A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (36 page)

Before I could say anything
else he disappeared inside squeezing himself in. Then after a few
minutes he came back with two papers.

had only this scene left. The others were taken.” He explained.

thanks,”I said taking the paper in my hand.

I read the first bit. “Oh,
this is for the part of Juliet.”

yes, I thought that would be the best for you. I can't possibly see
you as a maid or Juliet's mum.” He added.

I smiled. I read the first
few lines but was interrupted by a familiar voice...

What are you doing here?”

I looked up and saw Lexie.

Lexie, well Blake told me about the auditions and well I thought to
give it a try.”

that's wonderful. Hope you'll be selected. I'm in.” She said


although I didn't get the part I wanted. I'll be the maid, but anyway
someone has to do it right?” She said smiling.

She kept talking and telling
me how to present myself, not to be shy and to look directly at the
jury. Lexie was a nice girl, but she was a chatterbox, she reminded
me of Kylie. I smiled while she showed me how she had acted the part
and how she had impressed Mr Clark, who was one of the judges. Then
her expression changed and she become all serious. She grabbed my arm
and pulled me closer to her and then bent down to whisper in my ear.

Cassidy, Mr Bayne is one of the judges. Probably you won't have
problems to obtain the part.”She chuckled.

I looked stunned at her.

Oh no.. Lexie, I... won't do this.”

come on Cassidy I was only joking. The six judges have to agree
between them so Mr Bayne on his own can't really do anything. Go and
be yourself. You'll be great. Please try and get the part, it will be
nice to have rehearsals together.”

Just at that moment Blake
called me.

next Cassidy are you ready? Don't be shy, be natural and leave
everything in my hands?”

I looked questionably at
him. In his hands? What was he talking about?

have to be convincing OK. The perfect Romeo and Juliet.”

I said a little bit surprised. I thought I would have had the
audition alone. Just then I saw two students coming out and a voice
calling for the next couple. Blake winked at me and grabbed my hand
again. When we went in I saw David writing down something. He hadn't
seen me yet.

please,” he said without looking up. My gaze travelled to his
sandy blonde hair and to his handsome face. Oh David. Blake answered
for me.

and Cassidy.”

At the pronunciation of my
name, he looked up. His eyes fixed in mine. My heart missed not one
but a dozen of beats. When he looked at me like that, the world
stopped. We would have kept staring at each other in eternity if Mr
Clark hadn't invited us to go up on stage to start our performance. I
felt so nervous, especially when I realised that I hadn't rehearsed
all the part. Because of Lexie's interruption, I had only managed to
read the first page.

on Cassidy we can do this,” Blake said encouragingly.

We went up on stage and
started our performance...

Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?Deny thy father and refuse thy
I said
looking at Blake, who smiled at me. I kept going with my monologue,
saying how much this love meant to me and how unlucky we were to fall
in love when our families hated each other so much. I glanced at
David sometimes. He was looking at me strangely, couldn't say why, he
seemed a little angry. Perhaps for what had happened with Tyler the
day before. Or maybe because I was there performing. No, why would he
be pissed off for that? I kept looking at him while I expressed my
sadness. I was really entering in the part; I was enjoying it and I
wasn't feeling the least shy. I wondered if I had done this before?
The end of the page was near, I read the last sentence before I
turned it to see what I had to say next. But Blake didn't give me
time to read anything as he came from behind me and turned me to face
him. He cupped my chin and forced me to look up at him. My heart
raced. What was he doing?

Blake said not to worry,
that love could win against anything, and suddenly I felt his arm
wrapping around my waist as his other hand dipped in my hair. His
mouth came down on mine and then he started kissing me. I froze. I
wasn't expecting this. I shivered and almost passed out. It wasn't a
peck; it wasn't a French kiss either but was passionate enough to
make my interiors scream. He then pulled back slowly and smiled.I was
still shocked as I looked dazedly at him..

turn Cassidy,”he whispered.“You have one last sentence to


I grabbed the paper and
looked at the last sentence and wondered how the hell was I going to
say it out. I was still shocked and my hands trembled as I tried to
focus on the few words I had to voice. I didn't dare look at David.

love you Romeo,” I finally breathed before looking down. I
remained there in silence as the judged discussed among themselves. I
was still shaking a little.. 

you OK?” Blake asked very quietly.

I said without making an attempt to look at him. I couldn't, I felt
so embarrassed. My face felt so warm. My God he had just kissed me
and in front of the teachers and most of all in front of David. OK,
we were only acting but....

hope you didn't mind,”Blake said softly.

I didn't expect it but..it's OK..” I stuttered nervously.

thought the kiss would give the part a little more credibility. You
know we are suppose to be in love and kissing is what lovers do.”

My stomach churned as I
looked at him disbelievingly, “What? You mean there wasn't
written that we had to kiss.”  

there was written to show affection and love to Juliet..to look like
a real couple.. only a kiss could have done that.” He

I was going to say something else when I saw Mr Clark getting up.

you have been great, the most convincing couple we had seen so far.
You work well together and the improvisation of the kiss, well it
completed the scene. Great job guys, the part is yours. Ah, one
thing, Cassidy, I know it's not simple to kiss in front of people
especially teachers, but next time you do it be more involved, don't
be shy. This should be a kiss of love between two lovers.”

Next time? Oh my God, that
meant that I had to kiss Blake every time we did this scene? I was
going to complain, but Mr Clark didn't give me time and said that we
should go now and that rehearsals started tomorrow . He also remained
us to pass to his office to collect the script that we had to
memorize. I went down the steps slowly, my legs felt weak. I could
feel David's gaze on me. I wanted to look at him, but I couldn't. I
had almost arrived at the door when I turned around and gazed at him.
I felt a shiver slither up my spine when I met his gaze. He had a
strange look in his eyes, was he jealous? As soon as we were out
Blake hugged me.

knew you would be good. We did it!” he cheered.

Blake... I...”

wrong Cassidy? Did that kiss affect you so much?” He said in a
teasing voice.

just that I wasn't expecting it.. I..”

sorry I should have told you.. but you wouldn't have accepted would

I'm in love with someone else and I don't think..”

someone else looked rather jealous and if eyes could kill I would be
stone-dead. I'm afraid my sis doesn't stand a chance,” he


noticed how you two look at each other. He has feelings for you as
well.. so you weren't lying when you said you had kissed him. Cassidy
do you have a relationship with him?”

I felt dizzy and I stared
helplessly at him. What could I say? Not the truth. I had to deny no
one had to know about us even though right now I wasn't sure if David
still considered us a couple. 

oh no you're wrong. I wish I had but no.” I lied.

you sure?” He narrowed his deep blue eyes at me.

I nodded..

then there is still chance for me.” He said  with a grin.
This guy was really persistent, he reminded me of Tyler but was much
more sweeter. Sweet like David. He seemed to have a little of both

Cassidy what about you coming at my house after school?” He
suddenly proposed taking me by surprise.

Oh no.. I can't.”

why not?We could do the rehearsals together. We have a lot to
memorize and little time to do it..”

I work after school and also Claire wouldn't be much happy..”

can go to hell. You work everyday?” he asked than.

I smiled at his comment.

not everyday, but today yes.”



tomorrow after school you'll come with me. Bring some clothes with
you so you could take a shower and change.”

there is no need. I can do that at home afterwards.”

As you wish but if I
were in you I would bring some clothes. Today is rather hot.
you tomorrow Cassidy.”

Saying that I watched his
long legged stride, carrying him to the end of the corridor. Blake
was really good looking and if I wasn't so in love with David I would
surely give him a second thought 


I blushed, hoping he hadn't
seen me checking him out.


lips are as much sweet as I thought they would be. I can't wait to
kiss you again.”

My cheeks warmed up as I
stared at him. He smiled and kept going. I silently watched him
disappearing around the corner and then I leaned against the wall and
looked blankly in space. My life was already so complicated. My God
what was I doing? Why had I even accepted to go to his house? Not
that he gave me much choice. I was still thinking and biting my nails
when the door opened and he came out. My insides quivered when our
eyes met.

we have to talk.”


I felt my stomach twisting
and my nerves tingled. He had a forlorn expression. I felt terrible,
it was all my fault if he was sad.

I'm sorry for what happened before,” I said quietly.

can't say that I loved to see you kissing that guy but I'm not mad at
you because of that. You were only acting with him but this morning
with Tyler you weren't.” He said tiredly.

morning nothing happened! I swear. I did not make love with Tyler.
Please believe me.” I cried desperately as I grabbed his hand.
H didn't move. He remained silent looking at me. What was he

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