat. “I wanted to suck it. So I did.”

“Can’t argue with that.” He laughs. “But you’re lucky I didn’t drive us off the road.”

“You’re a good driver.” I wave him off and laugh. “I wasn’t worried.”

He links his fingers with mine and rubs his thumb over my knuckles. “What color is your underwear?”


“Are they favorites of yours?” he asks casually.

“I do like them, yes.”

“Then I suggest you take them off before I get my hands on you when we get home unless you want another pair of ripped panties, sunshine, because I’m taking you against the front door.”

“Well, can’t argue with that.”


Chapter Fifteen

Leo shuts my front door behind us, catches my hand in his before I can walk farther into the room, spins me and pushes me up against the door, his mouth on mine and hands yanking and tugging on my clothes.

“You weren’t kidding.”

“Hell no,” he mutters and pulls my shirt over my head, unclasps and slips my bra off, and cups my breasts in his hands. “Your tits are perfect, you know.”

“They’re not very big.” I wrinkle my nose at him and pull his tee over his head.

“They’re perfect for your small body, baby.” My back arches as his lips claim my right breast, and he tugs my jeans down and off my legs.

“Don’t rip those,” I mutter when his hands close around my panties.

He growls and peels them down my legs as well, plants his hands on my ass and lifts me, wrapping my legs around his waist, pinning me against the door.

“You make me fucking crazy,” he murmurs against my lips. “You are so damn hot.” He slips inside me, to the root, and holds me there, between his hard body and the hard door to my back. “I wanted to pull my car over and fuck you there at the side of the road.”

“Next time.” I grin at him and bite his lower lip, pull on his piercing, and gasp as he thrusts hard, in long, smooth strokes.

He’s so strong, his arms are flexed and bracing me firmly.

He buries his face in my neck and bites me lightly, then soothes the skin with his lips. “You feel amazing. God, I love being inside you bare.”

“Mmm,” I agree and bury my hands in his soft hair, pull his head back and kiss him hard, our tongues sliding over each other, noses nuzzling, until I feel my legs start to shake. “Oh God, Leo.”

“That’s it, baby,” he whispers and increases his speed, “Give it to me.”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I chant and suddenly, the orgasm washes over me, clenching every muscle of my body. I cling to him and ride it out, and as I come down, he pivots and carries me across the room, down the hall to the bedroom.

Without pulling out of me, he lays me back on the bed, braces his hands on the mattress at my shoulders, and moves even faster, chasing his own climax.

I reach down between us and circle my clit with my fingers, the zing of electricity spurring my pussy muscles to tighten around him even more. His eyes are pinned to my fingers, to the place where our bodies are joined.

“So beautiful,” he whispers. “Keep touching yourself.”

“You’re bossy,” I mutter with a grin.

His hot gray eyes shoot up to mine, and he grins at me, wolfishly, possessively.

He leans down to his elbows, trapping my hand between us, buries his hands in my hair and grins against my lips. “Are you complaining?”

“Nope.” I nibble his lips.

“I didn’t think so,” he whispers and brushes my lips, back and forth, lightly kisses down my jawline to my ear and bites my earlobe. “So beautiful,” he whispers.

With the pressure of my fingers against my nub, Leo’s hips moving quickly and his hard cock moving rhythmically inside me, I’m a goner. My body clenches, and I can’t help but cry out as my climax moves through me like an earthquake.

Leo’s body stiffens, and he cries out as he comes, his hips jerking, his hands tightening against my scalp. He shudders and gasps for air, kisses my cheek and my lips softly and sighs deeply as his gaze catches my own.

“See what you started?” he asks.

“You’re welcome,” I respond with a laugh.

He grins widely. “Let’s take a shower.”

“You’ll get me dirty again.” I pout, teasing him.

“I’ll clean you up, too. C’mon, sunshine, let’s get slippery.”




“You’re going to need more than that,” Leo tells me with a frown from the bed.

After another round in the shower, finally getting clean, and the water running cold, we pulled on some clothes, and I am busy packing my bag for the LA trip.

“I’m only going for one night,” I remind him.

“No, we’re going to be gone for a few days.” He glances back down at his iPad, missing my scowl.

aren’t going anywhere.” I plant my hands on my hips and glare at him.

“I’m coming with you.” He still doesn’t look up from his dumb iPad.


“Makes sense.” He shrugs. “My house is there. We’ll stay there, and I’ve scheduled meetings that I needed to have anyway for while we’re there.”

“When, exactly, were you going to share these plans with me?”

I don’t know why I’m so pissed, but I am. We’ve been together for a few weeks. It’s not his place to make arrangements around me, for me, without talking to me. I’m not his possession.

“I’m telling you now.”

“Look,” I begin, but he throws the iPad down on the bed, pulls his long, lean body off the bed and cups my face in his hands.

“I don’t want to be away from you for a few days. I’m not ready for that. I want to have you in my bed. I want to see you in my house. I want to show you my beach. It’s only for a few days, and I didn’t say anything before because I know how fucking stubborn you are and I knew you’d say no.”

“It’s only overnight.” I frown at him, part of me completely giddy that he wants to be with me, but wary that neither of us can stand the thought of being apart for just a few hours.

He closes his eyes for a brief second, shakes his head and clenches his jaw as he looks at me again. I’ve hurt his feelings.

“But I’d like to see your house,” I amend thoughtfully. “You live on the beach?”

His body relaxes, and his face calms. “I do.”

“Have you ever had sex on the beach?” I ask him.

He smirks, and his thumbs rub my cheeks softly. “No.”

“I have.” I shrug and smirk when he narrows his eyes on me. “We’ll need a blanket ’cause I do not need sand in my bits and pieces.”

“So, you’re assuming we’ll have sex on my beach?”

“I’m pretty sure.” I kiss him quickly and pull out of his embrace, getting back to packing. “Shit, I need more stuff.”

As he laughs, I stomp out of the room to my closet room to choose more clothes for our trip to sunny California. When I return, he’s sitting on the bed again, examining his iPad.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“Reading e-mail, setting up appointments.”

“No one is working at this time of night,” I remind him.

“No, but when they get my messages tomorrow, they’ll make it happen.”

“So, you say, ‘Jump,’ and all of your little followers ask, ‘How high?’” I ask with a raised brow, fold some khaki capris and lay them in my suitcase.

“Pretty much.” He shrugs.

“Must be rough,” I mutter sarcastically.

“I pay their salaries,” he reminds me. “They can make time to meet with me.”

He has a point. I nod and finish packing my bag as a thought occurs to me. “Holy shit, you’re going to ride in coach with me on the plane tomorrow?”

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