A Dom's Dilemma (14 page)

Read A Dom's Dilemma Online

Authors: Kathryn R. Blake

Uncrossing his arms, Jim bent closer to her. “My feelin’s for you are not what’s at issue here, Kelly. You deliberately disobeyed me, and I will not tolerate that.”

She bent her head and sobbed as if he’d broken her heart. Refusing to let her unhappiness unman him, Jim scowled at her for a moment, then straightening he glanced back at Kyle. “I simply don’t understand. What is it about sobbin’ women that makes a man feel like shit? She launched herself at me like a rabid she-wolf, and now I feel like I’ve kicked a puppy.”

When that comment made Kelly cry even harder, Jim shook his head and placed a gentling hand on her hair. “All right. That’ll do. I want you to settle down and be quiet for a while. You’ve done more than enough carryin’ on for one afternoon.”

Unable to do anything else, she bent her head as large, wet sobs continued to pour out of her. Realizing as long as her hands remained cuffed behind her, Kelly couldn’t wipe her nose, Jim grabbed the box of Kleenex from the table and ordered her to look at him.

“You’re a god-awful mess right now, darlin’,” he scolded gently, then held a tissue to her nose. “Blow.” She obeyed. Crumpling up that one, he grabbed another tissue and held it. “Again.” After she did as he ordered, he grabbed another tissue and wiped the tears from her cheeks. Then lifting her chin to examine her, he said, “Better.” When she merely gazed up at him, he pressed a hand to her head until her cheek rested against his thigh, then continued to stroke her hair. “You relax now, and you and I will have a nice long talk about the many pitfalls of disobedience, later.”

Kelly let out a watery sigh, rested her head against Jim’s knee, and relaxed. The floor was probably hard on her knees, and no doubt those handcuffs hurt, but she knelt beside him without a single word of complaint while he continued to soothe her with long, gentle strokes.

“Sorry ‘bout what happened between you and Tiffany,” Jim commented quietly to Kyle.

Jim noted the slight frown wrinkling Kelly’s forehead as she rose up to stare at Kyle.

“Kelly…,” he warned ominously, pleased when she laid her head back down against his knee. “Good girl,” Jim praised and resumed his light stroking.

Kyle sighed. “Yeah, that’s going to be a tough one, I’m afraid. She heard Kelly say she expected us to be together last night. Unfortunately, I had to break a date with Tiffany to be with the two of you at the club, so I think she’s going to have trouble understanding exactly what was happening.”

Jim gave a nod, then said, “I got to finish up with this little hot-tempered termagant.” He jerked his head in Kelly’s direction. “Don’t think it should take too long for me to get my message across. She ain’t stupid, just stubborn. But I don’t expect she’ll feel up to partyin’ much after our talk,” he grumbled, using his fingers to mimic quote marks before and after the word talk. “So, later, if you’d like to go for a drink together tonight. I’m game.”

“Thanks, but I need to straighten out the mess with my girl before I attempt to do any other socializing.”

When Kyle rose to his feet, Kelly immediately lifted her head again, but lay it back down the moment Jim gave another gentle press of his hand.

“I guess you won’t be needing any help carrying out your ‘discussion,’ right?” Kyle asked.

“No. But thanks, bud. I think I can take it from here without any more problems.” Then gazing down at the woman who knelt with her cheek resting on his thigh, he gave her a light tap on the head. “Kelly, I believe you owe an apology to Master Kyle. We’d like to hear it now, please.”

Kelly glanced first at Jim, then looked over at Kyle. “Forgive me, Master Kyle, for my rude behavior and language earlier.”

Kyle gave her a nod, but didn’t make a move toward her. Kelly was considered Jim’s now, so unless Jim gave his permission, Kyle wouldn’t touch her. Not even to give her a pat on the head.

Lightly resting his hand at the back of her neck, Jim glanced down at Kelly, but spoke to Kyle. “If you forgive her, Master Kyle, you may touch your hand to her head. If not, I will add her earlier show of disrespect to our list of discussion topics.”

Jim knew instinctively that Kyle was struggling to hold back his smile. He’d been there himself several times already with this little minx. However, Kyle managed to keep his expression stern as he stepped forward and touched Kelly’s head. “You’re forgiven, sub.”

When Kelly mouthed, “Thank you,” Kyle gave them both a nod, then turned, leaving Jim to deal with his recalcitrant submissive.


The moment Kyle shut the door Kelly glanced back up at Jim and he shook his head. “What am I gonna do with you, brat?” He watched as tears filled her lovely blue eyes again, and gave her a light tap on the nose. “There’ll be time enough for those later. You’d best save them..” He ran his fingers through her hair and along her neck and shoulders. “You got the rest of the afternoon off?”

“Yes,” she answered, then added, “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were on the phone.”

Jim sighed. “Unfortunately, that’s not what got you into trouble. But you know what did, don’t you?”

Kelly shrugged and sniffed. “I only wanted to ask if you’d like to leave early.”

“I gave you my phone number, darlin’. Questions like that should be asked first on the phone, not in person. And especially not in person if your Dom warns you you’re riskin’ your hide if you show up at his place of work.”

Kelly gazed down at the floor. “I thought you might get a little angry, and I expected you would scold me for disobeying you, but–”

“Yeah. I know. Some of this god-awful mess is my fault. I wasn’t consistent with you last night. I let you get away with far more than I’d ever let any other sub say or do in the first few days of our relationship. That’s my error, and I accept that, which is why I’m gonna have to carry out the promise I threatened back in your apartment, unless you say your safe word to me now.”

“If I safeword now, will you consider ever seeing me again?”

He shook his head. “No, darlin’. Safeword now, and it’s over between us. But Kelly, I strongly urge you to consider it. I know this is a hell of a way for a Dom and a sub to begin, and I wouldn’t recommend it to my worst enemy. I can tell you now that if you choose to stay with me tonight, I’m gonna end up makin’ you sorely regret your decision. And I mean that literally. It’s your choice, but I urge you to run while you can. I’m pissed as hell with you right now, and your backside is gonna pay double for that.”

Kelly nodded. “I understand.”

“Do you? Do you really?”

“Yes, Sir. I was wrong to disobey you, but I should have at least believed you to be a man of your word. You warned me enough times. Except I–”

“Don’t say it, darlin’. I can understand the whys and wherefores, I just can’t excuse ‘em this time. And I do regret that heartily.” He bent forward. “If you can believe anything, Kelly, I want you to believe that I have no desire to hurt you, but if you don’t safeword, I’m gonna have to do it anyway. And the fact that you’re forcin’ me into this position is makin’ me even angrier. So, do you understand exactly what you’re signin’ on for if you come home with me?”

She gazed into his face for a moment. “You’ll still take me home with you?”

“I told you I would, and I told you why. As far as I’m concerned this weekend is ruined, one way or the other. And no matter what you choose, I can tell you it’s not the way I was hopin’ to spend it,” he added, his hand still lightly stroking her hair.

“Nor I,” Kelly admitted. “I understand if I stay with you that I’m going to have to submit to the worst punishment of my life. It’s not what I want, but I guess it’s what I disserve for my disobedience. So, I will go with you, if you can forgive me afterwards.”

He leaned over to place a kiss on top of her head. “I’ll forgive you, darlin’. But I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to forgive myself after all this is said and done.”

“I’ll forgive you,” she stated softly, her eyes sad, with a touch of fear, yet amazingly clear.

“You might want to wait until it’s over to see if you feel the same way. In the meantime I want you to stay here and keep quiet. I’ll tell my associates that I’m leavin’ early,” he said, helping Kelly back up to her feet, then assisting her into a chair, briefly checking her knees when he did so. They looked a little red and dusty, so he crouched down to gently rub them clean. “Once the coast is clear, you and I are goin’ out the back way.”

“All right,” she agreed with a nod. “Though, I’m not sure why, since I came in through the front door.”

He merely stared at her, then smoothly rose to his feet.

She considered his expression for a moment, then said, “Oh. You don’t intend to remove your cuffs until you get me home, do you?”

He shook his head. “From the moment I come back in here for you, I will be assumin’ the role of your Master, and you will be my slave. And we’ll remain in that relationship until after your punishment is over. As my slave, you’ll be deprived of all rights. Your body is mine to do with as I please. If I choose to have you crawl out of here on your hands and knees bare-assed naked, you will be expected to do exactly that … without question or delay, or you’ll suffer an even deeper humiliation.

“You accused me earlier of treatin’ you like dirt. As my slave, you’ll be considered lower than dirt, and any comforts I grant you will be precious gifts that you do not deserve. I will expect you to address me only as Master, and breaches in protocol will be dealt with harshly and swiftly. Now, do you wish to change your mind?”

Tears started to trickle down her cheeks again, but she shook her head.

“Very well. I’ll be back to get you in a few minutes. Was that your luggage and purse I saw next to the bench?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied in a near whisper.

“I’ll pick ‘em up first, put ‘em in my car, then come back and deal with you. I suggest you gather whatever internal strength you have between now and when your punishment begins. You’ll need it.” That said, he turned and walked out of the room, leaving her.

After securing Kelly’s small case and large purse in his trunk, Jim gathered together his own internal resources. He intended to make this as humiliating, humbling and uncomfortable for Kelly as possible, but even he drew the line somewhere. Gathering up a pillow and a blanket, he tossed them in the back seat of his car and went in to get his no doubt already terrified slave.

The moment he stepped into the room, he could see the fear brimming in her eyes, and fought to steel himself against it. “Stand up, slave.”

Though that action was made more difficult with her hands cuffed behind her, Kelly still managed to look graceful in her efforts. He motioned for her to step over to him, which she did without hesitation. Gripping her arm in a less than gentle hold, he said, “Come with me.”

Then he walked her to his car. He didn’t insist she strip, nor did he demand she crawl, but those considerations were more for him than her. He’d considered making her sit in the front seat, knowing that would be painful for her given the position of her hands, but decided on a different plan.

However, when he opened the back door of his car and told her to get in, panic grew in her eyes. He wanted to hold her and reassure her, but he couldn’t. Not now. Instead he said, “Once you get in, I want you to remove your skirt, stockin’s, and underwear, then lie stomach down on the seat with your bottom bared.”

“Are you going to–”

Gripping her shoulder, he turned Kelly and gave her a hard smack on her rear. “You do not have permission to speak, slave, other than to say, ‘Yes, Master’. Next time, I’ll use my belt instead of my hand.”

The tears came more quickly now, but she dutifully answered, “Yes, Master.”

He watched her for a moment, and when she still didn’t move, he said, “If you have a question for me, slave, you may ask it now.”

“Master, do you intend to punish me here?”

“My intentions are my own, slave. What I do or not do should be of no concern to you, since you will have absolutely no say in the matter.

“Yes, Master,” she replied back in a small, frightened voice

Cursing himself for his own weakness, but unable to leave her trembling with fear, he added, “You’re true punishment will not begin until I get you to my home. Until we get there, I want you to get used to havin’ little to no privacy, other than what I permit.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Do you require further instructions, slave?”

“No, Master,” she answered, giving her hands a little jiggle, no doubt to remind him of her cuffs.

“Yes, I expect the task of undressin’ will be more difficult with your hands cuffed, but I’m sure you can manage it. I’ll assist you, if necessary, but as a penalty, you’ll get three strikes on your bared posterior for inconveniencin’ me.”

As an answer she turned her back to him and raised her hands a bit to show him where her skirt was buttoned. He released the button for her, and lowered the zipper, then said, “Slide in, slave. I will help you, then you may lay across my knees for the extra punishment you’ve now earned.”

Kelly got into the backseat of the car and remained on her knees as he slipped in beside her and shut the door. Her dark blue skirt looked tight to him, causing him to wonder how much leg she’d showed when she’d jumped on him. Admittedly, he’d been able to see her panties, and he had looked, when she’d landed butt first on the floor with a bounce, so he suspected others at the station had seen them as well, and that didn’t please him either. He slid her skirt down her backside to the seat then did the same with her pantyhose and panties. Once her bottom half was bared to her knees, he gripped her waist, lifted her and sat her down on his lap.

She let out a small gasp at the feel of his jeans against her naked, and still sore, backside, but he paid no heed as he continued to remove her shoes and clothing, then folded and set them down in the well behind his seat. Knowing he should make her turn and position herself across his knees for her punishment, he didn’t think his steadily growing erection could withstand that, so he wrapped his hands around her tiny waist and flipped her over himself, making sure he kept her wriggling bottom a good two inches from his crotch. Her gasp emerged a bit louder, but he didn’t give her any time to think.

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