XXX - 136 Office Slave (4 page)

Read XXX - 136 Office Slave Online

Authors: J. W. McKenna

Tags: #cheggit_book_pack

"Yes. You called me Jack in front of Gloria. You failed to rub your pussy, even when I reminded you. And you didn't strip immediately upon entering my office."

"S-sorry, sir. It won't happen again."

"And then there's the matter of your sloppy shaving job. I guess I'll have to correct that mistake myself, won't I?” He paused. “Unless you want Gloria to do it."

She rocked back onto her heels. “Oh, no, sir! Please. I'd rather you did it."

"You know, of course, that what you'd ‘rather’ have happen is no longer important."

"Um, yes, sir."

Jack thought for a moment. “I'll give you a choice of punishments. You can either work in your office naked for the next two hours, or you can submit to a spanking with my belt."

El looked horrified. “No, Sir! Master! You can't! Please, I beg you,"

"Which is it to be, El?"

Her eyes roamed around, as if looking for an escape. For the first time, Jack believed she was finally realizing what she had gotten herself into. “I'll-I'll take the spanking, sir. Anything but w-work naked in front of anyone walking by! I'd just die!"

He nodded. “Place yourself over the desk.” He stood and removed his belt.

She obeyed warily, spreading herself flat and gripping the far end of the desk as if her life depended on it, her eyes never leaving the belt in his hand. When she was in position, her lovely rounded ass up and ready for him, she suddenly blurted, “Master? May I speak?"

He sighed as if greatly bothered by her interruption. “Yes, what is it?"

"W-won't people hear us? That could prove, um, hard to explain."

Jack pretended to think about it. “Yes, you're right. I'm not so concerned about the slapping of my belt on your ass, but your screams could cause problems. Go get me your top."

She sprang up, as if grateful for the reprieve. It was a short one, however. When she returned with the scrap of cloth, he indicated she should reposition herself. When she had done so, he made her open her mouth and pressed part of the wadded up shirt inside.

"Try not to make too much noise,” he said. She nodded, her eyes wide with shock. He wondered how she was going to explain this to her husband.

He stood back, then let her have a crack with the belt. She screamed into the gag, clearly startled by how hard he struck her. Jack admired the nice red welt it raised on her honey-toned ass. Already sweat was beading up on her forehead and her eyes pleaded with him to stop.

He struck her again, and again, moving the belt around each time to cover all the unmarked areas. He let out some of his anger at her betrayal. He stopped at five, deciding to go easy on her. Jack wasn't surprised to see the spanking had caused her slit to expand. Her juices glistened in the light. Despite her protestations, this seemed to turn her on.

"Okay,” he told her, putting the belt back into the loops on his pants, “that will do for now. If you are disobedient again, I'll have to give you ten strokes."

She shook her head wildly, as if she'd never consider such a thing. Jack leaned down and pulled the top from her mouth. The breath exploded from her. “Oh, master! May I speak?"

"Yes, slut."

"That really hurt! Please, I'll be good. I promise!"

"You'd better be."

She rubbed her ass gingerly and whimpered.

"Now that that's out of the way, I think it's time we took care of your other problems."

"Other problems?"

"Yes.Go bring me the bag you brought from home."

Her eyes flew open as she realized she'd left it on her desk. She grabbed her top and went to the door, stooping to pick up her skirt. Jack's voice stopped her in her tracks. “I didn't say to get dressed first."

She froze, the clothes bunched in her hands. “You-you want me to walk out there n-n-naked?” She couldn't believe it.


She turned and as if on stilts, walked stiff-legged to the door. Jack took the opportunity to open the desk drawer and turn on the main camera. The hallway outside her office was deserted.

El peered through. Jack could see her face appear on the left side of the screen. She checked the corridor through the glass door. When it seemed safe, she bolted through, snatched up the bag and ran back to the safety of Jack's office. He smiled and carefully shut the drawer.

"Here it is, master.” She put the bag on his desk and stood back, waiting. Her obedience seemed much improved.

"Go into my washroom and put on more makeup. I want you to look like a hooker. After you're done, bring me a hot, wet towel and a dry one,” he ordered, opening the bag and handing her the makeup kit. She wiggled her way to the bathroom. Jack grinned at the stripes on her ass. She disappeared inside. It was quiet for several minutes. Then he heard water running. A short time later, she returned. Her face had more rouge and her eyelids were blue. Red lipstick had been slathered on her mouth. He nodded his approval. “That's a good start. It would help if you got some false eyelashes."

He took the dry towel from her, folded it and lay it right at the edge of his desk. “Here. Back up against this, then lean back until your shoulders hit the blotter."

Warily, she obeyed. When she was in place, Jack could see she didn't know what to do with her legs. Letting them hang down assuaged her modesty, but the desk rubbed against her welts. Raising her legs and hooking her heels on the edge of the desk eased her pain, but exposed her private parts directly to his leering gaze.

He watched while she wrestled with the dilemma. Finally, she decided the pain won out over modesty, so she let her heels rest on the desk, splaying her legs wide. Jack nodded in agreement at her decision, then rolled his chair in close. He was sure she could feel his breath on her pussy. It remained wet and slightly open. Her breath was shallow.

"You didn't do too bad on the top, but you missed a lot down here,” he commented, as if he were talking to a barber about a haircut. She blushed red.

Jack placed the hot towel on her loins to soften up the hairs. He left it there for several minutes, whistling softly to himself. Once, he reached up and tweaked one of her nipples, causing her to start. He noticed both her nipples swelled.

He removed the towel, then squirted a good portion of shaving cream into his hand. He carefully spread it above and around her slit, noticing how his touch further excited her. Her clitoris swelled until he could see it poking out from under its hood. He wondered how it would look with a gold ring through the skin above it. He glanced up at her nipples, imagining them with similar gold rings. Nice.

He took the razor and began to shave her, starting at the bottom and working against the grain. He carefully folded her labia to the side to get into the creases. El said nothing, but she began to breathe more heavily. Jack knew she was really becoming aroused now. He could see it in the amount of fluid that was dripping from her slit and collecting on the towel below.

He shaved carefully. Once the phone rang, and he stopped, pulling away just in time to prevent nicking her. She acted as if she was going to get up, but he held her in place with one hand while he answered the phone.

Jack could see it was an internal call. “Yes? Oh, yes, Gloria. Yes, her job has been changed. I just decided I needed her in this position.” He winked at El, his head framed between her obscenely splayed legs. She looked away in embarrassment. “Oh, salary? Well, don't worry about that for now. Yes, I'll let you know. Yes, we're working on a memo now."

He hung up. “Looks like the natives are getting restless. They want an explanation. I wonder if the memo will satisfy them?"

El just shook her head.

Jack returned to his work. He was enjoying himself immensely. He shaved her until he was sure he had gotten every stray hair, then wiped her down with the damp towel. “There,” he said, sitting back and admiring his handiwork. “That's how I want to see you from now on."

"Um, master, may I speak?"

"Yes, slut."

"It's hard for me to reach everywhere. But if you enjoy it, I-I would be happy to make myself available to you every day."

That didn't surprise Jack. He could see she was turned on by the attention. But he didn't want to be working for her, even in this small way. “That could become tiresome, slut. Tell ya what. You got a beauty salon you go to?"

El paled and shook her head.

"Really?” Jack seemed nonplused. “I thought every girl had a salon."

"Well, Ja—I mean, Mr. Sawyer, I have a woman who cuts my hair, but she ... she would never ... I mean..."

"Hmm, that's too bad. So you need to find a full-service beauty parlor. I wonder if Gloria could help.” He picked up the phone.

El shot bolt upright. “No sir! That's not necessary. Um ... maybe I can have Bill do it."

Jack smiled. Somehow, that appealed to him, to have Bill be complicit in his wife's sexual degradation. “Sure, whatever. Just make sure your pussy is shaved clean every day. If I decide I want to do it again, I'll let you know."

He pushed her back down. She didn't resist. Jack ran his fingers around the now-smooth surface. More fluids dripped from her slit. She squirmed, though she tried to hide it. “I'm going to be checking it every day, so don't disappoint me.” He let his fingertips brush along the edge, gathering some of the clear fluid. He brought it to his mouth and sampled it. It had a sweet, pungent taste.

He could see her eyes on his face. Her lust was impossible to disguise now. Her hips twitched, her skin seemed to glow. He knew she wanted him and would do anything to have his cock thrusting into her in the next few minutes.

Perfect, he thought. He checked his watch. Ten o'clock. Just right. The phone rang again. An outside line, this time. El looked pained as he answered it.

"Jack Sawyer. Oh, yes, Bob. So glad you called!” The call had been prearranged for ten, but El didn't know that. Jack had been trying to land this client for a while now, but had been unable to pry him loose from Michigan Manufacturing. He had invited Bob Orley to stop by today, promising him a “deal he couldn't refuse.” Jack had told him to call him at ten, when he was on his way to the plant.

"I don't know why I'm coming by, Jack,” Bob said in his ear. “I told you I'm happy with Michigan."

"Yeah, but I'll bet they don't have the right package of incentives that I've developed,” Jack replied. He noticed that El seemed to become alarmed at the direction this conversation was going. She tried to get up, but he put a hand on her hip, keeping her in position.

They talked for a few more minutes, then Jack said, “Okay, I'll see you soon,” and hung up.

"Master, may I speak,” El immediately said.

Jack thought about that. “No, slut."

El's eyes widened. He could tell she didn't know what to do now. Always before, when she asked to speak, Jack allowed it. Now, when she had some serious questions about “Bob,” he shut her down. She tried to get up again, but he again stopped her with a hand.

"Don't get up,” he ordered, and the tone of his voice conveyed to her that she might be in store for another whipping if she disobeyed. She lay back, panting. Jack ran his finger up her slit to the clitoris, causing her to jump. He reached into the center drawer and brought out a condom, still in its wrapper, and tossed it onto her stomach. Her face told him everything.

"Wait here. Don't move.” He got up and went into El's office, closing the door behind him. He wondered if she would obey him or if he'd come back in a few minutes and find her hiding in the bathroom.

The glass door opened and Bob strolled in. Bob Orley was a big, handsome, good ol’ boy, one who liked the camaraderie of his business pals. Jack believed that's why he'd stuck so long with Michigan Manufacturing—the owner was an old high school friend of his.

But a lot had happened in the years since, and Jack had heard through the grapevine that Bob's loyalty was beginning to fray. Perhaps he'd not gotten the terms he'd asked for, or perhaps Michigan had begun to take his business for granted. Either way, Jack thought Bob might be open to another offer.

Jack also knew Bob had been married to the same woman for twenty-five years, a real cow. Bob's extra-marital escapades were legendary and who could blame him? But Jack doubted Bob had ever experienced the delights of a slim young woman like El. She was about to pay back some of her debt, big time. If Bob agreed to switch to Sawyer Metalworking, it would bring in tens of thousands of extra dollars per year.

Of course, he wouldn't tell El that. She'd have to repay her debt one fuck at a time. She could keep Bob happy anytime he wanted to stop by, at two-fifty a throw.

Bob shook his hand and they chatted for a while. When the moment was right, Jack laid out his proposal, offering a slightly lower price and quicker turnaround time.

"Above all, Bob, I want you to know that Sawyer Metalworking really wants your business. We'd work hard to please you every day. I can guarantee you'd never be sorry you switched."

Jack could see the reluctance on Bob's face. Before he could respond, Jack added: “Oh, and to help seal the deal, I've got a little gift for you in my office. That's yours, whether you go with us or not."

Bob looked questioningly at the door. “You want me to go in?"

Jack nodded. “I'll just wait out here for a bit."

He watched as Bob opened the door and looked in. His mouth dropped open. That told Jack that El was being the obedient sex slave she should be. Bob shot Jack a big grin, then disappeared inside, closing the door softly behind him.

He sat on the edge of El's new desk and listened to the dim noises through the door. At first all he could hear was the alto of El's voice as she climbed toward an orgasm. He imagined Bob had just plopped down between her legs and dove in, lapping her to a quick climax. Now he could hear Bob's bass vocals, intercut with El's cries as she neared her second orgasm. He knew they were fucking in earnest now.

Jack's cock hardened and he wanted to fuck her himself, just as soon as Bob was finished. There came a muffled cacophony of sounds: voices, flesh slapping flesh, cries, small objects falling to the floor. A crescendo of voices erupted, then silence.

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