With Me in Seattle Bundle One (56 page)

“Oh God, yes, Jules…suck it… Oh my fuck, baby.” His naughty words urge me on, and I move faster, harder, until suddenly he stands, picks me up by my shoulders, bends me over and is suddenly inside me. He grips my hair in one hand, pulling me back until it’s just this side of painful, and grips my hip tightly as he slams in and out of me, over and over, before grunting as his climax claims him, pulling me with him.

He slips out of me and steps back, and I feel the wetness ooze down between my legs.

Nate gasps. “That’s the sexiest fucking thing, baby.”

I grin and stand up, shimmy my skirt down, and kiss his chin as he tucks himself away and zips his pants. “Can I use your bathroom, please?”

“Of course, help yourself. He gestures to the door that leads into his private bathroom, and I walk inside and clean myself up.

I saunter back into his office and find him standing at his window, arms crossed, gazing out at the view of the sound and the Space Needle. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around him, pressing a kiss to his back. “Looks like we’ve got about ten minutes left of this lunch meeting, Mr. McKenna.”

He covers my hands with his own, and we stand there for a long moment until I finally ask, “What’s wrong?”

“Absolutely nothing.” He turns to me and presses a soft kiss to my cheek. “That was a nice surprise.”

“If you keep sexting me the way you do, I’ll give you a nice surprise every day.” I wink at him, and he grins delightedly at me.

“How’s your day so far, baby?”

“Long. Yours?”

“The same. Better now, though.” He kisses me and sits in his chair, pulling me back into his lap. “I’m going to be in meetings the rest of the day, so I won’t see you until tomorrow.”

I wrap my arms around his shoulders and bury my face in his neck. “Okay.”

“Come to my place after work. You can stay with me tonight.” He’s rubbing my low back in a rhythmic circle, and I want to purr.

“You have a late meeting, remember?”

“I want to come home to you.”

I lean back and search his sincere eyes. I don’t want to tell him no. Last night without him was horrible.

“I don’t want to sleep without you,” he whispers.

How can I resist him? “Okay,” I whisper back and bury my face in his neck again, enjoying these last few minutes with him before we have to go back to work. “I’ll be there.”


Chapter Nine

Today is my birthday. 

I fire up my computer to get the workday started when there is a knock on my door.

“Come in,” I call out.

Mrs. Glover comes breezing efficiently into my office, carrying a large bouquet of colorful mixed flowers.  “These just came for you, Jules.”

“Oh, thank you!” 

She places them on my desk and leaves my office, shutting the door behind her.  I greedily pull the small white card out of the bouquet and open it, praying they’re from Nate.

They aren’t.

Happy Birthday, baby sister.  Have a good day.  Love, Will

He’s sweet.  Will is the closest to me in age.  I pick up my phone and send him a text to thank him for the flowers then get back to work.

An hour later, there is another knock, and Mrs. Glover comes back into the room, carrying a large bouquet of pink roses.  “I think you should just leave your door open today, Miss Montgomery.”  Her tone is dry and full of humor, and I laugh.

“Good idea.”

I read the card, knowing these are from Natalie.  She always sends me pink roses.

Happy Birthday, best friend.  We love you, Nat, Luke and Baby

Oh, that makes me cry.  I love them, too.  I fuss over the pretty blooms and set the bouquet on the windowsill behind me.

By noon I have six bouquets of flowers spread all over my office, with wonderful, sweetly written cards from my family.

None from Nate.

Maybe he’ll bring me something tonight.  I shrug.  We’ve only been seeing each other for four days.  He’s not required to get me anything.

At twelve thirty, Nate comes walking through my door, looking every inch the successful businessman in his black suit and red tie.  I hold my smile in when I glance up at him, and I can tell he’s doing the same.

“Do you have a moment, Miss Montgomery?”

“Of course.”  He closes the door behind him, and I’ve never been so thankful that I don’t have any windows out to the main part of the building.

“Hi,” he murmurs and looks around my office.

“Hi,” I respond, rising from my desk and coming around to him. 

He gathers me in his arms and kisses me deeply, then pulls back and runs his fingers down my cheek. “How is the birthday girl?” he asks.

“I’m good.  Feeling a little spoiled.”  I step back and gesture at all the flowers, and he smirks.

“All of your admirers?” He quirks up an eyebrow.

“Yes, my brothers, parents and Nat are my biggest fans.”  I smile up at him, and his eyes get serious as he sweeps the pad of his thumb along my lower lip.

“I think I rate up there, too,” he whispers.

“Oh,” I respond, mesmerized by the serious look in his eyes.

“I have something for you.”  He steps back and pulls an envelope out of his breast pocket.

My eyebrows climb to my hairline in surprise. “Why?”

“Because it’s your birthday, Julianne.” He looks at me like I’m stupid, and I flush in pleasure.

“Thank you.”

“You haven’t opened it yet.” 

He passes me the envelope, and I rip it open.  There is a handwritten note inside, in his handwriting, and I grin up at him.


I am delighted to have the honor of sharing your birthday with you.  I’m giving you the rest of the day off and have set up an account at Neiman Marcus that has no limit.  Go shopping.  Replace the clothes I ruined over the weekend, and be sure to find a leather jacket, along with anything else you want.

Happy birthday, Beautiful.




I smile and look up into his amused gray eyes.

“This is where I do the obligatory ‘you shouldn’t have.’” I kiss him softly and rub my nose against his.

“And I’ll do the obligatory ‘but I wanted to.’” He grins, delighted with me, and I hug him close. 

He’s come to be so precious to me in such a short time.  Or has he always meant this much to me and I just couldn’t admit it to myself?

“Thank you, so much.” I whisper.

“You’re welcome.  I wanted to send you flowers, but it wouldn’t be appropriate here.”

Oh, that’s right!  No wonder.

“I understand.  This is a very generous gift.”  I nuzzle his chest and hug him tighter.

“You’ll get your other gifts tonight,” he murmurs and kisses my hair.

“What?” I pull back and look up at him.  “This is too much as it is, honey.”

“Don’t be ungrateful.  If memory serves, you hate that quality in Natalie.”

Oh.  Damn him.

“I’m not ungrateful.  I’m…overwhelmed.”

He smiles warmly and kisses me again.  “I have a meeting.  Go have fun.  I’m serious, get whatever you want.”

I grin and jump up and down in excitement.  “Okay, you asked for it.”

He laughs, a full-out belly laugh, kisses me again, and leaves to go back to work. 

Holy shit, so this is how Natalie felt when Luke treated us to a day of shopping for her birthday.  No, Natalie hated it. 

I’m going to love the shit out of it.


I nudge the front door closed behind me with my foot, my arms and hands loaded down with bags from Neiman’s and climb the stairs to my bedroom, throwing the bags onto the bed.

I did good.

Nate was very generous today. 

I didn’t go crazy.  I replaced the underwear he ripped and bought some extra because they are sexy and will most likely meet the same fate as my other lacy panties. I splurged on a couple of pretty nightgowns, and the rest is a hot, black leather jacket, shoes and handbags.

Oh, the shoes and handbags.

Two pairs of Blahniks and one pair of Jimmy Choos that are, frankly, to die for.  Nate also got me a Gucci handbag and matching wallet.

He really shouldn’t have.

I laugh as I pull everything out of the bags and put it all away.  The smallest bag has a tiny wrapped box in it, tied with a red bow, and I hug myself, excited to give Nate his gift.

This gift was paid for by me, of course.

I hear my doorbell and race down the stairs to greet my man.

“Hi.” I smile up at his beautiful face.  He’s let his hair down—
—and he’s holding a large bouquet of red roses in one hand and a white plastic bag full of food in the other.

“Hi, gorgeous.  These are for you.”

“Thank you.” I bury my nose in the soft blooms, inhaling their sweet scent and grin.  “Come inside, make yourself at home.”

I step back and lead him through the house to the kitchen so I can fuss over my lovely roses and put them in water.

“Plates?” he asks, and I point to the cupboard that houses the dinnerware. 

I love this house, and I’m thankful to Natalie every day that she lets me live here, rent free.  It’s beautiful, with a fantastic view of the Puget Sound.  The kitchen is state-of-the-art, though not quite as sexy as Nate’s.

I arrange my flowers and put them on the breakfast bar where I can admire them.

“These are fantastic. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”  Nate leans down and kisses my cheek, then loads both our plates with Italian food. 

We settle at the dining room table, and I pour us each a glass of red wine.

“So, did you have fun today?” Nate digs into his lasagna.

“I had a blast today. Thank you again.”

He grins, looking exceedingly proud of himself.  “You’re welcome.  What did you get?”

“Oh, you know…lingerie, shoes, handbags…the things girls love the most.” I smirk and take a sip of my wine.

“I’m glad.”  He takes my hand in his and kisses my knuckles.  “I’d love to go with you next time.  You can try the lingerie on for me, and I can attack you in the dressing room.”  His eyes are shining with humor and lust, and my belly clenches.

“It’s a date.”  I finish my food and push my plate away.  “How was your day?”

“Business was uneventful but profitable.” He winks at me and smiles. 

I’m sure it was.  He’s very good at his job. “That sounds like a good day.”

“It’s much better, now that I’m here.”

“Such the charmer.” I wink at him and nudge his leg under the table, making him laugh.   

I clear our plates and take them to the kitchen, then snag the small box off the kitchen island. “I have something for you.”


I set the box on the table and smile.  “This was not charged to your account today.”

He frowns at me and looks down at the box.  “You didn’t have to get me anything. It’s your birthday.”

“You don’t always have to have an occasion to buy a gift.” I roll my eyes at him. “I wanted to get you something.”

His eyes soften for a moment, and then they burn with excitement.  I can tell he’s dying to see what’s in the box.

“Open it.”

“Okay.”  He pulls the ribbon off and unwraps the white paper.  Inside is a small black jewelry box.  He flips the lid, and nestled in cream-colored satin are two platinum cuff links engraved with his initials.

His face is completely blank.  I can’t tell what he’s thinking.  He hates them?  I just don’t know.

Then his face transforms into his big, panty-melting grin, and he pulls me into his lap, nuzzling my neck.  “Thank you, baby.  I love them.”

“You had me worried there for a second.”  I run my fingers through his hair and enjoy being in his arms.

“I’m not used to getting gifts.”

“Get used to it.” I kiss his nose and then sweep my lips over his mouth, sweetly kissing him.

“Well, since we’re giving gifts…” He shifts, pushing me back on his lap, and pulls a small red Cartier box out of his pocket.

Holy fuck.

“Nate, you’ve spent too much money on me today already.”

“Stop.” He rests his fingers over my mouth.  “I’ve been waiting a long time to give you things, Julianne.  Don’t rain on my parade.”

Oh, he’s just so sweet.

I open the lid on the box, and nestled inside are princess-cut diamond earrings.  They sparkle brilliantly, reflecting the light from the chandelier, and simply take my breath away.  They are easily a carat each.

And way too expensive.

I shouldn’t accept them.

But when I look up into his gray eyes, I see apprehension and maybe a little fear, and I know I can’t tell him no.

“Thank you,” I whisper, overcome.  Tears begin to run down my cheeks, and I don’t bother to try to stop them.

“Hey, what’s wrong, baby?”  He brushes my tears away with his thumbs.

“I’m just…”  I swallow and turn my tear-filled eyes to his, and I know I have fallen in love with him.  Not because of his expensive gifts, but because of how gentle and generous and kind he is, not to mention sexy as sin and smarter than any man has a right to be.

But it’s too soon to tell him.

“I’m just thankful, and maybe a little overwhelmed by your generosity.”

He kisses my cheek, tucks me under his chin, and I curl up on his lap, enjoying the feel of his strong arms around me, holding me to him.

“Get used to it, baby.”


Chapter Ten

“Oh!”  I sit up and kiss Nate quickly on the mouth and jump off his lap.  “I have something else to show you.  Wait here.”

I can hear Nate’s chuckle as I run up the stairs to my bedroom, pulling off my clothes along the way.  I strip out of my black skirt, thankful that I wore my black thigh-high stockings today, my bra and shirt and grab my shiny new black leather jacket.  I push my feet into my new black Jimmy Choo stilettos and take a look in the mirror.  Hmm…hair’s not right.

In the bathroom I brush my hair vigorously, giving it a wild look, and touch up my makeup, adding red lipstick.

I look like a hot rocker biker chick.  It’s a new look for me, and I am totally
working it.

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