A Cruel and Shocking Act: The Secret History of the Kennedy Assassination (100 page)

Johnson, Lyndon Baines

actions of, post-assassination assassination witnessed by
attacks on, in Dallas
Baker and
CIA plot to kill Castro and
Civil Rights Act and
Coleman Cuba mission and
conspiracy theories and
Cuba-LHO rumors and
Dallas police and
elections and
Ford and
Fortas and
Hoover and
Jacqueline Kennedy and
JFK funeral and
LHO Mexico City threat and
Manchester and
Mann and
Pearson and
resources pledged by
RFK and
Rusk and
Russell and
Specter’s questions of
State of the Union address
sworn in as president
Vietnam and
Warren and
WC budget and
WC report and
WC set up by

Johnson, Tom

Jornada, La
Junta Revolucionaria Cubana (JURE) Justice Department

autopsy photos rays and
Criminal Division
enemies created by
Nosenko and
Office of Legal Counsel
organized crime and

Katzenbach, Nicholas

Keenan, Laurence

Kellerman, Roy

Kelley, Clarence

Kelley, Thomas

Kempton, Murray

Kennedy, Caroline

Kennedy, Edward

Kennedy, Ethel

Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier

Air Force One held for
arrives in DC
assassination and
autopsy and
de Mohrenschildt and
JFK funeral and
JFK legacy and
JFK’s clothes and
Lady Bird on
Manchester and
marriage problems of
O’Donnell and
at Parkland Hospital
RFK and
Ruby and
Rusk and
Secret Service and
Specter’s questions for
testimony of
WC staff and

Kennedy, John, Jr.

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald.
See also
autopsy; conspiracy theories; single-bullet theory; Warren Commission;
and specific agencies; individuals; and locations
Addison’s disease and

affairs of
anti-Castro activists and
assassination of, not federal crime autopsy of
burial of
casket on Air Force One
CIA plots to kill Castro and
clothes of
Cuba and
Dallas newspaper ads and
Dallas reconstruction of assassination of Dealey Plaza witnesses and
decision to travel to Dallas
Dulles dismissed by
election of
funeral of
legacy of
Lincoln Bedroom and
Manchester biography of
marriage problems and
motorcade route
O’Donnell’s last conversation with landmarks named for
at Parkland hospital
presidency of
Rankin and
RFK learns of death of
Rusk and
Secret Service and
Slawson calls for renewed investigation of death of tracheotomy and
Warren and
wound replicated in army tests Kennedy, Robert Francis
assassination of
autopsy and
CIA plot to kill Castro and
conspiracy theories and
Cuba and
Dulles and
failures of
FBI and
final statement on report
grief of
Hoffa and
Hoover and
Jacqueline Kennedy and
Justice Department and
LBJ and
Manchester and
Mann and
Pearson and
Senate race of
Specter and
Warren and
WC and
WC report and
WC testimony and

Kennedy, Robert F., Jr.

Kennedy, Theodore

Kennedy Center

Kennedy family

control of narrative
enemies vs.
Manchester and
Warren’s loyalty to

Kesler, John


Khrushchev, Nikita

Kilduff, Malcolm

King, Martin Luther

Kissinger, Henry

Kostikov, Valeriy Vladimirovich Ku Klux Klan

Lane, Mark

FBI and
Marguerite Oswald and
Markham and
Phillips novel and
Redlich and
Rush to Judgment
and testimony of

Langevin, Paul D. (pseudonym of Phillips) Laulicht, Murray

Lechuga, Carlos


Lewis, Anthony

Lewis, Fulton, Jr.

Liebeler, Eric

Liebeler, Wesley James “Jim”

Bugliosi and
Epstein and
Odio and
WC draft report and


Life Line

Lincoln, Abraham

Lincoln, Evelyn

lone assassin theory

initial FBI report and
leaks to media and
public response to
questioned in aftermath
Redlich vs. Liebeler and
RFK and
Russell disputes
Warren and
WC internal debate on
WC report on


Lovelady, Billy

Luce, Clare Boothe

Luce, Henry

Mafia (organized crime)

Maheu, Robert

Mahoney, Florence

Malley, James R.

Mañana, El
Manchester, William

Manchester Guardian
Mann, Thomas

immunity request by

Mannlicher-Carcano rifle (assassination weapon) photos of

Mansfield, Mike

Mao Zedong

Marcello, Carlos

Markham, Helen

Marshall, Burke

Marshall, Thurgood

Martin, James

Martin, Shirley Harris


Maxwell, Ian (pseudonym of Scott) McCarthy, Joseph

McCloy, John J.

McCone, John

McCormack,John W.

McHugh, Margaret

McKinley, William

McNamara, Robert

Mexican Dirección Federal de Seguridad (DFS) Mexican government

Mexican Interior Ministry

Mexican Socialists

Mexico City trip by LHO.
See also
CIA Mexico City station; Cuban embassy, Mexico City; FBI Mexico City Field Office;
and specific agencies and individuals
CIA and

CIA chronology of
CIA’s Phillips and
CIA testimony on
CIA withholds reports on
Cobb and
dates of
Duran and
FBI and
FBI files on CIA surveillance in Ford and
Hoover on
Hosty testimony on
KGB agent and
LHO costs and
LHO payoff rumors and
LHO post-assassination destination and LHO threat to kill JFK in
Marina and
recent interviews on
Russell and
Slawson investigates
Thomas and
WC draft on

Midgley, Leslie

Miller, Herbert “Jack”

Moore, Elmer

Moore, Powell

Moore, Walter

Morgan, Edward

Morgenthau, Robert

Mosk, Richard

Mosk, Stanley

Moyers, Bill

Murret, Charles “Dutz”


National Archives

National Enquirer
National Guardian
National Institutes of Health

National Observer
New Orleans

Garrison and
LHO in
Liebeler trip to

New Orleans Times-Picayune
New Republic

New York City Police Department
New Yorker
New York Times
WC report published by

New York Times v. Sullivan

Nixon, Richard M.,

LHO targets

Norman, Harold

Nosenko, Yuri Ivanovich

O’Brien, John J.

Odio, Amador

Odio, Annie

Odio, Silvia

O’Donnell, Kenneth

Office of Strategic Services (OSS) Olney, Warren

Onassis, Aristotle

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