9781631051289TemptedbytheCowboySullivan (15 page)

killing me.”

I’m loving

“God, please. Fuck me harder. I need you so bad.” With his
finger nudging her clit, she exploded on a climactic high she’d never
experienced before.
“Oh God!
Yes, yes, yes,” she
panted with each penetration. He grabbed her hi
slamming his pelvis against hers with each thrust, but he wasn’t hitting quite
the right spot for her to come again. She wanted that elusive G spot orgasm,
but the angle wasn’t right. “Wait!”

His movements came to a screeching halt. “What?”

isn’t right.”

“Feels right to me.”

“No, the angle.
It’s not right. You
aren’t hitting the right spot.”

“What can I do?”

“Up against the wall.
That worked last time,
with my legs over your arms.”

“Right, baby.”

She wrapped her legs around his hips as he swu
ng them both around.

“Okay.” He walked the few steps down the hall it took to
get to the bathroom.

At least this way if she squirted all over, it wouldn’t get
on anything but the shower. She wanted to experience that for the first time
she thought if he could hit her G spot, she might
get there. The minute her back hit the tile wall, she sucked in a ragged breath
waiting for him to start to move.

“Better?” he asked, bringing her legs up over his forearms
like before.

He moved hi
s hips and she moaned low in her throat as he hit the right
“Oh hell yeah.
Right there.”

He slowly slid his cock in and out.



“Yes, please, I need—” He slammed into her with several
pumps of his hips, sending her skyrocketing into
soul-shattering climax. “Jason!”

She no more came down from one as he said, “
can come again,
darlin’. Play with your clit.”

“I can’t.” She panted, feeling boneless as he continued to
piston into her. Her body came alive even though she thought for s
ure she couldn’t come again. With each of his thrusts
hitting her G spot, her pussy clamped down like she wanted to.

“Yes you can. Play with your clit, baby. Come for me

“God, Jason.”

“Come on, darlin’.
You can do it.”

He continued to drive her ma
with want as he slowed his thrusts. She reached down between them to spread
wetness around her clit and finger the tiny nub of nerves. She couldn’t believe
it, but she wanted to come so badly, she hurt. “You’re driving me insane.”

“Good. I don’t want to
be there
by myself when my world implodes.”

“Come with me.”

“I’m right there. Are you?”

“Yeah, just a little—fuck!” Her climax hit her like a
boulder rolling down a mountain to hit a brick wall.

Jason moaned in her ear as he shuddered to his own com
pletion at the same time. His body shook beneath her
fingers as he slipped out of her. After he let her legs fall to the floor, she
smoothed her hands down his chest.

“We should shower.”

“I would love to shower with you and then I can finish
making us dinn
er. Dessert kind of came before the
main course.” He reached over and turned on the warm water for a minute before
he flipped the showerhead on.

She grabbed the soap and began lathering it in her hands
before slicking them over his
and abdomen. The s
oap bubbles slithered down between his legs. She scooped up
some, rubbing the slippery substance around his flaccid cock.

“Keep that up and we’ll be having more dessert before

“You going to be up for more so soon?” she asked, rubbing
the soap arou
nd his balls and the base of his cock,
fascinated by the hardening flesh.

“Babe, I’m perpetually horny around you, but we need to eat
before we do anything else.” One of his sexy eyebrows went up over his eye.
“Besides, I have more things I want to do to y


“Ever had anal sex?”


“Would you like to try it?”

She shrugged as she palmed his cock. “As long as there
isn’t soap involved, I’m game to experience new things.”

He tipped his head back on his shoulders as a groan rumbled
low in his chest.
“I would love to show you all kinds
of new things, but if you don’t stop that, I’m going to blow again.”


“Okay, stop.” He pushed her hand away before he stepped
under the spray of water to wash the soap off.
“Your turn.”
With a palm full of so
ap, he washed her from neck to toes, spending a little more
time than necessary on her breasts and pussy. “I need to make sure they are
clean inside and out so I can feast on your willing flesh after dinner.” He
guided her under the water to wash all the s
uds away
and then turned off the spigot. After he grabbed two towels to dry off, he
pushed her with a hand on her butt toward the door.

“I think my clothes are in living room.”

“That’s okay. We can eat naked, or you can anyway.”

“What if your family comes
she asked, with a giggle. “I’m sure you don’t want to show off my assets to

He wrapped her up in his arms as he kissed her on the nose.
“Hell no.
I’m not sharing. I’m a
pretty possessive guy when I like what I have.”

“And do you like what you


“Am I? That sounded pretty possessive to me. I thought we
weren’t doing a relationship.”

“I thought we were dating?”

He headed for the kitchen with just a towel around his
hips, enticing her to tear the cotton material off and suck h
im dry.

With a glance over his shoulder, he said, “I don’t share
well.” He opened the door on the oven to check whatever was inside. Apparently
the food had been cooking on low while they were busy having wild sex.

“You’ve never
been this way with
any other woman, why me?”

“I like the way we are. I want it to continue.”

“This sounds an awful lot like a relationship, Jason.”

He grabbed a knife and began chopping some vegetables to
put into a salad bowl. “So it’s a relationship.”

e popped one of the pieces of
celery into her mouth. “I thought we weren’t doing a relationship?”

“What’s the problem?” he asked, pointing the knife in her
direction. “I’m okay with this being what it is, but now you aren’t?”

“I wasn’t before. I know your
This doesn’t sound like you.”

“So I’m evolving with what’s going on between us. Isn’t
that okay? I thought things could change between two people.”

He continued to chop, but his movements told her she was
agitating him beyond words. “I’m
sorry. I don’t mean
to question your motives, but you have to understand where I’m coming from.
I’ve seen nothing from you up to this point, to indicate you were looking for
something serious. Now you are changing your tune completely?”

When his movements
paused, he
turned to face her for a moment to say, “I don’t know what I’m looking for,
Peyton. All I know is I’m not letting you go if I don’t have to. We’re good
together and I want it to continue until we decide otherwise.”

She exhaled sharply as she hea
back into the living room to put on her clothes. He might feel comfortable
running around in nothing but a towel around his tempting hips, but she needed

Once she had everything on, she returned to the kitchen to
find dinner almost ready and
Jason dressed in a low
slung pair of jeans. “What are we having?”

“Roasted chicken with mashed potatoes, salad and

“Sounds good.
Do you like to cook?”

I loved being in the
kitchen with my mom while we were growing up. Not having any gir
ls was hard on her, but I enjoyed helping her.”

“Smells wonderful.”

“Thanks. If you take a seat, I’ll get it on the table in
the dining room in a second. Everything is done.” The apparent agitation he was
feeling earlier must have resolved. He was back to
charming self as he placed the food on the table. “Help yourself. Would you
like beer, wine, milk, water or what to drink?”

“I’ll take a glass of wine.”

“Red or white?”

“Aren’t you supposed to have white with chicken?”

“I guess. I’m not a wine drinker. White it is.” He returned
a few minutes later with a glass half full of white wine and set it near the
top of her plate.

“Perfect. See? You know more about it than you think.” She
put her napkin on her lap an
d proceeded to cut into
the chicken. The meat melted like butter on a hot sidewalk, on her tongue.
“Wow. This is fabulous. I’ve never had chicken this tender and juicy before.”
His lips curved up in that sexy smile she’d come to think of as reserved for he


“How did you make it?”

“Several herbs, but the trick is to cook the chicken slowly
on low heat so it doesn’t dry out.”

my gosh
! This is absolutely
amazing,” she said around bites of the meat and potatoes. The man could really
cook. “You’l
l have to cook for me all the time now
that you’ve spoiled me on your cooking.”

“Anytime, darlin’.
I love someone who
appreciates my
in the kitchen.”

She tilted her head slightly to the left and smiled. Oh she
would definitely appreciate his talent
s in the
kitchen over and over before the night was through, if she had her way about




Chapter Eleven



The conversation during dinner veered away from anything
too serious. They talked about the ranch and his duties, his plans for his own
herd as
well as the bulls he was breeding for the
PBR. Her plans for school coming up in the fall, although she didn’t go into
detail about why she wanted to be an abuse counselor. She didn’t feel ready to
tell him about Charles.

“When did you get your first pierc

“Do you mean besides my earlobes like every other little

He shoved his plate
away and leaned back in his chair. “You have what, your tongue, your ears,
belly button which is totally hot, by the way, your eyebrow. What else?”

That’s it. Isn’t it

“I guess. Which was your first besides your ears?”

“I did several holes in my ears before I did anything else.
The rest came after.”

“After what?”

She bit her lower lip as she tried to think of something to
say that wouldn’t g
o into the emotional abuse of her
“After my belly button.
I got that one next.”

Is there a reason for
each piercing?”

Fear slithered down her spine. She didn’t want Jason to
know of the emotional scars she still held deep in her soul. Charles certainly
had done a number on her not only emotionally, but physically in the way she
got the piercings to make her body fit into
picture perfect woman for him. Charles was a big burly man and although he
never got physically abusive with her, the emotional toll was enough to send
her into a tailspin. She could never please him—from sexual intercourse to
cooking dinner—nothing wa
s ever good enough for him.
He belittled her constantly and when she’d try to stand up for herself, he’d
deny there was a problem. She wanted to go to counseling then, but he refused,
insisting there wasn’t anything wrong with their relationship. Now that
she knew more about emotional abuse, she understood the
problem his constant verbal and emotional manipulation took on her. She didn’t
trust easily and that cumulated in her relationship with men.

“What do you mean?”

“Some people get tats to commemorate a
loved one or something. I wasn’t sure if the same thing
applied to piercings.”

For me, yes. I
got each one in hopes of making myself beautiful for Charles.
“No. I just felt like
getting them.”
I was never good enough
for him.

“Did they hurt? I mean tats
of sting depending on where you get them, of course, but I’ve never had a

“Not really. They ache a little afterward for a while and
you have to take good care of them, but otherwise, no they don’t hurt much.”

“Are you okay? You seemed kind
lost in thought while we were talking about this.”

“I’m fine. I just don’t like talking about them.”


She jumped to her feet, rubbing her arms to calm the goose
bumps flittering across her skin. “I just don’t, okay? Please, just let it go.”

He mov
ed to her side, took her in
his arms and rubbed his hands up and down her back. “
okay, Peyton. We don’t
have to discuss them anymore, if you don’t want to.”

“Thank you,” she whispered, snaking her arms around his
waist to hold him closer. The solid wa
ll of his chest
gave her comfort where she never had any before. Talking about this always made
her antsy even with the therapist.
I thought I was
over this.
Apparently not.
I need to make an appointment with Jamie to talk. It’s
been a couple of weeks.
pulled him in tighter to
chase away the self-doubts. Jason liked her just the way she was. She didn’t
have to pretend to be anything with him, but the woman.

“Do you want to help me with dishes?”

She sniffed to hide the well of tears sure to break loose i
f he so much as kissed her right now. This man made
everything in her life seem like it wasn’t too bad after all. “Sure.”

While they cleaned the kitchen, she didn’t say much
although she kept feeling Jason’s gaze on her several times. “What?”

just amazed you’re here with me.”


“Because you’re a very
beautiful woman.
You could probably have any guy you wanted and you’re here
with me.”

“Oh please. You’re the playboy. You’ve got three quarters
of the women over the age of eighteen all twitt
like a bunch of thirteen year olds every time you come around. I’ve seen you at
the bar, don’t forget.”

“You’ve been paying attention?”

“Yeah, for several
months now.”

He wrapped the towel
he was using on the dishes, around her waist, dragging her into his embrace.

“What’s so interesting?”

“You’ve been watching me.”

“Why is that so thought-provoking?”

“Because I’ve been
watching you.
The way your hair shines beneath the
lights of the bar. The way you grip a glass to pour a
beer. How your hair caresses your cheek sometimes when it gets flipped in the
front to rest on your breast.” He punctuated each sentence with a kiss
somewhere, her lips, her eyes, the shell of her ear,
the slope of her neck, and the swell of her breast. “I’ve been dying to touch
you for months now.”

“You have?” She couldn’t believe one of the most gorgeous
men in Bandera had been interested in her for months while she panted after him
like a lost puppy
trying to find her master.


He nipped at her bottom lip before he plunged his tongue
between her parted lips to tangle with her own.
God, I love kissing this man.

A knock sounded on the door and he groaned as he broke the
kiss. “I’m going to kill wh
oever that is.”

She giggled as she pushed him back by the shoulders. “We
have all night.”

“But I was just getting into kissing you.”

“Me too.”

The knock sounded again as he heard Jeff’s voice outside
the door. “Jason? Open up. There’s a problem.”

Jason sig
hed as he tipped his
head back on his shoulders.
I’m coming.”

When he opened the door, Jeff pushed his way inside giving
her a perfunctory glance as he turned to face his brother. “There’s been an


“Joel. Nothing serious,
I don’t
think, but he’s been taken to the hospital in San Antonio by ambulance. You

He raked his fingers through his hair.
“Uh, yeah.
Let me throw some
clothes on.”

Jeff glanced back at her, tipped his hat and headed back
out the door. “I’ll see
you there.”

I’ll be right behind
you.” He stopped his frantic search for his clothes for a moment to take her in
his arms. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. You’re family needs you. Go.”

“You’ll be here when I get back?”

“I don’t think so.”

With her hands clasped in his, he said, “Then
with me. I need you.”

“Are you sure? I’ll just be in the way.”

“No you won’t. Please?”

“All right.
Let me put my boots on
and comb my hair. I wouldn’t want to show up at the hospital with sex hair.”
She shov
ed her fingers through the messy strands in
an attempt to tame the wild mass.

He kissed her palms before he shoved a curl behind her ear.
“I think you look damned sexy with it all mussed like that.”

“That’s your opinion, mister. Somehow I think your family
is going to know what we were doing before Jeff got here.”

He shrugged and stepped back. “Who
I don’t.”

She rolled her eyes as she moved to grab her boots from
near the door and shoved her feet inside. Her purse lay on the bench so she
grabbed it t
o find her brush. After running it
through her hair a few times, she announced she was ready to go.

“We’ll take my truck,” he said, returning from putting his
shirt and socks on that they’d discarded in the living room before their romp
in the kitchen.

“You dressed pretty fast.”

“I’m quick when I need to be.”

“Not during sex, I hope.”

He looked aghast as she laughed.
“Never during sex.”

They walked out to his truck, avoiding the dog who lounged
on the porch, barely lifting his head when they walked aroun
d him. The night’s inky black sky reflected a thousand
stars twinkling overhead. No moon shone tonight to light their way, but she
didn’t care. She was with a guy she quickly realized her feelings went a lot
deeper for than she wanted to admit. Her heart w
listening to her head and she was afraid her heart might win the argument.


* * * *


“What the hell did you do to yourself, Trip?” Jason asked
Joel as they walked into emergency room at the local hospital.
His nickname for his triplet siblings
through loud and clear.
He called Joel, Trip
for triplet and Joshua,
for double. Jason’s
nickname from the family had always been
because he was the eldest of the three
of them, then Joshua and last came Joel.

“Hit a damned deer with my truck.” J
oel glanced at his wife sitting next to him holding his hand.
“Broke my leg in the process.”

“You’re lucky you didn’t break your head open, you

“Like I had control,
you asshole.
I didn’t plan on hitting a deer. It jumped out in front of
me. I di
dn’t have a chance to even stop before it was
on my hood and half through my windshield. I’m just glad Mesa wasn’t in the
truck with me. The deer went into the passenger side seat practically.” Joel
kissed her fingertips. “I wouldn’t want you hurt for anyt

Joshua gagged from his place in the corner. The bed had
been completely surrounded by Young family members.

“It’ll be your turn soon enough,” Nina said, glancing at
Jason’s hand joined with Peyton’s as they stood next to the bed with everyone
“I’m glad this wasn’t worse than it is. A
broken leg can be managed although you won’t be able to ride for a bit. Maybe
you can take over doing some of the office stuff for me.”

Joel blanched as Mesa laughed. “Yeah, I can see that.
Joel behind a desk?”

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