A Rebel Captive (4 page)

Read A Rebel Captive Online

Authors: J.D. Thompson

“Please, please stop.  You can’t do this.”

He looked up at her and smirked. “Yes, yes I can.” 

He repeated his assault on her other breast and she bit her lip, trying to stifle a moan.  She pressed her legs together, attempting to hide her growing wetness.  He continued to lap at her breast, but his hands moved further down, cupping her derriere and pressing her against his hardness.  Her aversion to his touch and the contrast of her building pleasure were too much for her and she started fighting against him and her bonds. 

“Let me go, you asshole!  Take your hands off of me!” she screamed.

He didn’t respond, he simply moved from her breasts to her neck, kissing her lightly before biting down.  He bit harder and harder while grinding his erection against her as she continued to struggle.  Finally, the pain of it grew too much and she stopped fighting.  Cole stopped biting down and instead licked the spot where his teeth left marks.  Then, he kissed his way up her neck, her chin, he outlined her lips with his tongue while his hands started to pull her legs apart. 

“No, no, no, please no,” she cried, but he cut her off by covering her lips with his. 

Cole forcefully wrenched her legs apart and jammed his knee between them, keeping her from closing them again.  He dipped his hand down, running his fingers against her folds and chuckled against her lips as they came away wet.

“Well, well - look what I found,” he said, showing her his wet fingers. 

She whimpered, completely mortified, and tried to turn her head away from him, but he grabbed her chin.  One hand held her firmly facing him as his other hand returned to between her legs.  She cried out as he dipped his fingers between her folds and she shut her eyes against the sensation.  He pinched her clit and twisted it mercilessly. 

“I said keep your eyes open.”  She took in a sharp breath and her eyes flew open.  “I won’t remind you again,” he growled, his eyes held hers, daring her to close them again as he ran his fingers across her clit, soothing the pain, and sparking her arousal anew. 

Without warning, he thrust a finger inside her, she gasped at the sudden intrusion.  He took advantage of her open mouth and kissed her again, thrusting his tongue inside.  One of his hands played with her pussy; pumping his finger in and out of her while the other tangled itself in her hair and yanked lightly, a warning against biting him.  He plundered her mouth, mimicking the motions of his finger.  Olivia stood up on her tiptoes, trying to get away from him, to dislodge him, but he just pressed against her and inserted another digit.  His thumb went to her clit, circling it.  She moaned against his lips, getting caught up in the sensation of his fingers pushing against her G - spot and his thumb teasing her sensitive numb.  She could feel a tightening build inside her as he began to flick her clit.  He pulled away from her lips to watch her.

“Cum for me, Livie.” His voice was husky with desire. 

She shook her head in protest, willing herself not to, but she was already tumbling over the edge.  Her orgasm hit her hard, her hips rocking against his fingers, milking them for every last sensation.  She closed her eyes and let out a loud, pleasure-ridden cry. 

Cole tapped her wrist bindings and they were suddenly free from the wall.  She slumped, slightly sedated by her powerful orgasm.  He held her there, relishing the warmth of her post orgasm flush.  It shocked him how feeling her cum on his hand and watching her face contort in pleasure had almost been enough to push him over the edge too and cum in his pants, like a teenage boy.  He leaned against her, pressing her back against the wall. 

He put his lips to her ear and tsked. “You closed your eyes, you naughty little thing.”





Olivia stiffened in his arms.  He lifted her chin and forced her to look at him. 

“You need to be punished.” 

He spun her around and pushed her against the wall.  He took the opportunity to ground his hardness against her ass. 

“Apologize for misbehaving,” he demanded. 

She shrieked, angrily trying to shake him off of her.  He spanked her.  His slap was firm and direct, but not his full strength.  It made a loud
sound.  She cried out, a mix of surprise and pain. 

“I said apologize to me.”  

His voice was startlingly steady as his finger outlined the red mark his handprint made.  When she took too long to answer he smacked her even harder than before.  She cried out again. 

“I’m sorry,” she sobbed. 

“Not good enough.” He made sure to hit her in a new spot. 

“I’m so sorry, my lord.  I won’t disobey you again.”

“That’s better.  Now, thank me for making you cum.”  He traced the new handprint he left on her pale skin. 

“What?  I can’t,” she cried, he smacked her again and her knees buckled, he pressed his body against her tiny frame, holding her up and spanked her again.  “T-thank you for making me cum, my lord,” she said between gritted teeth. 

“And did you like it?” he asked, his lips were at her ear and his hands ran down her waist. 

“No,” she spat.

He laughed, pulling her hips back against his body and moving his hand around to her front.  Cole slipped his fingers between her lips.  She was still so sensitive; she shivered at his gentle touch. 

“You little liar.” He stuck his glistening fingers in her face.  “Lick them clean for me.”

She tried to turn her head away, but he grabbed a fist full of hair and yanked ruthlessly.  “Do it,” he barked and she darted out her tongue, licking her own wetness from his fingers. 

“Ask me to make you cum again,” she whimpered, but didn’t speak.  “Ask me or I’ll spank you so hard you won’t be able to sit for a week.”

“Please, my lord.  Please, make me cum again,” she choked out. 

He rubbed his erection against her.  “Sorry, little Livie, not right now, your dinner’s getting cold.”  He gave her a light tap on the ass.  “Maybe later.”

He nuzzled her hair a final time before stepping away from her.  He turned and walked out of the room. 

“Your clothes are on the bed,” he said, not bothering to look at her.

He’d meant to stop after she apologized, but the way she squirmed against him, the way she cried out, and hearing her resigned words sparked something in him and he pushed her farther than he intended.  He wanted her lesson to remind her of her place and reinforce his control over her.  He hoped her humiliation wouldn’t cause her to close down.  He needed her obedient, not a broken shell of a woman.  Sitting down at the table, Cole had to rearrange himself, his cock throbbed and he took a few leveling breaths.  With an air of calmness and composure, he took the lids off the dinner plates one at a time.

The smell wafted into the bedroom and made her salivate.  Olivia was curled up on the bed, on the verge of tears.  She was tormented by her response to his touch and the utter humiliation he’d put her through.  She was terrified of being near him as he sparked a mix of emotions that made her head spin, but she was even more afraid of him throwing her aside and giving her to the men to be beaten and taken against her will.  She would’ve stayed in there all night, except for her traitorous stomach was reminding her she’d skipped lunch. 

“You have to eat dinner and it’d be very unpleasant for the both of us if I had to force you.”

Bide your time, make him happy, and always be looking for a way to escape,
she thought

She slowly emerged from the bedroom in pajamas similar to the ones from the night before.  Her nose practically wiggled like a rabbit as she sniffed after dinner.  Pressing her body against the wall, she craned her neck trying to see the source of the delicious smell.  She struggled with herself, trying to build up the nerve to step forward.  

“The cook was thrilled to hear a restaurateur was dinning with me.  He says he’s prepared a special meal for someone who appreciates more than ‘mess hall food,’” he said with relief he didn’t have to drag her out of the bedroom. 

It was a challenge, but he managed to keep his eyes on the food.  She was so beautiful in the simple satin pajamas and he desperately wanted to run his eyes up and down her body, but he didn’t want to scare off his skittish little captive. 

Cole lifted another lid and scrunched up his nose. “What the hell is that?”

She took a few steps forward and looked at the plate.  “It’s grilled calamari steak.” He looked at her then, his eyebrow raised, she took a couple more steps forward.  “Um, it’s grilled squid.” He raised his eyebrow even higher.  

She couldn’t help, but smile at his disgust. 
So food really is a distraction for her
, he thought.  He made sure to remember that.  He lifted up another lid and saw her eyes twinkle at the sight of freshly made pasta.  Almost unaware of herself, Olivia sat down at the table.

“You don’t like calamari?” she asked. 

“I don’t know.  I’ve never had it.” He gingerly took a fork full and chewed thoughtfully. 

He shrugged and took another bite. 

“I guess I’m just use to mess hall food,” he said.

She smiled again then images of what he’d done to her minutes before flashed across her mind and her face went blank.  He was thrilled to see her smile and when she started talking to him on her own his heart beat a little faster.  So, when she shut down so quickly he was disappointed.  He understood her reaction, but was still so very disappointed. 

They ate in silence for a few minutes; she was desperate to evade eye contact.  Every now and then she had to shift positions to avoid the sore areas of her bottom or the awareness of her still very wet pussy.  Finally, he asked her a question, the silence nearly driving him mad and the prospect of hearing her voice again thrilling him.

“Tell me about your restaurant, what made you start it?” he asked her. 

“I… well… um,” she tried to answer, but every time she looked at him she stopped and had to start again. 

“Well, if you can’t stand looking at me yet, close your eyes and then talk.”  

She did as he told her, closed her eyes and pictured her restaurant, it calmed her.  “I wanted something of my own,” she said. 

“Go on,” he prodded.

“I wanted to be more than just a politician’s daughter.  I wanted something of my own, to be someone all my own.  When my mother died… Um… When my mother died I decided to move Districts, away from my father and brother’s reach.  My brother tried to stop me, he called it desertion, but I needed to get away and find out what I wanted in life.  I used the little bit of money my mother left me...”  She opened her eyes and he was watching her. 

“I’m sorry about your mother,” he said in earnest, she nodded a thank you, but remained silent. 

“You know, I was born into my title and duties.  I’ve never known another life nor had the opportunity to explore one.  You’re very brave, taking off on your own like that.”

They finished their dinner.  He lifted the last lid and just looked at the plate, eyebrows furrowed.

“They’re chocolate soufflés.” She couldn’t help it and smiled again.

He took a hesitant spoonful, but quickly nodded his approval.  She took a bite and her face seemed to light up. 

“Women rarely run their own businesses anymore, very uncommon.  Tell me
you opened a restaurant, why do you like food so much?” She started to speak, but stammered, got nervous, and stopped.  “Take another bite then close your eyes and tell me.”

She again did as he asked.  The soufflé was warm and rich with just the slightest bite from the dark chocolate. 

“Because food brings people together.  It can make strangers into friends and family.  It’s one of the few things you can put your heart into and still reap the rewards.  Anyone can make a great meal; it’s a joy worth sharing without the need of formal training.  Sometimes passion is just as amazing as skill.”

She stopped herself, realizing the last part sounded like she was describing sex just as much as cooking.  She opened her eyes again and found a devilish smirk on his face.  She didn’t say another word, too humiliated to even look up from her dessert.  Finally, she pushed her plate away and yawned uncontrollably. 

“Off to bed with you.” He led her to the bed, tucked her in, but didn’t touch her. 

Instead, he went to his desk and flicked on the light.

.     .     .

When she woke the next morning he was in the same place and in the same clothes.  Papers were scattered across his desk and his hair was spiky, standing on end as if he spent a good portion of the night running his hands through it in frustration.  She tried to stay perfectly still, not to make a sound so he’d think she was still asleep.  She took the opportunity to surreptitiously observe him.  Cole’s hands were large and powerful looking; his fingers were long and elegant.  His shoulders stretched and strained the dress shirt he wore.  He looked better suited chopping fire wood than typing emails.

“Good morning, Livie, did you sleep well?” he said with his back still to her.

She nearly gasped out loud, wondering how he knew she was awake.  He pushed himself out of the chair and went to her, sitting on the edge of the bed. 

“Would you like to work in the garden again today?”  He rubbed his hands over his stubbly cheeks as if he could wipe away the weariness from his face.

“Yes, my lord,” she said in almost a whisper.

She’d been hoping he’d let her go back again, she wanted the time away from him.  It gave her a chance to breathe a little easier and work through her thoughts.  It gave her a chance to steady herself and bring focus to her situation.  He nodded and went to get breakfast while she went into the bathroom and found a new set of clothes.  

When he got back he called to her. “I hope you don’t mind that I told the cook to lay off the gourmet meals.”

They ate in silence and when he was done he went to his desk to collect his paperwork then motioned for her to come with him.  As they walked down the hallway, a group of soldiers walked by.  One licked his lips and blew a kiss at her.  Olivia quickened her pace and bumped into Cole’s back.  He turned around to scold her, but saw the fear in her eyes.  Following her gaze, he let out a soft sigh.

“Don’t worry, Olivia.  The soldiers have strict orders not to touch you.  You’re mine and mine alone.”

The words both comforted and frightened her.  With an audible gulp she nodded.  He took her hand, pulling her down the hallway.  They walked into the courtyard and he forced her to a halt. 

“So you’re sure you want to stay out here today?” he asked.

It was another beautiful day and her fingers itched to dig in the dirt and feel the sun on her back.  She nodded, biting her lower lip.  He loved it when she did that. 

“Is it worth a kiss?”  She froze at his words.  “Well okay, if you’d rather stay in my room.” 

He began to push her toward the door, but she pulled back.  He turned and stepped into her, moving his face to just inches away from hers.  


Bide, your time, make him happy, always be looking for a way to escape. 
She sucked in a breath and pressed her lips to his then quickly pulled away. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around her and jerked her against his body.  He pressed his mouth to hers, tenderly stroking her lips with his.  When he pulled away from her she was panting. 

Mrs. Wellings came up to them just then.  “What a beautiful morning and how are you two?” she beamed.

The two didn’t respond.  Cole’s eyes seemed to sear the skin right off of Olivia’s body.  She couldn’t help blushing and looking away. 

“Behave, Livie,” he smiled and turned to leave. 

Mrs. Wellings walked with her to the garden, cooing over what a fine job Olivia had done the day before.  They passed a group of men at the outdoor kitchen and she couldn’t help put glance at them.  Most of the soldiers were busy cleaning vegetables, peeling potatoes, or other prep work.  Most of them didn’t even look up as she walked by.  A few gawked at her as she was a hot topic of discussion in the fort.  One of them boldly eyed her up and down.  He gave her a barbaric look that made her stomach turn and she had to look away. 

She spent the day just as the last, weeding bed after bed of vegetables, filling buckets, and taking them to the compost cabinet.  The grueling labor of it all helped her work out much of her pent up frustration and terror.  As her hands cramped and her back screamed, she felt a calmness flood over her.  She would be okay.  She would make it through this. The same guard was on duty at the compost entrance and as the day progressed he started to chat with her.  His name was Ronny and he’d been at the fort for a year.  He liked being a soldier alright, but he really wanted to be a carpenter, he liked to build things, to use his hands.  She smiled, listened to the young man, and thanked him when he helped her with the buckets. 

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