A Love for all Ages (Crockett County Trilogy Book 1) (22 page)

Chase calls out to Archie telling him they are ready to go
back to the house.
Archie floats beside them as they begin the trip
As they pass the old horse barn Chase comments, “These
barns need a fresh coat of paint and I noticed the wood in a few
places needs replaced.
Minor repairs, but it needs done.”
makes a mental note to call to arrange a handy man to come check
out the property.
Chase continues to walk observing the
surrounding area.
He begins reminiscing, “This place has always
been a working farm, one of the biggest in the county.
Even when
Della leased the land this was a busy place.
I remember coming
here to work and talk with Della.”
Stopping Chase scans the area.
He doesn’t notice anything out of the ordinary, but he has a feeling
something is not right.

Motioning to Andy, Chase lets him know he is going to check
the property.
Andy tells Archie, “You go on to the house; we are
going to be a few minutes.”
Not waiting for a responds Andy spins
on his heels following Chase.

Archie watches the men for a few minutes then vanishes; he
reappears in the living room.
Spotting Stephanie sitting on the
couch with her computer on her lap, Archie stands quietly.

The sensation of being watched has Stephanie looking up,
“Hello, I didn’t hear the men come in.
Are they in the kitchen?”
She moves her laptop to the coffee table then starts to rise.

Archie stops her saying, “No they are taking a walk around
the property.”

Stephanie sits back on the couch her brow furrowed in a
frown, “Why are they doing that?”
She wanted to know about the
car, she had expected them to come straight back when done
inspecting it.

Shrugging his shoulders Archie confides, “I was not informed
of their reasons. But if I have to guess, I think it is a walk around to
make sure it is clear.”
He adds, “You know young Chase is fond of
He takes your safety seriously, that man is determined to
protect you.”

Stephanie acknowledges Chase commitment to her safety;
he is involved both professionally and personally.
“I know your
right, I just got lost in work and when I saw you, I figured they would
be back too.”
Hearing the buzzer for the oven timer, Stephanie
raises from the couch then walks to the kitchen.
Turning the timer
off, she removes the roaster pan from the oven, the aroma fills the
Checking the roast Stephanie finds it fully cooked, tender and
juicy. Flipping the oven off, Stephanie places the roaster on the
stove top, moving to the refrigerator Stephanie takes out the fixings
for a salad.
Retrieving a large glass bowl from the cabinet, she
rinses the vegetables.
Standing at the counter Stephanie begins to
cut the vegetables into to bite size pieces.
Once she is finished
with the salad she decides to fix potatoes, after washing them
Stephanie places them in the microwave, setting the timer she
pushes start.

Stephanie is trying to decide if she should move the reports
off the table or set places for them at the counter, when she hears
the back door open then close.
Seeing Chase she smiles enjoying
the sight of him sweaty from the patrol around the property.
hair is wind blow making her itch to run her fingers through it,
allowing the texture to slide between her hands.
Laying her hands
flat against the counter Stephanie controls her urge.

Andy walks in behind Chase.
Sniffing the air he states,
“Something smells great.
I didn’t realize I was hungry until I
smelled the food.”
Striding towards the door leading to the foyer
he adds, “I am going to wash up, be down soon, don’t let Chase eat
all the food while I’m gone.”

Chase moves to stand in front of Stephanie he leans forward
kissing her forehead.
“Andy is right; I need to clean up too.
I will
be down in a few then while we eat we will fill you in on what we

After he is gone Stephanie stands at the counter, she shakes
her head slowly.
Thinking she should have said something,
however neither man gave her a chance.
It was almost as if they
had planned the encounter a few minutes ago.
When the timer
on the microwave beeps she begins setting their places at the

Several hours later, the meal is over, the dishes are washing
in the dishwasher; the men have filled Stephanie in on their findings
and explained the next step in the investigation.
Now finally she is
upstairs in the bathtub trying to relax.
Stephanie had hoped the
bubble bath would take the tension from her shoulders.
With her
hair piled loosely on the top of her head she lays her head on the
edge of the tub, closing her eyes Stephanie starts mentally emptying
her mind.
Feeling her muscles starting to relax, she dips her
loofah into the water; raising the sponge she allows the water to
drip onto her neck and shoulders.
The events of today try to sneak
into her mind; she quickly pushes them away, not wanting to think
about anything.

Chase had left Andy and Archie in the living room.
were debating the merits of investigation procedures displayed on
popular television shows.
He had excused himself from their
conversation; had told them to play nice, then came to find
Now standing at the bathroom door he gazes upon her
Laying back as she is in the bathtub with the bubbles she
is so fond of cover all her womanly wonders she looks totally
relaxed. Moving to the side of the tub he dips his hand into the
water, cupping his hand he scoops a little of the water, bringing his
hand to hover just above her neck he permits the water slip through
his fingers.
Stephanie doesn’t open her eyes; however he sees a
smile form on her lips.
Softly he whispers, “You look so relaxed, I
was sure you had fallen asleep.”
Kneeling beside the tub he dips
his hand back into the water and begins moving it back and forth
causing little waves to form.

Stephanie opens her eyes, staring at Chase she sits up slowly
allowing the water to glide down her torso, exposing her breasts.
She watches his eyes darken with desire, knowing her own passion
is shining in her eyes; she places her hands on the tub’s edge and
pushes herself up.
Standing in front of Chase as the water
cascades off her body she waits as his eyes move down her body;
Stephanie feels her body react as his eyes smolder with desire.
Her nipples are now taut buds as she feels tingling in her lower

Chase pushes himself to his feet; grabbing a towel from the
rod he begins drying Stephanie’s lush body.
He gently rubs the
towel across the silken mounds of her breast, enjoying the sight of
the texture as it makes her nipples tighten more.
Watching Chase
as he moves the towel lower across her stomach Stephanie feels the
tingling between her legs intensify.
A moan escapes her throat as
he lowers the towel; taking his time he uses the towel to rub the
junction between her legs.
Stephanie places her hands on his
shoulders, grabbing his shirt in her fists, she allows her head fall
back as she enjoys the sensations Chase is creating.

Removing the towel, he tosses it to the floor as he helps her
step from the tub.
With Stephanie now standing before him,
Chase kneels on his knees. Leaning forward he kisses her stomach,
then moving lower he sticks in tongue in her belly button giving it a
quick lick.
Rising back to his feet, Chase picks Stephanie up into his
arms then walks to the bed; he lays her gently on the comforter.
With Stephanie gazing at him, Chase removes his shirt letting it drop
to the floor.
His hands move to the button of his jeans,
unfastening it he then slides the zipper down.
Stooping down he
removes his shoes and socks then shoves them out of his way.
Standing Chase pushes his jean and underwear down over his thighs
continuing downward, he then kicks his clothes over by his shoes.

Seeing Chase standing naked before her, Stephanie admires
his body, her eyes marvel at the sight of his shaft, hard and erect.
Stephanie sits up swinging her legs over the side of the bed; she
takes Chase’s hand pulling him closer to her.
Leaning forward
slightly Stephanie releases his hand then curls her fingers around his
As she stokes Chase’s shaft gently Stephanie takes the
tip of it inside her mouth.
Hearing him groan; she pushes forward
taking more of his length inside.
Using her tongue Stephanie
begins stroking the underside of his shaft as she moves back and
forth; she fondles him gently with her mouth and hands.
her time she savors the sensation as his shaft grows harder and
Moving her hands slightly she cups his jewels, giving a
slight squeeze; she hears his moan of desire.

Bringing his hands to her head, Chase removes the hairpins
holding her hair up, he watches as Stephanie’s hair falls in waves
down her back.
Grasping her head he begins helping with the
rhyme of her back and forth motion.
As Chase guides Stephanie
with his hands he takes pleasure in the caress of her tongue as she
strokes the length of his shaft.
Aware he is on the point of
exploding; Chase tenderly pushes Stephanie backwards until her
mouth is no longer encircling him.

Falling backwards on the bed, Stephanie watches as Chase
leans over her.
He cups one of her breast in his hand, squeezing
lightly he takes the nipple deep inside his mouth.
He begins to
suck and bite the taut bud.
Stephanie arches her back feeling the
need to be closer to him.
Grabbing his shoulders she clinches her
hands into fists, digging her nails into his skin.
The moan deep in
her throat seeps out loudly.

Chase releases her nipple, raising his head he smiles as he
moves to the other breast and sucks the nipple inside his mouth.
He does the same technique to this one as he had the other taut
Taking his right hand he slides it between her thighs, moving
his hand upwards he finds her erotic button, gently he starts
rubbing in a circular motion.
When she starts moving her hips to
meet his hand, he increases his pressure and his pace.
Feeling her
muscle contract, he raises his head, releasing her nipple.
As he
slides to his knees on the floor, his hand stops rubbing her pleasure
Moving her legs further apart, bending forward he uses his
tongue to lick the wetness of her womanhood.
Stephanie jumps
slightly as her muscles intensely tighten. Moving upward a little he
grasps the top of her womanhood sucking it inside his mouth, using
the same suck and bite technique he had used on her nipples he
begins savoring the excitement he feels building inside her.
As her
hips launch into a bucking motion he sucks harder taking her deeper
inside his mouth.

Gasping she says, “Oh Chase, please.
Please I need you
She grabs his hair pulling slightly.
Chase releases his hold
on her raising his head he looks at her.
She has moved and is now
resting on her elbows.
As they gaze into each other’s eyes they
see the same passion reflecting back.
Not breaking eye contact
Chase moves above her; Stephanie lies back on the bed.
As she
spread her legs wider Chase allows his shaft to tease her opening.
The wetness of Stephanie’s passion covers the top of his shaft;
Chase moves his hips slightly sliding further inside her.
muscles contract around him, surrounding him with her juices.

Laying under Chase, Stephanie feels his shaft glide deeper
inside her.
As their passion grows they continue to gaze into each
other’s eyes.
Stephanie begins to move her hips, matching his
rhythm as Chase thrusts fast and hard.
With each thrust Stephanie
get closer to her release, as passion consumes her she wraps her
legs around his waist.
Chase slides his hands under her buttocks
lifting her slightly as he thrusts vigorously one last time as they
climax together.

Still inside her, Chase moves his hands to brace himself on
the bed; he leans over and kisses her lips lightly.
Not wanting to
crush her, he straightens his arms as he once again gazes into her
The smile on her lips reflects in her eyes.
Thinking she is
the most wonderful woman he has ever known, he declares, “I love

Stephanie’s smile grows as she responds, “Oh Chase, I love
you too.”
She giggles when Chase rolls to his back taking her with
Staring into his eyes she sees the truth of his words.
Pushing up Stephanie moves to sit straddled him, with Chase still
inside her she looks down at him.

Before she can speak Chase tells her, “I have known for some
time my feelings for you have grown to love.”
Glancing at their
bodies still joined he adds, “I hadn’t planned to tell you while we
were enthralled with passion.” Looking back into her eyes, he sees
her understanding.

Nodding in agreement she expresses her joy, “Your timing is
perfect to me.”
Smiling Stephanie moves her hips a little to adjust
her position.

Her movements through slight, has him groaning, “Honey
you need to sit still.”
Laughing when he sees her expression as the
meaning of his words sink in and awareness shines in her eyes.
sits up and sliding his hands under her buttocks he lifts her as he
rises from the bed.
At the loss of their connection Chase brings
Stephanie’s face eye level, leaning forward he kisses her nose as he
begins walking to the bathroom.
Standing by the tub he allows her
to skim down his body until her feet touch the floor.
back he bends down to release the water from the tub, as the water
drains Chase turns the faucets on then adjusts the water to the
correct temperature.
Pulling the shower curtain he steps inside
the bathtub, and extends his hand to Stephanie.

Stephanie places her hand on top on Chase’s hand joining
him inside the tub.
She pulls the shower curtain to complete their
enclosure as Chase hits the knob that compels the shower to rain
water down on them.
Chapter Eight

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