A Forbidden Taking (23 page)

Read A Forbidden Taking Online

Authors: Kathi S Barton

“Megan, let me go. I will touch
you now.” She shook her head. “This isn’t funny,
mon amour
. Untie me
from this bed.” Looking over his head, he yanked as hard as he could, but
couldn’t get them to release. He turned to look at her and saw that she was

“Mel gave them to me. She said
that I could use them on you and until I released you you’d be in my power. I
think I like this.” She leaned down and nipped at his nipple. “Just one more
thing, then I’ll play.”

She settled between his legs and
reached for the zipper of his pants. He didn’t want to play, he wanted loose,
but as soon as she licked the tip of his cock he decided he would let her play
for a bit. He nearly came up off the bed when she took him deep in her mouth. Every
part of his body came alive. He closed his eyes and let her have her way, not
even looking up when she removed his pants. When she came back to his cock he
tried to wrap his legs around her to hold her to him when he realized she had
tied his legs to the bed as well.

“Megan, this is no longer amusing.
You will let me go this minute. You have no right to tie me to the—Christ!”

Her mouth was on his balls, her
tongue lapping at them. He couldn’t even catch his breath when she started to
roll them in her wet cavern. Beau felt his eyes roll to the back of his head
and wondered if she planned to kill him. He decided that there couldn’t be a
better way to die.

Over and over she rolled him. Her
small hand would brush against his cock, but she wouldn’t take him. Twice he
watched as her mouth skimmed over his thick head, but she wouldn’t let him
enter. Every time she got near him he would rock his hips up, trying to get his
cock where it needed to be. But she evaded him.

He was hoarse from begging her.
She ignored his every threat, his every plea for her to finish him. Every time
he got close to coming, she would pull away and only tease him. He was going to
kill her for this.

“I want to come on you Beau. Come
as I ride you. Will you let me?”

He whimpered. He nodded. Hell,
he’d sign his name in blood if she’d just let him be deep inside of her.

She moved her way up his body,
nipping at his calf, kissing the small pain away. The back of his knees were
tortured and laved with her tongue. When she got to his thigh, Beau wasn’t
above begging and nearly came up off the bed when she bit him there.

Her hot mouth suckled at the bite,
his body on fire now for release. He knew the moment she touched him he was
going to come. When she sealed the wound and rolled up his body, Beau knew that
she was going to take him.

Her tongue flicked out and lapped
the stream of cum off his cock. He watched as she circled his bulbous head and
then took him into her mouth.

Mon amour
, please. Please
finish me. Give me relief.” He began rocking up into her. With every downward
stroke he surged up. As he fucked her mouth her hand wrapped tightly around his
shaft. He was close, so close his balls tightened and he could feel his cum
racing up to spew. Then she stopped.

Beau pulled hard on the ties. He
was going to have her and damn the bed. He snarled at her. “Take me. Finish

She moved up his body and impaled
herself over him. Heat, scorching heat, grabbed him in a strangling fist and he
surged up. Her hissed “release” gave him freedom.

Beau was beyond gentle. He wasn’t
even sure he could be less than savage. He roared at her as he grabbed her hips
and yanked her hard down on him. Flipping her over onto her back he plowed her.
Over and over he slammed into her. He showed her no mercy, only took.

Her channel grabbed him when she
came, tightened around his cock so hard that he couldn’t move for several
seconds. When she screamed out his name he wrapped his arms beneath her and
then over her shoulders from behind to hold her still while he punched his cock
deep. He could feel her womb, feel her body tighten again and, when she
clenched him, he threw back his head and poured himself deep into her body. Her
bite, when it came, startled him. His cock, nearly spent, jerked again and
spilled more of his seed deep.

Beau dropped. He couldn’t have
rolled off her if his life depended on it. When he heard her giggle, not a
sound a man likes to hear after sex, especially sex like he’d just had, he
raised his head and looked down at her.

“You will not think this so funny
when I do the same to you,
l’amour de mon Coeur
. You nearly had me
wishing for the sun.”

She ran her hand down his cheek
and over his chest to press against his heart. She held her hand there for a
moment before she looked up at him and spoke. “I asked her for something to
keep you safe, keep you here while I took care of that man. I was going to do
it too until you came up behind me when Aaron scared me.” She kissed his mouth
gently. “I knew then that you would die getting loose. You’d kill yourself to
come for me because you loved me.”

Beau was brought back to the
present by a small hand at his arm. He looked over at the little boy and
smiled. Mac was such a serious little boy.

“I have a message for you. It’s
from your shadow, Michael. He said that you have conceived this night. He said
that you need only listen to her heart and all would be well.”

Beau stared at the little boy then
looked over at his mate. Conceived. A child. He wanted to stand, take her to
the bed, and tie her to it, but was stopped by Mac’s next words.

“You can’t do this alone, Mr. Beau.
If you wish to succeed Michael said that you will need her with you to do so.” Mac
looked over at Megan too. “He said that she is the key to your well being.”


~Chapter 26~


At three o’clock she and Beau were
at the house. Beau had been acting strangely since they had risen, but Megan
just thought it was nerves. She had them too. But he was acting like a maniac
and she was ready to hit him.

“Beau, if you pick me up one more
time to help me over a twig I will bash your head in. You’re acting like a
lunatic. Stop it.”

He frowned at her. “I wish only to
protect you. You cannot be harmed. It is my duty to keep you—”

“Duty smuty. Stop it or I will
hurt you.” She started forward again and he wrapped his arm around her waist. “Beau,

“Shush…listen. Do you not hear

She started to tell him no then
she heard it too.

“Where are you? You are going to
pay for this.” It was Samuel; she’d know that voice anywhere. “I said that you
will obey me and come out. Now.”

Beau whispered through her mind.
is looking for us,
? He knows of our plan.”

Megan grabbed his arm. No, that
wasn’t right. There was something off, something not quite right about his
mutterings. They could see him now, not well, but they could see him coming
across the field toward them.

“He’s nuts. Or as close to it
as they come. Listen to him, Beau. Listen to what he’s saying.”

“Michael? Come out, come out,
wherever you are. I have to have that formula. And I don’t like that you sent
all my servants away. Did you know that there are seven hundred and fifty-three
tiles on the bathroom wall? Who puts that—who’s there?” He stopped suddenly
then began dancing around the forest.

They watched him for another ten
minutes before he was close enough to see clearly. He had changed, Megan
realized. He was becoming his own kind of beast. His body was misshapen and he
looked as if he’d lost weight. A great deal of it. Megan and Beau watched as he
picked flowers only to destroy them, talked to the trees then try to scale
them. Megan could almost feel sorry for him, but she knew what he’d done.

Then suddenly he changed again. He
was there in front of them, mere inches from touching them.

“Hello, Megan. I have waited a
long time for you.” He reached out and grabbed her and tossed her behind him as
Beau lunged for him. “She’s mine and I’ll have her.”

Beau growled and attacked. Megan
stood, but stopped herself from joining in. Beau wouldn’t be able to fight if
she was in the fray. Besides, she was slightly ill from the fall and wanted to
get herself together before attempting to help.

The fight went on, over the field
and skyward. Megan couldn’t see every move; they were fighting at such dizzying
speeds that all she could see were blurs and flashes of colors. Several times
she thought that Beau had been tossed away, but before she could go to his aid
he was moving back into the fight. When they stumbled toward her she gasped at the
wounds on her mate.

He was torn to ribbons. His skin had
open wounds around his face and along his arms. His belly looked to be bloodied
and open, his hand holding over it. When she reached toward him he was jerked
away from her by Samuel who laughed manically.

“I will kill him soon, Megan love.
And when I do I will murder the child you carry and then fuck you until you die
beneath me. I will have what is mine, have it all.”

Child? Megan looked down at her
flat belly. Child? She couldn’t be pregnant, she was a…she looked at Beau and
knew. He had known all night. Laying her hand over her child she called Beau to

“Feed. Take what you need and kill
this fucker.” She bared her throat to him and he didn’t waste any time, but
sank his fangs deep. Her body jerked from the sudden pain, but his arm wrapped
around them and she felt his love. Samuel’s rage could be heard echoing across
to them. He didn’t like that he was getting strength from her, enough, she was
sure, to defeat him.

When Beau pulled away she turned
and together they called the sword to them. When the pommel was clasped in
their joined hands she let it go and nodded to him. Beau kissed her on the
mouth and stepped around her toward Samuel. He didn’t stand a chance.

The sword swung through the air
like lightning. Each time it came down Beau hit another part of Samuel’s body. His
arm hung lank at his side. His head was bleeding from a wound at his temple. Over
and over the blade arched over him, and over and over the man continued to
rise. Then it hit her. He was drugged. He was taking the formula that Michael
had invented.

Rushing to the door to the lab
Megan opened it and went inside. It had been wrecked, all but destroyed. She
knew it was Samuel; he’d been looking for something. She closed her eyes and
waited for the memory. When it came she smiled. Going directly to the cubby
hole in the floor she moved the stone and took out the vial that lay there. She
realized that Samuel had been searching not four or five inches from where it

Opening the door again she was surprised
to find the two men had come this way. She knew that she had to make Samuel
drink the drug and tried to think how to get it to him, then she thought of the
children at the MacManus house.

“Beau, I have the drug. Take it
and you’ll be as strong as him. I’m going to toss it to you. Please catch it.”
She saw the men pause and hoped that she was correct. “Catch,” she shouted
before throwing it just to the left of Beau.

Samuel dove for it at the same
moment that Beau did. Samuel snatched it out of the air and rolled until he
came up on his feet. Megan nearly cried out in relief when he came up with it
unbroken. She was sure the idiot would smash it in his attempt to get something
that didn’t belong to him.

He opened the little screw and held
the tiny bottle up. “Here’s to you, Megan. When I finish this pest off you and
I will retire to my bed.”

He downed the entire thing then
threw the bottle at Beau. Megan held her breath and waited. When Samuel flew at
Beau again she wanted to cry. Samuel seemed stronger than before, bigger and
meaner. She dropped to her knees and sobbed. What had she done?


Beau lifted the sword and banged
it against Samuel. That’s all he’d been doing it seemed, banging away at a man
who would kill him. Beau was exhausted and didn’t know how much longer he could
go on. And now Samuel’s strength seemed to have grown exponentially since he’d
taken whatever Megan had given him.

He knew what she’d done. He’d been
in her mind since the moment that Samuel had appeared. He also knew that she
wasn’t really happy about him not telling her about the babe. He just hoped she
got the opportunity to make him suffer for it. Then he noticed Samuel stagger.

The man seemed to be in pain. Beau
drew up his weapon when Samuel doubled over screaming. When he fell to his
knees and screamed again Beau stilled his sword, but held it at the ready.

When Samuel flopped to his back,
jerking and convulsing, Beau looked at Megan. Tears in her eyes she smiled at
him and he knew that it was going to be alright.

“It’s the antidote,”
whispered in his mind.
“Michael hoped that the beast would find it and use
it, but he never did. Then when the beast wouldn’t use it Michael had hoped
that he’d be able to, but he couldn’t either.”

“So this will kill him now.”
watched her shake her head
. “Then what? I do not understand,
mon amour

“It will make him normal.”

Beau looked at the man on the
ground. Normal. Samuel would be just like any other vampire. He lifted his
sword when Samuel rose.

“You can’t fight me now. I’m not
ready. You have to…I need to find something in the lab first. You can’t expect
me to win if I’m just like you. That’s not fair.” All he needed to do was to
stomp his foot, Beau thought, and he’d have a hissy fit down. “You have to let
me win, damn it. I deserve this.”

Beau whipped the sword around and
connected with Samuel’s neck, then went through it. His head sailed across the
forest tumbling over and over until it stopped against a tree. As soon as the
head stopped rolling the body still lying in front of Beau exploded into ash. The
head soon followed.

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