A Dom's Dilemma (28 page)

Read A Dom's Dilemma Online

Authors: Kathryn R. Blake

“Now, my defiant darlin’, tell me about Mike,” he ordered before taking another sip.

She shrugged and swirled the ice in her glass with her finger. “There’s not much to tell. He was my Dom before Kyle.”

“Figured as much. Was he the one who hurt you?”

She merely looked at him, so he leaned forward. “Kelly, I’m tryin’ hard to help you here, but I can’t do it if you’re not honest with me. So, tell me. Was he the one who caused those scars in your rectum?”

Tears flooded her eyes, and he suspected this was going to be bad. “Yes, Sir.”

“What did he do exactly?”

Hurriedly putting her glass on the table, she leapt to her feet. “Please! I don’t want to talk about it.” She started toward the kitchen. “How about I fix us some sandwiches.”

He grabbed her wrist before she got away and turned her to face him before he released her. “Kellian Sarah Franklin, you sit back down now!” he snapped both with his voice and his fingers as he pointed to her chair. When she shook her head, he gaped at her in disbelief. That had been a direct order from her Dom and she refused to obey it. Big mistake on her part. He carefully put his drink down.

“Drop ‘em,” he commanded, taking note of the way she paled. “If you aren’t gonna obey me by tellin’ me what I want to know, I’m gonna punish you for willful disobedience and deliberately keepin’ secrets from your Dom. I may punish you anyway for what you’ve done, but I’m gonna start now unless you start talkin’.”

The tears came down in rivulets then, but he simply leaned back against the couch and folded his arms. “You have until the count of three, darlin’, and you’d best either be naked from the waist down and draped over my lap for a real painful spankin’, or talkin’ to me about what happened. Continue as you’re goin’, and you’ll be sorely regrettin’ not obeyin’ me in this.”

“I can’t!” she wailed.

Jim closed his eyes and fought to control his temper. Her tears and unhappiness ate at him, but right now he was too damned angry to care. “If I have to undress you myself, sub, you’re gonna be sorry, because I’ll double your punishment until you’re beggin’ me to stop. One.”

“Please, don’t do this,” she begged.


“I can’t,” she repeated in a tormented whisper.

“Three.” She shook her head, so he rose. She cringed, but made no effort to resist or escape, which sort of surprised him considering how frightened and sore she was. But the moment he reached for her pants, she flinched as though she expected him to take his fist to her. He merely unfastened her jeans and yanked them down along with her panties, then dragged her protesting and pleading over his lap.

Her ass was already rosy from the swats he’d given her earlier, so her nerve endings were probably still quite raw. He held her down then opened and closed his fist for a moment, to ease the itchiness in his palm, while she wailed like he was beating her when he hadn’t even touched her, yet. Still, she wasn’t struggling to be let up, so a part of her accepted she deserved this spanking and more.

Admittedly, Jim had an agenda, and though punishing Kelly would give him a measure of satisfaction, spanking her when he really needed her to talk was only a means to an end. However, his darling girl was in need of some firm correction, and as her Dom he needed to provide it. Deciding to make this one quick, but painful, then treat her with the lotion, he brought his hand down sharply, bringing a quick end to the period of tearful, but compliant submission. Kelly started screaming bloody murder and kicking her legs. He promptly tucked her unruly limbs under his right thigh as her flesh turned bright red with his hand print. Yup, she was sore all right.

“Repeat after me,” he ordered. “I will not disobey or attempt to keep secrets from my Dom ever again.” When she didn’t obey, he brought his hand down sharply a second time. “Hesitations are not permitted,” he reminded coldly as she screamed out again, this time, she bucked and tried to hit him, so he calmly secured her arms at waist level as a second hand print bloomed red on her posterior.

“This spankin’ will not end, sub, until you do as I say. Now repeat after me–”

“I will not keep secrets from my Dom!” Kelly cried out, desperate to have him stop.

He brought his hand down a third time. “Is that what I told you to say?” he demanded, his tone matching his mood.

She sobbed and tried catching her breath the way she did when he’d gagged her. “No,” she gasped out finally. At this rate they’d be at it all day. He needed to bring this to a quick end now.

Bringing his hand down a fourth and hopefully final time, he said, “Your answer should be ‘No, Sir. And you know I do not like repeatin’ myself. Now say what I told you to say, or be prepared not to sit for a week.”

“I will not disobey or attempt to keep secrets from my Dom ever again,” she managed between tortured gasps for air.

“Better,” Jim praised, hearing her hiss out with pain as he lightly ran his hand over her now brilliantly red backside with four discernible hand prints decorating it. “Now, tell me why you’ll never do either of those things again,”

“Because I don’t want my overly strict Dom to spank me anymore,” she sobbed.

The lady had a fig of ginger up her butt, he’d give her that. She knew that wasn’t what he meant, just as she knew she risked another smack by saying it. Problem was, it made him want to laugh, and that was not Dom-appropriate.

Masking his features into a frown, he murmured, “Yeah, I’m sure that’s
you’ll do exactly as I say right now, but that’s not what I’m after. First, tell me why I’m punishin’ you for your willful disobedience Friday.”

Her crying had lessened to a few sniffles with an occasional whimper when his rubbing hand stroked a little too firmly. “I believe Sir already punished me for that,” she replied, clearly not as repentant as he wanted.

He gave her a light smack for her attitude. She yelped and scowled back at him as he watched another hand print bloom on her bottom. She really was hurting, poor lamb. Hardening himself against the natural sympathy he felt, he returned her displeased look with a glare of his own, and became somewhat mollified when she retreated back into submissive mode by laying her head down. “Well, you’re wrong, sub,” he said feeling her tense at the term. “What I punished you for on Friday night was disobeyin’ my direct order and forcin’ me to carry through on my promise, which pissed me off royally, I might add. What I punished you for a bit ago was the knowledge that triggerin’ my displeasure didn’t faze you one little bit. You knew exactly what I would do if you disobeyed me, and yet you did it anyway. I thought you just didn’t believe me.”

“I didn’t. Not really,” she admitted softly

“So why ask for two days off after the weekend?”

She glanced back at him, anger and pain mixed in her gaze. “Because I stupidly thought you might want to spend more time with me, and I wanted to be available.”

“Then you didn’t do it because you thought you’d be in too much pain to work?”

“No,” she answered sullenly. “At the time I requested the days off, I was still hoping you might not punish me quite as harshly as you promised. I had no concept of how badly I was going to be hurting, despite your warnings.”

“My mistake, then, which makes me sorta glad I didn’t whale on you as hard as I wanted to.”

“Sir does have a wicked right hand that is prone to dispensing harsher punishments than I’m recently used to.”

“That’s because your other Doms didn’t take you as firmly in hand as they should have. Even I am givin’ you far too much latitude.”

“Perhaps. But when Sir does punish, he makes up for any lapses in a big way.”

This time Jim simply couldn’t hold back his grin. Feisty little sub. Attempting to look serious, he bent toward her. “And if you don’t want Sir to give you another sample of his firm discipline, I suggest you start actin’ a bit more contrite.”

“Yes, Sir,” she grumbled, putting her head back down. Her eyes were red and swollen with an occasional tear sneaking through, but at least she was no longer sobbing. Still, her bottom was too bruised-looking now for him to simply ignore it.

“And there’s still the matter of you keepin’ secrets from me. You should know by now that it’s dangerous for a sub to keep secrets from her Dom. So, I want you to give a little thought as to why I considered it necessary to punish you for that, too. And why I believe it’s dangerous enough for me to spank the livin’ tar outta you if I ever catch you doin’ it again.” he said, easing her back up so she was on her knees on her couch. Her face and bottom appeared equally red. Kelly didn’t do anything half way. Seeing a box of facial tissues on her coffee table, he reached for the container and handed it to her.

“Dry your eyes,” he commanded gruffly as he got up and walked into her bathroom, searching for the bottle of lotion he’d given her. Finding it, he took it back into the living room. The moment she saw what he carried, she tried to scramble away, but her jeans hobbled her enough that she would have fallen if he hadn’t caught her. She still struggled mightily against his hold.

“That’s enough, Kelly! Now, settle down before I decide those four swats weren’t adequate punishment for the fact you lied to me, too.”

“I didn’t lie!” she protested as he pulled her back across his lap.

“You did. You told me you’d never had anal sex. Remember?” he said pouring the lotion at the base of her spine.

“Nooo! Please. I already hurt so much. Please don’t!” Then she screamed and kicked again as he started spreading the lotion over her inflamed buttocks.

Though he kept a firm hand on the small of her back, he did nothing to restrain her legs this time. “Count backwards from ten, Kelly,” he commanded as she continued to scream. “Ten!” he shouted, but she didn’t stop wailing, so he continued the count on his own, by seven she stopped struggling and at five she stopped crying and begging and by three she was laying calmly stretched over his lap. “Good girl,” he said finally.

“I hate it when you do that,” she said grumpily.

“Yeah? Well, I don’t like havin’ to do it, but sometimes, girl, you drive a man to punish a lot harder than he wants to,” he grumbled, lifting her back up on her knees.

“Aren’t you going to continue spreading it around?” she asked with a sniff.

He frowned at her. “Are you enjoyin’ it?”

She hesitated, then nodded slowly.

“You think you deserve a reward after what you did?”

She shook her head. “No, but I still need aftercare from the spanking you gave me.”

“You do, do you? And is that your decision to make?”

Slumping slightly, she shook her head again. “No, Sir.”

“Who decides when you need to be punished, pleasured or soothed?”

“You do, Sir.”

“Right. So are you finished tellin’ me what you think you do, or do not, need?”

She nodded, then added, “I’m sorry.”

He tapped her nose. “You gotta learn to stop toppin’ from the bottom, Kelly girl, or I’m gonna come down on you a lot harder than I like. You got that?”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered softly as tears gathered in her eyes, and he knew he was sunk. Everything about her appealed to his protective instincts, and she craved the reassurance his touch gave her. He should deny her to reinforce his lesson, but she’d draw in her defenses and pull back into her shell faster than a threatened sea turtle if he did, which would achieve the exact opposite of what he wanted. “All right,” he conceded after a moment. “But let’s get those jeans and panties off first so you can relax for a bit while I stroke.”

She hopped off the couch and shrugged out of her clothing, then looked to him for direction. He patted his lap, and she lay across his thighs without any hesitation whatsoever. Trust. He continued to rub, pleased with the little moans of pleasure she let out.

“Now. Tell me why it’s so important you be truthful with me, no matter how much trouble you think it’s gonna get you in, or how embarrassin’ it is?”

“Because if I don’t, you’re going to get even angrier when you find out I lied, which you will … eventually.”

“True. But that’s not the reason. So, try again.”

“Because if I’m not truthful, you can’t help me.”

“That’s right. Not only that, I could end up hurtin’ you even more if you try to keep things from me by lyin’.”

“Okay,” she agreed, but the way she slowly raised and lowered her feet suggested she wasn’t entirely convinced. “But I really can’t see what the difference is between my saying I was scared because I hadn’t experienced something, versus having done it and being scared because it hurt me.”

“You don’t see any difference between those two scenarios?”

Though her head rested on her arms, he could see her give it a light shake as her feet continued to slowly move up and down. “No, Sir. In either case, I still don’t want to do it; only my reason for resisting you has changed. You’re still going to make me do it, no matter what my reason is, so what’s the big deal?”

“Your fear when I mentioned anal sex was way beyond natural for someone who hadn’t had a bad experience with it.”

Lifting her head, she glanced back at him. “So, you figured I was lying. I can understand getting in trouble for that, but you still knew I didn’t want to do it, so how could you hurt me more by thinking I was only frightened of trying something new?”

He didn’t pause his light stroking, enjoying the feel of her silky flesh beneath his fingers. “You told me you’d never worn nipple or pussy clamps before. Was that a lie?”

Kelly’s head promptly returned to its cozy nest on her arms. “No. I haven’t, and I’m still not sure I want to.”

“Okay, let’s say you were lyin’ to me about that, and what I didn’t know was that your fear was a result of someone usin’ a clamp with teeth that caused a great deal of pain and bleedin’–”

Quickly raising her head, she gazed back at him in alarm. “Can they do that?”

“Doesn’t matter. Even if there are clamps with metal teeth on the market, do you really think those would be the type I’d use on you?”

She considered that for a moment, then gave a shake of her head as she laid it down again. “No.”

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