YURI (Her Russian Protector #3) (33 page)

Read YURI (Her Russian Protector #3) Online

Authors: Roxie Rivera

Tags: #alpha male, #bad boy, #damaged hero, #sexy billionaire, #possessive hero, #tattooed bad boy, #new adult

His eyes shimmered with unshed tears as he made his confession. "We were boys, so young, and I was jealous of Nikolai, of the treatment he received at the orphanage. I didn't understand then…" His voice trailed off and he shook his head again. "I followed him one night and…and he was being hurt. I reacted like any twelve-year-old boy would at discovering that terrible, terrible thing. I picked up a pipe and hit Pasha across the back of his head. I didn't know my own strength. He hit the floor and—and there was so much blood. So much blood." He gulped as if he might be sick. "Nikolai and I ran back to the orphanage, grabbed Ivan and Dimitri, and we left that night."

My eyes grew hot as I processed his confession. The few details he'd given were enough for me to piece together what young Nikolai had endured. I could only imagine how horrifying it would have been for a twelve-year-old boy to stumble upon his friend being hurt like that.

"So you see—I'm a murderer."

"You are
a murderer. You were a child trying to save your friend." I grasped his face in my hands and held his gaze. The pain reflected in his eyes left me breathless with sympathy. "What happened was an accident. It was manslaughter at the very worst. No jury in their right mind would have convicted a little boy for saving his friend from a…
like that."

"Maybe," he said, blinking rapidly. He cleared his throat and tried to get a grip on his painful emotions. "But someone knows and someone wants to make me pay for what I did."

"By trying to kill me?" The pieces began to fit together.

"I'm starting to think this whole thing—from your cousin to your father to the pipeline—it's all a setup."

"Last night, I wondered the same thing. It's too convenient, you know? Too neat." I hesitated. "But this thing with my dad and my cousin started before we were officially together. How would someone know you were attracted to me? How could they know that hurting me would hurt you?"

"Lena, I was more than simply attracted to you. People close to me would have been able to see the difference in the way I reacted to you and the way I reacted to every other woman."

"So it is someone close to you," I whispered, suddenly uneasy.


"What are we going to do?"

"We stick together until we get your father home safely to Houston. After that, I'm honestly not sure where to begin. Nikolai is digging into Pasha's history. We think it might be a friend or relative of his that's playing this ugly game." Reluctantly, he added, "I think it's best that we stay away from our friends to avoid collateral damage."

"Yes. Absolutely." I thought of Vivian. "If someone is trying to hurt me because they want to cause you pain, what about Vivian? Nikolai may not be willing to come right out and say that he feels strongly for her but it's evident to anyone who sees them that he cares deeply about Vivian."

"She's still with Ivan and Erin and has Kostya shadowing her constantly. I assume that cousin of hers, the detective, is watching her like a hawk. She's probably safe, but at the first hint that she isn't, Nikolai will hide her away where none of us can find her."

"Should we think about doing that? Going into hiding, I mean?"

"I considered it last night but I feel safer in public. For now," he amended. "This is a highly dynamic situation and we'll have to adjust on the fly." Pulling me into his embrace, he kissed the top of my head. "Right now, let's focus on getting your father safely home."

Suddenly, saving my father from a cartel seemed like the very least of our worries…


Chapter Nineteen


"Relax," Yuri urged and put a comforting hand on Lena's back. She fidgeted non-stop next to him as the private jet made its final approach and descent toward the private airstrip.

They were arriving in Mexico after dark. He didn't like coming into what he considered enemy territory in the dark but the thought of leaving Lena's father in the cartel's hands another night wasn't one he could stomach. Too much could go wrong. He wanted the exchange done quickly.

"Sorry." She chewed her lower lip as the jet touched down and slowed to a stop.

"Don't," he whispered and brushed his fingers across her pout. "This will go smoothly. Everyone gets what they want tonight."

She gripped his hand but didn't say anything. He read her easily. She didn't believe him but she didn't want to call him out on it while surrounded by their bodyguards. He didn't blame Lena for feeling uncertain or doubtful. After everything they'd been through in the last week, it was expected.

Leaning closer, he pressed a comforting kiss to her cheek. A look passed between them that said it all. Despite her fear, she trusted him to handle this. "Wait here, Kitten."

Unlatching his seatbelt, he rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the jet where Derek and Jake were discussing the security situation while Kelly chatted with an impromptu recon team. The Marine had a couple of friends who happened to be in the area on a vacation. They'd been only too happy to come in to scout the area for them. Yuri imagined the men found it a bit fun to use their dormant soldiering skills again.

Kelly finished his phone conversation and quickly filled them in on the situation on the ground. From the sounds of it, the men had staked out the airstrip for hours. Kelly's phone dinged again and again as texted recon photos were sent to him. They crowded around the small screen to study them.

"You should put these two in touch with Dimitri," Yuri suggested. "I realize they're doing you a friendly favor but that is damn impressive groundwork."

"That's a Marine for you, Boss." Kelly pocketed his phone and reached for the thin jacket he would be wearing to hide his shoulder holster. Glancing back at Lena, he asked, "Is she still coming off the plane?"

Yuri nodded. "I don't think I could keep her on here if I tried."

"No," Kelly agreed, "but Vasya sure as hell could." Lowering his voice, the gruff Marine said, "Let me handle it. She'll be pissed at me, not you."

Realizing it was the easy way out but also recognizing it was the best way to keep her safe, Yuri acquiesced. "Thank you."

While he stepped closer to Derek and Jake and listened to their game plan, Yuri allowed his gaze to jump to Kelly and Lena. Her frosty body language prompted a surge of sympathy for poor Kelly. When she crossed her arms and snapped her gaze to the window, Yuri made a decision to stay right where he was. The last thing he needed was a verbal wallop from that beautiful mouth.

Jake came back from the cockpit. He gestured to the door and sent one of the attendants to unlock and secure it. "The crew will keep the plane ready to go."

Kelly's phone rang. He fished it out of his pocket and pressed it to his ear. "Yeah? Okay." With a nod, he lowered his phone. "They're coming. Two SUVs. My guys haven't seen anything else. So far, so good."

Yuri's chest tightened as they prepared to meet the cartel for the handoff. Turning back to Lena and Vasya, he walked down the aisle to the giant guard. With a flick of his fingers, he indicated the taller man should dip down. In their shared language, he whispered, "If anything happens out there, you tell the pilot to take off and get Lena to safety. I've already spoken to him. He has my orders. You get her to Nikolai. Understood?"

Vasya's silent nod assured Yuri Lena would be safe. Holding her gaze, he winked. A smile cracked her tense expression. She mouthed three words.
I love you

Feeling the weight of the upcoming transaction on his shoulders, Yuri followed Jake and Derek out of the jet. Kelly shadowed him down the stairs to the tarmac. The darkness left him uneasy but the knowledge they were being surveilled by men Kelly trusted bolstered his confidence in the mission.

The two parked SUVs were still running. Their headlights illuminated a small space on the tarmac. Yuri remained just outside of the bright circle of light, refusing to make himself a clear target. Doors started to open. His anxiety skyrocketed as silhouetted men poured out of the vehicles. Scanning the men, he didn't see one visible weapon. Maybe Lorenzo Guzman was a man of his word.

The drug lord in question strode forward into the circle of light. "Yuri."

Outmaneuvered, Yuri reluctantly crossed into the light. "Lorenzo."

"You have the painting?"

"I want to see Joe Cruz first."

Lorenzo made a gesture and a door on the closest SUV was opened by one of the cartel minions. A hooded and cuffed man was produced from a rear seat. Joe Cruz shuffled forward under the guidance of the cartel muscle. He was left at Lorenzo Guzman's right side. The cartel leader plucked the hood from Joe's head.

The shock of light left Joe Cruz blinking and ducking his head. Yuri looked him over to make sure this was the man in question. He looked exactly like the driver's license photo in the dossier. From the looks of him, he'd been beaten badly when first kidnapped but he looked well into the healing process now.

"I kept my word. No one has touched him since we made our deal." Lorenzo Guzman pointed to the fading bruises on Joe's face. "He's been fed, showered and provided with clothing."

"On my tab, I'm sure," Yuri replied dryly.

Lorenzo laughed sharply. "Of course."

"My accountant has deposited the balance of the funds we agreed upon in the escrow account. Once we land safely in Houston, I'll give word to release them to you."

Lorenzo waved his hand. "I wouldn't be here if my accountant hadn't already assured me that the money was there." He shoved Joe forward. "Take him."

Yuri reached out to steady Lena's father. He held the other man's gaze for a moment before gently pushing him out of the way. Looking to Kelly, he gave a curt nod. "Get the painting."

"I suppose you won't tell me who had it."

Yuri shook his head. "No."

"It matters very little to me now. I caught the man who stole it from me." Lorenzo's eyes narrowed. "He was working with someone from your side of the fence. You wouldn't know anything about that."


Lorenzo studied him. His gaze jumped behind Yuri to the painting being carried down the stairs by two flight attendants. "Well—I suppose this concludes our business."

Yuri stared at the hand Lorenzo extended. A silver handcuff key rested on the man's palm. Though it made his stomach pitch, he grasped the kidnapping drug lord's hand. "This ends here. Tonight."

"Don't worry, Yuri. You're too high-profile for my tastes. I prefer to keep things quiet."

With the handoff complete, Yuri turned away from Lorenzo Guzman. He placed his hand between Joe's shoulders. "Let's go."

Jake, Derek and Kelly surrounded them as they crossed the tarmac. He sent Joe up the stairs and into the jet first. When they stepped into the jet, Lena jumped to her feet. The relieved and excited expression that lit up her beautiful face made all of this hassle worth it. Knowing that he'd been able to give this to her filled him with the strongest sense of happiness and pride.

Standing back, he watched the tearful reunion as the doors were secured and Kelly gave his friends one final phone call. Lena led her father to the private seating area in the rear of the jet. Yuri turned to Jake. "Let's get the hell out of here."




"Sit, Dad."

He dragged me close and looped his cuffed arms around my neck. "I'm so glad to see you,

Swallowing the sob clogging my throat, I whispered, "I'm so glad you're safe."

Shaking with relief and adrenaline, I helped my dad into one of the cushy seats. Yuri tapped my shoulder and presented me with the handcuff key. I wanted to throw my arms around him and kiss him until he was breathless and panting but my father's presence put the kibosh on that urge.

After unlocking the cuffs, I unwound them from his wrists. The sight of raw, reddened patches upset me. Yuri obviously sensed my anger. "There's a first aid kit at the front of the jet. We'll patch him up here but I'll have the doctor come by the house tonight."

My father's grateful gaze settled on Yuri. "Thank you. For everything."

"It was my pleasure to help Lena." He reached down and grasped my hand. "We're about to takeoff."

I took a seat across from my father and buckled my safety belt. Yuri sat next to me. On instinct, he reached for my hand but pulled it back at the last second, almost as if he felt uncomfortable. I gripped his hand and dragged it onto my thigh. His sweet smile made my tummy flutter and we interlaced our fingers.

Soon we were in the air and racing back to Houston. There were so many questions I wanted to ask my father but I suspected a barrage of them was the last thing he needed right now. When it was safe to remove our belts, I stood up and excused myself. "I'm going to grab the first aid kit. I'll be right back."

"Ask one of the attendants or Jake. He always knows where these things are." Yuri made his way to the private bar. "Would you mind closing the door?"

I shook my head and glanced at my father. It was clear the two men had things they wanted to discuss. "I'll take my time."

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