Zurlo, Michele - Two Masters for Samantha [Awakenings 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (28 page)

Lex nodded. “You have two ways to tell us when you’ve had enough, Samantha. You can say stop or red, or you can drop a ball. We’re not going to gag you, honey. The walls are soundproof.”

“Scream as loud as you want,” Stefano added, the trace of amusement in his voice. His breath was warm on her neck. He pressed his body against her back. He had removed his shirt, and the warmth of his skin penetrated the silky corset. His hands wandered over her breasts, squeezing and kneading, drawing her attention to the pinch of the clamps on her nipples. “I want to hear your reactions, Sammy. Don’t hold back anything.”

Holding back didn’t seem like an option. Reality had narrowed to include only them and what they were doing to her. “I won’t.”

The laces on her corset loosened. Alexei pulled it away from her body and tossed it to the floor. Something came down in front of her face. The blindfold barely registered before everything went black. Stefano’s long fingers brushed her cheek, urging her face to turn in his direction. Samantha did her best. The collar, though it wasn’t hooked to anything, limited her movement.

His lips claimed hers, ravaging with an intensity that belied the lightness of his tone. When he released her, his chest heaved as hard as hers and his voice was husky with desire. “Where are we, Sammy?”


So preoccupied with Stefano, she hadn’t realized how close Alexei was until he moved away, taking his body heat with him. She shivered at the loss.

They started much the same way they had in the hotel room, except they both used whips with lots of short falls. It heated her skin pleasantly. Tingles shot from everywhere they touched. Lex tended to the front of her, concentrating his blows on her breasts and her thighs. Stef crossed paths down her back and over her bottom.

Sam wanted to move closer to each of them, but the ties prohibited the movement of everything except her hips, and even those didn’t have much leeway.

Stefano had told her to scream, but what they were doing to her elicited moan after moan. Alexei altered his target. The falls of the whip landed between her legs, smacking loud against her wetness. Samantha jumped, her body moving away from the unexpected stimulation just as Stefano did the same thing from the back. They tag-teamed her, whipping her pussy from both directions.

She squirmed, twisting to get away from the whips and twisting to move closer. The stinging brought heat and a flood of cream to her pussy. Her breaths came faster and shorter. Heat suffused her core. She was so close to coming.

“I want you to climax like this, Samantha. Come for us.”

With a loud cry, she did. It wasn’t the same as when they were both inside her. It didn’t come close to the way they made her feel then. This was more of a starter orgasm.

The whips fell away. Samantha didn’t protest because she knew they had more in store for her. The aftereffects faded, the pulses diminishing quickly.

Something flicked at the nipple clamp on her right breast, setting a fire there. Sam yelped at the pain, squeezing the balls in her hand so she wouldn’t accidentally drop them. She was rewarded with the same fire on her left breast.

The sharp licks spread as they worked her over. Pinpoints of pain spread, sending a new level of heat and desire surging through her body. With the exception of when someone—probably Alexei—whipped her nipples, she absorbed the stinging blows silently. Instinct forced her body to move away from one lash and into the sting of the other. It was a brilliant tactic on their part.

As the pace of the whips increased, the fire spread. Sam wasn’t allowed the time to get used to the feel of any of the blows. It was the aftereffects of the blows she liked, not the actual blows themselves. They denied her the opportunity to revel in that luxurious feeling, pushing her to deal with this treatment faster than she could.

Frustration welled inside. Samantha cried out as the pain overwhelmed her, but she didn’t drop the balls and she didn’t call a halt to their actions. There was something more here. She could feel herself heading toward it. Then, without warning, she was there. Bliss settled over her. The feel of the whips stinging her skin dulled as she felt herself floating away in the darkness. Each blow kept her there.

The next thing she knew, she was lying on the bed. Hands stroked up her arms and across her thighs.

“Come on, Sammy. Come back to us. We’re not finished with you.”

She opened her eyes to find Stefano and Alexei lying on either side of her. Their naked bodies pressed against each of her sides, spreading a delicious warmth that tingled through her system. Each man caressed her body and stroked her face. Samantha blinked. Why did she have no memory of being untied or of being moved across the room?

“What happened?”

Lex’s lips curled in a cocky smile. “You really are a masochist, Samantha. I don’t know how you held out for so long, but I’m glad we’re the first ones to master you.”

“Master me.” She mumbled, repeating him. She wanted to frown at his casual use of that word, but she couldn’t seem to find an objection to it. She sat up slowly, her muscles aching pleasantly. “What did you do?”

Stefano traced his hand lightly across her thigh.
shot from every point of contact. Samantha glanced down to see if he was using something more than his fingertips. He was not.

Her body was a pink mass. Darker swatches crossed her chest, her stomach, and her thighs. She couldn’t imagine that her back looked any better. The blazing heat underneath her was being generated by her skin. The color must have drained from her face.

“Lie down.” Alexei put a hand to her forehead and forced her to comply. “It’s not as bad as it looks. Though, for the record, I think it looks amazing. You are so beautiful, Samantha. You look exceptional in pink.”

Samantha stared at the ceiling. Was this what she consented to let them do? Was this what her brother did to Sabrina? She’d seen her sister-in-law in a bathing suit, and the woman didn’t have a single scar on her. Panic twisted her gut. She closed her eyes. Maybe this was what Helene let men do to her. Maybe this was what Sam was afraid would happen if she gave in to this dark need.

A thumb swiped at the corner of her eye, wiping away a stray tear.

“Sammy? Honey, you’re okay. It’ll all be gone in a few hours, though you’ll most likely be sore tomorrow. We did a little more than we did last time because you were so mad at us for stopping too early. And, honey? You got to subspace, so I know you enjoyed this.”

Had she enjoyed it? Yes. She had enjoyed it so much that she floated free from her body. Stef called it subspace. Samantha remembered the bliss.

“Look at me.”

Alexei used a tone she couldn’t disobey. She responded to it on a level she didn’t understand. His blue eyes regarded her intently.

“We would never hurt you, Samantha. You have to learn to trust us.”

She bit her lip. “I know, Lex.” Trust was earned, and they were steadily earning more. So far, they hadn’t let her down. She took a deep breath and looked over at Stefano. “It’s just a little shocking. I suppose I’ll get used to it.”

Sam didn’t know if that would ever happen. Alexei and Stefano lived thousands of miles away. She couldn’t see herself trusting anyone else to master her like this.

“Sammy? I know you’re a little disoriented, but you have to remember to call us Sir or Master. You’ve earned a punishment for not using that title with Lex.”

A pathetic laugh bubbled from her throat. She hadn’t liked her last punishment, but she couldn’t muster the strength to protest anything just then. “I take it that the novelty of the fact I can tell you apart is wearing off. Sir.”

She added the last part hastily, not wanting to earn another punishment.

“Yes,” Stefano said. “We’re taking that for granted now.”

Before she could think of a response, he kissed her. It was a tender kiss, full of affection. On the other side, Alexei pushed her until she rolled toward Stefano.

Stef lifted her leg, drawing it over his hip. The tip of his erection pressed against her stomach. Samantha arched closer, offering herself to him. Stefano’s hand slid up her thigh to cup her cheek, spreading his fingers as far as they would go.

The tip of Alexei’s hard cock nudged her anal opening. She tried to take a breath, to prepare for penetration, but Stefano’s endless and demanding kiss prevented that measure. She thought Alexei might take things slowly, but she was wrong. He impaled her with one thrust.

Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes, but she didn’t try to move away from him. There was nowhere to go, and she didn’t want to get away from him. The pinch and burn faded in the face of the glorious fullness inside her. She moaned, and Stefano swallowed the sound.

Alexei pressed a kiss to her neck. His teeth grazed a trail to her shoulder. “You’re so tight. God you feel good.”

He withdrew almost the whole way before ramming himself into her again.

Sam gripped Stefano’s shoulders. He kissed away the stray tears as his hand moved between them, finding her sensitive and abused nipples. The clamps were gone, but one touch brought them to pebbled points.

Alexei thrust into her again, harder and faster. Stefano reached behind him and produced an oval object about three inches in length. Alexei increased his pace. Stef inserted the toy into her sopping pussy. It was attached to a line. Stef slid the switch and it purred to life. The gentle hum vibrated against Sam’s walls. It wasn’t enough to get her anywhere. As much as she liked the feel of Alexei in her ass, it wouldn’t bring her to orgasm. Samantha whimpered.

Stefano rolled away and Alexei pushed her to lie on her stomach. Bracing his weight on either side of her, he fucked her faster and faster. Sam gripped the sheet, digging her fingernails into the mattress, and thrust against him. She clamped her legs together tighter to focus the sensations. A small climax would be welcome, but it was frustratingly out of reach.

With a cry, Lex came. The condom prevented her from feeling his hot semen shooting into her. She growled.

Next to them, Stefano laughed and stroked her hair. “Punishment, Sammy. Have you learned your lesson?”

Sam lifted her head and stared into his electric blue eyes. This punishment hadn’t hurt, but it had been equally as effective. She wanted to come. She needed to come. “Yes, Sir.”

Lex withdrew and rolled away. He slapped her on the ass. “Thank your Master for teaching you a lesson, slave.”

The blissful euphoria of her whipping had faded completely. Sam’s head whipped around and she nailed Alexei with as malevolent a glare as she could muster. Given her current state of dissatisfaction, she thought she got her point across. “Don’t push it, Sir.”

He smiled, grinning like the well-sated man he was. “One day, Samantha, you’ll not only call me ‘Master,’ but you’ll revel in the way it feels to know that’s what I am to you.”

The low, huskiness of his tone sent shivers down Samantha’s spine even though she didn’t care much for what he was saying.

The bed dipped on her other side. “Lex, stop baiting her on my turn.”

Stefano tugged at the cord to the small egg-shaped contraption still buzzing away inside her. He didn’t dislodge it, but he did get her attention. She turned back to him.

“Straddle me, honey. You’re going to ride me until I tell you to stop.”

Samantha threw her leg over his hips and held still while he extracted the buzzing egg. His dick was already sheathed. She sat down on it hard. Stefano groaned.

“Go ahead,” Alexei urged. “You take it all out on Stef, Samantha, because when you’re finished with him, I’m going to tie you to that table over there and make you beg for an orgasm.”

Unwilling to think about Alexei’s promise, Samantha tuned him out. Leaning forward, she undulated her hips and ground her clit against Stefano. He reached up and pushed a lock of hair out of her eyes. When they had moved her, they had also taken down her hair. She marveled that they could do so many things while she was oblivious to them all.

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