Read A Dominant Man Online

Authors: Lena Black

A Dominant Man (35 page)

“Damian. I don’t want to be Master right now. Though, I’ve thought of a new trick I’d like to try out.”

I dart up and kneel in front of him on the bed. “Is it too late to pick Hunt?”

He kisses me on the cheeks. “Yes. I want to worship not dominate. Rough is incredible, but nothing compares to making love to you, taking time to explore your irresistible form.”

His words warm me from my flushed cheeks to clenched toes.

know just what to say. You always make me feel so good about myself, which isn’t normal for me. I’m comfortable in my own skin to an extent, but I don’t observe myself as being on your level either.”

“You’re right…You’re far above me. I’m the one unworthy of you, but I’m going to do whatever I must to prove it false. I’m going to make you realize your beauty inside, out.” He drags me into him, my apex smashing against his rock-hard cock. “Enough talk. I’m going to show you how miraculous you are.”

Hunt’s fervent, convincing lips rush onto mine with a breathtaking passion. He scoops his arms about my waist, holding me firmly, attempting to meld us. I can’t think or breathe. I become putty in his durable hands, giving into the kiss, into him.

In my entranced state I forget myself and fling
my arms about his neck, and he tenses. I realize what I did and remove them swiftly. He parts from me to say, “It’s ok, angel, put them back.”

I grin broadly, throwing my arms back around his neck, pulling him onto my mouth. In response he clasps his hand to the nape of mine, deepening our arousing oral dance. Our tongues twirl in a beautiful waltz as his yearning hands clasp frantically to my skin and clothes.

He hauls me away and rips open the robe, baring me to him. He breathes a sharp intake of air at the sight of my exposed flesh. His eyes scan up and down my body at a sluggish pace, fully taking me in.

“How could you not see what I see? You’re an angel, a vision in silk, and I’m captivated by you.”

I reach up, slithering my fingers between the separations in his dress shirt and tear it open. The buttons explode across the room, making noises as they hit glass and wood. Hunt appears stunned by my aggressive manner, or perhaps my ability to do it at all. I lunge at his belt and pants, but he stops me.

“I got this part.”

He makes rapid work of his pants, and a second later he’s gloriously exposed. He backs away from the bed, grinning a carnal grin, and I stand on the mattress.

“Come here, gorgeous,” he purrs with come-hither eyes, sexually crooking his finger.

I leap into his arms and enfold myself around him. His arms cling to my lower back and rear as we go at each other, wildly kissing, licking, and nibbling. He strides us into the bathroom and sits me on the counter, ravenously attacking my neck. I thrust my hands into his silky strands and tug when he nibbles the nook of my neck. He breaks from me, mouth slack, panting with a desperate lust in his burning eyes, and I return his wanton gaze.

He tak
es a step back, assessing me in my exposed state. My legs are spread open wide, revealing myself and the tiny scars that lightly adorn my thighs. He extends out a hand and traces his fingers over the tiny defects that reveal a part of my damaged past I wish to forget. They are little reminders I will always carry with me, and though they may fade over time, along with the inner scars, they’ve changed me forever.

I watch him examine them with pained interest, studying each one carefully with his fingertips. The act is tender and arousing as he creeps ever closer to my exposed apex. He glimpses up at me with sorrowful eyes, and I melt at his u
nique attachment to my own pain. It’s as if he feels it, too.

I take his hand, and he guides me off the counter into his arms. He splays a hand on the back of my head and cradles an arm about the small of my back, embracing me tenderly, holding me to him. I listen to his pounding heart and concentrate on the rise and fall of his chest as he takes in long, steadying breaths.

Once calmed, he clasps his large hands about my waist and spins me around to face the mirror, wrapping his arms about my torso. I glimpse at my reflection but quickly look away, focusing on his lovely, lustful face.

“I want you to look at yourself, not me.”

I give him a look of confusion, and he pinches my chin with his long, nimble fingers, gently coaxing my face forward.

“Look at yourself.”

My eyes reluctantly move back onto my face but shut instantly as I’m overcome with embarrassment.

“Open your pretty eyes for me, gorgeous.” I crack one open, and he’s gently smiling down at me. “I want to show you how beautiful you are. Let me show you what I see.”

I spring the other open and fix them on my face, but it’s hard not to look away. I fight the urge and keep them aimed at my mug. “Ok, Damian, show me.”

He caresses my cheek with the back of his hand and runs it down the opening of my robe. “I love your peaches and cream skin with the little beauty marks sporadically hidden about its curves and contours. I can’t keep my hands off it. It’s so soft and smooth.”

He shoves his hands into my hair, combing his fingers through it and twirling the ends. “I love your long, wavy, honey blonde hair, the way it cascades around your full breasts. It smells of coconut and you.”

He buries his face in my hair and breathes in deep, moan

“I love your enormous, luminous sapphire eyes. They radiate your inner beauty and reveal your stunning, broken soul. My whole world fits within those eyes.”

He roughly brushes his thumb across my full bottom lip. “I love your plump, kissable lips and the way they feel against mine. I want to ravage and claim them as my own.”

My breathing hitches as he slides his fingers under the silk robe and strips me down, allowing
him a complete view. He takes my hands and glides them across my tummy, breasts, and collar. He guides them down the curve of my waist, kneading and groping at my hips and thighs.

“I love your voluptuous, responsive body. I want to lick and explore every curve and peak. I want to worship it endlessly, discipline it vigorously, and fuck it passionat
ely. Do you see what I see, angel? Do you see how desirable you are? Do you see how much I want and need you?”

I shut my eyes and roll my head back onto his chest, moaning out a resounding yes. He spins me around, taking my mouth with a forceful passion that steals my breath away, pilfering every bit of air or sense I possess. I’m drunk with his love and need for me.

He plants his hands on my ass and lifts me up into him. I enfold my legs about his waist without hesitation and fling my arms about his neck, pulling him further onto my wanting mouth. Our bare bodies bind together into a single outline.

The head of his penis presses and rubs along my wet pleat. A little lift, an adjustment, and he’s plunging into my taut entrance. I’m pleased he doesn’t wait. I’ve had enough foreplay for one evening. His bulky cock str
etches and fills me to the root as he strides us out of the bathroom and over to the wall near the bed, shifting in me with each rough step. He slams my back against the cool surface of the semi-smooth stucco wall.

“Hold onto my neck and unwrap your legs.”

I eagerly wrap my arms about his neck and untwine my legs, his adept hands clasping onto my thighs. He commences, surging deep inside with a measured attack. He hungrily focuses on my face with a green gaze that gives away his needs, his wants. He bores into me with a gluttonous, hedonistic fervor, every inch of ecstasy perfectly hitting the sensitive knot of nerves buried deep within me. I break eye contact when my head rolls back from a particularly delicious thrust. He tackles my neck with desirous lips, running his tongue along the contours, tasting my salty flesh.

“Your flavor and aroma is a mind-altering mix that drives me fucking mad. I could devour you.”

Prickly waves course down my spine, flourishing in response to his exquisite drives and words. I hold him tighter around his neck and bring myself flush against his glistening torso. My weakening head lies heavy on his shoulder while he continues the forceful pounding, his strong hands clinging frenziedly to my trembling thighs.

He hauls us away from the wall, gripping and fucking me furiously.

“Let go and lie back until your hanging upside down,” he orders.

I don’t hesitate, complying quickly I release my grasp around his neck and allow myself to fall back. I hang there, my long golden hair sweeping the floor. He continues his assault on my coveting core, pounding into me relentlessly. My body swings and jolts with every agonizingly perfect thrust. I let my arms fall and my fingertips graze the hardwood floor, nails lightly scrapping.

My back arches and twists. My body clenches and quakes as the scrumptious tension seizes and builds inside me. Until one last euphoric hammer sends me careening over the brink, and I cum screaming out his name over and over, convulsing around him. He quietly follows suit, spilling himself into me. The familiar warmth pacifies my fiercely shaking, dangling body, and I let out an extended, relaxing breath.

The last thing I remember, he’s laying me on the bed, cleaning me off, and tucking us in. He wraps his arms about my nude, weak form, culling me into him, spooning me. I let sleep come and take me into the comforting darkness.

Chapter Nineteen


Back to Reality


wake abruptly to a gloomy Seattle morning and search the room to discover why I might be startled out of a deep slumber, but there’s nothing. Just a peculiar feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I can’t figure out why.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

Damian’s standing next to the closet, fully dressed and ready for his meeting. He’s wearing a navy blue suit with a white shirt and silver tie.

“You look very authoritative, remarkably sexy.”

“Yes, well, sexy is what I was going for.” I giggle. “Thank you. Speaking of sexy, you look incredible wrapped in those sheets. I wish I could come back to bed.”

I smile and blush. “How long before you leave?”

He peeks at his watch. “I should be leaving now actually.”

He strides over to me and awards me a long kiss goodbye. He walks out apace, and I’m alone without him for the first time in two days. I get up, take a reviving shower, and brush my teeth and tangled strands.

Once I’m clothed in jeans and a long-sleeved, gray V-neck, I head downstairs to scrounge up grub. I’m almost at the bottom of the stairs when I hear keys in the front door lock. I rush to greet Hunt, but instead…

“Damian, are you home, da
r-ling.” Her endearment wrenches when she spots me, bewildered, at the foot of the stairs. Olivia stands stunned in the doorway, dressed in black to match her soul. “What the hell are you doing here?” she snarls.

I remain calm, but my words bite. “I should ask you the same. I don’t remember Hunt inviting you.”

She huffs and crosses her arms. “How dare you speak to me with a tone, filthy whore. I’ve more right to be here than you.”

“Being I was invited
and you weren’t, I don’t see how that’s possible.” I give her a rude, crooked smirk. “Besides, I would rather be a whore than a child rapist such as yourself.”

I glare
with my hands planted on my hips.

“He enjoyed every moment of it. He begged for it…You truly b
elieve you mean anything to him? He’ll tire of you like all the rest. You can’t possibly think you’re good enough for him.”

The unwelcome visions of the horrific acts this she-demon performed on my poor Damian causes the rage boiling inside me to take over until all I see is red. I could kill her for what she’s done to him. The pain and suffering she inflicted. The undeniable damage she caused him by taking advantage of his innocence.

“I’m none of your concern and neither is our relationship,” I snarl.

She laughs cruelly. “What relationship? You think because he said a few appealing things and brought you on a trip, you’re in a relationship? You’re pathetic. More so than any of the other girls.”

“I don’t need to justify myself to you. You’re jealous because you can’t possess him how I can. You cradle robbing succubus.” I smile snidely at her, and I see the frustration forming on her bright red face.

“Jealous? Of you? Oh, you poor, ignorant little girl. If you believe for one moment that I could ever be envious of a submissive, you’re sadly mistaken. You’ll be gone soon, and I’ll take my rightful place by his side.”

“Wow, you’re fucking delusional! You’re his sister, psycho. How are you going to be with him? He doesn’t want you. I thought he made it perfectly clear last night when he ripped you a new asshole.”

I’m furious. I didn’t sign up for this. I turn and shoot back upstairs to the bedroom. I shove my black converse on and hastily collect my things. When I come back down, she’s still standing in the doorway.

“Finally realize you

“Nope. I don’t wan
t to be near you. Inform Damian I said this was not a part of the package and I’m going home.”

t said, I strut past her and out the door, calling a taxi while I march along the extensive, tree-lined driveway. The cab doesn’t take long, and I head to the airport.


manage to snag a seat on the next flight, but we’re delayed on the tarmac for over an hour, allowing me an opportunity to realize my decision to leave was irrational. Nonetheless,I refuse to be there with that devil woman. I’m pissed she’s at our place, and he hadn’t told her to stay the hell away
Anyway, it’s too late now.

After an anxious hour
, we finally take off, and I relax back into the leather chair, awaiting the moment I’m at home in my bed. I’m just glad to be away from that awful woman and the drama that ensues in her wake.


e land before noon to a clear San Fran day. I grab another cab home and lug my bag up to my apartment. I’m looking forward to time alone to think and recoup from the extended weekend with Mr. Complicated.

I open the door and hear my sister’s cheerful voice coming from the living room.


I walk in to discover her
sitting on the couch with Damian! I drop my bags on the floor.

Ellie, I missed you.” Maya leaps up and runs into my arms.

“I missed you, too.” I hold her as I stare at Hunt, perplexed and a bit frustrated. “I thought you weren’t arriving for another few days”

“I wanted to surprise you.”

“I’m definitely surprised.” We break away, and I focus my attention onto Hunt. “What are you…How are you here?”

“How am I here? I own a private jet or have you forgotten along with your manners.” He has a sobering expression on his face. “I flew back to find you. You left without a word, and I’m not allowing you to leave me without an explanation.” He pauses, cocking his brow in a speculative manner. “What took you?”

“Flight delay. I left to escape your hor
rendous sister. Or did she not tell you of our lovely conversation?”

No. I called before the meeting, and she picked up. I cancelled my appointment and rushed back to the house to find out where you were. She told me you said this wasn’t part of the package.” He lets out a long sigh and rubs the back of his neck. “I wasn’t expecting her. In fact, I’m livid she showed up. I’m sorry for the appalling comments she surely made. I assure you with utter certainty, whatever she says is usually full of shit.”

’s next to me, holding my hand, with a look of confusion and shock on her face. “Should he not be here, Ellie? He had a key, so I thought it was ok.”

“He what? You have a key?”

Maya has an oh-shit look. “I better leave you two. I’ll be in the shower if you need me.” Before I answer she disappears.

“Well? A
nswer me.” I glare at him tightlipped.

“You already know the answer. Why ask?”

I stomp my foot on the worn wood floor. “How did you get it?”

“I made a copy while you were staying at my place,” he responds casually, as if his behavior is normal.

“Damn it, Damian. You can’t do that. It’s an invasion of privacy.”

“I didn’t think you would mind.”

“That’s not the point. I’m supposed to tell you it’s ok first!”

“I’m sorry. I’ll give it back.” He reaches for his keys on the coffee table.

“No, keep it. I was going to give you a copy anyway.”

He shoots me a soft, lopsided grin and leans back into his seat.

“Now that the issue’s settled.” Damian’s calm demeanor shifts, and Hunt is sitting before me, furious. “Why the hell did you leave me so abruptly? I was worried sick about you. I thought you quit me, forsook us. You promised you wouldn’t.”

The anguish
and fury in his voice is heart-wrenching.

“I didn’t quit you. I didn’t want to be near her, and I knew she wasn’t going to leave. It wasn’t my aim to worry you.”

“What? You thought I would be ecstatic at your impulsive, unexpected departure? Why didn’t you call me or Banks? We would’ve handled her. You didn’t need to flee back home.” He shuts his eyes and inhales deeply.

I realize I let her get under my skin and acted without thinking of Hunt’s feelings.

“You’re right. It was thoughtless of me not to call you, but my hatred for her is overwhelming. I couldn’t think through the seething rage.”

“I understand completely. I saw red when I found
Olivia there. I thought she lied, and I came looking for you. When I saw your clothes were gone I knew you returned back here. I left her there, and you know the rest.”

He rubs the back of his neck and cracks it. “I can’t keep her from my life, but I forbid her to contact or speak to you. I’ll inform her at the party. The less I have to communicate with her the better.”

“I don’t want her around you, either. It’s not my place, but she’s no good for you, Damian. She is fucking poison.”

“Unfortunately, I can’t keep her away permanently.
However, I will inform her to back off. We’ll only socialize during family events. I won’t have you thinking you’ve no right to tell me what you want. Your place is beside me and your comfort there is crucial.”

I’m stunned. “Really? You’ll actually do this for me?”

“Are you kidding? I would do anything for you. I would die for you, kill for you.”

I run to him and fall into his lap. He cradles me in his arms. “Oh, Damian, I’m sorry I left you without a word. It was selfish of me.”

“I’m just glad you’re alright. I apprehend your urgency to leave, and I realize it wasn’t something I’d done. I’m relieved we’re good.”

“Better than. I love you with everything I have, and you love me equally. I’m on cloud nine.”

“You’re so unbelievably fucking gorgeous.” He kisses me hard. His hand grips the back of my head and mashes me to him. We part and hold each other for a while silently, with my head snuggled into his chest.

“So I’m guessing you two kissed and made up.”
Maya’s voice breaks the blissful quiet from the entrance of the hallway.

“Yes, everything’s fine,” I reply with a coy smile. “I should introduce you two.” I try to rise, but his grip around my waist isn’t having that. “
Maya, this is Damian Hunt. My old man. Damian, this is my little sister Maya. Didn’t you introduce yourselves before I got here?”

“No, only first names, but no titles,” Hunt answers.

“Old man, huh? When did this occur?” Maya asks with a stupid grin.

“It’s still new,” I respond.

“Does Dad know you’re screwing his business partner?”

Maya!” I scold. “You knew who he was?”

“Yeah, I heard about him through dinner conversations, but we’ve never met. It’s nice to finally put a face to the notorious name. And quite a face it is.” She flexes her brows and winks at me.

“How is it everyone knew of him except me?”

“I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t speak of me as if I wasn’t present.”

“Sorry,” Maya and I apologize in unison, which must be weird for him considering how similar we look to one another. We are the same coloring, shape, and height. Only our noses and lips are different. Hers are sharper and slender, mine rounded and fuller.

“Apology accepted,” he laughs out.

We smile at each other and giggle along with his infectious chuckle.

“What are the plans for the day?”
Maya inquires.

Hunt and I glance at each other when we realize we wouldn’t be spending the day together.

“I have business I should attend to. I will leave you both to your own devices.” He begins to shift me off his comforting lap.

Maya, would you give us a few moments?”

“Not a prob.” She walks out, scrutiny crinkling her
face. When she’s out of sight I fling myself at him, wrapping him tightly around the neck, which causes him to tense slightly.

“We c
ould’ve been alone one more day, but I screwed it up.”

He runs his nimble fingers through my hair. “It’s alright. I’ll be back this evening and stay the night. I want to take you
on your first day of work.”

“Good. I can’t spend tonight without you. Be back by six. We can make dinner and watch a movie.”

He cups my face in his big hands and softly kisses my temple.

“Sounds heavenly. Now, go have fun with your sister. Be safe, please.”

“I will.”

I get up, and he follows me to the door. He turns back
to me as he exits and says, “I love you, Gabrielle. You’ll be on my mind every second were apart.”

I smile and jump into his waiting arms to give him a longing kiss, wishing we were under the sheets instead of saying goodbye.

“You’ll never leave mine. I love you, Damian.”

One last desperate kiss and he’s gone, leaving my heart to ache as if no longer whole.

How will I ever make it without him if it feels like this? I want to be back in our own little world, where nothing exists outside of us and the love we share.
I realize my hand is over my heart and I’m leaning against the door.
I have to get a grip on myself. This is healthy and what I’ve been bitching about the last few days.

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