500 Days (71 page)

Read 500 Days Online

Authors: Jessica Miller

Tags: #romance, #new author, #adult, #contemporary, #new adult

I started with her stockings, snapping the
garters and rolling each one down slowly as my fingers trailed
lightly over her calves. Stockings discarded, I worked my way back
up her legs with my lips, licking her swiftly behind her knees. By
the time I reached her inner thighs, she was panting. I pressed a
kiss to the outside of her wet panties before digging my fingers
under the waistline. I pulled them down just low enough that only
the top of her was showing. I could feel her pulse quicken as I
brushed my lips from side to side before I licked the very edge of
her ivy tattoo.

Gripping one side of her panties, I smiled
up at her right before I ripped them in half. She gasped, glaring
down at me. “I really liked that underwear.”

I’ll buy you a new pair,”
I winked.

Better make it

If I get to pick, it’s a

I discarded the torn undies and stretched my
arms up her sides, tracing her tattoo with my fingers and tongue,
getting her worked up so much I could feel how wet she was when I
lightly brushed against her. When I reached the top, I yanked down
her bra straps exposing her breasts and eagerly took one into my
mouth while I caressed the other, running my thumb around her
nipple and pinching. She sucked in a breath and I squeezed her
plump round breast harder. She let out a tiny yelp. My teeth
clicked against her piercing. I dipped mine in through the little
hole and gave a small tug, sucking the surface of her ripe

She was ready to pop any second. I could
feel it in the way she breathed, moved, the way her hands slightly
shook as she ran them up my chest and over my shoulders. I
transferred my lips to hers, kissing her roughly at first, tangling
my tongue with hers. Every single nerve ending in my body
responded. When we kissed it was like she reached inside me and
touched my soul. Not wanting to have anything else between us
anymore, I unhooked her bra with one hand while the other slid up
the back of her neck. Both hands on my chest, she pushed back and
rolled over on top of me, positioning her hips just where they
needed to be. I tried to stop her and tell her I wasn’t done with
her yet.

No, I don’t need it. I’m
ready. Now,” she growled. I lifted her hips just enough and only
let the tip slip in. She let out a cry, digging her nails into my
stomach. “Stop teasing me,” she begged. The hungry look in her eyes
said she was deprived for so long she was starving for affection.
Denying her no longer, I eased her all the way down, both of us

The skin to skin contact was unlike anything
I have ever felt. My eyes flew open. “Alex, shit. We didn’t –”

Shh,” she pressed two
fingers to my lips. “It’s okay. I’m good, you?”

I never, no. I’m

Okay,” she smiled,
relaxing her hips. I lifted up into her at the same time she pushed
down on me. She rocked back and forth, her head tilted back as she
moaned and oh’d with every thrust. I had the perfect view of her
body. She was gorgeous with the way the sweat trickled down her
chest, glistening across her stomach and moistening her thighs. I
loved watching her come apart on top of me. I put her over the edge
by rubbing my thumb in circles over her clit. I watched as she bit
down hard on her lip, gasping and grinding, pushing herself onto me
faster, harder. I knew she was close. I could feel it. She
whispered my name, shaking, and crying out as she came apart on top
of me. Her body relaxed as she collapsed on my chest.

Slipping my hand into her hair, I kissed her
hungrily, rolling her on her back while still keeping myself inside
her. She locked her legs around my hips snug, clenching her sex and
making my cock pulse tightly inside her. My moans vibrated inside
her mouth as I went deeper. I kissed her passionately as I pressed
in and out of her. She cried my name again and again as I pushed
faster, harder. I started to slow down, teasing her. I pulled out
and bent down, burying my face in between her legs. Feet pressed
firmly on the mattress, she pushed up with her heels, back arching
as I flicked my tongue ring against her clit. I licked, sucked, and
dipped deep inside her wetness.

Casper, I need you inside
me, please,” she pleaded, a slight desperation in her

Alex, I might not be able
to stop in time,” I warned, feeling the need just as much as she

She pulled me up by my face, kissing my
lips. “I don’t want you to.”

But –”

I don’t care. I want you.
All of you. I want to feel you inside me.” Not hesitating, I pushed
into her. She arched her back and pushed her breasts against my
chest, the cold metal of her piercing electrifying each spot it
hit. If her one piercing did this to me I could only imagine what
mine did to her. Our hot bodies slid easily together while I pumped
inside her, slow at first and then picking up the pace until I
couldn’t hold it in any longer. Gripping the back of her hair and
exposing her neck I trailed a line with my tongue, making her gasp.
Grabbing my backside she pulled me in deeper. I grunted with each
thrust, biting down on her shoulder. I released her before I left a
mark or did any real damage and then I came, hard, ejecting
everything that was left of me into her. I shook and tried not to
crush her under my weight. I muffled my groans in her hair and when
I was finished I tried to pull out, but she held on.

No, just stay where you
are. Just stay right here,” she said, slipping a hand on my cheek
and meeting my eyes. I smiled, tilting my head so I could kiss her

I love you, Alexis

I love you too, Casper

Always –”

And forever,” she
finished for me.

I laid my head on her chest and rested
comfortably until I could catch my breath and fill her again. I
planned on giving her every part of me tonight, tomorrow, and for
the rest of my life. Alex was the only person I wanted now and for
the rest of my life. She was the one shining star in the darkness
that kept me fighting. I would no longer give up. For Alex is and
will always be my saving grace.





I sat on the small bench while Colton paced
nervously back and forth. “Would you chill the fuck out? You’re
starting to make me nervous.”

He sat down, resting his arms on his knees,
and taking a breath. Greyson finally returned from his errand.
“What the hell took so long?” Colton complained.

There was traffic.”
Colton narrowed his eyes, not believing him for a second. “And I
had to get by Alex.” I laughed out loud. “It’s not funny. She
threatened to castrate me if I didn’t tell her where I was

She’s great, isn’t she?”
I said, wearing the same smile I had been since Alex told me she
loved me over a year ago.

You’ve got problems, you
know that?” Greyson said, handing me the bottle of

Greyson, my boy, when you
find the one, you’ll understand,” I said, patting his back. He just
shook his head at me. I wiggled the cap, pulling out the cork on
the bottle.

What’s her deal anyways?
Is it me or does she seem more volatile lately?” Greyson asked,
taking a seat, acting like he just dodged a bullet.

Again I smiled, laughing. “She has been a
little testy these past few weeks. It’s probably just stress,
hormones,” I shrugged. I enjoyed Alex’s mood swings. Call me a
masochist, but I loved when she got angry because at the same time
she got horny and angry sex with Alex was fantastic. She lowered
her inhibitions and just went with it, opening herself up to
explore every possible position, trick, or suggestion.

Testy? I was waiting for
the snakes to start materializing in her hair and the serpent to
fly out of her mouth,” Greyson shivered.

Are you calling my
girlfriend a succubus?”

Greyson wrinkled his brow. “I believe he’s
confusing the two. Medusa had the hair of snakes and you’re lucky
Alex isn’t here to hear you call her your girlfriend.”

Shit, you’re right. I got
to watch that. Last time I introduced her as my girlfriend and not
fiancé she had my nuts in a sling and not in a good way.” I
inwardly cringed at the memory. I stood up and poured three shots.
“Are you ready to do this?”

As sure as I’ll ever be.
You still all right with me going first?” Colton asked, taking the
shot glass.

Colton, brother, I never
thought in a million years I would be where I am right now. But I
couldn’t be happier, for both of us. We got our entire lives ahead
of us. Besides, I’ve waited this long,” I replied.

Well then,” Colton raised
his glass. “Let’s do this.” We clinked glasses before taking the
shots. The clear liquid slid smoothly down my throat as my taste
buds welcomed my old friend.

You know, this might be
the last time we’re all together like this?” Greyson said, his
smile slightly fading. I looked at him funny. “I’m leaving for Cali
in a week. Colton and Declan are taking over the apartment. You and
Alex are getting your own place together who knows

I wrapped an arm around Greyson’s shoulder.
“It’s nice to know your pussy ass is going to miss us.”

Dick,” he grumbled under
his breath.

I tightened my arm, laughing. “Don’t worry
man, we’ll always be here. There are going to be plenty of
opportunities for us to get together. This isn’t the last of us, I

I’m ready,” Colton said,
adjusting his bowtie slightly to the right. I patted him on the
back as we pushed open the doors.




I think I’m going to
throw up,” I said, clutching my upset stomach.

Jesus Alex, that’s like
the third time today,” Declan complained.

I’m sorry, Declan. It’s
not always about you.”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “Really?”

I stifled an eye roll. “I’ll be back. I’m
going to the bathroom.”

Wait!” she cried. “You
can’t just go out there. You have to make sure the boys aren’t out
there.” I sighed. Just a few more hours and this will all be over
and Declan will be her normal self again, I reminded myself,
counting to ten so I wouldn’t blow up at her.

I’m sure it’s fine. It’s
almost time. They should be getting in position now.”

Shauna, can you please
just check?” Shauna nodded, not wanting to get in the middle of
another one of our arguments.

Do you want me to go with
you?” my mom asked.

No, I prefer to puke in
private, but thanks. Can you just make sure everyone is where
they’re supposed to be? Make sure Jasper, Jaxson, and Jacob aren’t
out there screwing things up. So Declan doesn’t go all bat shit
crazy on their asses,” I said, whispering the last part.

How hard can it be? All
they have to do is make sure everyone is seated on the correct
side,” Declan said as she fiddled with her make-up.

I pulled my mom closer and lowered my voice
so only she heard me. “I saw Jasper and Jaxson passing a flask back
and forth.”

I’m on it.” She put a
hand on my cheek and smiled. Her hands no longer the tiny tender
things they were when she first came home. Now she was stronger,
fuller, and the mother I remembered from when I was little. Life
didn’t break her. She was the strongest person I knew and I hoped
that someday I would be just like her. “You look so beautiful,
you’re practically glowing.” She kissed my cheek before heading out
to check on the boys.

It’s all clear,” Shauna
said, coming back in the small changing room.

Thank god, I didn’t think
I would be able to hold it in any longer.” I covered my mouth and
charged for the bathroom. I made it just in time. I sat back on my
heels, catching my breath and waiting to make sure I was

Alex, are you

Casper, what are you
doing in here?” He was always the protector. Some days it was
sweet, others, annoying.

I should ask you the same

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand
and steadied myself to stand. “What are you talking about?”

Babe, you’re in the men’s
bathroom.” I peeked through the crack in the door. Over to my right
was a wall of urinals. I pressed my head to the cool metal door. I
was in such a rush I hadn’t paid attention to which door I went in.
“Are you okay?”

Yeah, I just need a few

Okay, I grabbed the bag
with your toothbrush and tooth paste. I’m going to leave it here on
the counter.”

Thank you,” I breathed.
“I’ll see you soon.”

I’ll be the good-looking
stud upfront waiting for my gal.”

I laughed, a real feel good laugh. “Then
what’s Greyson going to do?”

I’ll remember that, Mrs.

Hey, I’m not a Covington
yet and we still never finished the discussion of whether I was
actually changing my last name or not.”

We’ll see about

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