A Cruel and Shocking Act: The Secret History of the Kennedy Assassination (102 page)

Warren and
WC files and
WC report and
WC report costs and

Russell, Robert

Salinger, Pierre

Saturday Evening Post
Scelso, John (pseudonym of John Whitten) Schieffer, Bob

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.

Schrand, Martin

Scobey, Alfredda

Scott, Janet

Scott, Winston “Win”

death of
memoir of
Phillips novel and
retirement of
Thomas and

second gunman theory

Secret Service

autopsy and
CIA and
cover-up and
creation of
Dallas investigation and
drinking by agents and
FBI fails to alert
initial reports by
Jacqueline Kennedy’s testimony on JFK funeral and
Marguerite Oswald and
Marina Oswald and
news reports on
O’Donnell and
Protective Research Section (PRS) Specter and
Stern investigates
WC report and
WW testimony and
Zapruder film and

September 11, 2001, attacks

Seymour, William

Shaneyfelt, Lyndal

Shanklin, Gordon

Shark and the Sardines, the
(Arévalo) Shaw, Clay

Sheridan, Walter

Shipley, Carl

Sidey, Hugh

Silverman, Hillel

single-bullet theory

autopsy and
ballistics tests and
Connally and
Epstein on
Jacqueline Kennedy’s testimony and Specter develops
Warren and
WC internal dispute on

Sirhan, Sirhan

Slawson, David

Angleton and
Arévalo book and
background of
CIA and
Coleman Cuba mission and
conspiracy theories and
Dolan and
Dulles and
Duran and
FBI and
Ford vs. Rusk and
LHO diary and
Liebeler and
Mexico trip and
Odio and
at Office of Legal Counsel
RFK and
staff relations and
WC report drafting and
work days of

Slawson, Kaaren

Smith, Howard K.

Smith & Wesson pistol (Tippit murder weapon) Socialist Party

Soviet embassy, Mexico City

Soviet Union (USSR).
See also

CIA and
de Mohrenschildt and
Duran and
FBI and
LHO and
LHO leaves
LHO letter to Soviet embassy and Marina and
Nosenko and
Paine and
RFK and
Rusk on
Russell and
WC investigation of

Special Affairs Staff (SAS)

Specter, Arlen

autopsy photos and
background of
Bork and
Connally and
Dallas trips and
Dulles and
FBI and
investigation assignment of
Jacqueline Kennedy and
LBJ and
LHO autopsy and
Manchester and
Marina Oswald and
medical evidence and
O’Donnell and
report drafting and
Ruby and
Secret Service and
single-bullet theory and
staff relations and
transcripts and
Warren and
witness testimony and
Zapruder film and

Specter, Joan

Stalin, Joseph

State Department

Mann and
Thomas and

Steinbeck, John

Stern, Samuel

Stevenson, Adlai

Stiles, John “Jack”

St. Louis Globe-Democrat
Stolley, Richard B.

Stone, Harlan Fiske

Stone, Oliver

Storey, Robert

Stubblefield, Robert

Sullivan, William

Teamsters Union

Texas School Book Depository

LHO job at
shots fired from
WC tours and tests
witnesses at

Texas Theatre

Thomas, Charles William

CIA campaign vs.
Garro approaches
Garro follow-up by
loses State Department job
memo of July 25, 1969
memo of December 10, 1965
memo of December 25, 1965
papers of
pension reinstated
suicide of

Thomas, Cynthia

Thomas, Zelda

Thompson, Edward K.

Thorne, James


_of London Tippit, J. D.

autopsy photos
Lane and
Ruby and
WC report on

Tippit, widow of

Tito, Josip

(newsletter) Tomlinson, Darrell

Tonahill, Joe

Trevor Roper, Hugh

Trotsky, Leon

Trujillo, Rafael

Truly, Roy

Truman, Harry

United Nations

United Press International

U.S. Army

U.S. Congress

U.S. embassy, Mexico City

U.S. House of Representatives

Appropriations Committee
Select Committee on Assassinations Un-American Activities Committee U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Senate

Armed Services Committee
Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities (Church Committee) U.S. Supreme Court
Warren retires from

Vietnam War

Wade, Henry

Waldo, Thayer

Walker, Edwin

Walter Reed Army Medical Center Ward & Paul company

Warren, Dorothy

Warren, Earl

autopsy report and
background of
Belin and
Boggs and
classified documents and
Coleman Cuba mission and
Connally and
conspiracy theories and
Cuba and
Dallas police and
Dallas trip of
deadlines and
death of
Dulles and
Duran interview blocked by
Epstein and
FBI and
first learns of assassination first statement by, on assassination Ford and
Garrison and
Goldberg interview of
health problems of
Hoover and
Hosty and
impeachment campaigns vs.
Jacqueline Kennedy and
JFK and
Kennedy family protected by
Kennedy family response to report and key evidence denied to staff by Lane and
LBJ and defense of report by
LBJ and Lady Bird interviews limited by LBJ chooses, to head WC
leaks to media and
Liebeler and
“lifetime” comment and media
limits imposed by
lone assassin theory and
Manchester and
Marguerite Oswald and
Marina Oswald and
Markham testimony and
media and
Nixon and
Nosenko and
Olney and
Pearson and
personality of
polygraphs and
public response to report and Rankin appointed by
Redlich defended by
regrets accepting WC assignment retirement of
RFK and
Rowley and
Ruby and
Russell and
Secret Service and
secrets kept by
Specter and
staff and
Stern and
Supreme Court and
WC budget and
WC files and
WC first meetings and
WC organized by
WC report drafting and
WC report presented to LBJ by WC report signing and
WC report unanimous conclusion and WC routine and
Willens and
Zapruder film and

Warren, Earl, Jr.

Warren, Nina

Warren, Robert

Warren Commission (President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy).
See also
Oswald, Lee Harvey; Warren, Earl;
and specific agencies; commissioners; evidence; staff members; theories; and witnesses
aftermath of

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