You are a Badass (22 page)

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Authors: Jen Sincero

Tags: #Self-Help, #Nonfiction

Once you’ve caught yourself in your big fat lie, focus on spending money lavishly on yourself or the people you love or a cause you’re passionate about or whatever and
it in your bones. Imagine receiving it and feel yourself filling up with gratitude for it coming to you. Be grateful to money for the awesome tool it is and for allowing you to feel so good. Replace your story that “I resent needing money” with “I’m grateful to money for helping me live such an awesome life.”

Start healing your relationship with money. Sit your broke ass down and write a letter to money and then break it down, sentence by sentence like I just did above (really DO this please), and create some new money affirmations. Repeat your new affirmations and feel them in your bones. Walk around thinking about how much you love, love, love money. (Did reading that just make you throw up in your mouth a little bit?)

You are going against some seriously deeply-ingrained beliefs here; money is incredibly loaded for most people, so if you want to get over your issues and start making money,
spend time on this
. You are rewriting a story that was written in blood, by you and generations before you, that you’ve been buying into in your whole life, so it’s going to take some effort to rewrite it and start living it.


We all need money. We need it to feed ourselves, buy clothes, get shelter, water, medicine, etc. Once it goes beyond basic survival, however, and we get into the arena of how much money we “need,” if we’ve got guilt and judgment and terror over what it means to have it and what people will think of us if we do, this is where all hell is gonna break loose.

Of course, none of us “need” more than the basics to survive, but if we’re talking about blossoming into the fullest expressions of our best selves in an abundant Universe, we do. Which is why, I’m assuming, you’re reading this book instead of one on how to distinguish edible berries from poisonous ones. You don’t want to merely survive, you want to
in every area of your life, including the area of financial support.

Being wealthy means having the resources to provide yourself with everything you need, and desire, to share your gifts with the world as your biggest, badassiset self. This means being wealthy psychologically, spiritually, and energetically as well as materially. Let’s say you’ve got your own clothing company. You need money to have a space to create your designs, you need to pay for materials, manufacturing, shipping, payroll, marketing, and all the other expenses of running your business.

That’s obvious. But you also need to feel healthy, happy, and good so you can do your best work and bring the most awesome products to your customers. Maybe you need to live and work in a place you love that inspires you or hire assistants so you’re not exhausted and spread thin or do things that fill you with happiness like travel and buy your friends dinner or join a gym or get a puppy or buy clown noses for everyone in your office. Maybe you want to give twenty percent of your income to help drill water wells in Africa as well as hire more staff so you can donate some time to doing charity work. It ALL counts. Feeling like you don’t deserve the things that make you the
happiest and best version of yourself, because it’s greedy or is asking too much, ultimately rips off the rest of the world because you aren’t being fully supported and, as a result, aren’t sharing your highest frequency with the world.

Be your best, do your best, demand the best, expect the best, receive the best, and put your best out into the world so everyone can receive your best, too.

Think of it this way: would you rather hang out in a world where everyone feels happy and well taken care of and aspires to be the best they can be or be, or would you rather be in a world where people live in fear and shame and scrimp and hold themselves back? What would each scenario do to

One of the best things you can do to improve the world is to improve yourself.

It’s a grassroots effort. So if you need money to improve your life, get over it already and go get yourself some. ’Cuz this isn’t just about you, m’kay?

In order to go get some money, get very clear on what kind of life will make you truly happy. And be honest. What kind of experiences and possessions will support you in the work you want to do and in the kind of life you’d love to live? If you’re truly happy living a simple life in a yurt surrounded by people you love, trading little trinkets you’ve carved out of cow bones for food and making just enough to get by, that’s one thing, but pretending you don’t want more than you already have because you can’t afford it or feel guilty and pretentious for wanting it— that’s another. That is called being a weenie. Determine what your, personal, truest version of success looks like (no comparing yourself to
others please), figure out how much it will cost, and then set out with steadfast determination to manifest the money you need to create it.


Money on its own means nothing. A one-hundred-dollar bill sitting on a table is a piece of paper. It’s the energy around it that makes it relevant. That one one-hundred-dollar could have been slipped into a birthday card from your granny or you could have stolen it from your best friend when she wasn’t looking or you could have earned it by doing something you loved or by doing something you hated. In each situation, the energy around the money is different.

Nothing has any value other than the value we put on it.

Similarly, the monetary value we put on things and services has energy. Someone could sell a T-shirt in a store for ten dollars. Another person could sell the exact same T-shirt in some fancy store for one thousand dollars. How much is a gold watch worth? How much is a broken watch worth that was owned by Michael Jackson?

It’s all make-believe. Or rather,
it’s all what we make ourselves believe
. If we believe we are worth ten dollars an hour, that’s the frequency we’ll put out and that’s the kind of client or job we’ll attract. If we believe we’re worth one thousand dollars an hour, that’s the frequency we’ll put out and that’s the kind of client or employment opportunities we’ll attract. They key word is believe—you can’t be shitting bricks and charging more than you believe you’re worth and expect to receive it, and you can’t charge less than you believe you’re worth and expect to flourish because you’ll be pissed off.

In order to create wealth, you must bring yourself into energetic alignment with the money you desire to manifest.

Three people can do the same thing for a living, let’s say they’re chiropractors for example. One makes fifty thousand a year, one makes one hundred thousand a year, one makes one million dollars a year. Is the guy who makes a million dollars
much better than the guy who makes fifty thousand? And how do you put a price tag on his betterness? Is the way he cracks someone’s back nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year times better than the guy who makes fifty thousand dollars? He may be more skilled or have more experience (but then again, he may not), but what it ultimately comes down to is his decision of his worth. He is operating at a one-million-dollar frequency so that’s what he’s charging. And getting.

Money is an exchange of energy between people.

When you charge your clients from a certain frequency or demand a certain salary, you attract clients and employers who are already at that frequency. You’re not putting a gun to their heads. You are not the only person offering these goods and services; they’re free to work with or hire someone who’s at a different frequency than you are, but they’re coming to you. And part of what you offer is the opportunity to meet at your frequency. By lowering your frequency out of fear leaves everyone vibrating at a lower frequency.

If it’s important to you to offer your services for free or rock-bottom prices for people in serious deep doo-doo, then you can have a charitable leg of your business or some sort of scholarship dealio or find a patron or
get grants or seek another means of income that sustains you while you work for free. But exhausting yourself because you need to work eight million hours in order to survive because you feel guilty charging what you’re worth is real low-level stuff. You ultimately wind up helping fewer people because you’re tired and crabby and less effective.

So, where are you at energetically with what you make? And where do you want to be?

You can figure this out by getting nice and clear on the kind of life you desire to live, figuring out what you need to be making to manifest this reality and set about matching your frequency to your desired income. If you’re nowhere near where you want to be, keep pushing yourself to raise your prices or seek higher paying jobs. Surround yourself with higher frequency experiences and people. Beef up your education and know-how. Make vision boards of what you want your life to look like. Again, raising your frequency is like developing a muscle—strengthening it is a process.


You must keep your frequency high and your belief in limitless possibility strong to manifest your dream house or your goal of going to the Olympics or to call in your soul mate. Otherwise you run the risk of sliding backward into having your father’s lame relationship with money or your mother’s terror of being visible or your divorced parents’ mistrust of intimacy. When it comes to being mighty about money, one of the best ways to do this is to read wealth consciousness books. All the time. Over and over. My two staples have always been
Think and Grow Rich
by Napoleon Hill and
The Science of Getting Rich
by Wallace Wattles (listed in the back of this book), but there are
plenty others out there. Find some that work for you and read them for at least thirty minutes every single day. Surround yourself with inspiring people who don’t think money is bad and those who either already have it or are intent on making it. Watch your thoughts and your words. Make a conscious effort to keep your positive financial mind-set strong and unwavering.


There are countless ways to make serious money, and depending on what business you’re in they will obviously vary, but there are some general rules that apply across the board. Start by thinking about the life you’d love to live and why, figure out exactly how much money you need to manifest to make it happen. If you don’t know how much it would cost to build your dream house, do the research. If you want to travel, figure out where and by when and do the math on exactly how much it all will cost. If you want a lifestyle where you eat out more and wear nicer clothes, crunch the numbers. How much money do you now need to make per year? Per month? Per hour? The Universe responds to details. The Universe responds to energy. The Universe responds to badasses.

There is a big difference between walking around saying you want to make a million dollars a year, and having crystal clear intentions, fierce desire, and hell-bent action toward specific goals.

Make a list, be super specific about exactly what it is, how much it will cost, why you want it, how it will make you feel, etc. You need to be in a full-on lather about it and want it so badly that it is not negotiable: It will and it must happen regardless of how long it takes. Decide what it is you want and write down the exact cost.


Ever notice how when your rent is due in a week and you have no idea how you’re going to pay it, or if you really need a specific amount of money for a specific urgent purpose like getting a throbber of a rotten tooth pulled, that you always manage to somehow figure out how to get the money just in time? Usually a check that you had forgotten about arrives in the mail or an unexpected freelance job comes in or you suddenly develop the nerve to ask somebody for a loan or you sell grandma’s jewelry or you compete with the five-year-old selling lemonade down the street and make a killing. You shift from wasting your time whining and worrying because you’re suddenly too busy making it happen. This is the power of:

• Clarity
• Urgency
• Not screwing around

The money is there if you really, truly desire it
. It’s just a matter of being so serious about it that you don’t stray from the path of manifesting it no matter what gets thrown in it.

The trick is to treat your dreams with this same urgency and determination. It’s one thing to kick ass when your back is against the wall and you’ve got to come up with your kid’s tuition, and quite another
to create self-imposed urgency so you stay the course until you’ve created your dream life instead of settling back into the Big Snooze. You need a sense of urgency to keep from dropping the ball when it gets difficult and sliding down into thinking, “Ah, screw it, I’m fine living next door to a kennel full of barking dogs. It’s nothing getting some earplugs and boarding up my windows can’t fix.” Instead of being in reaction mode, it’s about being in action mode. It’s about no longer acting like a victim (letting your circumstances control your life) and instead acting like a superhero (creating a life that has you waking up in giddy disbelief that you get to be you).

A great way to psyche yourself into up-leveling is by raising your bottom line. So often we take the massive leaps of faith only when we have to, when we need to put out some sort of fire aka pay off some huge bill. Because this is about changing
, not just about changing your income, why not decide to be the kind of person who always has a certain amount of money in the bank? Be someone who’s not in struggle and panic and constantly behind the eight ball. Come up with a figure and decide your account will never go below it. Make it non-negotiable. For example, if you decide that you will always have two thousand dollars in your checking account and refuse to see your balance go under it, it will light the fire under your ass to generate income the second you get close to dipping below it. Or decide that you will always donate ten percent of what you make to charity, no matter what. Make a new bottom line; get yourself out of struggle by changing your mind-set and being conscious of how you deal with, generate, and receive your money.

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