Read Wolf on the Hunt Online

Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Werewolves, #Hot Romance, #shapeshifters, #Paranormal Romance

Wolf on the Hunt (25 page)

Gray wished she had nerve enough to ask what Jean Paul had done but figured she was probably better off not knowing. Louis simply nodded.

Jean Paul’s gaze landed on the female wolf standing beside Gray. Then he addressed Jacque. “If she wants to come back and pack up her belongings, she has free and safe passage.” Then he looked at Joseph. “You as well.”

Jacque inclined his head and Jean Paul turned and walked away. The remaining members of the Louisiana Pack followed him. Gray got the impression they all just wanted to go home and put this chapter of their lives behind them. She hoped they did just that.

No one moved until the last of the intruders were gone. Then Cole dropped to his knees and hugged the female wolf next to his father. It was such an intimate scene that Gray turned away to give them privacy.

Louis came toward her and her eyes widened. She’d forgotten he was naked. How was that even possible? Okay, sure there’d been fighting and life-and-death circumstances, but Louis was naked.

She frowned. He was also injured. She wanted to run to him but wasn’t sure she if she should or not. She was unsure of his mood. She chewed on her bottom lip. “How bad are you hurt?”

He stopped short and shook his head. He came toward her, his step determined. He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it through the towel that was still wrapped around her fingers. “You’re the one I’m worried about. We need to get you and Shadow seen too.”

He wrapped one arm around her and turned her toward the female wolf that had intervened and saved her from Pierre. “But first, I’d like you to meet someone.”

Gray heard pride in his voice. More than that, she heard love. She straightened her shoulders, wondering if she was about to be introduced to an old girlfriend.

“Gray, I want you to meet my mama.”

His mother. Louis’s mother had saved her life, had through her actions saved Louis’s life as well. She’d just watched her son kill her husband. What did you say to a woman at a time like that?

Thankfully, all the manners her grandmother had drilled into her as a child came to her aid. Gray’s hand shook as she held it out to the other woman, who was still in wolf form. “I’m very glad to meet you, ma’am. I’m just sorry it had to be under such circumstances.”

The wolf dipped her head and nuzzled Gray’s fingers. Louis dropped to his knees beside the female wolf and buried his face in her neck. Then Jacque was beside him. The two big men hugged the small female wolf.

Tears rolled down Gray’s cheeks as she witnessed the tender reunion. Gwen put her hand on Gray’s shoulder. “Let’s go inside and see to your hand.”

She let Gwen lead her inside with Shadow by their side. The last image she had was of the two men and their mother. It was a moment she knew none of them would ever forget.

Gator strode in behind them with Sylvie by his side. “Anyone else hungry? I’m starved.”

Just like that, Gray’s heart lightened and she couldn’t help but smile.

“You’re always thinking about your stomach,” Sylvie teased him.

“Not always.” He growled and nuzzled his mate’s neck.

Gray had no idea what would happen next, but the worst of the danger was over. Her hand began to throb and she hurried into the bathroom. She prayed there wasn’t any lasting damage.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Gray stood at the bedroom window and peered out into the night. Two days had passed since the epic battle in the yard. Both Louis and Jacque had spent a lot of time with their mama, but Louis had included her at every turn.

Each night, they slept in his big bed. And that was all they’d done. Sleep.

She could understand why he might not be feeling quite so amorous with his mother sleeping a few feet away in the living room. And, hello, werewolf hearing. Yeah, she wasn’t so sure she wanted to make love knowing Elise could hear them either.

Both Louis and Jacque had offered their rooms and beds to their mother, but she’d insisted on taking the sofa, citing she’d be putting two people out if she took one of their beds, and there was only one of her. Then she’d kissed her sons’ cheeks and the love shining in her eyes had been almost blinding.

Gray liked Elise. She reminded Gray of her grandmother—strong and determined. Louis’s mother had endured hardships Gray could never imagine and had stayed with her abusive husband to try to protect her sons.

The door opened and closed almost silently behind her. “You’re not in bed.” Louis padded over to her and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

She shook her head. “Where’s Shadow?” Her pet was fully recovered and had decided to go running with Louis when he went out on patrol.

“Curled up on the sofa.” Louis kissed the top of her head. “I think I wore him out.”

They stood there quietly for a long time. Gwen had so many questions but didn’t want to break the peaceful atmosphere.

Louis roamed his hands over her stomach and veered up to cup her breasts. “We’re all alone tonight.” His voice was a low raspy whisper. “I’ve been dying for you these past few days.”

“Then why haven’t you done anything about it before now?” There, her biggest question was on the table. “Why have you been so distant?”

He tightened his arms around her and his sigh ruffled her hair. “Oh,
. Don’t think for one minute I didn’t want you naked and under me or over me or however I could get you.”

She shivered as his words sent heat rippling through her. “Could have fooled me,” she muttered.

Louis turned her so she was facing him. She didn’t want to look at him but forced herself to meet his dark stare. He was frowning too, which made him appear even more forbidding. But he was her Louis and she loved him. That point had been driven home over the past few days.

“I was trying to be considerate.” He hooked one of her loose curls behind her ear. “I thought after all you’d been through, after everything you’d seen, you might need some time to process.”

He rubbed his hands up and down her arms. On one downward stroke, he captured her hands and lifted them. “I wanted to make sure your hand was fully healed too.” He kissed each finger, sending more shivers through her. The camisole and loose shorts she wore to bed felt very constraining all of a sudden. “I’m so sorry you got hurt.”

The wounds were healed and the scars would mostly fade over time. Gray wasn’t worried as there’d been no lasting damage to any tendons or ligaments. Her dexterity was great and it hadn’t affected her ability to draw or paint.

“I’m perfectly fine.” Her voice was a little snappy, so she took a deep breath and struggled to gain control. The last thing she wanted to do was lose her temper and yell at him for being an idiot male. “How long do you think Elise and the others will be gone?”

Jacque, Gwen and Elise had left this morning for Louisiana. Joseph, Corrine, Cole and Cherise had followed. They were heading down south so the newest members of the pack could gather their belongings and bring them back to Salvation. Most of it would have to go into storage, but they were already planning four new mini-homes like the last one they’d built.

“They’ll be gone a few days. We need to take advantage of the time alone. As soon as they get back, things are going to get very busy around here.”

“Maybe I should go back to Wyoming.” There, she’d said it. She waited to see how Louis would react.

He stilled and the low growl that came out of his throat made the fine hairs on her neck ripple. “This is your home,” he told her.

“Not really. This is your home,” she pointed out.

Louis scooped her into his arms and held her close to his chest. He started toward the bed and then stopped. “I want to mate with you. I want you to choose me.”

The underlying need in his voice almost shattered her. “Are you sure you still want me now that the threat is gone? You don’t need to protect me any longer,” she pointed out. As much as she wanted to stay with Louis, she needed him to be sure. Once she made the commitment to stay, there would be no going back for her.

He buried his face in the curve of her neck and inhaled, drawing her scent into his lungs. She ran her hands over his shoulders, loving the flex and play of muscles.

Louis walked to the bed and placed her in the center before coming down beside her. He levered himself over her, propping all his weight on his forearms. He was naked but for his jeans. The rough denim rubbed against her bare legs. He was also extremely aroused. “I want you today, tomorrow and fifty years from now.”

Warmth spread from the center of her chest until it filled her entire body.

“I’ll build you a studio next to our house,” he promised.

“Our house?”

He nodded. “One of the mini-houses is going to be ours. Joseph and Corrine, Anny and Armand and our mother will have the others. Gator and Sylvie have decided to stay in the other pack house since it has the biggest kitchen and Gator does most of the cooking.”

“Our house?” she repeated.

The corners of his mouth tipped up. He looked younger when he smiled. Still tough and badass, but the stress that usually enveloped him dropped away. “Ours. You can pick out all the finishes. Talk with Anny. She’s bookmarked all the best websites online. You can start ordering as soon as you agree to mate with me.”

“You really want me?” God, she hated sounding so needy, but she really needed reassurance.

He lowered his head until their foreheads touched. “That you even need to ask me that hurts.”

She rubbed his shoulders. They were so strong and solid, like the man himself. “I’m sorry. It’s just that you’ve been so distant the past few days, I started to wonder…”

Louis snorted and raised his head. “I was trying to be a gentleman.”

She nodded solemnly. “Okay, I appreciate that, but a little conversation wouldn’t have gone astray.”

“I was afraid.” Of all the things he could have told her, this was one she never would have imagined. Louis had killed his own father, could have been alpha of his own pack.

“What are you afraid of?”

“That you’ll leave me.” His stark reply made her heart ache.

Her heart overflowed with love for this very special man. She pulled Louis close, reveling in his full weight on top of her. “I’ll never leave you,” she promised. “I love you.”

His groan echoed through the room. He rolled with her in his arms so that she was lying on top of him. She pushed up into a seated position, and his erection pressed against her mound through the layers of their clothing.

He skimmed his hands under her top and shoved it upward. Gray helped by pulling it off and tossing it aside. He immediately cupped her breasts and thumbed her already taut nipples, making them tighten even more.

“Louis,” she cried as she rotated her hips.

“Mate with me.”

She knew he wanted her agreement. He’d already told her what to expect. While the prospect was a little frightening, it was sexy as hell too. This was the equivalent of a werewolf marriage. There was no going back once this was done.

Gray pushed away from him and scrambled off the bed. Louis closed his eyes and took a deep breath. There was stark disappointment when he opened them. He thought she was backing away from him.

“I’m sorry,

His apology left her speechless.

“I’m rushing you,” he continued.

She shook her head and shimmied out of her sleep shorts. Naked, she stood before him. His eyes widened but he didn’t move. His chest and arms rippled with muscle that looked as though it had been carved from stone.

Gray climbed back onto the mattress and took up position on her hands and knees. She glanced over her shoulder at him and smiled. “This is the right way, isn’t it?”

Louis’s heart dropped when she climbed off the bed. He’d done the one thing he’d promised himself he wouldn’t do—push Gray into a decision. As much as he wanted her in his life, he knew he had to tread cautiously. His emotions had goaded him into demanding an answer. In his defense, the last two days had been pure torture.

The first night hadn’t been so bad because they’d both been injured and exhausted and had simply fallen into bed and slept. But last night had been excruciating. He’d resorted to taking a shower and jerking off to keep some semblance of control. He’d been sorely tested having Gray’s sweet body curled up against his all night long.

And the days were just as bad. Her every smile, every gesture, every word she spoke made him want her more. The rest of the pack liked her and Cherise positively adored her, which of course meant Cole did too. She fit perfectly with the rest of his family.

The uncertainty of their relationship was killing him.

So while he’d planned on giving her more time to come to terms with who they were, who she was as a half-breed werewolf, he’d blurted out what he wanted and was now paying the price for his haste.

He apologized, but she shook her head and he feared the worst. Then she stripped off the cute little shorts that barely covered her lower half, leaving her naked. He didn’t quite understand at first.

When she crawled onto the bed beside him on her hands and knees and offered herself to him, Louis knew he’d died and gone to heaven.

Now that she’d agreed, he didn’t want to give her time to change her mind. His wolf was howling and demanding he claim the little she-wolf as his own.

She laughed as he struggled out of his jeans. He cursed the material and finally ripped it from his body. Then he pounced, and her sweet laugh turned to even sweeter moans of pleasure as he kissed his way down the curve of her spine to her plump and delectable ass.

He nibbled on her smooth skin and parted her legs wider. The perfume of her arousal hit him with the force of a sledgehammer, momentarily stunning him. He basked in her acceptance of him. She wanted him, only him. She’d seen him fight and kill, seen him turn down a position most wolves coveted, and she still wanted him.

He slid one hand between her thighs to test her readiness. She was wet, but he wanted more than that. He wanted her moans of desire, wanted to feel her pussy clench his fingers before she took his cock.

His erection throbbed in protest, wanting in now.

Louis ignored his own needs to focus on Gray. “You are gorgeous.” And she was, with her ass high in the air and her legs spread wide to expose the slick, pink folds of her sex.

He slipped two fingers into her sheath and pushed deep. Gray shuddered and goose bumps ran down her arms. He used his thumb to find the plump nub at the apex of her thighs and rub it. As soon as he touched her clit, she shuddered and began to move against his hands.

Louis almost came. He gritted his teeth and concentrated on Gray, which only made his torment worse. Each whimper and cry of need squeezed his balls tight. The sweet, musky scent of her arousal had his dick harder than a steel spike. And the sight of her spread out before him made him feel like the king of the forest.

She pushed her hips against his hand. Her inner muscles squeezed his fingers. He knew she was close and he couldn’t wait any longer.

He pulled his hand away and she uttered a cry of protest. He quickly got into position behind her and sank the head of his cock into her wet warm. Both of them shuddered. He cupped her hips and kept her still when she would have pushed back against him. His wolf was growling at him for being so stupid, but his human heart had to be sure.


“Do it, Louis. Do it.”

He flexed his hips, burying his cock to the hilt. He covered her smaller body with his much larger one, planted his hands on the mattress next to hers and leaned down to nuzzle the tender spot at the back of her neck.

“I love you,” he told her. Then he allowed his fangs to grow and sank them into her smooth skin.

She jerked beneath him. “Oh God,” she moaned. Then she shoved her butt against him, pushing his dick deeper. “Louis.” She gasped his name as he marked her.

Her blood was sweet in his mouth. It meant life, but more than that, it meant acceptance. He pumped his hips hard and fast and slipped one hand between her thighs.

She was on edge too and worked to keep up with his rhythm. He withdrew his fangs and dragged his tongue over his mark. Gray was his, and now every other wolf would know that. He nibbled around the small wound as he continued to pound into her from behind. He fingered her clit and felt her entire body stiffen.

Making her come was his only priority. He fucked her hard and fast, short strokes that pushed her higher and higher. He pressed his thumb against her clit and she exploded around him. Her pussy hugged his cock so hard Louis saw stars. No, not stars, fireworks.

His orgasm came from the depths of his soul. He poured his life essence into Gray, and her acceptance filled the empty space with love.

When she folded beneath him, he lowered her down onto the mattress and curled around her from behind. The base of his dick was still swollen, locking him inside her.

He kissed every spot of her he could reach, paying special attention to his mating mark. He could feel the invisible bonds of their mating wrapping around him like a comforting blanket. Gray was his.

Gray had to touch her fingers to her face to make sure she was still here. They’d had sex before, but nothing had prepared her for the act of mating. It was though she could
Louis. The mark on her neck throbbed. Not in a bad way but in very arousing one.

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