Womanizer (A Standalone Novel) (A Steamy Alpha Billionaire Romance) (13 page)


Chapter 21


number five was lined up for Friday night and I was actually excited. Not
really that excited to see some new clothing line, but certainly excited to see
Alicia. I knew I was the worst detective ever, I kept going out with Alicia and
not finding out any information that would help me. It was a good thing I
wasn’t an actual investigator.

“Now I
feel like this is my lucky night,” I said as I saw Alicia in front of her

you think I’ll sleep with you tonight?” She

“I didn’t
mean that, I mean I’m lucky that I get to be seen out with such a sexy woman.”

“Good line
there, Mr. Gade.”

It’s true, no lines; just the facts.”

Alicia had
a great sense of humor; it was one of the things I really enjoyed about her.
She didn’t take life too seriously, even though her current life was full of
really serious issues. I couldn’t imagine most people would be willing to relax
like she had over the last week, considering her company and all the changes
they were going through.

“So, tell
me about this friend and her clothing line,” I asked as we got into the car and
my driver headed off toward the fashion show.

“Like I
said the other day, it is between classic American and grunge. She’s a little
more hipster than I am so it might not be your thing. But thank you for coming
with me.”

reached over and squeezed my hand. Her touch electrified my body and was the
main reason I had been so horrible at investigating her company.
I was near her I wanted to have her
naked on a bed and devour her. It was a primal response that my body had and I
just couldn’t think of much else when I was around her.

“I’m sure
I’ll survive.”

When we arrived
the fashion
there were paparazzi all over the place. It was a red carpet
event and I was glad that I had actually worn something appropriate. My custom
tailored charcoal
suit fit in
perfectly with the crowd. Alicia had on an elegant white dress with a crocheted
design. It looked really expensive, although I didn’t really know what brand it
was; women’s fashion just wasn’t my thing.

you proud, I dressed appropriately,” I said as I held my hand out for Alicia to
get out of the vehicle.


She held
onto my arm tightly as we tried to make our way through the crowd. I wasn’t
exactly sure who her friend was, but there were a lot of people there for this
opening. I felt pretty privileged to be able to come with Alicia.

Red carpet
events weren’t really my thing. Most of my time was spent with the stock market
people and other boring financial world stuff. Although, living in New York,
there were often red carpet events throughout the city. I was just as
fascinated by them as the rest of the world.

Warren, there is a rumor that you are about to sell your company. Can you
respond to this?” A reporter said as we walked past.

stopped. She looked angry as she turned toward the reporter. I could tell she
hesitated and was thinking about what she should say in response. No one wanted
to look angry on television.

“We can
keep walking if you want, you don’t have to answer them,” I said when I saw the
look of confusion on her face.

She wanted
to talk to them.

“I have no
intentions to sell my company. The information is false; you should check your

didn’t wait for the reporter to respond and instead moved quickly into the
auditorium. She seemed really irritated. I hurried to keep up with her as she
moved quick in her four-inch heels.

“Where do
you think they heard that?” I asked.

I go, they are always asking me that. I have no idea where they get it from.
Obviously I’m not selling my company: it’s my company. I’ve worked for years on
it, I wouldn’t sell it.”

wouldn’t worry about it too much; they are probably just hearing each other ask
you the question and they all want the scoop.”

“I hate
the press,” Alicia said as she leaned against a wall in the lobby.

I didn’t have a reason to hate the press, but I also wasn’t often the subject
of their attention. I assumed it would get really old really fast if they were
always asking you questions and following you around. Celebrities always
complained about the press and after just this short interaction, I could see
why they disliked the paparazzi so much.

“Let’s get
our seats. I can’t wait for the show to start,” I said and winked at Alicia.

We made
our way into the showroom area and took our seats right in the front row.
Alicia sure was a big deal in the fashion world and I liked getting to be her
date; even if it meant I had to look at clothes for an hour straight. I liked
being in the front row of events, getting backstage passes and other elite
level things. It was a sign of wealth and I loved to make sure people knew I
was wealthy.

ready, and please don’t laugh, no matter what,” Alicia said when the lights
turned down.

“Why would
I laugh?”

don’t do it,” Alicia smiled and I suddenly got really worried about what I was going
to see on that stage.

The music
started and it seemed like a normal fashion show. Lights moved in all
directions as the upbeat music pumped. Then the first model came out and I
realized just why Alicia had prepared me. She was right, it was really hard not
to laugh.

He was
dressed in ripped clothing that looked like it was filthy. The model also
looked filthy with his long hair teased out and dirt or dirt-looking makeup all
over his face. I even thought I smelled him and his filth as he walked by. It
was impossible to imagine what the clothes looked like when they weren’t dirty,
or what they would look like on a regular person.

I looked
around the room to see the shocked faces of everyone else as they watched the
show, but to my surprise everyone was not shocked. The crowd intently watched
the model and then clapped loudly as he went off stage and another model came

looked over at me and just smiled as we continued to watch the
or homeless youth. It wasn’t my scene and
Alicia knew it. She grabbed my hand and held onto
though, probably because she didn’t want me to leave. But
either way, I wasn’t about to turn down a little intimacy with her.

The show
seemed to go on forever as more and more stinky, dirty models made their way down
the runway. It baffled me why everyone was so excited. I seriously could not
understand what the excitement was for. I could have donated some of my old
clothes to homeless men and let them walk down the runway and they would have
looked nicer than the models.

When all
was said and done, we made our way out of the auditorium and back to our car. I
couldn’t stop shaking my head back and forth as I thought about the craziness
that I had just witnessed. It was certainly a prime reason why I was not interested
in the clothing market.

“Does she
think that this show will help her sell her clothing?” I asked.

she already sold her line to Nordstrom’s.”

Why would a fancy retailer like that want her dirty clothes?”

“They have
a huge clientele of rich kids that want to look grunge. I think she’ll do very
well there.”

“Wow, I’m
just in awe. I cannot believe people liked that.”

“It’s hard
to get
to the weirdness of the
fashion industry.”

“Yes. Yes,
it is.”

“Are you
alright with having the driver drop me off first?” Alicia asked.

I was
surprised. We hadn’t had dinner or drinks or anything yet. We had basically
only sat and watched homeless looking hot
walk on a runway. It wasn’t a long enough date to get to know her or work on getting
her to invite me back to her apartment.

“No drinks
or dinner?” I asked, hopefully that she would agree to one of them.

tonight. I need to get some sleep.”

scrambled in my head to try and figure out how I could make the date last
longer. I needed more time with her. I needed inside her apartment. My money
was tied up in her company and I really wanted to get it out if there was
illegal securities fraud or money laundering going on. I
desperately wanted time alone…in
with Alicia.

As we
pulled in front of her building, panic set in. I didn’t want to waste the
entire night and I certainly hadn’t found out any more information about her
company. I needed a move; something big that would get me in her door.

“Can I use
your restroom?” I blurted out.

I felt like a chump. Why had I said that? It was the most unromantic thing a
man could say. I really couldn’t believe myself. What had happened to my
awesome game with the ladies? I felt like an awkward teenager around Alicia. My
smooth moves and ability to get a woman to do absolutely anything I
seemed to be failing me.

she said.

I motioned
for the driver to wait for me and I followed Alicia up to her condo.

A little
part of me thought that Alicia might change her mind and let me into her condo
to stay for the night. I wanted just a few minutes to look
but I would have stayed for the night,
of course.

opened the door and motioned to the hallway.

bathroom is the second door on the right,” she said as she walked the opposite

I watched
her as she walked into the kitchen and as soon as she was out of sight, I made
my way to the hallway. Quickly I looked in all the rooms to see what they were.
The second door on the left was filled with boxes and there was a desk near the
window. That was the room I needed to spend more time in. But I couldn’t do it
just then, I would have to come back. There were way too many boxes and not
enough time to make any progress
finding what I needed to find.

I made my
way to the kitchen and wrapped my arms around Alicia in an attempt to get her
in the mood to keep me for the night.

My lips
pressed against the back of her neck and her tattoo.

pressed into me and I held onto her tighter. My hands moved to her hips and I
grabbed onto both of them and swayed her back and forth. I wanted to stay the
night more than I had wanted anything in a very long time.

I spun her
around and pressed her back up against the counter as I took her mouth with
mine. I needed to taste her. I wanted to feel her tongue intertwined with mine.
For a brief moment I thought she was going to invite me to stay. Her whole body
ached for me, I could tell by the way she kissed me. So why wouldn’t she just
me? Why wouldn’t she just say

should go now,” Alicia said as she pressed me away from her.

I tried to
pull her back toward
but she was
definitive in her desire to have me leave.

I will talk to you
” I said
stoically as I made my way out of her apartment.

My walk to
the car was devastating. I couldn’t believe she had refused me again and I felt
like the driver of my care couldn’t either. When I showed up so quickly, he
seemed surprised.

“Let’s go
home,” I said to my driver in despair.

It baffled
me how Alicia could be so drawn to me yet so willing to give me up. I wanted
her, more than just for a night. I wanted to talk with her, laugh with her,
play with her,
and, of course,
fuck her.

The whole
situation had gotten so complicated. I went from just trying to get some
financial information, to now being stuck in the desire for her that I would
never get to have. My mind was exhausted, my body too, and I felt the
overwhelming urge to have a woman in my bed.

I didn’t
want to go to Edward’s again, the incident with Stacey was still fresh in my
mind. I needed a woman that wouldn’t require a lot of work. I needed someone
who I could go to their house, fuck, and then leave. My body craved the sexual
release and I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep again if I didn’t get that
release right away.


Chapter 22


“Rebecca, I just got
house. What’s your address, I’ll come over.”

“181 Ranger Blvd.,

I repeated the address to my driver and we were on our way.

in a bit.”

“Alright, see you soon.”

I needed the release and Rebecca
the only woman I had on my speed dial that I knew wouldn’t cause a bunch of
chaos. Our relationship had turned into
full-blown friends with benefits situation
kind of liked it. Sure, I could have gone back to the bar and
picked up a new girl, but this was so much easier.

My thought was that we could talk a little about Alicia’s apartment and
how I could get back in there to get the files I needed. I did really need to
brainstorm a way for me to be able to have a good thirty minutes in that file
room without getting caught. It seemed impossible absolutely impossible.

When I arrived at Rebecca’s Brooklyn
I had expected it to be a shithole. She made it sound that way when she talked
about it. But the house was magnificent. A three story townhouse with views of
the city and a great little street in front. I really couldn’t figure out why
she didn’t like it.

I knocked on the door and heard Rebecca yell for me to come in. The house
was just as nice inside as it was outside. She had it elegantly decorated and
appointed with some artwork that was similar to what I had in my apartment.

“Where are you at?” I yelled as I walked through the main entry and up
the split level stairs.

“Back here.”

I walked down the hallway and found Rebecca naked on her bed. There was
no need for small talk or any pleasantries. I walked in, unbuckled my pants,
and pulled my shirt off.

She let me push her back onto the bed before I went to work tasting her
thighs and center. I loved the moans of delight that she let
as her body rocked against my tongue.
There was a level of comfort between us that I didn’t often have with women and
I liked it.

There was no need to worry about what she liked and didn’t like; I had
cum on her face before. I knew she was game to play and try just about
anything. Her hand held onto my hair as her body moved roughly against my
tongue. I felt her building up and wanted to see the look on her face when she
finally gave in to the pleasure I delivered her.

“Oh, you know what? I believe you own me a little cum on your face,”
Rebecca joked with me.

I loved it.

My hands reached up for hers and I pulled her up to a kneeling position
and moved my head right underneath her delicious dripping pussy. A promise was
a promise and I was perfectly happy to have her sit on my face and cum all over
me. I hadn’t had a woman do that in a very long time. There was something so
delicious about a woman’s cum; it was like crack to me. In fact,
women, in general,
were like crack to me. I
couldn’t get enough of them.

me baby,” I said.

I grabbed her hips and pulled her onto me. She giggled like a school girl
for a second and then realized I had a grip on her hips so tight that she
wasn’t going to be able to move. Her luscious pussy was firmly planted over my
mouth and I had the freedom to devour
ever last
taste of her
. I had control of her body and was going to deliver the
ultimate in oral pleasure. I needed to
her moans. The ultimate pleasure of her delicious orgasm was what drove me and
I couldn’t have my release until I felt hers.

My tongue thrust inside of her and I let my mouth hold on tight to her
clit. Rebecca’s moans of pleasure got increasingly louder as she tried to hold
back from cumming. Harder and harder I thrust my tongue into her in the hopes
of getting the full release from her. I wanted her cum on my face. I wanted her
to feel the highest level of pleasure possible.

She shook with delight and leaned over to steady herself. I felt her
thighs quiver, but I wasn’t about to let her off that easily. When she leaned
it was the perfect
opportunity for me to slide two fingers into her and really make her scream. My
body still hadn’t had the release I needed, but I wanted to hear her scream. My
drug wasn’t just fucking women, I got off by knowing that I left them

Although Rebecca and I had been together a few times before, that didn’t
change my desire to make her shake with pleasure. I wanted to hear her bed me
to stop. I wanted to see the sweat on her body as she was exhausted from out
love making. Orgasm after orgasm I would deliver until I filled the need inside

I thought I was winning the orgasm game until she slipped my cock into
her mouth. With her on top of me and my cock in her mouth, she was at a much
better advantage than I was. She had control over my body and I wasn’t used to
a woman getting to have that control. It was Rebecca
if there was any woman in my life that I trusted right now;
that was definitely Rebecca.

Rebecca was extremely orally skilled and I felt my hips driving into her
mouth with pleasure as she thrust them up and down on top of me. The urge for my
body to release itself grew with each stroke of her mouth and I didn’t know how
much longer I could hold out. I needed to feel my cum explode into her. It
needed to happen soon.

Faster and firmer, she sucked until I felt my body get ready to explode.
She tantalized me. She teased me. She lifted her mouth off of my cock and
watched it pulse for her. I moved up into the air to try and get her to suck me

I bet you would like my
lips wrapped around you again,” she said softly.

“Oh, fuck yes.”

I don’t know. Maybe I will.”

I had never really been a fan of edging—bringing someone close to orgasm
and then stopping. I wasn’t a fan; I much preferred the instant gratification
of orgasming right away.

“Rebecca, put your mouth on my cock right

I said firmly.

But she called my bluff and refused me. Her legs were still spread over
me and her pussy only inches away from my face. I could have flipped her over
onto her back and had my way with her, but I decided to go a different route.
She thought the game was just for her, but what Rebecca didn’t realize was that
I was excellent at playing the game of edging. I was much better at it than she
could imagine.

My two middle fingers thrust inside of her and I used my other hand to
slide a finger into her ass. The shock of the moment had her totally
until she realized I was about to finger
fuck her until she wrapped those beautiful lips around my cock again.

“Mmmm you much really want these lips around your cock,” she said as she
kissed the top of my cock.

Her tease was intense and I liked it and hated it all at the same time.

“Last warning little lady, put those lips around my cock.”

“I think I’ll wait.”

I didn’t hesitate at all. Within a
I had three fingers inside of her and thrusting hard into her wetness. I slid
another finger into her ass and had all of them moving at the same time. Not
sweet and softly moving, oh no; they thrust hard into her with the
determination to make her scream out in defeat.

The tips of my fingers stroked her g-spot, milking it until she almost
exploded. I stopped short of allowing her to
though. I let the build up torture
her like
she had tortured me.

“Now?” I asked.

… yes. Yes.” She moaned as
her body begged for me to let her explode.

Out of
she moved her lips
back to my cock. Her lips were tight around me and she thrust my cock deep into
her throat. I wanted to
but the
buildup had been delayed. Harder and harder I thrust my hips into her throat
hoping for the final explosion that I
being delayed by her edging game.

Finally, I felt the pre-cum drip from me and I thrust harder. But she
pulled her mouth away again.

“No!” I instinctively yelled out.

“Oh yes,” Rebecca said delighted at my torture.

“Seriously, you need to keep going.”

“Mmmm, but this game is fun.”

it’s not. Rebecca,

Rebecca lifted herself off of me and turned around so her pussy was
perched above my throbbing cock. I saw the wetness glistening off of her and
couldn’t stand it another moment.

“Should I?” She teased me as she let her body come down and I felt her
wetness touch the top of my cock.

“Last warning,
,” I said with
a smile.

“I don’t scare that easily.”

I grabbed her hips and thrust her pussy over my cock. It felt delightful
to fill her up and even better to see the shock in her eyes as my cock thrust
into her. I really did love a full figured woman riding my cock. There was
something so delightful about watching her huge breasts bounce as my cock thrust
into her.

Rebecca tried to pull her hips away from
but I held onto her. My hips grinding and thrusting
in an effort to
feel the explosion she had denied me twice now. She
moved against me in search of her own pleasure. Her hands pressed against my chest
as her hips rotated and
me. It was only a matter of time before she gave in.

If I
a game playing
I would have edged her in return for the
torture she had delivered to me. But I wanted to feel the release too badly; I
couldn’t bear to deny myself any longer.

Sweat poured off of both of us as our bodies tired from the sex session.
I knew my energy was getting depleted and I wasn’t about to stop until I had my
happy ending.

Faster and faster, I moved inside of her as my body finally felt the
pleasure of the orgasm. I shook with
and my thrust made her orgasm as well. Both our bodies rocked with delight as
we lay wrapped together in exhaustion.

Normally I would have hurried to the bathroom and back home, but I was
exhausted. Both from the stress of the last few days and the night of love
making. Instead of leaving, I decided to just sleep. There was a small voice in
my head that said I should leave, but another said it was fine to stay.

Before I could analyze the situation any further, we had both fallen

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