A Different Side (University Park #4) (24 page)

She gripped my hands tighter. “You will make it to the pros. I know you will. You have a special talent and when you’re on that field, it comes to life. So, if you need someone to help you battle those demons, I’ll be there for you. I swear on my life, Raven Davenport, I will be there for you.”


Chapter 15


Adventure is worthwhile.



“So what do you want to do next?” I turned on the car and had to fight off the raucous thoughts consuming my mind. I knew where I wanted to take Lexi and what I wanted to do with her.

“I don’t know. There are so many things I haven’t done.”

A thought hit me and I quickly turned in her direction. “I think you need to make a list.”

“A list?”

“Yeah, you know, like the top ten or twenty things you want to do before you graduate.”

She giggled. “You know, that sounds like a great idea.”

“And you can already mark one of them off.” I grinned, remembering she had her first beer with me.

She shot me a questioning gaze. “I can?”

“Yeah, you said you’ve never had a beer and we already took care of that.”

“Oh yeah.” She smiled at the memory. “I’ve always wanted to sneak into some place while it was closed, so I guess I can check that one off, too.” She wiggled in her seat, her excitement evident.

“See, you already have two down.” I reversed the car, eager to work on the next one. “I know one more you can check off tonight.” I stretched my arm across the seat, resting it behind her. I thought of several more things we could do tonight — on the list or not — but I reminded myself to take it slow, like she’d asked, and let her make the decisions.

“Really? What’s that?”

“A party.”

Her lips pressed together, but a huge smile emerged. “Let’s go.”

I headed toward the university and turned on a street a few blocks from Lexi’s dorm. One of the frat guys directed me to a spot on the grass near the front of the house. Lexi seemed somewhat impressed.

“Are you sure I’m okay dressed like this?” She looked down at my jersey.

“You bet you are. In fact, no one will mess with you, because they’ll know you belong to me.” As soon as the words let my mouth, I cringed. I didn’t mean for it to sound like I owned her. I just loved the fact that she was wearing my number.

“Belong?” Her voice lilted.

“I’m sorry,” I pleaded. “That came out wrong. I guess what I was trying to say was, guys will know you are with me and won’t try to hit on you.”

“Okay,” she opened the car door, “I think I can handle that.”

We got out and walked toward the house. The front door opened and music blasted through the speakers. Empty beer bottles and red plastic cups cluttered the yard. The house would be trashed before midnight struck. People hung around the porch, talking and drinking, and I wondered what they were going to think when they saw me with Lexi. Not that I cared. I wanted them to know I was with her.

I sensed Lexi was a little intimated by the crowd, loud music, and drinking. I latched on to her hand. “Relax. Just stay next to me and you’ll be safe.” She clasped her fingers tightly around mine and I led her inside.

Several eyes landed on us, but I acted like it was no big deal. “Hey, man, what’s up?” I shook hands with a couple of guys standing by the pool table.

Lexi looked around. “Whose place is this?”

“One of the guys on the team lives here with some of his fraternity brothers.” I continued greeting a few of my friends, eying them as they checked out Lexi. I’d warn them before they got any ideas. She was with me tonight…and hopefully every night going forward.

“It’s a nice house.” She admired the dark mahogany staircase and bookshelves in the craftsman style home. This house was exactly something I’d love to buy for my mom.

Sigh. One day.

“Yeah, but after tonight, it’ll look like shit.” I shook my head and guided her to the kitchen, squeezing through the crowd of people. It didn’t take long for Macy and her friends to spot us. They rolled their eyes and whispered into each other’s ears. I kept a grin on my face the entire time. I was certain I wouldn’t be needing their services any more — status change was definitely in effect.

“Lexi!” Delaney threw her hands up in the air and ran toward us. “You made it.”

“Yep, I’m here.” Lexi glanced at me and I smiled. It was almost surreal.

“I can’t believe it!” Delaney flung her arms around Lexi and I stepped aside, trying to stay clear of her flailing arms. “We’re going to party all night long,” Delaney sung repeatedly, and I wanted to laugh. The girl was definitely drunk and ready to have a good time.

“Damn, did you down a whole bottle or what?” Lexi pushed her away.

“Uh, no.” She rolled her eyes. “Just took a few shots. C’mon. You have to try this.” She grabbed Lexi’s hand and started to drag her toward the bar.

“I’ll be right back.” Lexi stumbled behind Delaney.

“I’m going to see who’s here and then I’ll come find you. Flip your phone to vibrate in case I can’t find you,” I informed her before heading off in the opposite direction.

I found Shawn in the hallway, talking to some girl. “Don’t listen to anything he’s saying,” I said, leaning toward her.

“Shut up, man.” Shawn slugged me on the arm. “You’re ruining my image here.” He pretended to dust off the front of his shirt.

Chuckling, I said, “Whatever.”

Shawn pushed me and I waved him off as I made my way through the house, telling my friends hi. Lexi might not have been by my side at that moment, but knowing she was there with me gave me a different swagger. She’d be leaving with me tonight and I couldn’t wait to see what happened after that.

“When did you get here, dude?” Josh placed a hand on my shoulder and I turned around.

“Hey, man.” We clasped hands. “Lexi and I got here about five minutes ago.”

Josh cocked a brow. “She came with you?”

I grinned. “Yes, she did. And she’s leaving with me too.”

Pulling me closer, he said, “Get it, man.”

I shook my head and released his hand. Even though I was dying to have sex with her, I refused to pressure her or talk about it with my friends. “I already told you, she’s not that type of girl.”

Josh rolled his eyes. “Yeah, whatever.” His voice slurred, telling me he’d already had several shots.

“I’m serious,” I said before deciding right now wasn’t the time to try to convince him. “So, where’s Shelby?”

“In the kitchen, I think.” Josh took another sip of his beer. “You’re not drinking tonight?” He eyed my empty hand.

“Uh, I just—”

“Raven, my man.” Quinton wrapped an arm around my neck, breathing his beer breath all over my face. “When did you get here?”

“A little while ago.”

“Hey, you need a drink?” He showed me his cup.

“Yeah, sure.”

“I’ll be right back.” He darted off to get me a beer.

In the background, I heard a crowd cheer on Abby, one of the Silicone Triplets. Something told me she might try to ruin it for me. “I better go check on Lexi.”

“Yeah, alright. I gotta go take a leak.”

“Okay. Later, man.” I headed back toward the kitchen.

Abby pushed her way through the kitchen and I made sure to avoid her. Over the crowd of people, I spotted Delaney, Lexi, and Shelby sitting on barstools. Shelby looked drunker than Delaney, and by the mischievous expressions on their faces, their goal was to get Lexi caught up. I’d keep an eye on her and take care of her if needed.

Lance, a Kappa Sig, was working the makeshift bar, holding a bottle of liquor. He turned over three shot glasses and filled each one of them. “Bottoms up, girls.”

I pushed my way through the crowd, eager to see Lexi take her first shot. Everyone started clapping and egging them to drink. “One. Two. Three!” A roar erupted and I caught a glimpse of Lexi downing the whiskey.

She squeezed her eyes and her face twisted in disgust. “Ugh! What the hell was that?” She stuck out her tongue and fanned her mouth.

Lance muttered something, but all I caught was, “Haven’t you tried one before?” He gave her a weird look.

Everyone gawked at her as if she were from another planet. I felt so bad for her.

“She just transferred here from St. Mary’s. Ya know, the Catholic university down in San Antonio,” Delaney informed the people staring at Lexi.

“Yeah, I was studying to be a nun, but it didn’t work out so well,” she replied in a serious tone.

I busted out in laughter. What a great excuse to cover up her innocence. Freakin’ epic.

“Oh.” Everyone nodded and I could tell she was holding back a laugh.

“Do you want to do another one?” Lance held up the bottle in his hand.

“No, that’s okay.” She jumped off the chair. “I better start slow.”

“One more! One more!” the crowd yelled, but Lexi didn’t budge.

“C’mon, Lexi!” Delaney begged, but she pushed her way through the crowd, heading toward the living room. I sidetracked through the crowd, so I could meet up with her.

“Don’t back out now,” Shelby pleaded. “This party is just gettin’ started.”

I broke through the horde of people and turned to meet Lexi. She stumbled as she broke free from the tight knit mob. “Whoa. You alright?” I reached forward and caught her before she hit the floor.

“Yeah, I just—um,” she muttered as I pulled her close to me, wrapping my arms around her small waist. Her body tensed and she took several deep breaths.

“What’s Shelby complaining about now?” I asked, connecting my eyes to hers. I lured her in, causing her body to relax against my chest. Having her in my arms never felt so good. Her gaze rested on my lips and her eyes rolled back. Either she was ready for me to kiss her, or the liquor was taking effect.

I tilted my head from side to side, trying to get her full attention. “How many shots did you do?”

“Just one.” She smiled, her eyes focusing on me. “Now I can check that off my list.”

“Good. But what did you take?”

“A Fireball.” She straightened and tossed her hair over her shoulder, pleased with her accomplishment.

I gave a nod of approval. “I’m glad you only did one. That shit’s like sixty-six proof, it’ll knock you on your ass.”

“Is it stronger than tequila?” She placed her hand on my chest and I flexed. What would it take to get her to rub my muscles? A few more shots?

“Depends on the tequila. Cheap tequila isn’t as strong, but a good bottle is about eighty proof.”

She wiped the corner of her mouth with her finger. “I guess a Fireball was a good choice to start with.”

“We’ll see.” I had to resist the temptation to kiss her right there. “Just wait awhile before you do another one, okay?”

She nodded and then settled into my arms, getting more comfortable by the minute. Whether it was the liquor taking effect or me putting her at ease, I didn’t care. I couldn’t wait to see more of this different side of Lexi.

“Hey, have you seen Shelby?” Josh pulled me back, leaning into my ear.

“Yeah,” I pointed toward the kitchen, “she’s over there doing shots.”

“Aw, hell.” He shook his head, pissed.

“Hey, Josh.” I grabbed his arm before he took off. “I’d like for you to meet Lexi.”

Josh stopped and turned around. “Lexi? The tutor?”

I wanted to punch him in the face for saying that. Did he have to keep reminding me she was my tutor?

“Yes, the tutor.” Lexi stuck out her hand, seeming to like that he called attention to that fact. She shook his hand and smiled.

“Nice to meet you, Lexi. I’m Josh Marshall.”

I hooked an arm around him, letting it go. “This guy here is not only my teammate, but also my best friend.”

“And don’t forget roommate.” He held up his beer.

“Oh, yeah. That, too.”

“Let’s go dance!” Delaney crashed into us, making Josh spill his beer.

“Damn, girl. Take it easy on the shots. We’re going to be carrying you out of here if you don’t stop,” Josh said.

Delaney threw her head back, laughing. “I can hang with you guys. Trust me,” she said, but her eyes told another story.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Josh waved her off. “Where’s Shelby?”

“Right here.” Shelby grinded on him, as if he were a pole she was ready to swing on.

“And how many have you done?” Josh crossed his arms and stayed stiff, trying to act like he didn’t enjoy it.

Shelby hiccupped and then giggled. “Enough to make this one wild night.” She winked at him and I knew the party was over for them. Josh grabbed her and planted his lips on hers. They gave each other sloppy kisses as their hands roamed all over each other’s bodies, as if they were alone.

“Damn, go back to the apartment.” I pushed them aside and they stumbled out the front door, lip-locked the entire way.

“C’mon. I wanna dance.” Delaney shook her body and Lexi joined in, moving to the beat of the music. Damn, she looked so freakin’ sexy. I couldn’t wait to take her home tonight. Delaney grabbed Lexi by the arm and pulled her toward the living room. Lexi latched on to my hand, towing me behind her.

“No, that’s alright,” I protested at first, then allowed her to lead me toward the makeshift dance floor. Dancing with her wouldn’t be so bad.

Moves Like Jagger
filled the air and the floor shook beneath us. We danced in a tight circle, bodies rubbing against each other as people showed off their moves. Delaney sang, or tried to, missing every high note. But the girl didn’t care. She was having a good time and we laughed at her wannabe superstar impersonation.

Matt, who played center, worked his way across the dance floor in our direction. He got behind Delaney and started freakin’ her, but she didn’t seem to mind. She quickly joined in on the grinding action, rubbing her ass all over his dick. With her cute figure, long dark waves, and striking blue eyes, it was obvious why guys flocked to her. Not to mention her reputation was wide open to any guy.

Lexi looked away, obviously bothered by her behavior. I assumed it had something to do with her brother, but that wasn’t something I wanted to get involved in. Delaney was an adult and what she did was her business. Besides, my attention was better spent on Lexi.

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