A Druid of Her Own: An Immortal Highlander (Druid Series Book 4) (8 page)

Chapter 10

ennard pulled
his bike to a stop, the wolf inside him thrusting upwards. He almost lost control and fell off his ride, but he somehow managed to stay upright. Liam did the same thing and touched his chest at the same minute pain lanced Kennard’s.

“Kennard!” Maggie’s voice rode the air as if carried by nothing more than will. It demanded his full attention and his immediate action. She needed him.

His nostrils flared. “My mate is in trouble.”

Liam nodded. “As is my brother.”

Kennard learned long ago to never question the twin bond his cousins had. They were headed back to Maggie’s in no time flat. He peeled into the gravel drive and fishtailed to a stop. He barely took enough time to assure his bike remained standing before running in the direction he had known Maggie’s home to be, but it wasn’t there. The foundation for a trailer was, but the trailer itself was missing. There was bent metal and trash scattered about.

Not trash
, he thought, as he ran forward. What was on the ground was the contents of Maggie’s home as if someone had shook them all out.

“Kennard!” shouted Liam. Kennard’s heart was pounding so loudly and his adrenaline was so high that he could barely make out his cousin’s words as he turned, his eyes already adjusted to the darkness around them. Liam was there, cradling Maria to his chest, his eyes wide. He lifted one hand and pointed in the other direction.

It took a fraction of a second for Kennard to register what he was seeing. Off, into the woods near Maggie’s home, was the remnants of the trailer. Bewilderment settled over him as he ran full force at it, trying to zero his hearing in on the home to hear other heartbeats. Something was clouding his senses, confusing them even.

Dark magik.

“Maggie! Cillian!”

He leapt up, bounding over downed trees and landing on the bottom of the trailer, which was the top now with the way it had landed. There had been no storm. No noise that he’d heard to explain what he was seeing. The magik used to do this was old, powerful and evil, and still lingered. It grabbed at his feet, trying to take hold of him—to consume him. The evil sang the sweetest of songs to his dark side, luring it ever so perfectly, drawing him in, wanting him to join it. He wanted to. He wanted to submit and give in to what he’d spent so many centuries trying to fight. It would be easier. He could do as he pleased then.

His wolf surged forward, pushing past the rune that kept it caged. His fingers lengthened as claws emerged from the tips and fur sprouted up on his hands and arms. He felt his mouth burning with a partial change as well. The wolf didn’t care what the dark power wanted—it wanted its mate.


Kennard gasped, trying to fight away the urge to give in to the evil. He knew one thing with absolute certainty—if he submitted to the lure, his mate would die.

“No!” he roared, slashing at darkness, fighting through it. When the evil cleared around him he saw a mass of darkness near the other end of the trailer. He didn’t need to be told who was within the cloaked darkness.


Liam was suddenly next to him, his sword in hand. Kennard tried to materialize his own sword but the evil still had enough of a grip on him that he wasn’t himself, and in partially shifted form, his magik never responded correctly.

“What the bloody hell is that?” asked Liam as he took a fighting stance. He glanced at Kennard and did a double take. “Och, we’ve nae time for you to be losin’ control in such a manner. Get it together, cousin, yer woman’s life depends on it.”

Kennard struggled, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Maggie’s scent struck him then, calming him, allowing him to gain control once more. The wolf stepped aside willingly, trusting the man to do what needed done. Kennard knew the wolf was close enough to help should it be required. He put out his hand, the fur and claws gone. With a fast draw on his natural power, he summoned forth his sword. It appeared in his hand and he gripped the hilt, his gaze narrowing on the black mass before him.

He charged forward, his intent to run it through. Something deep within clicked and screamed at him to halt. He did and Liam slammed into his back, making him topple over. The mass swept at them and Kennard kicked Liam’s legs out from under him, also stopping his cousin from being able to run the mass through.

“What the hell?” demanded Liam, pushing to his feet as Kennard stood as well, their footing shaky on the overturned trailer.

The mass was behind them now and they turned and watched in horror as Cillian was spit forth from it. He landed, unmoving, on the edge of the trailer. His eyes were closed and there were no signs of life in him.

?” Liam whispered, his voice barely there.

The mass jerked around and then a streak of red fell from it. Kennard couldn’t move as he watched Maggie’s tiny form hit the trailer and roll to a stop next to Cillian. Rage consumed him and he dropped his sword, calling to his wolf, letting it know it was free to do what may to Athol—consequences be damned. His clothing magikally slid away as the wolf took hold, Kennard’s body shifting fully. He charged forward, letting the wolf lead the way. He dove into the mass of darkness and snapped his jaws, trying to clamp down on something, anything, but there was nothing.

A trap.

Before he could try to gain control again, he was pummeled around within the mass. He tried to curl his body, his tail tucking as he went, but it didn’t help. Pain radiated through him.

Chapter 11

aggie blinked awake
, her head throbbing, her body feeling as if she’d just been through the spin cycle in the washing machine. It took her a second to gather her wits and remember what had happened.


He’d tackled her, holding her protectively then as Athol had seized hold of her, taking Cillian with him. She twisted and found Cillian next to her, not moving. Liam was there too, reaching out to touch his brother, tears in his eyes.

Cillian coughed and lifted his head. “Son of a bitch, that hurt!”

“Yer nae dead!” shouted Liam.

Tipping his head, Cillian glanced at his twin. “Clearly.”

Liam grabbed Cillian with one arm, giving him a manly hug before releasing him and looking to Maggie. “How hurt are you?”

She stood slowly, reaching and pulling Cillian to his feet as well. They swayed and Liam steadied them both, though it was easier said than done when Maggie realized whatever they were standing on was not stable. When she realized they were on her trailer, or what was left of it, she gasped.

“Maria?” she asked, remembering how Cillian had thrust her out of the trailer before everything went totally crazy.

Liam nodded. “She is fine.”

A sinking feeling came over her. “Kennard?”

Liam glanced at his brother first and then toward something behind them. “He’s in that—in wolf form.”

“This is bad,” said Cillian, voicing her concern. “Verra bad.”

“What the hell is it?” asked Liam.

“Pure evil,” answered Cillian. “It would have taken me over had I nae been holdin’ Maggie. She was a buffer of sorts. I do nae know the hows or whys, but I know she kept me safe from it. Kennard has no buffer in there with him.”

Maggie noticed something shiny, catching the moonlight just so. A discarded sword. Instincts kicked in and she bent, grabbing the heavy sword and lifting it. The twins could stand around trying to figure out what to do, she wasn’t going to waste time planning. She was taking action.

Her power surged up and out of her, striking the black mass that now held Kennard within it. Screaming, she tried to draw her power into herself with no success. She didn’t want to accidentally hurt Kennard in there as well. The mass swelled and then popped. Out fell one wolf and one snake-like guy.

The wolf slid off the edge of the trailer, and as it fell, Liam stood and threw power out, whispering a chant she didn’t know, halting the wolf from falling onto twisted metal that lay to the side of the trailer.

There was a blur and then suddenly Liam was thrown off the other side of the trailer. Maggie blinked twice, sure she was hallucinating. Why else would Rodney be there, staring at her, a wicked grin on his face?

“Rodney?” Her voice shook as she held tighter to the sword. She wasn’t experienced with one, but she had a pretty good idea that the pointy end needed to be aimed at the bad guy.

In this case, Rodney.

He licked his lips, his hair slicked back more than usual. He lifted his arms and she noticed symbols similar to those Kennard had on his torso there. Rodney hadn’t had them before. She’d seen his arms enough when he wore short sleeves to know.

“Rodney what did you do?” she asked, wanting to run and check on both the wolf and Liam, but she didn’t dare move closer to Rodney or take her eyes off him.

The darken mass behind him stopped swirling, and when it formed into the shape of a man, she held her breath, already knowing who it would be.


Maggie took the smallest of steps backwards as her fears were confirmed. Athol reached out, putting a hand on Rodney’s shoulder. He nodded, never looking at Rodney, instead, his gaze on Maggie as he spoke. “You did well, young apprentice.”

Through a haze, Maggie tried to figure out what he was talking about. Rodney? An apprentice? To what? A porn director, maybe. A demon, hell no.

Rodney lacked the brains, the drive and, most importantly, he wasn’t a supernatural. She was sure of it. Just as sure as she was that the sun rose in the east. The man was nothing more than a sleazebag.

A moment of clarity struck. He was a sleazebag who had just shoved an immortal druid off her trailer and she doubted very much that Liam could be moved with any sort of ease. It would take supernatural strength.

It hit her then like a ton of bricks landing on her chest, taking the very air from her lungs. Rodney was in league with Athol and somehow ended up more than human in the deal. She just didn’t understand what Athol got out of it all.

Athol lowered his head, and when he looked up again, his face blurred a moment. When it cleared it was no longer snake like but was what she’d term handsome. Strikingly so. Long, red hair hung just past the dark mage’s shoulders and he looked whole, complete, not like the demons she knew him to be. A smile touched his lips but never reached his blue eyes.

“Daughter, thank you for loaning me your power in my time of need,” he said, his voice missing the soft hiss it held in her dreams. There were faint traces of a brogue there, but nowhere near the extent Kennard and his cousins had.

She paused, her thoughts landing on what he’d called her.


There was a roar behind her and she turned to find Kennard there, stark naked to start with—his clothes materializing on him. His nostrils flared and the cords in his neck worked overtime. He stared out from yellow eyes.

Wolf’s eyes
, she thought, feeling overwhelmed.

“You lie, Dark Mage,” he snapped, storming up and standing next to Maggie, the feel of his body brushing hers giving her the strength she needed to snap out of her silent funk.

She tried to hand him his sword.

He shook his head. “Nae, lass, I plan to kill him with bare hands.”

Who was she to argue with that? “That’ll work too.”

Athol’s smile widened and the same unease she always felt around him returned. “You would really kill your father-in-law?”

“Yer nae related to her,” said Kennard, his voice low, yet powerful. “And how is it you know who she is to me?”

Tipping his head and lifting his arms wide, Athol turned in a circle and a mist of black power moved around him in a trail. The sound of Maria screaming brought reality crashing in on Maggie. She made a move to run at Athol, but Kennard plucked her up and off her feet, setting her behind him.

With a huff, she tried again to go around him at Athol. Kennard repeated the steps and then chanced a glance over his shoulder. “Woman, enough.”

Before she could yell at Kennard, Athol interrupted, “I have always known who you are to her from the day of her birth. You remember, don’t you, Kennard? You found me there with her bitch of a mother who barely got through birthing her before dying. She was weak. Witches always are. You were there, so close, able to have killed me with ease then, but you couldn’t, could you?”

Kennard stiffened and Maggie watched as claws came from his fingertips. She didn’t dare try to walk around him again. She’d let him lead if it was that important to him. She was smart enough to know when to step aside and allow two heavy-hitting magiks do their thing. This was one of those times.

“Maria?” she called, needing to know her friend wasn’t hurt.

“Maggie? Are you okay?” Maria responded, worry in her voice.

“For now,” said Maggie. “Liam and Cillian?”

“Liam is currently trying to hump my leg,” she returned.

“Och, I am nae!” yelled Liam.

Athol rolled his eyes. “Really, Kennard, how is it the three of you managed to corner me at all?”

Kennard growled and then gasped. “You were holdin’ somethin’ close to you all those years ago. As if it was precious to you.”

“Not something, druid,” said Athol, stepping closer, Rodney moving up with him. “Someone. Margaret. My daughter.”

Maggie gasped.

Wincing as if Athol’s words hurt, Kennard glanced back at her. She didn’t need to fake a horrified look. It was real. His expression calmed and he winked at her, tempering her near hysterics.

“Lass, I do nae much like yer father,” he said.

She held the sword out to him. “Neither do I. Here. Do what needs done.”

He seemed surprised but not as much as Athol.

“You would have him run your own flesh and blood through, Maggie?” Athol asked.

“You’re the reason the all uptick in paranormal violence, aren’t you?” she demanded, already knowing the truth. Another thought occurred to her. “And you’re why I’ve been so exhausted and drained. You’ve spent my life haunting my dreams, taking from me power wise. You’re a parasite.”

Kennard nodded. “I like to call him a boil on the ass of humanity, but he lost any humanity he had long ago.”

Rodney snarled. “Do not speak to the master that way!”

“Boy, I will break you,” warned Kennard.

“He promised me immortality and Maggie,” answered Rodney, sick glee in his beady gaze.

Maggie nearly threw up at the thought of being given to Rodney.

Athol swore under his breath and flicked his wrist. Rodney’s head spun all the way around, twice. His body fell limp onto the trailer top, and with another flick of Athol’s wrist Rodney’s body flung off the trailer and into the dark abyss.

Maria’s curses in Spanish were clear to hear. “You piece of shit!”

“Lass, the man is already dead,” said one of the twins. “You do nae have to pull his head off. ‘Tis already twisted around enough on its own.”

“But he was in on this,” said Maria.

Maggie loved her best friend and loved that Maria was ready to kill the already dead to protect her.

Athol held his hand out to her. “Come, daughter. Together we can amass more power than any could imagine. Together we will be unstoppable.”

She’d grown up always wanting to know her father. Always wanting a connection to her past, but now that it was being offered to her, she wanted nothing to do with it. She just wanted him gone and she wanted to know he could never hurt another again.

“You could not kill me twenty-three years ago, Kennard. You won’t do it now either. You won’t want her to hate you—her mate. I have been there for Maggie. I have protected her over the years when you were nowhere to be found. It was I who came to her and helped guide her power. And it is me who will mold her into the perfect weapon.”

Maggie saw the change in Kennard’s posture. Athol’s words were getting to him. The sick fuck was playing with Kennard’s mind and playing on his fears. She knew without a shadow of a doubt that Athol was evil and that he had to be stopped regardless the cost.

Maggie drew upon her magik and coated the sword she held with it, hoping no one would notice her doing so. She waited, listening as Athol continued to taunt Kennard. It went on and on until Athol was close enough for her to strike and strike she did. With a roar, Maggie rushed forward, driving the sword into Athol’s chest, her magik riding it high, helping it move through him like butter. Suddenly, Kennard was there, taking the hilt from her, twisting her away from it all as he finished Athol off.

Maggie was facing the other way when she heard two distinct thuds. She knew without looking the thuds were Athol. And she knew it was all finally over.

Exhaustion won out and she crashed hard, going to her knees. Kennard grabbed her up and into his arms. He whispered something she couldn’t understand, but the fierce need to close her eyes and rest came over her. She was in no condition to stop it and she didn’t want to.

The man who had been terrorizing her since she was little was dead.

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