Wounded (Dogs of War MC Book One) (12 page)

Red saw Masika’s husband and excused himself to go talk for a minute while she further perused the international offerings available on the menu.

“Have you decided what you’d like tonight,” Masika approached the table, order booklet in hand.

“Ah… I think I’ll have the 5 inch super sub with seasoned fries but I don’t know what Red, I mean, Ryder wants,” she told her as she handed her back the menu.

“Oh that’s ok, I know what he wants. He gets the same thing every time,” the woman’s large smile crinkled the corners of her eyes. “So you are new around here? You don’t look like you work at Ryder’s, uh, shop.”

“Oh no no, I’m a veterinarian. He’s just a… friend.”

“He is a good friend to have,” she assured Sidney, “He saved my daughter’s life, twice. I won’t forget that ever. He never pays here.” She waved her hand as if dismissing the loss of profit, “His money no good.”

Sidney didn’t know quite how to respond to that. Would it see rude to ask what he’d done to save the girl’s life? She was saved from having to respond by Ryder returning.

“I bring her a sub and I bring you double bacon cheeseburger cooked rare, it will be here in a minute,” she left the table, ruffling Red’s hair as she left.

“It really puts a damper on your bad boy biker image if you let middle aged ladies go around ruffling your hair.”

Red looked at her, eyebrows furrowed, “You’re right. I have a shotgun back at home, let me go get it and show her what’s what.” They laughed, “Really, though, what can you do? That woman is sweeter than pie and almost twice as fattening.”

“Food that good?”

“Mmm better. The best.”

“Well, I guess I won’t be able to win you over with my cooking since you’ve already had the best,” she lowered her lashes, unable to meet his eyes. She wasn’t very good at flirting, but she was going to give it the old college try.

“I bet there are other things you can do much better than Mrs. Masika,” his hand touched hers and a shock of electricity flew through her. Her stomach quivered, if he could do that to her with just the touch of his hand, how would she react when he was
touching her?

She cleared her throat, “Yes, I’m very good at playing Twister.” She tried lightening the mood, things were getting too steamy too fast for such a public place.

“Flexible? I’ll have to test that out… later.”

All of Sidney’s internal organs flopped over inside of her and warmth spread deep deep within. This was going to be a very long dinner. 

They made it past all of the guys still hanging out in the commons before falling on each other in the hallway. His lips met hers and they devoured each other, each movement stoking the fire hotter and hotter inside of her. He pressed her up against the door and she wrapped her legs around him, loving the feel of his strong hands grasping at her thighs, the hardness pressing at her core demanding entrance.

He opened the door and carried her the rest of the way to the bed, lying her down and trailing kisses down her neck. Her eyes closed with the sensation, this was nice, this was wonderful… but she wanted more.

She grabbed the back of his jacket and tugged, pulling him free of the leather, and starting on the shirt. She wanted all of him bare to her touch, to her eyes, now.  Shirt gone she trailed her knuckles across the flat plains of his belly, grasping the belt buckle, intent on removing the rest of his clothing. Casually he brushed her aside and instead pinned her hands above her head, she gasped, David had never been very forceful in bed and she was finding she liked it. He unbuttoned her shirt, slowly, letting his lips brush against each new piece of skin that was revealed. Pulling her to him by the shirt he’d just unbuttoned his lips met hers again as he pushed the fabric down her arms and threw it to the floor, his arms snaking around her back and unclasping her bra, letting that join her shirt on the floor.

She’d always been self-conscious of her breasts, her mother said they were too large for good taste but Red didn’t seem to mind. His hands molding themselves to them, his tongue tracing circles around the nipples before being sucked into his mouth. She ran her fingernails down his back, asking silently to give her what she wanted, urging him to join her in her heedless flight towards release.

The bulge in his pants rubbed against her wet mound and she thrust her hips, wishing that both of their blue jeans would just magically disappear. Again she started unbuttoning his pants and again she was brushed away, she might have whined at being denied, but he undid the fly of her jeans and slid both her pants and her panties down her legs, leaving her nude and feeling vulnerable before him.

“You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” his eyes drank her in, slowly working from the hair splayed out behind her, pausing at her breast, nipples taunt and red from the gentle abuse they’d received and then lower. Looking hungrily and the center of her, the trimmed triangle of hair that glistened from the wetness he had caused.

He knelt in front of her and kissed her knee, she hadn’t known that the knee was an erogenous zone, but he made it one. Just having him kneeling there between her legs was making her all kinds of crazy.

His mouth moved up her thigh, gently sucking and kissing the tender flesh as he went, before he came to the slick folds that were just dying to get him inside them. He slipped two fingers inside her, slowly working them in. She hadn’t been with anyone in a long time so she was very tight, even two fingers felt huge inside her. She bucked against him and groaned.

Sidney looked down at him, her gaze pleading, but his eyes were locked on his work, hungrily enjoying the sight of her folds parting for him. And then his head dipped down and he rubbed his lips against the tiny nub at the top of her cleft.

Mental functioning shifted into a lesser gear, the only things inside her were need and want. His tongue darted out, teasing her clit and she grabbed his hair, pressing his face to her, willing him to lick harder, faster. But he kept his own slow and excruciatingly exquisite pace, Sidney bucked and moaned like a wild thing. Lost in a sea of passion she’d never felt before in her life. He flicked his tongue out again and again, letting the pace build slow until she was right on the edge of release, right on the edge of splintering, and then he left her.

“Don’t stop, don’t stop,” she cried out, her hands grasping the quilt, trying not to actually cry. She was so close it was almost painful.

“Wait for it,” he said as he unbuckled his pants, releasing the hard bulge, taking it hand and guiding it to her entrance.

“Yes,” she screamed, this was what she wanted, what she needed. He drove into her, pleasure and pain combining into one. She met each of his thrusts, wanting it faster and faster, wanting to feel him cum inside her, wanting her own release to squeeze him tight from inside, never letting him go.

Her breath came in gasps as he rode her hard, his hand slipping between them so that his thumb could rub the place they were joined, keeping time with their rhythm.

It was too much, Sidney’s head tossed from side to side, everything inside her gathered together and expanded in a wave of intense pleasure that verged on insanity.

Her body relaxed and she opened her eyes to see Red’s eyes open as well, watching her as he still worked on top of her. She saw the look of pleasure so great that it couldn’t be described, the same look she’d probably had just moments before. She worked her hips harder against him, driving the pace faster and faster, watching for the moment that he’d slip over the edge himself, wanting to savor the way he looked on top of her, muscles straining, eyes bright and needy, body tensed and waiting.

He threw his head back and groaned as she felt him release his seed deep inside her and she shivered with the pleasure of it.

The heavy weight of his sweat covered body as it collapsed on her felt right and she wrapped her arms around him. It had never been like that for her before. Yes she’d had sex and yes, she’d orgasmed but… she couldn’t put her finger on exactly what had been so much different. Deeper. She’d lost herself completely in their lovemaking and hadn’t quite resurfaced.

“You ok?” Red propped himself on one elbow, looking down at her.

“Mmm better than ok. How about you?”

“I’d agree with better than ok,” he rolled off of her and she missed the feel of him pressing her down, “A hell of a lot better than ok.”

They lapsed into satisfied silence. Sidney snuggled up against Red’s side, eyes drooping, right on the cusp of sleep, until she was jolted awake by a loud banging on the door.

“Get out here, shit’s going down,” Sidney couldn’t quite make out who was at the door by the voice but Red sat straight up in bed, alert.

Without a word he began putting back on the clothes that had been thrown in their initial abandon.

“What’s going on?” Sidney asked, pulling the quilt up and over her chest.

“I don’t know, but I’m about to find out,” he strode to the door and paused a moment, his hand grasping the knob. “You stay here until I know it’s safe,” he instructed before walking out the door.

Like hell she would. 

Red didn’t know what could possibly be going on. Anyone fool enough to bring trouble to the Clubhouse was obviously a fool who was too stupid to live.

“What’s up man?” Donny-O was standing at the window, holding the curtain aside.

Donny-O nodded outside, “Some of the Hellhounds are out there. Just drove up pretty as you please.”

“You shittin me?”

“Wish I were, I’m still tired from last night.”

“Move,” Red pushed Donny-O out of the way so he could see what was going on. Seven motorcycles sat parked, their riders still perched in the saddle, right in front of the Clubhouse. “Well shit. This is fucked up.”

“What?” Donny-O asked.

“That’s Lynard out there, the one in the middle,” Red moved out of the way so that Donny-O could see.

“Oh fuck, you’re right. Wonder why they’re here? They can’t possibly think they’re going to make it out of that parking lot alive.”

Red shrugged, he couldn’t even fathom the level  of stupidity it would take on Lynard’s part to come waltzing up to the Clubhouse door, with only six guys, and then asking them to dance. He shook his head, he couldn’t understand it at all. “Big Dog on his way back?”

Moose chimed in, “Yeah, we’ve already called him. He told us not to do anything at all till he got here. But man it’s eating my asshole with them just sitting there like that.”

“I want to eat their faces,” Rock said from the corner. Everybody turned to look at him. Rock could be a weird one at times.

“Uh, yeah… me too. I guess,” Moose agreed.

Squint and Squirt came running through the door, looking like a drawing in a kid’s coloring book for ‘opposite’. Squirt being short and round like a ball and Squint being tall and lanky, with glasses.  They were the only prospects the Club had this year. It seemed like every year fewer and fewer of the teenagers who were just starting to turn decided to stay around and invest in the community. Most of them left, thinking they’d find acceptance in the outside world. Red knew they’d be back though, when their girlfriend found out they shifted and lost her mind, or they got mad at a friend and accidentally turned before they could get control on themselves. They’d figure it out, Three Rivers was the only place you could count on to call home.

“Big Dog just called he said for one of you to go out there and see what they want. He’s having bike trouble.“ Squirt tried to say before being interrupted by Rock.

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