A Dominant Man (33 page)

Read A Dominant Man Online

Authors: Lena Black

A crooked smile enhances his perfect lips. “It was shamefully wrong of me to put you in a position to be caught in such a private encounter. You do things to me, and any will to contain myself goes out the window. I enjoy public sex, as long as there aren’t people in eyeshot of my girlfriend in such a vulnerable state.”

“So, exhibitionism is a hard limit?”
I ask teasingly.

“Yes. No one is to witness you, my tender lover, in the throes of passion.”

“I understand, but I’m not opposed to doing it again, or some variation of it.”

A wicked grin swims across his striking face, but it retreats when our waiter enters. Damian orders for us
, conveying a confidence I know only goes skin deep. I watch him intently, and suddenly, he isn’t Damian, the successful magnate with all the power in the world at his fingertips, but Damian, the lost, scared little boy who dwells within.

He can’t be older than twelve years old, small frame swimming in his oversized suit. He’s sad, and I don’t know why, but I want to. I want to save him from his past, his abusers, himself. I want to grab this green-eyed innocent into my
arms, tell him it’ll get better and no matter what I must do, I will protect him.

I’m snapped out of my fantasy by Hunt’s…well…snapping. I fully come to and he’s studying me with the focus of a panther on the hunt.

“Is everything alright?”

“Yes, just chasing a runaway thought.”

Our waiter has left, and we continue our intimate conversation. Hunt reaches across the table and cradles my hand in his. My heart flutters at his touch. Even the simplest touch drives me mad with lust.

“What do you want to discuss with me?” He shifts in his chair. “Do I make you nervous, Damian?” I flirtatiously tease.

“Extremely,” he whispers with his serious, intimidating gaze focused on me.

“I know the feeling,” I stutter, head tilted down staring at my lap.

“Do you now?”

“Yes. How could I not? I’m not a timid little thing, but you’re a force.”

“Gabrielle, stop fidgeting and look at me. You’re above such self-conscious behavior.”

I sit up straight and lift my head to meet his gaze.

“I’m not good at hiding it like you,” I comment with a big sarcastic grin.

He gives me a reprimanding look, and I roll my eyes.

“Let’s discuss our arrangement, shall we? What do you think of what I’ve shown you thus far?”

His thumb runs along my knuckles.
Oh, that’s nice.

“I want to continue. I enjoy it.”

He smiles. “I do, too…Do you have any questions for me?”

“Yes,” I answer and pause.

“Would you like to ask them?”

“Yes…What purpose does your lifestyle fulfill?”

“For whom?”

“Sub. I think I have an idea what purpose it gratifies for you.”

He smirks, amused. “Well, as you said earlier, it’s giving you control and a sense of self. It’s an opportunity to let go of your inhabitations and control, allowing me to provide everything you need, desire. It allows you a chance to escape yourself.”

“I understand the appeal of bondage and spankings, but it’s the control over me I can’t wrap my head around. I mean…I get the concept of control, but I’m not exactly a perfect candidate for this role. I’m op
inionated, stubborn, and strong-willed.”

“Gabrielle, I
you to have an opinion and thoughts of your own. I don’t want a robot. Your input is crucial to our relationship in and out of the bedroom. Most women who partake in this lifestyle are strong and willful outside of the bed. I’ll enjoy the challenge of molding you into my obedient lover, but truthfully, I’ve been immensely satisfied by your performance. Do you enjoy pleasing me?”

“Yes, very much.”

“This is another reason you’re an excellent sub.”

“Have you thought of the rules I’m to abide by?”

“Yes. I’ve given it some thought. I want to start off easy, and we’ll work up to other expectations. Right now, I want you to get used to taking orders and following them. That being said, first rule. If I give you a direction, order, or request, I expect them to be obeyed without hesitation or argument. You will not hesitate in your obedience or when responding to me. Focus is vital to your growth. Do you trust I won’t take advantage of you?”

“I trust you, but…”

“Elle, I trust you and but don’t go together. Either you trust me or you don’t. If you don’t it’s perfectly fine. I will earn your confidence. I promise I won’t abuse my power or position.”

Our waiter comes back with our first course and a bottle of 1997 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti,
Romanée-Conti. I’m no buff, but even I know its stature in the wine world and costly price tag.

“Would you like me to pour it for you, sir?” The server inquires.

“No, thank you. That’ll be all,” Hunt replies, nodding to him.

“Very good, sir.”

Our server sets the food and bottle on the table, along with two crystal wine glasses and promptly takes his leave. Damian picks up the wine, skillfully pours me half a glass and then himself. I hold up my glass.

“Salute,” I toast.

I swirl the fragrant red wine and take a sip, swishing it in my mouth before swallowing it happily.

“What did you order?” I ask, studying our plates.

“I ordered chilled oysters in a red wine mignonette for myself and prawns sautéed in garlic, lime, and vermouth for you.” He picks up an oyster and holds it up to his lips, slowly slurping it into his mouth. He grins at me and licks his lips.

“Would you like one?”

“Yes, please.”

He picks up another and extends his hand over the table. I lean in and place my parted lips at the edge of the shell, closing my eyes. He tips the calcified casing, pouring the salty mollusk and its juices into my waiting mouth. I close it, savoring the briny flavor of the plump morsel and swallow.

“Mmmm,” I moan, opening my eyes and smiling appreciatively. I pick up my fork, plucking a prawn off my plate and hold it out for him. He leans in, snatching it with his lips and slides it off the fork. I watch him relish my offering, chewing and smiling at me sensually.

“Thank you,” he replies
once he’s finished.

“It was my pleasure,” I retort, with a crooked smirk.

“Shall we continue with our discussion?”

“Yes, lets.”

“Excellent. Second rule. When you aren’t in my presence and must make decisions, you will execute them to the best of your abilities within the limits and guidance I will lay out for you. Conduct yourself in a manner I deem fitting. Do you have any grievances thus far?”

“No. Continue, please.”

Still firmly clasping my hand, he twists the ring on my most significant finger.

“Third rule. Y
ou shall wear the clothes and jewelry I obtain for you as a symbol of your status in life and bondage to me. You shall wear them as expected but not limited to your finger, ears, neck, wrists, ankles, or waist.

“Fourth rule. Y
ou must always express your thoughts, both physically and verbally, to anything I do with you. The expression of your emotions and physical reactions are invaluable to me. You will never hold back your opinions, regardless of how intense I might be. I want you to sporadically appraise your life and how it has transformed as a result of our relationship. You will inform me of where there has been improvement, where you are uncomfortable or uncertain of what course you should take, how you behave in a manner that is dissimilar to your behavior in the past…Still with me?”

“Yes, I am
. Communication is necessary and required.”

“That’s my girl…Which leads me to rule number five. You must always pay attention with a strong interest to what I say during traini
ng. I want you to learn from me so you can comprehend more about me, yourself, and the community. This is so you may be able to better appreciate the world you’re a part of.”

He takes a taste of his wine, c
lears his throat, and continues, “Sixth rule. You are required to admit when you have been naughty. For example, if you’ve experienced an orgasm without me, or my knowledge, I may determine if said violation requires me to take disciplinary action, and you will accept my decision by thanking me for my verdict. I will specify beforehand why you are being reprimanded. While receiving the appropriate punishment, you must apologize for misbehaving and concentrate on the proper way in which you’ve been taught, the debasement upon yourself, and the unacceptable action that displeased me.”

I can’t move, breathe, or think. All I can do is listen with total fascination, w
hich being a rule means I am already on the right track to pleasing him. I want to please him more than anything.

“Rule number seven
, and I believe this goes without saying, as my sub you shall integrate a lustful mindset and ravenousness into
you execute. I desire your eagerness to perform sexually to the best of your abilities with a hunger that can only be satiated by me.

“The eighth and final rule. W
hen you spend the night with me, which will be often, you will sleep nude unless directed otherwise or we discuss the reasons you desire not to do so and I approve. Obviously, cold nights would be exempt if it weren’t for central heating. The purpose of this is because I want to be able to take you whenever I please…Do you have any comments or questions?”

He studies me, gauging my reaction. I gawk at him silently, allowing his set guidelines to seep in and
register. When they finally do I shake my head slowly from side to side, wide-eyed.

“Gabrielle, tell me what you’re th
inking or I will discipline you right here.”

I clench up and let out a nervous whimper. “I want to please you, but I know I’ll mess up.”

“Even though I know you’ll do phenomenally well, I expect you to make mistakes and when you do step out of line or slip-up, I will be there to correct and guide you. Do you believe you can properly follow my instructions?”

“Yes, but it will be hard.”

“At first, but after some time it will become second nature to you. Speaking of hard…” My eyes pop open, and my eyebrows shoot up. I feel like a dog who just heard the word bone. “What are your hard limits?”

Dang it.

“Why don’t you tell me what you will and won’t do with me?”

“Ok. No fisting, scat play, blood play, etc. I don’t do anything I consider hardcore.”

“Those are definitely hard limits for me. I don’t like those pleather getups with the masks. They freak me out.”

He laughs.

“I’m not into those either. I wouldn’t call what I do vanilla, but I don’t do anything that die-hard. Why don’t you tell me what you’re open to and we can work within those guidelines.”

spanking, bondage, anal play, and using toys. I’m open to trying new things, but I prefer we discuss it beforehand.”

“You’ve enjoyed ev
erything we’ve done, and you’re willing to try more providing we communicate in advance. Do I have that right?”


“I agree one hundred percent, communication is important. I promise nothing will be done without your consent.” He plays with the ring on the most significant finger. “Are you sure you’re interested in anal play?”

“I want your big, handsome cock anywhere it’ll fit,” I reply with the straightest of expressions and take a sip of my wine. Hunt’s mouth falls open as if my comment just slapped him across the face.

“Shit, Elle. Are you trying to make me jump this table and fuck you right here? I’m about to.”

I giggle and gently tickle his palm with my middle finger.


Our waiter arrives with our dinner. Hunt ordered us, filet mignon with carrots, potatoes, and melted shallots. We take a few bites before continuing our conversation.

“Did you have this talk with the others?”

His green gaze springs to mine
, and he pauses mid-chew, finishes, and replies, “No, not exactly. It wasn’t discussed this thoroughly because they already understood what was expected. I presented them with a contract, and we would briefly discuss their prerequisites, then they’d sign.”

This morning’s exploration on the intern
et pops into my head, and I remember the part on contracts and rules.

“They signed a contract? What sort of material might I find in this contract?”

“What I expect from my subs, rules, hard limits, stipulations, etc. It isn’t legally binding, but I feel a contract can be beneficial in shaping the relationship. It lays out the expectations of both parties involved and assists in clarifying stated desires. Most of all, it puts the slave into a mindset of servitude.”

“I’m in awe of this. It’s nothing like what I expected.”

“There are a lot of misconceptions about this alternative lifestyle, but most are terribly false.”

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