Ynyr (Tornians Book 3) (7 page)


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Abby’s next coherent moment had her opening her eyes to find Ynyr, breathing heavily as he stood naked between her still spread legs, his body trembling with need, his cock poised at her entrance. Yet he didn't move.

“Ynyr? What’s wrong?”

“You are so small,” he said, pulling his gaze from her entrance to her face. “And I have never…”

“Never what?” Abby asked, frowning.

“Joined with a female before,” he told her quietly, his skin darkening at the admission.

“What? But I thought…”

“What? What did you think Abby?”

“The educators told us about the Serai.”

“Yes, I have used the Serai. It taught me how to pleasure you with my mouth and allowed me to release inside it. All males use them, but many also go to pleasure houses to be with real females.”

“But not you.”

“No.” Ynyr looked at her wondering how he could explain. Would she think less of him for not learning all he needed to before Joining with her?

To say Abby was surprised by Ynyr’s admission was an understatement. The educator that had been placed on them when they had been drugged taught them about Tornian society. At least what Bertos had
them to know, while he had left out a great deal, he hadn’t left out the Serai.

Serai were animate creatures made from the sands of Creata. They simulated Tornian females, so that Tornian males could have sexual release. Many males used them but there were also non Tornian females available in what Tornians called ‘pleasure houses’ although Abby was sure only males found ‘pleasure’ there. The Ganglians that had kidnapped Kim had planned to sell her to one and it had made them all wonder how many other females were there against their will.

Somehow Ynyr had realized that and had refused to go. Now she could see he was doubting that decision.

"Then we will learn about Joining together," she told him, hooking her legs around his waist.

"You have never..."

"I have," Abby admitted and felt her cheeks heat. "But it was years ago and it wasn't with
." She let her eyes roam over his naked beauty as they traveled down her breath caught. She had expected him to be 'big', after all he was easily six foot five, but she hadn't expected him to be
His shaft was long and as thick as her wrist. He was standing near her knees yet it was within inches of her entrance. Its mushroom shaped head, dark and swollen as it seemed to bob angrily that it was not closer. She found she had to swallow hard at the thought of something that big inside her. "Wasn't nearly you," she whispered.

"You are still willing to Join with me even though..."

Tightening her legs, she put his tip where it wanted to be, at her entrance. "Yes," she whispered.

Ynyr’s entire body shuddered at the first touch of her heated core to his shaft. Goddess he wanted to just thrust his entire length inside her, wanted to feel that hot tight channel grip his shaft as it had his fingers. He wanted to thrust into her again and again. Wanted to go deeper every time. He was trembling with the need to do just that, but he knew if he did it would hurt her, even though he had prepared her.

Carefully, he pressed forward, but instead of pressing into her, he slid along her slick lips, coating himself in her release, knowing it was necessary. Abby wasn’t a Serai that would automatically adjust to a male’s size, her body would need time. He just needed to find the control to be able to give it to her.

“Ynyr…” Abby whispered, her eyes widening as his shaft rubbed along her over-sensitive clit. God that felt so good it hurt. “I want you inside me. Please,” she begged wiggling, trying to bring him back to her core.

He looked down into those amazing blue eyes and found he could deny her nothing, not when it was something he wanted to.

Carefully, he flexed his hips, pressing his shaft against her tiny entrance, trying get her body to accept even the smallest bit of him. When it didn’t, he let out a frustrated growl and pulled back.

Abby knew Ynyr was worried about hurting her. If he weren’t he would have just pounced on her. He hadn’t. He was more concerned about her than about finding his own release. He was willing to deny himself. She wouldn’t let him. Tightening her legs, she caught him unprepared as she jerked him forward. His feet slipped out from under him and half his shaft plunged into her before he was able to catch himself.

“Abby!” Ynyr exclaimed bracing himself over her on his elbows and felt her entire body stiffened beneath him. Goddess what had he done!

Abby’s back arched off the bed, her breath lodging in her throat, cutting off any cry, she could have made as Ynyr speared her. She had known it was going to be uncomfortable, there was no way it wouldn’t be, not with how large Ynyr was but she hadn’t thought it would be like being split in two. She heard his desperate cry and struggled to respond.

“Just give me a minute,” she whispered, fighting back the tears that threatened. When he started to withdraw she cried out. “No!” And he immediately froze.

Silence reigned for several minutes as Abby’s body slowly began to soften, adjusting to the massive shaft filling her. The burning pain eased and was replaced by pleasure and the need for more.

Opening her eyes, she found Ynyr staring intently down at her with devastated eyes and knew he was blaming himself for what she had done.

“I’m alright,” she said, reaching up to touch his cheek, giving him a wobbly smile.

“I hurt you,” he whispered, his voice devastated.

“I’m alright,” she said again and to prove it, lifted her hips slightly taking in more of him.

“Stop!” Ynyr demanded hoarsely, gripping her hips to still her. “I will harm you more.”

“No you won’t,” she denied twisting under his hands.

“Abby…” Ynyr begged. “Please… do not move… it…” he gasped as her movement caused him sink even deeper into her. “Goddess!” He cried out closing his eyes as he fought for control. He needed to pull out and find a Healer for her, but Goddess being inside her was heaven.

“Please Ynyr,” Abby’s whispered plea followed by her hand on his cheek had his eyes flying open. “I vow to you that I am fine. Join with me Ynyr. Make me

Ynyr’s chest heaved at her words as he sucked in a shocked breath. His mind was in chaos. There was nothing he wanted more than to Join with her, to make her his but if he harmed her again… she was so tight, even tighter than he had thought she would be and feeling all her slick soft heat surrounding his shaft, Goddess it made him want to release inside her.

“Please Ynyr…”

Knowing he could deny her nothing Ynyr watched her for the slightest hint of discomfort as he slowly slid deeper into her and while she was still extremely tight he saw no pain in her eyes just a deepening desire. Withdrawing slightly, he found it easier. Moving forward again and she took another inch, and then another until, to his shock, she accepted all of him.

Abby couldn’t believe how good Ynyr felt inside her, she was full beyond anything she could ever have imagined and she loved it. She wanted to make sure he felt the same, but he held her hips still.

“Ynyr, let me move.”

“No,” he denied maintaining his slow measured thrusts. He could already feel his balls drawing up tight against him, could feel his seed wanting to burst forth and fill her but not yet. He was holding onto his control by a thread because he wasn’t ready to give up this amazing feeling yet.

Knowing he wasn’t going to change his mind, Abby reached up, running her hands over his sweat-soaked chest, caressing the muscles that bulged with the suppressed strength he so ruthlessly held in check.

Her caress was the thing that finally broke his control, to have her willingly touch him… it was too much. With a roar he lifted her hips, embedded himself as deeply as he could inside her and erupted.


Ynyr collapsed on the bed, barely remembering not to crush Abby at the last minute. Still deep inside her, he braced his weight on his elbows and let his head sink into the crook of her neck as he tried to regain control of his body.

Goddess he had not wanted that to end, but what an ending. He would never forget the gift his Abby had just given him. Feeling her soft hands caressing his back, he somehow found the strength to lift his head.

“Hi,” she whispered softly.

“Hi,” he replied gruffly.

“Told you it would be okay.” Abby couldn’t keep the teasing smile from her lips.

Ynyr found himself shaking his head at her as he smiled back. “And you were right. But never do that again,” he ordered his smile fading. “I could have hurt you Abby. I had not prepared you enough.”

“Since when are
orgasms not enough?” She demanded.

“You are small,” he countered.

“And always will be,” she argued back. “There is nothing we can do about that Ynyr. It will get easier, my body will adjust.” Knowing she needed to distract him or he would continue to argue she stretched up capturing his lips in a soft kiss.

Growling Ynyr returned the kiss before pulling away. “You will not distract me with your kisses, my Abby. I could have hurt you.”

“You never would Ynyr,” she said, letting him hear her absolute faith in him. “Even when your control broke, you didn’t hurt me.”

“But I could have.”

“But you didn’t.” Reaching up, she caressed his cheek before moving it down to cover his heart. “Believe in yourself Ynyr. I do.”

Ynyr couldn’t express what her words meant to him. No one had ever believed in him like that. Just because he was… Ynyr. Not even his manno. He could not repay that belief by not giving her his truth.

“I do not want this Joining to end,” he told her, forcing himself to maintain eye contact with her. “It is why I tried to hold back my release for so long. I am sorry.”

“What are you sorry about?” Abby frowned, not understanding.

“Females expect a male to release as quickly as possible so the Joining can end. He is not supposed to try and prolong his own pleasure.”

“Tornian females just want it over quickly?”

“Yes, it was unworthy of me to think only of my pleasure.” Finally breaking eye contact he slowly started to withdraw from her.

“Oh no you don’t, you stay right where you are.” Abby tightened her legs around his waist. “Nothing! And I mean nothing! That you did makes you unworthy and you insult
by saying it does!” Abby couldn’t believe how angry she was. “If your females are such bitches that they can’t enjoy the pleasure you find in their bodies, then so be it, but
lump me in with them. I am
like a Tornian female!”

“Abby…” Ynyr couldn’t believe the rage that filled his Abby’s eyes, it changed her from the soft, gentle female he had come to know, into a Tornian warrior defending his mate.

“Don’t you ‘Abby’ me,” she said, jabbing a finger into the chest, she had been caressing just moments earlier. “I enjoyed
you did to me. If you had done
I didn’t like I would have told you. And if you want the truth, I would have liked it if you had lasted longer so that I could have come with you!”

“What!” Ynyr had been already to argue with her until her last statement.
had not wanted it to end either? Had wanted to have another release while he was inside her?? Was that even possible???

“Look Ynyr …”

Reaching down Ynyr covered Abby’s mouth with his hand, silencing her. “Quiet,” he ordered softly. “I need a moment to understand what you have said.” He waited until she nodded before removing his hand.

“Tell me more about what you would like me to do to you.”

Abby eyes widened at his words. Could he really mean that? He wanted her to
him what she wanted? Her? Abby? The shy one? She couldn’t do that… could she??

“You want me to tell you how I like to be pleasured? Touched,” she asked carefully.


Swallowing hard, she thought about it for several minutes. Lance had always told her what she would like and for the most part he had been right, but not always. He had never asked her. Ynyr asked.

“I like my neck kissed,” she said, tipping her head slightly to the side, to give him access.

Slowly Ynyr lowered his head, carefully running his lips along her neck and felt her shiver. When he reached its base, he found her pulse beating erratically. Opening his mouth, he sucked on it.

“Oh, that’s good,” she told him. “It would feel even better if you did that to my breasts.”

“Your breasts…” Ynyr looked at her in shock. “You would allow me to touch them?”

“Of course, they are…”

“They are what Abby?” When she just looked at him uncertainly, his heart clenched. “Please tell me.”

“I… it’s just… am I yours Ynyr?” She asked carefully.

“Yes!” He immediately answered.

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