A Different Side (University Park #4) (47 page)

“I know just the place.” Macy took me by the hand and led me out the door.

“I guess you have something to do after all,” Carl said with a wheezy laugh.

Glancing over my shoulder, I cocked my brows at him and smiled. Surely words were not needed to acknowledge what was about to happen.

“So, where to? Your apartment?” Macy ran her tongue along her lips, preparing me for what she had in mind.

I glanced at my watch. The numbers were blurry, but I could tell it had been about forty-five minutes since I’d left my apartment. Shelby would still be getting dressed. “Negative. My roommate and his girl are there.”

“Okay. We can go to my place.” Macy hit the start engine on her red Mercedes hatchback — a car I was positive Jared bought her. I couldn’t remember the last time I saw her on campus and I knew she hadn’t graduated. More than likely, she didn’t have a job either. Unless blowing Jared counted as a profession.

“Sounds good to me.” I opened my car door and got in. I probably shouldn’t have been driving, but since it was only a few blocks, I could make it. I followed the sporty red car to Macy’s three-plex housing unit that was practically brand new. Again, I was positive she wasn’t paying for it, and neither was her mom. She came from a jacked up family, similar to mine.

Macy pulled into the garage and I parked in front. I walked around back and met her at the side entrance. The wind blew, making the air chilly.

“So, are your roommates here?” I asked, glancing at her bare legs. How she wasn’t freezing in her micro mini-skirt was beyond me.

“Jennifer’s out of town and Shannon should be getting dressed.” Macy unlocked the door and I walked into her house. Fruity fragrances from either candles or lotions filled the air, giving the place a nice, clean smell, despite the filth that went on in here.

“Where’s she heading to tonight?” I took the paper sack from Macy’s hand, placed our beverages in the refrigerator, and lifted a beer from the holder. I started to close the door, but figured I should ask her if she wanted something to drink. “Did you want one?” I pointed to the bottles.

“Yeah, go ahead and give me one.” Macy took off her jacket and hung it on the back of the barstool.

I grabbed a cooler and then shut the door. Using my palm, I twisted the cap off and handed it to her. She took a quick drink, and then said, “She’s going to Jared’s with me later. Wanna come?” She leaned across the bar, giving me a nice shot of her cleavage.

I shook my head. Going to Jared’s would be bad news, just like last time. Besides, I had vowed never to go back there. Recalling what I’d told Lexi sent my mind into another episode of spiraling torment. I took a big gulp, dying to forget about everything.

Macy rounded the island and approached me. “C’mon, it’ll be fun.” She placed her hand on my chest and dragged it down the center of my pecs and abs, leaving a trail of heat.

I took another drink, steadying my reactions to her poisonous touch — a touch that would have me doing things I’d later regret. But tonight, I wasn’t worried about that. I just needed Macy to help numb the pain and keep my mind off Lexi.

She hooked her fingers into the belt loops of my jeans and pulled me close to her. “There’ll be plenty of liquor, not to mention some blow.” Her eyes flickered for that familiar high.

“Hell no. I have a game in a couple of days. I’d be screwed if they did a random drug test.
drugs. And if you slip me something, I swear you’ll regret it.”

“What are you going to do?” She pegged me with a challenging stare.

I set my beer on the granite countertop and pinned her against the island. Pressing my body firmly to hers, I placed my arms on each side, keeping her locked within my space. She leaned back, taking me in with one sweep. Narrowing my eyes, I shot her a death warning. “Don’t test me, Macy. I mean what I say.”

“Okay, okay.” Her jaw tightened and she took a hard swallow. “Can’t we just have a little fun?” Her voice squeaked and she blinked rapidly.

I released my arms and took a step back. “Sure. What did you have in mind?” I picked up my beer and allowed the cold brew to funnel down my throat.

She ran her fingers through her long strands. “I don’t know. What do you want to do? I’m game for whatever.” She held the bottle up to her mouth, wrapped her lips around the neck, and slid it in and out of her mouth a few times, teasing me before she finally took a drink.

I laughed, shaking my head. Macy might have loved to tease me, but she always delivered. “You know, I think I taste better than that bottle.”

A huge smile emerged. “Oh, I know you do.”

I picked her up and sat her on the counter. She wiggled closer to me as I wedged my body between hers, spreading her legs until her skirt rode up to her ass.

She released a throaty laugh. “Hungry, are we?” She placed my hands on her thighs and I gave them a tight squeeze.

“No. Just need to forget about some things, that’s all,” I openly admitted. Macy wasn’t the sentimental type. There was no hurting her feelings, so I could just say it and not worry about tears and shit. She was there to serve one purpose and that purpose had no strings attached.

“I’m good at doing that.” She nipped at my lip.

I cocked a brow. “Oh, I know you are.”

She shoved me and my back hit the refrigerator. “In that case, tell me if this helps.” She hopped off the counter and dropped to her knees.

“Oh, I’m sure it will.” I finished off my beer as Macy’s fingers worked to undo my pants. My already dazed mind quickly slipped into a haze as the memories released one by one. Macy was just the person I needed to numb the pain and help me stay in my pretend world. Even though tomorrow I’d be thinking of Lexi and regretting it all, right now I just needed to let go of the love that we once had. Lexi was gone. I had to forget about how much I was missing her.


Chapter 30


I believe that two people are connected at the heart,

and it doesn’t matter what you do, or who you are or where you live;

there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together.

~Julia Roberts



By the end of the night, I ended up at Jared’s, despite telling Macy I didn’t want to go. After a round with her and Shannon, along with another six-pack, I was ready to party the night away and let everything go. It would be the best therapy for me. I just wanted to have a crazy night, make some new memories, and forget about the ones tearing me apart.

Jared’s place was packed. People from PHU and elsewhere filled his pad. Women were everywhere and they couldn’t seem to keep their hands off me. I took pictures with all of them, loving every minute of the attention. I forgot how good it felt to be wanted. And these women definitely wanted me. Too bad I didn’t charge them for their time. I would’ve made some serious money. Josh was right about something —
The Raven
was back!

Abby showed up with her clan and I talked them into going to one of the bedrooms. They were disappointed they didn’t have any of their gadgets, and I probably would’ve let them do whatever the hell they wanted to me, but I gave them what they wanted and they definitely made it worth my time.

The last thing I recalled was sitting in the kitchen with Macy on my lap. We were making out and I was still drinking, not ready to stop anytime soon. Halfway through the night, I’d switched to Crown and Coke. The beer wasn’t strong enough to take away the voices that kept popping up, reminding me Lexi still loved me. I needed to expunge all traces of her from my mind. It was the only way I was going to make it.

I was already having a hard time keeping my eyes focused when the room suddenly began to spin. I couldn’t remember the last time I got this drunk. I pulled away from Macy.

“You alright?” she asked, trying to catch my gaze.

“No. I’m fucked up.” I pushed her off my lap and tried to stand, but fell back into my chair. I was drunker than I thought. My entire body felt numb and my heart was beating so damn fast, I swore I’d just ran across the field twice. A cold sweat hit me and my stomach flipped. I was going to be sick. “I’m gonna hurl,” I told Macy, trying to get up once again.

“Let me help you.” She wrapped her arm around me and we stumbled to the bathroom. The line was long and I motioned for her to take me outside.

“No, let’s go to Jared’s bathroom.” She shuffled me down the hall.

My stomach squeezed and I grunted, holding it in until she punched the code to unlock his bedroom door. The door opened and we rushed inside. I made it to the bathroom just in time. I hugged the porcelain, tossing everything from my stomach. A weird sensation spread up from my toes to my head. My face, throat, and tongue tingled, as if one thousand bees had stung me. I wasn’t sure how I was still throwing up, but I was certain I was about to lose all bodily function. My heart continued to pound and my head felt as light as a feather. Somehow, I managed to stop hurling and sat up. The sudden movement rippled through me and the room did a double flip. I swayed to the right and then to the left.

“Raven, are you okay?” Macy wiped my face with a towel. “You’re burning up.”

I tried to talk, but the words slurred. I’d passed out from being drunk before, but this time, I knew it had to be something more than liquor. I stared at Macy, ready to rip her in two. I didn’t know whether it was her or someone else, but I’d been drugged — again. There was no way beer and Crown did this to me. My eyes became heavier by the minute and my mind went numb, until everything went black.

A bright light shined on my face and for a moment, I thought I was dead. I waited to see the pearly gates of heaven, like movies depicted, but instead, I heard indistinct voices. They shuffled around me, saying things that didn’t make sense. Was I in hell? Knowing the things I’d done, it was certainly a possibility.

“Give me twenty CCs of Narcan,” a man said, shining a light in my eyes.

Within seconds, my body turned cold. Frigid cold. My heart started to slow and my breathing evened out. No, I wasn’t in hell. If I was, I would’ve been a burning inferno. I tried to open my eyes, but they were so heavy, like dumbbells were tied to each of them, keeping them weighed down and glued shut.

Was I dying?

I wasn’t ready to die.

I had too much left to do.

Too much to fix.

Most of all, I needed to tell Lexi that I still loved her, needed her…couldn’t live without her. I tried to move my arms, but it was like every muscle in my body had dissolved, turning me into heap of weak, brittle bones.

I had no strength.

No energy.

No life.

“His blood pressure is one-forty over eighty,” a lady with an older voice said, shaking me from my rest. “And his heart rate is now at ninety-nine BPM.”

I fought, trying to peel my eyes open. I was determined to know where I was and what the hell had happened to me, but an incessant beep lulled me into a deep sleep. There was no way I could fight this.

“Good. Good. Looks like he’s stabilizing. Let’s give him some…” the male voice faded and everything went black again.




A familiar warmth surrounded me and I knew I was safe. Safe from whatever the hell had happened to me. But what had happened to me? Where was I? Was I dead? Hearing the beeps in the background and feeling a heaviness on my chest with each breath I took, told me I was alive and breathing.

Softness brushed across my skin, sending more chills through my freezing body. Caressing touches ghosted over my palm. There was only one person who could feel that silky. I struggled to move, every muscle weak and non-cooperative. I had to know who was here with me. It took all my effort, but I forced my eyes open.

I had to be dead; the woman of my dreams was sitting next to me. “Le-xi?”

Tears streamed down her cheeks and she looked distraught and worried. “Yes, it’s me. I’m here.”

I cleared my parched throat a few times, trying to talk. It burned, as if someone had taken a sheet of sandpaper and rubbed all the soft tissue away. “What are you doing here?”

“Shh.” She lowered my hand next to me. “You’re going to be okay.”

I shifted and kicked the blanket covering me. My body was hot and cold at the same time. “Is it really you?” I stared at her, unable to believe she was here with me. Using what little energy I had, I cupped her cheek. A heavy sigh released as various emotions hit. It was overwhelming and I struggled to keep them under my control.

“Yeah, babe, it’s really me.” She placed her hand on top of mine and I rejoiced in her presence.

“I never thought I’d see you again.” My eyes wanted to close, but I forced them to stay open. I flashed her a half smile, letting her know I was glad to see her.

“Well, here I am.” Tattered emotions filled her voice, making my chest ache. Lexi was one devoted person. I didn’t deserve her forgiveness. She was too good for me. But, at that moment, I just wanted to forget about what happened and hold her.

“Come here.” I extended shaky arms, welcoming her. She crawled into the bed, laying her body against mine.

Damn, I missed her.

Her sweet scent.

Her intoxicating touch.

I took long, steady breaths, pacing the beats of my heart. I couldn’t believe she came back to me. I threaded my fingers through her hair, holding her close as she rested her head on my chest. Our gazes connected and the familiar feelings rushed in, releasing all the hurt and sadness I had been feeling over the past days. Only Lexi could fill the reopened holes.

And that’s when I realized I wasn’t in my bed or at my apartment. “What the hell happened?” I took in my unfamiliar surroundings. Wires and an IV led to several beeping monitors behind me. Cream walls and plaid curtains surrounded me along with a funky sterile smell. “Where am I?”

“You’re in the hospital.” Her eyes lowered. “Shawn brought you here,” she informed me in a squeaky voice.

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