Wrecked (The Blackened Window) (34 page)

Read Wrecked (The Blackened Window) Online

Authors: Corrine A. Silver

The tension fell away from her and she slackened against me, resting her head on my shoulder. “I didn’t think about it.” And once she spoke, the words tumbled out of her in a rush. “I didn’t have some big plan. I just thought it would be fun, cute, a little sassy or sexy or something. I was teasing you a little, I guess.”

I made my voice gentle, but stern. “What did you think other people would think?” I paused to let her answer, but she didn’t speak. “Because I think that there are some people here who will take this look as an invitation to spank you like a bad school girl. At a minimum. I’m not saying that dressing like this really
an invitation. It isn’t, but it
provocative. God knows I feel provoked. But I will not be moved or controlled by you. I am what I always am, and you are what you always are. Mine.”

She looked up at me, wet wide eyes glittering in the lights from the club. She looked mollified, steady. Her mascara was smudged a little and I liked it. I knew it was fucked up because I wanted her to cry, but never wanted her to feel anything bad, but wanted to cause her pain. It was a fucked up tangle in my head. But one thing made sense.
She was mine.

I gave her a minute to respond if she wanted to, to pull away if she wanted to. But her features settled into something akin to peace and I leaned forward, slowly, to give her time to retreat if needed. I lightly kissed her lips, slow and soft. She yielded to me and her lips opened, admitting me into her.


Chapter Thirty-Two





Lindsey Stirling,
Anti Gravity


I looked up at him, feeling oddly settled and solid. Deep inside my psyche, there was something reassuring and secure in knowing that he wasn’t as reactive as me. He leaned into me, kissing me, slow, his tongue tracing my lips and opening me, stroking into the depths of my mouth. There was nothing like kissing through tears.

The way that he kissed me obliterated the rest of the world from my awareness. He was leaning over me, trapping me against the couch, but he kept his lips soft, his tongue slowly moving over me. He felt like honey.

We took our time getting into our play, first visiting the sensual play room. We settled on a low couch and watched the bodies moving together. I sat on his lap, facing the action in the room, and felt him get hard, pressing into my back. Xander’s hand slipped around my waist and up to the swell of my breasts, tracing the curves, while he kissed, sucked and bit at my neck. I turned toward him to tell him I wanted him, but he anticipated me and shifted me over him so that I was straddling his lap, facing him. He slipped his hands up the sides of my thighs, under my skirt, to my hips. When we were kissing again, he made a low frustrated growl when he yanked at my panties. They didn’t move because of my position. He gave up trying to pull them off, and instead, traced the crack of my ass under me to my wetness. His fingers teased and tickled me. I could feel his muscles tightening, his sounds growing more frustrated. He stroked up my back, flipping my skirt up as he moved his hand.

“I need to fuck you…soon.” He growled into my ear. “But this isn’t the right place for what I like.”

, I thought as he stood up, holding me in position with my legs wrapped around him.

He carried me out of the room, with some amused bystanders watching us. He didn’t put me down once we left the room, but continued carrying me to the hidden stairwell that came from the back of the loft. Once tucked into that alcove, he set me down and reached under my skirt, pulling my panties down to my knees. He slipped his fingers into me. I reached for his hardness through his jeans, gripped him and stroked.

We went at each other like there was a deadline, like we were panicked, frenzied for a few minutes, frantically touching, before I unzipped him and pulled his cock out. There was a bead of pre-cum at the tip that I rubbed around with my thumb. He tilted his head up and groaned. I gazed up at him, memorizing the angles of his neck and jaw, how the muscles of his body tightened and arched toward me, seemingly without volition. When he dropped his gaze back down to me, I got a brief glimpse of a feral part of him before he spun me around and pushed my upper back down so I bent in half as he slammed his cock into me, all in one fluid movement. He ground it into me, unrelenting, punishing.

“God, you are so fucking dirty. Panties around your knees, getting fucked in a stairwell.”

Oh…why yes, yes I am.
I smiled to myself, owning it, reveling in it.

“Just for you.” I moaned and he pounded into me harder, a few more times before his muscles tightened and released. He came deep inside me, but I was so wet that it only added to my saturation.

We sat in the stairwell for a few more minutes, laughing, catching our breath. He was so beautiful in these moments when the tension was gone from him, laughter touching his eyes, expression unguarded. But after a few minutes, the hardness returned to his face. He looked at me, softening his expression for a moment, kissing me again, but when he pulled back, his face was hard. The Dominant Xander. The Sadist Xander.

“We’re going to find Mistress Seraphim and her slave and I’m going to spend some time training her. I want you involved. Do you have any objections?”

“I don’t want to be away from you, but I’m nervous about participating. Can’t I watch again? I liked it last time,” I whined.

“I’m gonna ask you to trust me. Wait and see if you like it, but give it a little try, at least. Okay?”

I nodded and we stood to leave the alcove. As we walked, he added, “You know what I’m going to be thinking about the whole time?”

I shook my head.

“Your dripping wet pussy.”

My jaw dropped at the vulgarity of that.

He paused again, thoughtful, then grabbed my face. “Do you know what this means to me, Leda? That you accept me, and what I need. God, that you are everything I need.” His voice sounded pressured, strained.

I stared up into his face, unsure what to say, so I didn’t speak. But something about that statement planted itself in the back of my mind, unresolved. This feeling that he thought this was a sacrifice for me.

I knew there was something there to work out, to tease out, but I pushed it away. Gruffly, his kissed me again. “Let’s go.”

Seraphim and A were just arriving when we stepped out to the foyer-like room. They were checking Seraphim’s coat and her slave’s clothes. Seraphim’s eyes widened a bit at my clothing and A just smirked.

Seraphim air-kissed Xander’s cheeks, saying, “Hello, hello. School-girl, Xander? Really?” She smiled and shook her head.

He answered, “I know. I’m not letting her out of my sight tonight. But…how has your pet been since last time?”

“Well…the same as always. I don’t know what to do with her.” She sounded like some wealthy socialite talking about her lap dog. “She has her moods and gets so defiant. She knows she should be on her knees, but she’s still standing.”

The woman sneered at us and stood a little taller, jutting her jaw out. Seraphim let out a little disgusted sigh and grabbed the back of her neck. With her other hand, she strapped a collar with attached leash on her. A very intentionally drew her gaze to meet her Mistress’ directly. Seraphim’s eyes narrowed and she slapped her. Then, the anger seemed to go out of her and she turned back to Xander.

“See what I mean. Just so
. She was a little better after last time, but it was short-lived.”

“I guess we’ll just have to try harder.” Xander’s voice was conversational, but his face was a little terrifying—flat, blank with occasional flashes of menace.

The slave-girl turned and looked at him, saying nothing.

Acceptance crossed Xander’s face and he turned back to Seraphim. “May I?”

She nodded her assent for the slave to be used. Faster than I expected, he grabbed her hair and pulled her forward and down, at the same time, hooking a foot behind her knee so her legs crumbled. She fell to her hands and knees between them. He hadn’t let go of my hand through the whole series of movements.

“Ah, that’s better,” said Seraphim, yanking at the leash and pulling her pet along to the dungeon.

Xander turned to look at me. “Green?”

“Green.” I said with a freaked out smile, but then on an impulse, I stepped close to him, onto my tiptoes and kissed him quick, a big smile flashing across my lips.

He smiled back. “Just for your peace of mind, I spent some time negotiating with them this afternoon. They’re good.” He followed them, my hand pressed tight in his.

Seraphim led her slave, who was crawling on her hands and knees, on the leash. They were definitely showing off. Xander’s demeanor had changed as well, his back straightened and his face closed off, but he never let go of my hand.

I knew what to expect this time, but I still found myself staring around at various scenes playing out in front of me. One Domme had her sub hog-tied on the floor and was fitting some sort of hood or mask over his face. He squirmed against her, shuddering. A few steps away, a group of men were standing around a table, grunting. At first I couldn’t make sense of what I was seeing, but as we moved, I was able to see a woman between them on the table, getting filled everywhere and the guys whose dicks she couldn’t take were stroking themselves and reaching out to grab and touch and restrain her.

We found a space all the way in the back this time. I had the impression that people watched us as we walked in and I didn’t know if it was Seraphim’s blood-red leather body suit and Domme-bitch attitude, her slave on the leash, my school-girl get up or if some of them remembered the last time Xander had punished A. Xander was checking some bindings on a grid on the wall, when he turned back to us.

“Okay, girls, let’s go.”

A sat back on her haunches and looked up at him with a smirk. I was caught off guard by how pretty she was—she had a thin, athletic build and her midnight black hair was swept back off her immaculate face, pulled into a low ponytail. Her makeup made the sneer that blossomed on her face almost beautiful.

Then she said, “Hey, Xander. Fuck you.” Her tone was calm, matter-of-fact, but her expression shifted to one of open challenge.

“Fuck me?” He laughed, echoing my thoughts. “Really? After last time?” He shrugged briefly. “All right.” He closed the distance between them, grabbed her by the back of her neck and stood her up. He took two steps back and pressed her against the grid of bars, facing the wall. For a moment, he held his body against hers, just breathing her in. She shut her eyes, but he stepped away just as she began to relax back against him.

He said, “Tell me your safeword,” as he started strapping her hands and arms to the wall. She didn’t answer him, but didn’t fight him either. He stepped to her side, where her face was turned. “What is your safeword, cunt?”

She spit in his face. And the world stopped for a moment. I gasped, looking from Xander to Seraphim and back again to see their reactions. The Domme was smiling slightly, pulling some things from her bag. Xander stepped back from the slave, pissed.

“Fuck your safeword, bitch.”

A chill ran down my spine at those words and his facial expression as he wiped her spittle off his face and smeared it on hers.

Seraphim stepped up to them with clips in her hands. “Tongue, little bitch. That wasn’t nice and you know it.” Apparently, this wasn’t abnormal behavior for her. She stuck her tongue out and Seraphim placed two clothespins on it. Her eyes closed and she moaned, grinding her hips into the bars in front of her.

“Thanks, I like that.” Xander smiled. “Now, cunt, since you can’t really talk, safewords don’t matter. So a safe sign or gesture.”

She moaned a venomous sounding growl and gave him the finger.

“Oh, perfect. There we go. You give me the finger if you want me to stop.” He said it with a smile and I could see her thoughts cross her face. She wanted to be able to give him the finger just to piss him off but everything else would stop and she wouldn’t really want that.

Point to Sadist Xander

“Thuck eww,” she said, as she drooled. He just laughed at her, then turned to me.

“Little girl, come here.” I walked to him, wide eyed. He took my hand, stroking my palm. A watched us closely, trying to figure out what was next.

His voice was calm, soft, purring. Almost coy. “Little girl, she’s being bad. Do you think you can help her be better, more like you?” I gave him a completely blank look and his hand slipped to my wrist and pulled me closer. He whispered, lips at my ear, “I want you to feel this. I want to see you squirm. And I want to mind fuck her. I need your help.”

I pulled back to look at him. “Xander, I don’t know… What…what do I even do? What do you mean?”
He couldn’t expect that I was going to whip her or something. Could he?
His face was serene, smiling even.

“You just follow directions like the good girl I know you are. Now, take off that shirt.” His hands moved to my shoulder as I automatically started unbuttoning the shirt. Shortly, I was standing in my bra, skirt and stockings. “Now come here.” He moved me over to A’s side and unstrapped her arm and leg. “Get in there, between her and the wall.”

I shot him a look. “What?” I thought maybe I didn’t understand what he meant.

His hand was in my hair moving me, as he growled, “Get your ass in there.” He slid me in, then paused for a moment to lean his forehead against mine. “Trust me. You’ll do just fine. You’ll be perfect.”

I took a deep breath as he strapped her arm and leg back down. This nameless woman and I were now face-to-face, bodies pressed together. I breathed deeply, smelling her expensive perfume and her body. Her abdomen was pressed to mine, a soft, warm pressure pushing me against the bars. Her legs were spread and my feet were between hers. She still had the clothespins on her tongue and her drool dripped down on my breasts.

Seraphim was on one side of us, smiling as she ran her hand over A’s body. She moaned, closing her eyes and dropping her head forward a little. I started at the touch of hands on my ankles, strapping me to the wall. I knew it was Xander, even though I couldn’t see him. A moment later his face was opposite of Seraphim’s.

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