X-Treme Measure (25 page)

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Authors: S. N. Garza,Stephanie Nicole Garza

The night proceeded just fine and the money was even better because it was our annual Christmas show.

Ladies from all around showed up. I made sure the chair that was front and center was unoccupied.

I looked behind the curtain to see if she was here yet. It didn’t take me long to see her brilliant, multi-colored hair in some kind of puffy, braided Mohawk, which was sexy as fuck. There was a waiter in front of her, blocking my view of her body. It irritated me that he was walking around naked in front of her. Showing his ass. Fucker. Then the waiter moved.

Holy fucking shit
. Her body was meant to be shown but damn. Her hot pink top was off the shoulders and the sleeves to her elbows. It was a fucking crop top. Tight on her tits and ended just three inches below.

She had soft skin, but it was a figure many women envied. Her waist tucked in and her hips flared. She wore daisy dukes which made the pockets stick out. They were washed denim with stress spots. Holy moly. She wore matching converse shoes that completed the outfit. I looked back up to her face and there was this mischievous smile steadily waiting for me. She was up to something. I just knew it. She sat there like she owned this place. It was extremely hot as fuck.

My dick stirred to life and I had to think about something else or this show wasn’t going to end well. At least, not without me tackling her right there on the floor and fucking her lights out.

The waiter got her drink and turned, and even though every other woman turned to see his bare ass, Moriah continued looking towards the curtain. Did she know I was standing here…in the dark like creeper?

I looked at her again to see her dip one finger into the wet heat of her mouth and then slipped that finger down until it was to her navel. She pointed to her crotch and then towards the curtain’s. Hellfire and damnation.

She knew I was here. Knew I’d be watching and waiting for her. When my eyes went back to her smoky ones, she winked and then took the drink the waiter brought.


“What’s up, bro? Your girl here?” Harton said as he came up next to me.

His pregnant fiancé was waiting out there for him, too. She loved that he performed. As far as I knew, he wasn’t a cheater and completely devoted to his girl. I looked back at Moriah and knew what that felt like. As soon as I met her, my entire life changed on a dime.


“Let’s give her a show she’ll never forget. Casey’s out there, too. Let’s do this, bro.” Our fists bumped together and then all of us prowled out onto the stage. I was desperate to step down in front of Moriah but this skit didn’t require it. But when it was my time to do my solo, damn right I was going to be all up on her and her sexy self. My throbbing dick couldn’t wait.




This was it. I had a surprise waiting for Daniel ever since Thursday evening. I fibbed a bit and told him I had two finals on Friday and that I would see him later at XM, and thankfully he believed me. After getting his present, I had to go shopping for the perfect outfit. I didn’t spend a lot of money on clothes, but tonight was special. The air here in Houston was warm, still in the mid to late seventies. I had a sweater just in case but what I got for him needed to be seen.

Oh, yeah. I got a tattoo.

I didn’t know if he was going to freak out, or if he was going to love it. Hopefully the latter. He’s been working here for so long and got dubbed ‘The Duke’ since the ladies seemed to love watching him. A part of me was only ten percent jealous, but I knew he came home to me every night. I knew he was faithful and loyal. I didn’t worry about it anymore.

He still came plenty into Chili’s to make sure no one tried getting fresh with me so I called it even.

I saw the outline of his body behind the curtain and played with his mind by licking my finger and draping it down my body before pointing to my vagina and then to him. Making sure he knew I saw him. The first set they did was to a Christmas song that I’ve never heard of and the women went crazy for all of them. Daniel kept his black molten stare on mine as I sipped my fruity drink. I didn’t want to get drunk but a nice buzz would be helpful just in case he didn’t’ like my spontaneity.

“Ladies, the last performance of the night is a rather special one. Instead of a Christmas themed song, this particular guy chose a song sure to set your panties on fire. Are you ready to be…seduced? Get ready to get all hot and bothered ladies, heeeeeeeeeeeee’re’s the Duke!”

This old song came on and then a voice, deep, gravelly and scratchy began, “I put a spell on you.”

Daniel prowled out on the stage. His body was slick with oil and the tattoos glistened and all he wore was these short, tight dick hugging shorts that held his package like a lover.

I couldn’t help but grab the table presenter and fan myself. When the singer said
because you’re mine
…Daniel got on all fours and crawled to the edge of the stage. With each hard beat, he thrust his pelvis to the floor and then pointed and crooked a finger at me. I shook my head no quickly and this roguish smile on tilted his lips.

When he got to the steps, he turned and arched his body, pushing out his hips until he was only feet away. He pumped up and down and then stood up. His brown eyes were dark with hot lust and need and he kept that focus right on me.

He walked the few steps until he was right in front of me, and reached out with his right hand. He traced the top swells of my breasts and traced the materials edge as he walked around me.

His finger was soft, sending shivers running through me, my nipples automatically tightened, my pussy creamed and when he lifted my braid? His hand quickly tightly around the braid. Not exactly pulling, but I could feel my hair being squeezed.

I knew when he saw it. I heard a small intake of breath and then a whispered, “Fuck me.”

He traced the words I had inked on my skin with a light, tickling stroke. Then with his hand around my braid he released it around so my shoulder blades were exposed, and the braid lay on my breast. The song must have been on repeat because he straddled me and pumped his dick in an erotic dance. All I wanted to do now was reach out and touch him. And then suck him deep into my mouth. My tongue struck out and licked my lips in anticipation. His hands caressed up my arms and down my curves until they reached my knees. He spread me open and leaned in.

“I’m going to ride your pussy so fucking hard when I get you alone, Moriah.”

Thursday night, I went to the best tattoo shop in Houston and got ‘His Duchess’ on my shoulder blades. It had been a spontaneous idea and although he wasn’t going to be The Duke for much longer, he was like one in so many ways. At least from the books I’ve read. He had this radiance about him that made him the focal point in any room. Big and brawny and he was smart, too. Very intelligent. I couldn’t wait to tell him his other present.

It would take him one more year for what he needed to do and I vowed when I got this tattoo, that I would support him one hundred percent. I did already, but now I had it permanently inked on my skin. A reminder that I was his forever.

“Your hot, little pussy is soaking wet right now, isn’t baby? What I wouldn’t give to eat that pussy up right here in front of all these people and show them who I belong to. You smell so fucking good, Moriah. I saw you licking your lips, baby. Want my dick in that hot, little mouth? Tonight’s going to be so wild, Moriah. You look like sin and sex and so fucking hot in that pink top that I might just come right here.”

His warm breath on my ear definitely sent sparks down to my core, warming me into a pool of hot arousal. My panties were getting damp as he rubbed himself all over me. Was he telling all the other women he was taken? I sure as hell hope so.

“Pretty girl with a pretty tattoo. It’s perfect. Just like you and I can’t wait to get you home where I’m going to show you how much this pleases me.”

“Does it?”


“Merry Christmas, Duke.”

And because I couldn’t resist, I placed a hundred in his shorts and he rolled his brown eyes at me while his mouth smiled in hot, deviant pleasure.

He finished his set and then the boss, Tomnas came out and did his own little performance, but I had already gotten up and walked to the back where I knew Danny was waiting. I had barely gotten to the door when a hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me forward and practically drag me to the room I remember from before.

He shut and locked the door, I was about to face him when I felt myself pressed intimately against the wall and he was pressed against my back.

“Fuck, babe. I love this tattoo. So delicate and feminine. You marked yourself for me. I’m going to fuck you hard right now. Then I’m going to eat your little pussy until I can’t feel my face anymore. Then I’m going to take you home and make love to you slow, sweet and so sinfully good you won’t know where you end and I begin.”


“Yeah, Moriah?”

“I’m already there.”


“I don’t know where I end and you begin. Now fuck me hard, Danny.”

When he ripped my crop top off and pulled down my skirt, he was already positioning himself at my wet, needy entrance. Grabbing my hips firmly in his hands, he fucked me like a man possessed right there against the wall. Keeping my hair off the tattoo, his hand gripped the nape of my neck so he could see the branding; knowing I was his permanently I felt my body flutter and I pushed back against him in my own selfish, greedy need.

“God, I love you and your insatiable body.”

“And I love you.”

He stilled and looked at me in surprise. “What did you just say?”

“I love you, Danny. I love you so much.”

“Oh, baby. I love you. I never knew I needed you until I saw you sleep in my arms for the first time. You were absolutely perfect then and you never cease to amaze me. And dammit, I am never giving you up.”

“Nope. Never.”

He slowed his strokes until I was panting and whimpering pleas for him to take me a little bit deeper, a little bit rougher.

“My sweet, naughty baby needs to come, doesn’t she?”


“My sweet, beautiful Duchess. There won’t be a single inch of you that I don’t own.”

“I like that.”

“I know you do. Wait. Like what?”

“Being your Duchess, of course. I’m glad those women saw who you belonged to.”

“Oh, is that right? Made you jealous huh?”

“No. Not really. I know who you belong to and
know who you belong to. But it was so fucking hot to see their faces as I walked back here and they saw the tattoo and the whispering began. They’ll wish they could have you but you’re all mine.”

“I love your little dominatrix side, Moriah. It’s hot as hell.”

“I know, so fuck me good and hard. I’m hungry.”

He gripped my hips and fucked me just the way I wanted. Hard, deep and greedy that it didn’t take me long before I was coming and screaming out his name.

He came shortly after. His lips laying a kiss on my tattoo.

“Now, I need to get one done.”

“Get one what?”

“’Her Duke’. But where should I put it? My dick? Just in case?”

I slapped his arms and rolled my eyes. “Wherever you want it of course.”

“I know the perfect place. Now, let’s get the hell out of here. I need you in my bed. Right where you belong.”

“I love you, Daniel.”

“I love you, Moriah. I’ll always love you.”








And he did. He got
Her Duke
in bold script right on his chest. Said he liked it when he’s hugging me from behind because they lined up perfectly.

It’s been two years. Two, wonderfully amazing years have passed since I met Daniel. I was graduating in a few weeks, and not only did I have an interview at a high-end, child therapy facility, Daniel was closing on a house on the outskirts of town.

A beautiful estate that looked like it was a half-ranch style home, half mansion. Two stories of wondrous floor plans and I was both excited and nervous for him and us. This was a big step for the both of us. I had lived with Ashley up until a year ago when Daniel asked me to move in. After the first Christmas together we started talking about moving in together, but I hadn't been ready to make that step yet. That meant what we had was permanent and I didn't want to make any mistakes. I wanted him to be sure. And Reighlyn; I loved her like she was my own now. Not that I hadn’t already loved him, but I knew moving in with him so early in our relationship would be rushing it. I wanted to be with him forever but I wanted to be sure I wasn’t going to ruin it. I had so many hang-ups before. I
to be sure. But then he had one more year left at XM, and we agreed we’d wait. By that next summer though, I finally moved in.

Ashley had met someone and their privacy was not as quiet as some would think. I’ve never met a gay couple before but they looked to be in love. I was happy for him because it seemed like he had been waiting so long for love but in all the wrong places. I was glad to see him find someone who adored him like he deserved. That meant moving in together and even though Ashley didn’t say anything, I knew he felt guilty that I had moved out. I assured him it was all good. We were still neighbors. We still had morning coffee when it was convenient for us. Which was several times a week.

Magen tried getting custody of Reighlyn about a year ago, and I stood behind Daniel and Diana as they made sure the people at the custody hearing knew how unfit Magen was at motherhood. Then at that last hearing, Magen began screaming at how she should have been the one with Daniel and with a family.

If I saw a future with him, why wait? I made him wait long enough. I wanted
to be sure. Look at where I came from? I mean, who would want to be with someone whose family was a bunch of no-good, low-life, dead beats? What if that shit ran through my veins and Daniel and I got together, married, had kids and our kids inherited that meanness? My father was violent growing up. Of course I was spanked as a child, but sometimes he had smacked my face, or pushed me so hard I fell and hurt myself. I didn’t want to bring that into an innocent’s life. But as I continued with my classes and pretty much gave myself therapy, I knew that I couldn’t choose my family, but it was by choice they were mean. They chose to be cold and hateful. I had a choice. And the only choice I saw was Daniel.

I couldn’t see myself anywhere else. Reighlyn became the daughter of my heart and Mrs. Greensboro was the mother I’d always wanted. Even when she finally found out what Daniel did for a living, well, she loved him and she knew he'd do anything to accomplish his goals. And he did. He opened a gym six months ago, which was already becoming successful. He knew everybody...well through contacts of X-Treme Measure, and by word of mouth, many people signed up for a membership at his gym, X-Treme Health and Fitness. He didn't work for X-Treme Measure anymore. I had told him, he could always dance if he wanted to and before he would proceed in explaining to me why that was an asinine idea, he showed me,
in much detail
, how he'll show me dance moves I would be too greedy to ever share with other women.

He didn't miss X-Treme Measure, but I knew a part of XM would be there inside of him. He was a man of many talents and I was so glad he was mine.

When we started packing for the move, we were in the bedroom, while Reighlyn was in her room with Diana, also packing.

"So, Moriah, this is a big step, especially since we'll be moving into an actual house with a yard and shit."

'and shit'
makes it seem like you're trying to tell me something else is on your mind."

"You're so beautiful and smart, baby. Yes, I have a reason why I told you that." He came around the bed and to the dresser where I had been packing our clothes. His body surrounded mine, pressing intimately at my back. His hands curved over my hips until one was around my stomach and the other one was across my chest. "Look up, honey."

I did and I looked back at him in the dresser mirror; this look of complete contentment was written on his face. I put that there. God, I loved this man more than my next breath.

"Yeah, Danny?"

He squeezed me tighter, his teeth latching onto my earlobe, tugging playfully. "I love how you say that. All sweet and innocent like, but I love it even more when you're hollering it out as you come for me."


"Mmmm...Close enough." he bent and swept me up into his arms before tossing me onto the bare mattress. He went to shut the door and lock it before walking back to me in the panther-like walk he had.

"Daniel. Our little girl and Diana are in the next room!"

His body came a few feet shy of the bed as he looked at me with intense need, desire and a little shock.

"What did you just say?"

"They are in the next room, we can't do anything naughty right now!"

"No, baby. The part where you said
'our little girl'
. You really think of her as yours?"

My heart was pounding. I had always said your daughter, or your girl. I never claimed her as my own because I never felt like I had that right. We spent a lot of time with each other but she wasn't
little girl.

Since I moved in though? Well, I started feeling that deep bond I had always wanted with my own mother but never had. Diana tried to be that, but maybe I was just too old to form that close bond. She was a wonderful woman.

Sometimes Reighlyn and I didn't see eye to eye. She was an independent little girl who knew not only how to work her father but had Diana wrapped around her pretty little finger. And I was too, but since I hadn't lived with Daniel and been with her and Diana all the time, I hadn't seen it. Not that she was spoiled. Never. Reighlyn was a beautiful, wonderful girl who had a strong will, a strong mind and a strong determination to be as great as she could be.

It took me a while to realize that I wanted her to be mine; in every sense of the word. I knew sometimes blood was thicker than water but hey, maple syrup was thicker than blood so I figured who cares about bloodlines? But that didn't mean Daniel knew how I really felt. I was still kind of scared where we were heading, but with each day that passes, I knew it was right to be with him. I knew it was meant to be.

"Is that a bad thing?"

Then his face softened and this relieved expression came over the dark lines of his face. He came up to me on the bed, pressing his body intimately on mine. "I love you, Moriah Petunia Augustus."

Ugh. Ever since he learned my middle name, he hadn't ever teased me, but I could tell when he wanted to be heard, he middle named me and Reighlyn. That was okay, his middle name was just as out of the box as mine.

"Don't you middle name me, Daniel Enoch Greensboro!"

"How about taking my last one?"

Everything inside of me stilled. My head pushed into the mattress, and feeling the erotic pressure of his body on mine was only a small distraction to the question he asked me.


"When are you going to let me make an honest woman out of you, baby?"

"Uh, what?"

"I love you."

"I love you, Daniel."

"Marry me, Moriah."


"Are you mine?"

I nodded my head yes because I knew I was his. Just like he was mine. I love him so very much. But marriage? Was I ready?

"Do you want to be with me?"

"Yes." No hesitation. I did want to be with him. Wasn't marriage moving a little too fast though?

"Then let me make you mine in the eyes of the law. I know what you're thinking. That we might be moving too fast. Remember last time you thought that?"

Yes. I remember. It was when we first made love and he proceeded to call me his girlfriend and a big blow up ensued. I hated that argument. It took my father hurting me for me to see what I wanted in life. And Daniel, too. And we both wanted each other. Even though he made a big issue out of the whole male stripper, not good enough spiel.

We had ignored each other until he came to my rescue and our relationship blossomed and I had seen a side of Daniel that was sweet and tender.


"No, baby. I know how big of a dick I was before when I told you what I did then. But I know with everything inside of me that you and I are meant to be. I want you by my side. Always. I love you, Moriah. It doesn't get any clearer than that. I know you feel it too, baby. But I don't want to pressure you, so if it's time you need, than take the time you need. I will be here when you're ready. I am never leaving your side.”

Did I need to take time? In a way, I knew this was coming. I had felt the floating excitement inside of him the past month. Like he was waiting for something—the right moment. I wanted to be with him—why do I need to wait any longer than I had to?


His head arched backward, surprise covering his face.

"Yes? Yes, what?" His breath caught and I couldn’t help the smile spreading across my face.

"I don't need time, Danny. I love you. I want to be with you and start our life together. So yes, I’ll take your last name. I'll marry you. I want to make you happy, Daniel."

"Moriah, I was
to make you happy."

"Daniel, your sappy is showing."

"Who gives a shit? You're mine and I’m yours and that's all that matters. We'll move into our home, start our life with our beautiful girl and fill it up with as many babies as you'll give me."

"Barefoot and pregnant? What about my career?"

"You can do whatever you want baby, as long as it makes you happy."

"I want both."

"Then both is what you'll have."

"Mmmm...I like the sound of that."

"Me too. You’re every extreme measure I’ll ever want."

"Oh, I like that play on your old job. Why don’t you tell me just how naughty we're about to get before we get interrupted?"

"Something you should've learned about me since the beginning baby, is I’m better at showing."

"Damn right you are, Duke. Now show your duchess just how extreme we can get."

"It’ll be my pleasure."


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