Wrecked (The Blackened Window) (7 page)

Read Wrecked (The Blackened Window) Online

Authors: Corrine A. Silver

When he came around and got in, I continued our conversation, “They seem really great and it’s nice to meet a woman who is so pleasant. The girls at school can be such bitches.”

“Whoa—it’s only been a few weeks! Who has already made such a big impression on you?”

“Fuck them. I don’t want to talk about them.” I could feel my mood starting to deflate even thinking about Stacy and her crappy comments. We got in the car and drove across town. The conversation dropped off a bit until I said, “So wait, you said Jason opened his first club—how many does he own?”

“He’s kind of diversified—a club, the bar and a coffee shop. He’s looking into opening another club now, but it’s a huge investment of time and money. He was talking about not having a good concept yet either. This is where his genius is, you know. I would just convert a warehouse, put in speakers and call it something dumb. He’ll have the whole thing worked out, three hundred sixty degrees.”

“So are we going to his club tonight?”

“No.” He paused. “Nest is another club in town, good for dancing.”

“God, now that I know him, I feel like it’s kinda rude not to go to his place.”

“No, he gets it. It’s, well, like I was saying. It has a concept and it is for a specific group of people. He knows I’d never take a first date there. Hell, he doesn’t even go that often anymore.”

“Why? Is it, like, a total cowboy bar, real country or something else, like real gangster?”

“No it’s just…very…intense, like lots of sex in your face.”

“A strip club?”

“No.” He smiled. “No one is getting paid to get naked, but they might get naked anyway. The rules are very strict, but essentially come down to anything is okay as long as everyone involved is legal and is consenting.”

I wasn’t really sure what to make of that, but I needed to shift my ass against the seat. “Wait…you wouldn’t take a
date there? But maybe a second? Do you go there a lot?”

He laughed out loud at that as he pulled up to the valet at a huge club with a line outside. The valet opened the door for me and Xander was there handing off his keys as I stepped out. He took my hand and walked up to the bouncer who smiled and shook his hand, then opened the door for us, letting us skip the line. Apparently, he was well-known here. The unpleasant thought that he must be here often with a lot of dates crossed my mind, but then we were through the second set of doors and the music was loud, so loud that I lost my thoughts and remembered the feeling—the bass shaking my lungs, reverberating within my rib cage, and the only feeling being this moment, the music, the lights and how much I wanted to move.

He still had my hand and was navigating through the crowd to a roped off area in the back. A hostess saw him and smiled broadly, waving us over. She pulled back the rope to the VIP section and they exchanged brief pleasantries that I couldn’t hear over the music. We sat on a low, plush couch with a few small side tables arranged around it and she came back with drinks, a mojito for me again, plus a bottle of beer for him.

Once we were settled, he dropped his hand between us and touched my leg, hooking his index and ring fingers under the hem of my dress, not pulling it up or reaching, just lightly stroking my thigh with his fingers. I wanted him to push my skirt up and touch me more, harder. Wanted wasn’t even strong enough of a word. It was overwhelming how much I wanted him, but there was something that held me back from taking the next step, from grabbing him and straddling his lap. At the thought of riding him, a small gush of moisture dampened my barely there thong. A beat or two later, I swear he took a deep breath in through his nose, like he could smell me, smell how much I wanted to get fucked tonight.

The DJ started blending the beat into another song and Xander pulled his hand away. He slipped his hand behind me, touching the small of my back. He leaned into me, voice firm, easily heard over the music, “Okay, little girl, get up, get out there. I have been thinking about your body moving in that dress since I picked you up.”

“Come with me,” I asked him, feeling self-conscious.

He was starting to shake his head, when Christy came up, yelling, “Hey, girl, let’s go!” She pulled me up, out of his reach and out to the dance floor.


Chapter Seven





Far East Project—Featuring Stereotypes,
Girls on the Dancefloor


Christy pulled Leda to the dance floor. Despite the crowd, my view of them was fairly unobstructed. I could see them talking a bit as they started dancing, but the music was too loud for conversation and they gradually got lost in movement.

Leda’s hips moved, swaying back and forth, slower than the beat of the song. As if she was trying to tempt me, taunt me. But she never looked back at me in challenge like I would have expected if that was really the case. She was just in the moment, dancing for herself, for her own joy in it—and that was sexier than any little tease she could have done.

She and Christy were pressed tight in with everyone else on the dance floor, and periodically one of them would get bumped, but at least initially no one seemed to be bothering them. The music faded between two songs. The bass started pumping, low and aggressive, insistent and Christy grabbed her, spun her and started grinding on her ass. Bending her over. It looked good.

The music stilled for a beat then came back stronger. And it was like the girls lost their minds, jumping up and screaming, laughing. Leda’s tits moved like they might bounce out of her dress and her hair was starting to fall out of her clip. She was succulent, something I wanted to have my mouth on.

Jason walked through the club, laughing when he saw them. He grabbed Christy and kissed her, gave Leda a head nod and came up to sit with me. The girls barely paused in their dancing. They were wild, feeding off each other’s energy, their tentative movements becoming more abandoned, reckless.

“How’s the big first date going?” Jason asked as he sat down, nodding toward the girls and smiling.

“Good. Look at her moving.” I didn’t look at him because she was more fun to watch. The lights in the place pulsed with the bass and her movements were washed in a red-light strobe effect that seemed like I was tripping. She was looking back at me now and I was starting to twitch my lips in a smile, but Christy grabbed her and pulled her attention away from me.

We watched them dancing, lost in the trace of the music and their movement, barely speaking to each other. But enough time passed and I wanted to touch her.

“Be back in a minute.” I got up without looking at Jason. My cock wanted her, wanted her panting at my feet. I walked through the crowd, noticing that I was a good five to seven years older than everyone else in here. Everyone in the club knew it. They responded to that, my size, or just the cocky, alpha fucking way I carried myself. They moved out of my way as I went to get my little girl. Christy was saying something as I walked up behind Leda and pulled her into me.

I wrapped an arm around her like I was taking her hostage, but she didn’t seem to mind. I dropped my lips next to her ear, “Little girl, you move so good, but I want you to come drink something and rest for a bit.” I held her hip against me and pulsed a little with the music, enjoying her ass against my cock.

Christy smiled because she was just as dirty as me and probably knew what I was thinking. But I felt my cock starting to stiffen and took a step back, pulling Leda backward. After a few steps, we turned around and I guided her to our table.

The waitress had brought another round of drinks, including some bottles of water, which I would have made my little girl drink if she hadn’t reached for one first. She was flopped on the couch, sweaty, breathing a little hard. I could imagine that I had just used her, hard and rough. I smiled a little to myself and sat next to her, running my fingers over her back.

The three of us didn’t speak, only watched Christy dancing, her shiny silver dress and big blonde hair easy to find in the crowd. And the inevitable dude found her. There’s always a dude at the club. Always a dude looking for a girl to grind up on. So here was the one for the night. I was glad it was Christy and not Leda, because I couldn’t have been cool about it. My claim wasn’t established enough yet to tolerate even a perceived threat. But even if it was…the assumption that any girl is fair game to grind your dick on, just because she’s dancing…it just pisses me off.

But Christy and Jason had been through this scenario in so many different permutations that I just sat back to watch. When it was Jason getting hit on, Christy was in there right away, but Jason liked to let it build. Christy glanced over and he gave her the go-ahead. Jason watched her, smiling, but I felt his tension building. He made it through an entire song. The dude tried to say something in Christy’s ear, but she just shushed him with her fingers over his lips. And that was it for Jason. He took a deep breath.

“I have to go get her,” he muttered, barely audible over the music as he stood up, adjusting his cock, and walked briskly across the floor. Christy didn’t notice it yet, but Leda was leaning forward, tense.

Jason approached from the side and the dude noticed him first. Christy opened her eyes and locked her gaze with Jason’s. Electricity passed between them and I knew that guy was fucked. Christy moved away from the dude, saying something in his ear as Jason stepped in behind her.

This is when the slacker persona was revealed for an act, because no one looking at Jason would have dismissed the threat in his presence. He ran his hand up Christy’s back and coiled his hand in her hair. I moved my hand onto Leda’s thigh, her skin a little damp still. I left my fingers light, not flexing. Let her notice whenever she did.

Jason was just fucking with the dude—he pulled Christy tight against him, not letting go of her hair, and slid his other hand up the front of her body till it was wrapped around her throat. The dude started to disengage, realizing there was nothing but a night of trouble for him with the two of them, but Christy felt him moving away and grabbed his shirt.

A small circle was opening up around the three of them. I had to admit it, they were sexy as hell. Three bodies slithering tightly against each other, aggression just below the surface. Jason held the dude’s gaze, but licked at Christy’s neck and said something in her ear.

Leda noticed my hand, then noticed that she was leaning forward. She took a deep breath and leaned back and I shifted my arm around her shoulders as she moved, tracing designs on her bare shoulder.

“They can be pretty captivating sometimes.”

“Yeah. Is that other guy going to be a problem?”

“I doubt it. Christy and Jason both know who she belongs to. It’ll only be a problem if that guy doesn’t understand that, too.” She seemed mollified by that.

“Okay, interesting. Do you want to come dance with me? Maybe I want to see how
move, too.”

Little vixen.
I had to have more of her.

I felt the growl in my chest as I slid my hand into her hair, ruining what was left of her updo. She held her breath, waiting for whatever I wanted to do to her. I knew she’d take it just then. The combination of the music, the bodies, Christy and Jason’s chaos, made her easier prey. And, as evil as I was, I knew that’s what she was.

She tried to be cool about it and grabbed her waiting mojito, but I saw the slight shakiness in her hand. I took her drink from her and put it back on the table. I knew I was physically towering over her, and I loved it. I picked out an ice cube and lightly tugged her head back by her hair. I held the ice just above her parted lips and let it melt onto her, dripping onto her tongue when she flicked it out at the ice. I rested the ice against her lower lip for a moment. Just as she opened her mouth to take it from me, I traced it down her chin, her neck and across her collar bone.

She closed her eyes and relaxed into me, breathing deep. Her nipples tightened, visible in her dress. I released a bit on her neck just to flex again and a shiver ran over her skin. I knew she’d let me take her home with me, but I knew she wasn’t really ready for me. She had no idea how much I would toy with her, couldn’t actually consent to me yet, and I knew it. And it sucked. I love anticipation, but patience could suck a dick.

“Hey, y’all!”

Christy smiled like an angel and picked up some water. I knew she knew she’d just interrupted something and shot her a ‘what-the-fuck’ look. She just splashed water on herself and shouted that she wanted more drinks.

She looked to Leda and said, “Leda, let’s go to the ladies’ room.”

As our girls walked away, Jason waved our hostess, Jenna, down and ordered another round.

“So what happened with that dude?” I shifted to look at Jason.

“He pussed out.” Jason shrugged. “But I think Christy wants something rough tonight. Suggestions?”

I gave him a few suggestions of the blindfold and teasing variety, but we stopped when the girls walked back up. Jason grinned then laughed, and I looked at them and saw it, chuckling too. Christy’s signature red lipstick was smeared on Leda’s lips.
Maybe little girl needs it more than I thought.
Christy was what I liked to call omnisexual. And she’d obviously been kissing my girl in the ladies’ room.

The drinks arrived and we sat back, talking. Christy carried the conversation, but she got Leda to open more, asking her about traveling.

“I haven’t traveled too much, just a few family trips places. My favorites have been Ireland and Italy. I know, fairly Eurocentric, but I just haven’t been too many other places. Mexico for spring break—kind of lame. You know where I want to go that I’ve never been—New Orleans.”

Jason, Christy and I shared a look. Jason and I had met Christy at a kink convention in New Orleans and it was one of our favorite places. We had some serious memories in NOLA. We had been going back to that kink convention every year since.

“Well, that’s so close. We’ll all have to go one weekend when you two don’t have to study so much.”

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