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Planet of Dread by Murray Leinster
Deeper Illusions by Jocoby, Annie
The Promised One by David Alric
The Armoured Ghost by Oisin McGann
41 - Bad Hare Day by R.L. Stine - (ebook by Undead)
The Line of Beauty by Alan Hollinghurst
The Lost Hearts by Wood, Maya
Buffalo West Wing by Hyzy, Julie
The Unexpected Choice by Stephanie Taylor
Soufflés at Sunrise by M.J. O'Shea and Anna Martin
Chasing the Heiress by Rachael Miles
Dust and Obey by Christy Barritt
A Shot at Freedom by Kelli Bradicich
Blowback by Stephanie Summers
The Road to Redemption by Morris, Stephane
Fortune Knocks Once by Elizabeth Delavan
Bait & Switch by Darlene Gardner