A Night of Secrets (38 page)

Read A Night of Secrets Online

Authors: Lori Brighton

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance, #Historical, #Fantasy, #Mystery, #Suspense, #Adult

She couldn’t stop the heat from pooling in the pit of her stomach, couldn’t stop her heart from racing. She was married to him. Under his control. She couldn’t be married. She couldn’t…couldn’t. She stood so fast the stool fell over. Grayson turned around at the sound.

“Is everything all right?”

She pressed her back up against the vanity and nodded, knowing she looked like a hare at the end of a rifle. Tense and stiff, while he sat on the edge of the bed as if he hadn’t a care in the world. He slipped his boots from his feet, then raised his gaze to hers as he shrugged his shirt from his shoulders. Fascinated, Meg watched his muscles move, round and hard under his skin. Her fingers curled, the desire to touch him almost unbearable. So perfect. He was so bloody perfect.

“Meg,” he said softly.

She jerked her gaze from the sprinkling of dark hair that tapered into his trousers. “Yes?”

“Come here.”

It wasn’t a suggestion, but a demand. She took a step forward, then hesitated. “I’ve never much…that is, I’ve never slept with anyone much…that is a man.”

His lips quirked, his dimple flashing. “That’s good to know.”

“I assume you’ll want to…to sleep in the same bed every night?”

“Well, the floor does look rather uncomfortable.”

“I see,” she whispered and took another step forward, her heart slamming harder with each pace.

“Do you need assistance?”

She froze. “With what?”

“Your gown. I don’t suppose you want to sleep in it?”

Her face heated. What choice did she have? She doubted he’d allow her to call for a maid. She could merely nod. He stood and she was reminded of how tall he was, the way he towered over her. Yet, she felt no fear over his size. If anything, it comforted her to know he had such strength. He gripped her shoulders and turned her so her back was to him.

His fingers moved down her spine, each touch, each breath on her neck sending a tingling sensation of awareness through her body. The garment began to slip down her shoulders and she breathed a little harder as her bare skin was exposed. With a swoosh, the dress pooled at her feet. The release of weight didn’t make breathing any easier. Standing in only her shift and corset, she felt naked and slightly embarrassed. How she wished she could be as graceful and confident in her body as Millie seemed to be.

Grayson’s large hands rested on her hips. Slowly, he turned her around. Standing in front of him, she was acutely aware of his body. Steeling her courage, she flattened her hands to his chest, her fingers curling into the crisp hair. Around her, his intoxicating scent swirled, pulling her under.

He stepped aside. “Sit.”

She obeyed and settled on the edge of the bed. His face stoic, he knelt before her and pulled off her slippers as if he were her servant. She fought her smile as warmth filled her soul. Not many men would lower themselves to helping a woman undress. His fingers moved over her feet, slipping up to her ankles. Meg studied her husband, suddenly wanting to memorize every detail. From the way his hair curled at his neck, to the scruff along his jaw line. To the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled.

Further, further, further his fingers traveled above her knee to her upper thigh. Meg froze, that spot between her thighs thrumming with need. He stilled at her garter and snapped them loose.

His gaze locked on hers and slowly, so slowly, he moved the stockings down her legs. Meg sucked in a breath, an ache so deep she could barely stand it, centered between her legs. She resisted the urge to squirm and bit her lower lip to keep from begging. She knew what would happen, she knew the intense feelings he would produce within and she hungered for the sensations. She needed to mate with him.

“There,” he said, but he didn’t move. His fingers remained on her foot, pressing, rubbing the arch. She closed her eyes and a moan escaped her lips. His fingers moved up her legs, rubbing, massaging as they traveled. She’d never had a person care for her so and found herself torn between sobbing and laughing. She knew if she didn’t stop him now, she’d never be able to and there were things she needed to say.

Reluctantly, she pushed his hands away. “Please, stop.”

He didn’t look upset when she refused his touch. Instead, he stood and moved to the side table. He blew out the three lamps that lit the room, sending the area into a shadowed sanctuary lit only by the full moon coming in through the open windows and the fire in the hearth.

Instead of giving her courage, the lack of light frightened her, throwing the room into a darkness where she couldn’t decipher one thing from another. Meg crossed her arms over her chest. She wanted to run, to hide, at the same time she craved more of his touch. Why was she so nervous when he’d already taken her virginity?

Because now he owned her completely. He could do whatever he wanted with her.

“I…I barely know you,” she managed, as he came toward her, a dark, towering shadow of a man.

He shrugged and sat next to her. “You know me more than most.” He wasn’t touching her, but she felt his body’s heat all the same and she had to resist the urge to sink into him.

“Yes, but most people don’t…don’t sleep with you. It’s ridiculous, really.” Her hands fluttered through the air like confused butterflies. “I mean to say, we are supposed to be intimate.” Her face heated at the words and she thanked God for the lack of light. “Be together for the rest of our lives and we barely know each other.”

“Come, settle back.” He took her arm and pulled her onto the bed. She was stiff at first, but when he merely settled against a pillow next to her, she was able to relax somewhat.

“I hate strawberries,” she blurted out.

“I’m sorry?” His breath was warm upon her skin as he leaned over to press a kiss to her shoulder.

Her eyes practically rolled back in her head. “Strawberries,” she gasped. “Too sweet half the time, too sour the rest, the little seeds get stuck in my teeth. Hate them.”

She could see him nod in the dark and was thankful he didn’t laugh. “I see.” His lips, warm and firm, moved to her neck. He kissed the same spot where he had fed only days before.

“And purple,” she barely got out.

He trailed his fingers up her bare arm. “Purple?”

She shivered at his touch, almost losing her thought. “I hate the color. Reminds me of a big, round grape.”

“I promise to never buy you a gown of that shade.”

His fingers moved to her chest, playing with the ribbons that peeked out from her corset. She nodded and folded her hands in her lap, attempting to keep them from trembling. “Thank you. And—”

“And you’re writing a book on wildflowers. And you like to stroll in the gardens at evening. And you take two lumps of sugar in your tea. Your favorite color is blue. You love apple tarts. And when Hanna talks of spirits and hauntings, you roll your eyes but you secretly find the stories thrilling.”

She stiffened, startled. “How—”

“And your birthday is October 17

She met his gaze, wishing she could read his expression in the dark. “How did you know?”

He shrugged, as if they were discussing the weather. “I asked your father for your birth date. The others…I noticed.”

“Oh, I see.” He was interested… in her. The realization played with her emotions, made her heart flutter in a way she dare not investigate.

Slowly, he pulled on one of the ribbons at her corset. “April the 10
, in case you are interested.”

She smiled and looked at her lap. “I am.” Lord, what sort of gift would she get a man who had lived as long as he? “Grayson, how long do people like you live?”

He shrugged. “We do eventually die. It just takes more than normal to kill us. And when death comes… it happens fast.”

Which was why the men in the prison with her had decayed so quickly. Grayson would rot just as fast. She felt her soul sinking, their talk too depressing. “What will you do when I’m old and wrinkled? Will you still be young?”

He stilled. “There is a way for you to live as long as I.”

“Explain,” she said, her voice breathless.

He looked up at her, his eyes gleaming in the firelight. His face all harsh planes. “You can drink my blood.”

Meg stiffened. “You’re serious?”

He smiled, a half smile as he smoothed his hand down the side of her corset. “It won’t turn you, as the myth claims. You’ll still be… you. But it will prolong your life.”

Prolong her life? But how long would she live? So many questions rushed through her mind that she felt almost dizzy. But one thought remained at the center. “Grayson… I don’t….” Hell, she didn’t know what to say.

“Shhh, it’s something to think on.” He lifted his hand and cupped the side of her face. He started to lean forward. As much as she wanted to kiss him, Meg pressed her hand into his chest, stopping his actions.

“Grayson, can we…” Heat shot up her neck and into her face. “Can we… have children?”

He smiled, his teeth flashing white. “Yes.”

Relief brought tears to her eyes. Children. Children she’d always wished for, but never thought she’d have. “And will our children be…like you?”

His smile fell. “Yes.” They were silent for a moment, the flames in the hearth crackling and popping through the tense air. “Does that bother you?”

She shook her head, meaning it. Children who would not get sick, who would not die before their time. How she’d wanted children. Never, had she thought she’d have any. Never had she thought she’d truly have a life for herself. Here she was, married and discussing children. How very odd!

She hesitated only a moment, before she slipped her hand into his. She couldn’t see his expression, but when he tightened his grip on her fingers in an affectionate squeeze, she knew he appreciated her action. “I hate how puppies smell,” she continued.

“Hmm.” He rested his free hand on her stomach. Her muscles jumped and she stared wide-eyed at his fingers. “And do you hate kittens as well?”

Her gaze jumped to his face. “No, of course not. And…and I love flowers.”

“Yes, I know.” He played with the ribbons on her corset, untying them one by one. “Why?”

Ridiculous how he made her forget her thoughts, how he made her forget everything but him. “Why?” she gasped.

He wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her close, nestling her body to his. “Why do you like flowers so?”

“Because…because they grow anywhere, everywhere. They thrive under the harshest of conditions and remain always beautiful and strong.” She was floundering, she realized with some embarrassment. But really it wasn’t her fault. He made her so very nervous.

“I see.”

She hesitated for a moment, wondering if he’d think her words silly. But he didn’t laugh, or change the subject. Feeling oddly empowered, she continued. “And I wish…I wish…”

“Yes?” His thumb began to make small circles on the back of her hand, muddling her mind.

“I wish just once in awhile I could have a day to myself. I wish I didn’t have to take care of anyone, not have to worry about anyone.”

He reached out and trailed his finger down the side of her face. She didn’t look away, couldn’t look away. She turned her head, resting the side of her face in the palm of his hand.

“You shall have as many days to yourself as you like,” he said leaning toward her. “As long as you leave your nights for me.”

His lips pressed to her forehead. Lower, to the tip of her nose. Lower, until his mouth hovered near her lips, his breath warm and soft. She lifted her hand, pressing it to his chest to stop his action. She realized she’d told him quite a bit about herself, but she’d asked him nothing about him.

“Tell me what you wish for. What you really want.”

He didn’t hesitate as he responded, “You.”

He cupped the back of her head and pressed his lips to hers. Slowly, he tasted her, caressed her with his mouth. Meg moaned and slipped her arms around his neck. Her breasts, heavy and aching against his chest.

“How I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw you wading in that creek,” he whispered and pressed her back into the bed. His body, hard and heavy, weighed down on her, deliciously wicked. Oh God, she wanted more, she wanted him to touch her everywhere, to keep kissing her everywhere.

He moved lower, pressing his lips to her jaw then slipped down to her neck. Shivers raced over her skin. She arched her feet, her toes pressing into his legs while his fingers slipped to her chest, pulling at the laces binding her breasts. The corset fell open and she wanted to laugh with at freedom she felt. Finally able to breathe!

Then he cupped her breasts with his warm hands and thoughts of laugher faded. Grayson leaned down, his wet, warm mouth covering a nipple through the thin layer of her shift. Meg sucked in a sharp breath and dug her fingers into the bedspread. The ache that had been swirling in her body burst anew, throbbing between her legs. She would give herself to him, fully, freely if only to make that ache go away.

He untied the ribbons on her shift and pulled the straps from her shoulders. Her entire body tingled with awareness. Cool air caressed her skin, ticking her nipples. As if he hadn’t tortured her enough already, his velvet tongue darted out, licking a nipple before taking her breast fully into his mouth. Longing shot from her breasts to her womb.

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