500 Days (19 page)

Read 500 Days Online

Authors: Jessica Miller

Tags: #romance, #new author, #adult, #contemporary, #new adult

I leaned causally against the counter, while
sipping my beer. Alex watched me with curiosity. “Feeling dizzy? A
little tired?” I teased. She playfully punched me in the side and I
couldn’t help but inwardly cringe. She packed a hard punch.

Alex’s eyes examined the area, watching all
the party goers and interactions. Curious to know what was going on
inside that head of hers, I asked. “What are you thinking?”

I’m thinking I’m a little

How so?” I asked,
slightly offended.

Well, this is a
fraternity party. Where are all the naked ladies and drunken frat
boys hitting on anything with tits?”

If you’re looking for the
full frat party experience, I could give you a tour or we could
skip all the dancing around and head right to my room.” I knew I
was stepping into dangerous territory but I wanted to get a rise
out of her.

She let out a slow, deep breath. “Wasn’t
part of our truce for you to stop your pathetic attempts to woo

That wasn’t me trying to
woo you. That was me just trying to get you
and no,
you are wrong.” She crossed one arm over the other, looking a
little puzzled. I slipped closer to her. “You lost the bet,
remember. I only had to stop complementing you if I

That’s what you call

I shrugged. Complementing Alex was like
trying to get a kiss from an alligator. You know you could get your
face chewed off in one snap, but if you approached with gentle
skill, you could get away with just a scratch. Alex put down her
drink and turned her body towards mine. “Okay, how about the full
party experience minus getting molested by some over grown buffoon
who thinks he’s the next Adam Levine.”

I looked over at Colton, then changed my
mind, that was too easy. I handed Alex back her drink and extended
an arm for her, which she accepted. “First, shots,” I said, leading
her into the next room.

Alex paused in the doorway. “Body shots,

I slipped my hand around the back of her hip
and leaned in real close to her ear. “Not scared, are ya?” I could
feel her body tense slightly.

Who’s next?” One of the
girls called who was currently wiping the sticky remnants of the
last participant off her neck. Alex stood up straight and walked
right over to the girl with the waiting lemon in her hand. Alex
took the salt shaker from the table and sprinkled some on the other
girl’s neck. Not skipping a beat, the blonde placed the lemon
between her lips while Alex slammed back the shot, licked off the
salt, and gently pulled the lemon from her lips. I almost dropped
my beer.

I had never been so turned
on in my life. The confidence and assurance that Alex carried was
one of the sexiest things I have ever seen. She showed no fear. She
took her turn and pulled her hair to the side for the next
volunteer. My brother, Jared, stepped up ready and eager.
Oh hell no.
There was no
way I was going to allow someone else to contaminate that beautiful
skin with their rancid tongue and I’ll be damned if I let someone
else kiss those lips right in front of me.

I stepped up to push Jared aside. “Sorry
brother, but this one is mine,” I said, keeping my eyes on Alex’s.
When I stepped closer to her, I could feel a change. Her eyes
mirrored the same nervousness mine did. I took her wrist, pulling
her closer to me. I could feel her pulse racing. Her breath was
still and the way she looked at me just now, made me think all that
attitude was just for show. A barrier she kept up to protect
herself. But under underneath it all, she was just a scared little
girl. Terrified, like me, that maybe this small act would be the
changing point in our relationship.

Never taking my eyes off hers, I poured the
salt onto her shoulder and grabbed a shot. Her body stilled,
waiting. “Lemon,” I said.

What?” she whispered. I
held my hand out for the fruit. I held it up for Alex. “Oh,” she
breathed, her hot breath skimming across my face. I fought the
shudder as she placed the lemon between her full lips. Not able to
prolong it anymore, I sucked back the shot, and gave Alex a
devilish smile. I licked a spot from her shoulder to her
collarbone. I could feel her shake slightly beneath me, prompting
me to flick my tongue out again, against her skin. For a second I
thought I heard her gasp. I opened my mouth and engulfed the lemon.
Our lips touched and it was like a hot poker, burning. I pressed
deeper, wanting to keep those lips against mine. Alex was the one
who broke away first. Her cheeks flushed red. She stepped back and
the rush of cool air between us was a slap in the face.

I dropped the lemon into my hand, waiting.
“So what’s next?” Alex asked. I sighed, relieved and escorted her
into the next room. She shied away from the shots for the rest of
the night, but still sipped her drink. She joined in on one of the
poker games and ended up cleaning house. I leaned over her
shoulder. “Didn’t know you were a card shark.”

I’m not,” she laughed. I
looked around the table at the half-naked players, thinking she was
pulling one over on me. “I just happen to be better than them,” she
smiled. She threw down a full house. “Sorry Bobby, looks like
Little Bobby will be coming out for show and tell.” Bobby groaned
as he stood, striping his boxers down to his ankles. A few
passersby chuckled. “Oh, Bobby, maybe I can get someone to turn the
heat up for ya. It’s looking a little cold in here,” Alex

Fuck this shit,” Bobby
said, pulling his boxers back up and leaving the table.

Oh come on Bobby, I was
just kidding,” Alex called.

You’re cruel Alex,” I
laughed, shaking my head.

She turned to face me, our lips mere inches
apart. She looked down, licking her lips. I gripped the back of the
chair, trying to control my impulses. “So what’s next on this grand

I smiled, holding my hand out to her. I led
her into the living room where the music was pumping and bodies
were shaking. She found Declan and hugged her tight, pulling her
into the center of everyone to dance. I stayed back with Colton
enjoying the show. Alex swayed her hips to the beat and swung her
arms in the air. She was dancing like she was free. Her bright
smile filled the room. She waved me over to join them. I waved her
off. She pushed through the mass of people and took my hands,
pulling me back through the crowd.

Alex, I don’t really

Oh come on. I’ve seen
you. You’re not that bad.”

I never said I couldn’t
dance I just said I don’t.”

She rolled her eyes at me. “Just follow my
lead.” She slid my hands onto her hips, pulling my body closer to
hers. Her lazy smile told me she was working her way to drunk. I
allowed her to guide me to the music. My hands stayed on her hips
as she spun to face Declan. Pressing my fingers tightly into her
sides I glided her as close to me as I could. She threw her arms
behind my neck, her fingers gently grazing my skin and making the
hairs on the back of my neck stand up. My whole body felt
electrified. I was burning with a fever and the need to touch her,
to keep her body against mine. I tilted my head close to her neck,
inhaling her sweet scent mixed with her perspiration. The tighter I
gripped her hips the harder she pushed back into me. I spread my
fingers wide as my hands moved to her stomach, yanking her into me.
I heard her let out a small gasp. She dropped her arms, slipping
them over mine, and pulling them away so she could step out of my
grip. The look in her eyes was hungry, desperate, and for the first
time in my life I didn’t know what to do.

I took a step closer, slipping a hand behind
her neck, her body tensed and her eyes widened. “I think I need a
break,” she shouted over the music. I dropped my arm, allowing her
space. I followed her into the kitchen where she hopped up onto the
counter and started to fan herself. I wet a paper towel with cool
water. She placed it on the back of neck tilting her head back
slightly, exposing her glistening skin. I took a step back, needing
to put space between us. “Does this conclude our tour for the
evening?” Alex asked with a playful smile.

What I wouldn’t give to take her upstairs
and have my way with her. But I knew Alex wasn’t that girl. She
wasn’t a one night stand that I could dismiss in the morning. I
didn’t know when or how it happened but she had me. Every part of
me ached for her touch. I put a hand on either side off her and
looked deep into her eyes, trying not to cringe at the fading
bruise that I gave her. She looked down meeting my stare. “It’s
only over if you want it to be.” I was baiting her, to see if she
was feeling the same way I was.

She swallowed. “I think I need some air.” I
helped her off the counter and outside to the back deck where I lit
up. She took the cigarette from my hand, taking a drag. “You know,
you kind of surprised me tonight.”

How so?” I asked, taking
the cigarette back.

They’re about a hundred
girls at this party, yet you spent all your time with me. Why is

I invited you here. Why
would I invite you and then spend my time with someone

She shrugged. “Unless you already slept with
every girl here.” I cocked my head to the side. She smiled. “You
don’t have to entertain me anymore. I’m sure you’re itching to find
a girl to take to your room so you can play your twisted version of
Candy Land.”

I backed her up against the balcony,
gripping the railing, and keeping her trapped inside my arms. “What
if I told you I already found a girl?”

She tried to back up but I
had her pinned. “Casper,” she whispered, her warm breath heating my
lips. She smelled like strawberries, making me want to lick those
lips. I struggled with what I wanted and what I knew was the right
thing to do. I knew no matter what I did next
there would be consequences. I
looked in to her eyes, which was my downfall. I tightened my fist
on the railing and let out a grunt before I slipped my hands behind
her neck and crashed my mouth into hers. Her hands slipped up my
chest and for a second I thought she was going to hit me. That was
until she started to kiss me back. I melted into her touch,
tangling my fingers in her hair. My body was exploding with so many
emotions at once I didn’t know how to decipher anything.

Alex, are you out here?”
I heard Declan call.

Alex quickly shoved me away, trying to catch
her breath. She took a giant step to the left. “Yeah, over here.”
She wouldn’t even look at me.

Hey,” Declan said,
stumbling slightly. Alex caught her. “Why are your cheeks all red?”
Declan asked, not even missing a beat in her condition.

Just hot.”

She nodded. “Are you ready to go?”

Alex’s eyes darted to me for a second before
she answered. “Yes, I’m ready.”

Great, Colton’s waiting
at the car for us.” Declan latched onto to Alex, pulling her back
through the house. “Oh hey Cas, didn’t see you there.” She stopped,
turned back to Alex and then me, a knowing smile playing on her
lips. “See ya later.” She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before
Alex yanked her away.

I tilted my head back and closed my eyes,
running my hands through my hair. What the hell just happened? The
cool air started to clear my head. I blamed the booze for my mishap
with Alex. It had to be the alcohol playing games with my brain.
“Hey stranger,” a familiar voice called. I opened my eyes to find
Kaylee standing by the entrance. She would be the perfect
distraction to help ease the craziness that was stirring inside my

I threw my arm over her shoulder and
escorted her upstairs.


When I woke up in the
morning Kaylee was gone. That was what I liked about Kaylee the
most, she knew the deal; she wasn’t the type to hang around. I sat
up in search of my clothes. Shrugging in to my
I heard my
phone buzz on the nightstand. It was a text from Colton reminding
me we had practice in an hour. My phone blinked with other
messages. I opened them up to find picture messages from Declan.
There were probably about twenty different pictures from the party
last night. I scrolled through finding pictures of me with Colton,
Declan, and a few of Alex and me, most of them candid shots. I
paused on the one where Alex and I actually posed for the camera. I
had my arms around her waist and my head in the crook of her neck
and she was smiling, her big green eyes sparkling bright. The kiss
from last night flashed back into my head. I could feel a rush of
heat surge through my body. The way her lips felt pressed tightly
against mine, the curves of her body and the taste of her mouth was
a fresh memory in my mind. I thought it was the alcohol last night,
but just the image of the memory caused a tightness in my


After practice Colton told me he was going
to swing by the bar. I decided to tag along having nothing better
to do. When we arrived I noticed right away Alex was in a mood. I
wasn’t sure how to act around her. Was she acting this way because
of last night? Did she remember the kiss? Did she regret it? Or was
she just being Alex.

I thought my best approach was to play it
off like nothing happened, after all that’s what she expected of
me, might as well play the part. “Diablo,” I nodded. She paused,
looking me over for a moment before her eyes slightly narrowed and
she went back to work.

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