A Different Side (University Park #4) (22 page)

The stadium erupted in elation. Coach signaled in another play and I nodded. The team huddled together and I instructed them on the new play. We quickly broke apart and lined up for the first down. After Matt hiked the ball to me, I handed it to Josh and then he pitched it back to me. Confusing our adversaries, I ran it in for a touchdown. The train horn blared and I did a little dance across the end zone. Fireworks shot off into the sky. I knew this was going to be the best day of my life.




We won forty-two to seven, crushing our opponent. Proving again we owned the South Central Conference. After the game, we were presented with our trophy for winning our conference. The fans rushed the field and it was beyond amazing. I searched for Lexi on the field, but saw her in the stands with Delaney. After a few interviews, I ran to the locker room and took a fast shower. Coach said he’d handle the press conference and instead wanted me present when they announced the bowl game. Everything was lining up in my favor.

“What’s the rush, big boy?” Cage slapped me with his wet towel. My back stung, but I shook it off and continued pulling up my jeans.

“I have some friends waiting on me.” I pulled on a polo shirt and flipped down the collar.

“Lexi,” Shawn sang into his brush, snapping his fingers, “I love you.”

I cringed at his broken, high-pitched voice that was sure to crack all the mirrors.

Cage laughed and his belly jiggled like a big bowl of Jell-O.

“Dude,” I threw my hands up in frustration, “c’mon on. You’re killing me.”

Shawn didn’t stop and Josh was soon at his side, pretending to strum his guitar. Shawn kept singing,
I love you,
to the tune of
Kool and The Gang’s, Joanna
, one of his mom’s favorites. I’d seen his parents dance to it countless times. Before I knew it, some of the players started singing, and I wanted to stuff myself in the locker and shut the door. The guys would never let this go.

They surrounded me, forming a tight circle, clapping to a perfect harmony as Shawn stumbled through the words. I laughed, not knowing what else to do. I rubbed my forehead, feeling the sweat break out across my temples and the heat sting my cheeks. I had never been so embarrassed before. These guys knew how to bring it on. Yeah, so maybe Lexi was the one for me, which only meant one thing: I needed to let her know.

I grabbed my bag and broke through their tight circle. “See you guys later!”

They chanted and whistled as I made my way to the door. As soon as I exited, fans and family members promptly greeted me. Since all my family was in New Orleans, I didn’t have anyone waiting on me. I signed a few autographs and shot Josh the evil eye when I saw him bypass all the fans. I talked with one reporter and then skirted the rest of them dying for a statement. I felt bad, but I honestly couldn’t wait another minute to see Lexi.

I slipped on my shades, hoping no one would notice me and hiked through the stadium parking lot toward the tents. The sun was low, but shined brightly between the stadium and other buildings. A light breeze blew, filling the air with the smell of barbeque pits and beer. The party was just getting started. I just hoped Lexi was waiting for me.

I detoured around a large group of students, heading toward the Kappa Sig tent and walked across the lawn. The tent was full of people but I spotted Shelby in Josh’s arms. He swung her around in a circle, her cowboy boots flying through the air. And the team thought I had it bad. They had it all wrong. Josh was not just in love, he was totally whipped. Next time, I’d tell Shawn to pick on him instead.

“Hey, man, great game.” A Kappa Sig, whose name I couldn’t remember, held out his hand.

“Thanks, dude.” I shook it and a few other guys’ hands before making my way into the tent.

I searched through the hordes of students and that’s when I saw her.

We caught each other’s gazes for one full minute. The world stopped and everyone around us disappeared. Only Lexi and I existed. No one else. I blinked several times, still not believing she was in front of me. It seemed like it had been months since we’d seen each other.

I smiled and her lips formed a perfect, sweet smile. It spread over me like warm honey. My heart was ready to take flight like a bee searching for his hive.

“Hi.” I appraised her from head to toe, taking in every curve. Every muscle and fiber moved inside of me, drawing me closer to her. How did she possess that power?

“Hey.” She rose up on the tips of her toes and wrapped her arms around her thin frame. I wanted to take her in my arms and never let her go. “Great game.”

I leaned in, dying to smell her sweet scent. “I’m glad you came.”

“I couldn’t miss seeing you play your last game of the season.” Her cheeks reddened as we stood, face to face.

I wanted to tell her to relax, that everything would be okay, but my mind and mouth weren’t cooperating. “You look good in that jersey.” I noted the fabric tied in a knot, which gave me a peek-a-boo shot of her flat tummy and navel. My fingers wiggled, eager to touch her soft, silky skin. Her long hair swirled around my jersey number and I was ready to grab her and sprint to my car with her cradled against my chest.

“Thanks. Although, some of the girls didn’t like that I was wearing it.” She glanced at the Silicone Triplets, who were gawking at us. My world was consuming her; I just hoped she was strong enough to battle it.

I sneered at them. “Don’t worry about them, okay?” I tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear and then traced her jawline with the tip of my finger. It felt so good to touch her and my body begged for more of her sweetness.

“Great game, Raven.” Another Kappa Sig patted me on the shoulder, breaking our connection.

“Thanks, man,” I said, not paying much attention. Lexi consumed me and I loved every minute of it.

People continued to congratulate me, not allowing us to talk. I did the right thing and thanked them. Because where would I be without my fan support? Not here, that’s for sure. Lexi didn’t seem to mind, smiling at every person who came up to me. She was polite, well-mannered, and totally perfect in every way.

There was no question about her supporting what I loved. But I’d never let that come before her. I made a promise to myself at that very moment to make her feel like the most important person in the world. One thing that Mimi taught me was God first, family second, and football third. Now was my chance to prove that to somebody.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and whispered in her ear, “Do you want to get out of here?”

Her body stilled for a few seconds and then she leaned back. With big brown eyes, she stared at me and then bit down on her lip, causing pieces of me to unravel. She gave a slight nod and I took her by the hand, wanting everyone to see that she was leaving with me. I wanted them to know only one woman belonged in The Raven’s trap, and that was Lexi Thompson.

We passed the Silicone Triplets and they huffed and muttered childish remarks, but Lexi took the higher road and ignored them.
My type of girl.
I smiled internally. Was there nothing this girl wasn’t perfect at? I hoped the answer was no.

She handed Delaney her cup as we exited the tent. “I’ll see you later.”

Delaney took the cup and winked at her. “If you don’t make it home tonight, I know why.”

I stopped and turned around. “Hey, I heard that.”

Delaney’s eyes widened and a look of dread draped over her face. “I didn’t—”

“Relax. I’m just messing with you.” I grinned and she sighed in relief. Pulling Lexi closer to me, I said, “I promise to bring her home when she tells me.”

Lexi smiled and then waved goodbye as we crossed the parking lot.

I really didn’t know what to say about what happened so I kept the conversation light.

“So, you’ve been in hiding?” I walked at her pace toward my car.

She kept her eyes trained on the ground. “I guess you can say that. I was going through some personal stuff.”

“I understand.” I tried to sound sincere; I wanted her to know I was there for her. Whatever she needed, I’d be there to listen to her. “I’m sorry to, um, hear—”

“It’s okay.” She cut me off and I knew I needed to choose my words carefully. “It wasn’t meant to be.”

I unlocked the car and opened the door for her. “Well, I’m here for you if you want to talk or need anything at all.” She’d tell me her side of the story when she was ready.

“Thanks, I appreciate it.” Her voice rattled as she got in the car.

I shut the door, jogged around to the driver side, and slid into the front seat. We sat there for a moment in silence. I was afraid to make the wrong move and scare her off. The only answer was to let her make the first move. With one arm resting on the steering wheel and the other on the console between us, I turned to her.

“Can I be honest with you?”

She pivoted in her seat and faced me. “Sure, as long as I can be honest with you.”

We exchanged a silent agreement as our gaze drew us closer together. Her sweet smell consumed my car and my chest ached. I hadn’t realized how much I missed her. How broken down I’d been without her in my life. Lexi filled my heart with a sweetness that made me forget about everything else. My eyes scanned over her beautiful features and then rested on her plump lips.

Damn, I wanted those lips on me.

All over me.

Right now.

And I was ready to get down on my knees and beg for her to kiss me.

But I had to be patient. Tearing my eyes from her lips, I stared deep into her eyes. “I’ve really missed seeing you.”

She breathed heavily and I saw the hesitation in her eyes. I needed to put her at ease, so she felt safe with me. Most of all, I had to let her know she could trust me. It might take some time, but I was willing to prove it to her.

My heart pounded, waiting to hear her response. Did she feel the same way?

Her eyes softened, and she said, “I’ve missed you, too.”

My heart danced to a new beat. A beat Lexi created every time she was near me.

Damn, how much more can I take?

I reminded myself again to take it slow, let her call the plays.

“Do you remember what I told you in the suite?” My eyes shifted toward the stadium for a quick second and then returned to her.

Was she ready for The Raven’s trap?

Now that she was a free woman, I was more than ready to show her what my trap was really about. After a night with me, she’d never want out, but I’d give her what she needed and more.

She shifted to the side. “You told me lots of things.”

I tried to hold back a grin. She either didn’t remember or wanted to flirt with me. I inclined my head and then rubbed my chin. “I’m referring to the point I made about me not doing anything unless you asked me to.”

Her eyes widened and she smiled. “Oh, that point.” She dropped her hand on the console and inched her fingers closer to mine. “Yeah, I remember.”

My fingers ached, eager to touch her skin, but I kept them under control. Slowly, our fingers brushed against each other and then locked together. The softness of her skin made everything inside me melt, rendering my arm useless. She paused for a moment, and then said, “Raven, can I ask you to do something?”



The hunger in her eyes and the fullness of her lips told me what she wanted me to do. And I’d gladly do it. “That depends on what it is.” I caressed her flesh with my thumb, eager to feel more of her.

“Will you kiss me?”

A huge smile spread across my face. “I thought you’d never ask.”

I tilted my head to the side, taking a moment to capture every part of Lexi’s beautiful features. She was gorgeous and I was totally awestruck.

How the hell did I get so lucky?

I wanted her to remember this kiss.

And every kiss after that.

I was ready to take those lips captive and show them what they’d been missing.

I moved closer to her, preparing to give her what she wanted. I paused momentarily, teasing her just a little. “Are you sure you want me to kiss you?”

She nodded, speechless, as her eyes zeroed in on my lips. Her lips begged for me, and I lured her in, capturing all of her breath. Gently, I pressed my lips to hers and her eyes fluttered to a close. I kissed her softly, tenderly, experiencing all of her sweetness.

And damn, was Lexi sweet!

Cupping her cheek with my hand, I steadied my movements, even though I was eager to devour her. I could kiss her lips all night if she let me. Her lips parted, giving me an open invitation, and I took it. I slid my tongue into her mouth and she met mine, eagerly.

She tasted so damn good!

Kissing Lexi was better than I thought and I had kissed hundreds of girls, so that had to say something. But I knew if I didn’t stop, I’d never be able to. It took all my strength to break away.

I peeled my lips from hers. Her eyes remained closed and her lips puckered. “Lexi?” I whispered.


She was clearly drunk from my kiss and I loved that I had that effect on her. “Look at me.”

Slowly, her eyes opened, and I connected my gaze to hers. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to kiss you.” I ran my thumb across her lips, eager to taste more of her.

She inhaled and her chest moved rapidly. “I’ve been dreaming about you kissing me since the day I met you.”

Damn. If only I’d known that.

My heart pounded in my ears and I swallowed — hard. The hunger in her eyes filled me, working every part of me until my insides raged with an incessant need for her. It was as though her body was screaming for me to take her. And I was ready to. All the blood rushed to one area and I froze. I had to slow down. Way down. I didn’t want Lexi to think sex was the only thing I wanted from her.

“How about we go grab a bite to eat? I’m starving and if I don’t—” I stopped and smiled, embarrassed to admit I wanted to make love to her.

The flush of her cheeks told me she knew what I was thinking. The part that killed me the most was knowing she probably thought the same thing. She nodded and relaxed back in the seat. “That sounds like a good idea.”

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