Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology (34 page)

Read Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology Online

Authors: Nicolas David Ngan

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Numerology

peace, spiritual exploration of many different spiritual belief systems

Keywords for the 2
Learning emotional resiliency, how to support

others and moving from Foolishness to Wisdom

Mark’s father had rigid religious beliefs which he imposed on the

family as to the way life was. Because he was sensitive (2) to ener-

gies, Mark got heavily imprinted by these beliefs as a child and

took them to be gospel. as he grew older and started to see the

truth of life more objectively (2), he began to question all of them.

The 20 is about great movement, so Mark explored all sorts of

spiritual ideas, movements, workshops, books and disciplines to

discover his true self, his authentic core beliefs.

There was a lot of War and Peace (20) within Mark from all the

conflict in the family. He was at emotional war with his father for

his entire childhood. Whenever he tried to make peace with the

old man as an adult, it was like pouring petrol on a fire. In the end,

he reluctantly made the decision to walk away from him in order

to find peace.

The 2 gave him the emotional resiliency to cope with the

extreme range of spiritual exploration he was engaged with. The



Wisdom and Foolishness energy of it meant he tried some things

based upon emotional impulse and found that they always led

him into foolish decisions. as he understood this dynamic, he

learnt to wait and observe what was going on as he explored poten-

tial new areas of spiritual development. When he observed the

same truth about something for more than several days, he knew

that pursuing this direction would be a wise decision. This explo-

ration of spirituality on the Earth plane was part of his training

and preparation to bring him fully online as a service soul – as a

teacher who was bringing spiritual concepts into the mainstream

school system.

Mark needed direct, feeling, emotional experience to do this.

it could not just be a head thing, he had to absorb these new learn-

ings at a bodily DNa level (spiritual Talent 8-8s) in order to really

get them, so he became the embodiment of the work. it was not

only a set of ideas he had learnt and remembered. People would

come to him to learn based upon who he had become; there was a

transmission they were unconsciously seeking from him, and this

was more important than what he actually knew or said.

Soul Destiny: 16-7

Keywords for the 16
Bringing spiritual energies down to the Earth

plane and making them accessible to people in a real human way

Keywords for the 7
Opening the heart to show his true self, the

link which united like-minded people together to create a greater

whole, catalysing them into action

For Mark, this was all about making advanced spiritual concepts

that were at the heart of his being, accessible in a real plain English,

down-to-earth way. This was perfect in the conventional school

environment he found himself in. it enabled him to relate to all

involved with the school in a way that created an easier buy-in to

his alternative education pilot scheme. He drew all these people

together by taking a big risk and opening his heart and expressing



his true feelings, thoughts and passion for enhancing the chil-

dren’s education with a more spirituality-based approach. This

resulted in him building a large support network for his project

of like-minded people, including parents, existing teachers who

were converting to the more alternative way of teaching and new

alternative teachers who wanted to contribute to bringing this phi-

losophy into the mainstream education system. Those who could

not handle the upward shift in consciousness eventually left. He

discovered that he was to hook up with a team of familiar souls for

this great project. When he met them, he wondered where they

had been as there was instant recognition. He felt that he had

known them forever, which was actually the case at a soul level.

Mark realized he no longer had to undertake this mission alone

which was a huge relief. His team was here to catalyse a revolution

in human consciousness through education.



Case study 7: Naomi Jemma Kelliher




6. Spiritual Goals

10-5-20 / 35 / 8-8

5. Physical Goals

1. Physical Karma

10-19-5 / 34 / 7-7

14-5-12 / 31 / 4-4

Soul Destiny


4. Spiritual Talents

2. Spiritual Karma

13-1-5 / 19-1

1-13-12 / 26 / 8-8

3. Physical Talents

Physical Karma


6-13-10 / 29 / 11-2

Physical Talents


Physical Goals


Spiritual Karma


Spiritual Talents


Spiritual Goals



57 30

Soul Destiny


Dominant Vibration


Figure 22: Chart for Naomi Jemma Kelliher

Physical Karma: 4-4

Keywords for the 4

This is Jeri Michelle Taylor and stephanie Margaret Megan Taylor’s

mother. Naomi’s biggest lesson in life was exploring the Double

letter polarity of Barren to Fruitful. The lessons of the karmic

4-4s for Naomi are all about learning to have total trust in the flow



of abundance coming from god. When she was a child, she felt

quite insecure about most things in life as she was born just after

the end of World War ii when there were shortages of everything

and rationing of food. it created a big imprint with her that there

would not be anything there for her and that she needed to hang

on to whatever she perceived she had. This led her to becom-

ing somewhat self-centred and absorbed. The 4-4s are all about

duplication, so Naomi started to reproduce her selfishness, which

often resulted in her pushing people away. Because of the recon-

struction of the world economy after the war there was not a lot of

money around initially. This affected her family considerably, so

she received another imprint of lack from her environment. it led

her to feel she was not worthy of receiving abundance. The soul

was establishing a core program within the deep subconscious

of her ego of being disconnected from god’s love and abundance

and making her believe that she must have done something bad

to deserve being in this situation. This resulted in creating poor


she was brought up in an era when career options for women

were a lot more limited than they are now. The women’s move-

ment had only just started when Naomi was in her 20s and had

to decide upon a career. Her soul directed her into nursing. it was

either that or becoming a teacher. after High school, she began

her nursing training. The energies of the 4 meant that she had a

strong desire to become someone who was special. she therefore

had a lot of drive to be successful in her chosen career. Naomi did

well at nursing school, passing most of her exams with distinction

as she was smart and talented due to the Physical Talent 11-2s.

Naomi married John William Taylor when she was 25 years

old, which was quite normal for her generation. any older than

that and she would have been considered a wall flower, almost too

old to get married as she would have been perceived as being left

on the shelf. at this stage in her life, Naomi was getting herself

established in her nursing career. in today’s terms she would have

been regarded as a high flyer as she was so driven.

However, a deeper, more important aspect of the karmic 4-4s



activated on Naomi and John’s honeymoon. stephanie Margaret

Megan Taylor was accidentally conceived. Naomi’s life was about

to be changed radically, almost overnight. The shock of the dis-

covery that she was pregnant, especially for the hypersensitive 2

of her physical talent 11-2s, threw her off balance, for this threw a

serious spanner in the works for her plans of a great nursing career.

When stephanie was born nine months later, Naomi felt her life

had been completely taken away from her. Her career dreams were

shattered, and she felt completely lost and at sea. The demands

of a newborn were almost overwhelming for her, what with the

lack of sleep and breastfeeding every two hours in the first few

weeks. The self-centred side of the 4-4s was really pushed upon,

and Naomi felt that there was no time or space for her at all and

that she would never get her old life back. she was learning about

trusting in the flow of nature, and children are the greatest expres-

sion of that energy.

Naomi’s initial resentment at having stephanie take over

her life gradually turned into an increasing appreciation of

the gift of love her daughter had brought her by turning up so

early. as she started to learn to share herself unconditionally

with her daughter, through sharing her time, energy and love,

Naomi found a deep sense of satisfaction rising within her. it

started to feel good to do this. When stephanie looked at her

mother, Naomi could see god staring back at her in the great

depth of her eyes. it was this enormous clarity that children

have because they are still connected to the higher dimensions

from where they came from. The love that Naomi was learning

to share with her daughter started to be actively reciprocated by

stephanie. This healed a deep wound within Naomi, who had

always felt that there was never enough love coming to her from

her parents, especially her mother.

When Stephanie hit specific ages equivalent to key events in

Naomi’s childhood, the unresolved issues and associated emo-

tional pain in Naomi’s life that occurred at these ages came into

consciousness for her. Her daughter was giving her the gift of the

opportunity to heal these issues, rather than have them continue



to limit her in her expression in this lifetime. in the end, the

raising of stephanie and her sister Jeri Michelle Taylor, who

arrived soon afterwards, was the greatest learning and gift that

Naomi ever could have received in life. Her children moved her

to a place of totally sharing her self unconditionally and trusting

in the natural flow of God/the Universe to provide everything

she would ever need. she learnt that when she had total faith in

doing what felt right, despite the fact that there was no evidence

to show her that it might work out all right, the Universe was

always there to support her when she took such risks.

The other area that challenged Naomi with the 4-4s was in

learning during school and her nursing training. she had a great

lack of self-confidence and experienced difficulty assimilating

things. as she developed her self-esteem through becoming a

great mother to her children, it became easier to receive the flow

of the Universe in the form of knowledge, ideas and abundance in

general, especially money.

Physical Talents: 11-2

Keywords for the 11
Assimilation, structure

Keywords for the 2
Resiliency, wisdom

Naomi was very much into building her own structure of truth. at

nursing school she did not take on everything they taught her as

the final word on how to help people get better. She spent some

time sitting with all the concepts, knowledge and ideas that were

fed to her. This was so she could determine what was true for her.

she would then discard what was not and proceeded to build her

own structure of truth.

Once Naomi’s daughters were sufficiently well established at

school at the age of 7, Naomi went back to work as the 11-2s meant

she was an intelligent woman and needed to hone this capability

in a work situation to reach her full potential. Her husband, John

William Taylor, saw that it was essential for his partner to get back



into society after so many years in the insular cave of child rearing.

He encouraged her to get back into the work force. she ended up

applying for a part-time job in a local medical clinic as a nurse. Not

having worked in her chosen profession for so long, Naomi felt

somewhat lost in going back, due to the 11, as she felt she had lost

some of the structure on how to actually work as a nurse: things

had moved on in the profession in the seven years since she had

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