A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (37 page)

please talk to me.”

Cassidy, what can I say that I'm suffering. Yes, I'm suffering a lot.
I'm not made of stone. I have feelings and  I can't stand seeing
him near you. I can't. I'm not that strong any more. I have thought
about it. Cassidy you have to choose.”

I thought I already had. David I chose you. I'm with you.”

Cassidy,you're not. Not totally. Listen you have to leave him, you
have to stop seeing him completely and marry me.”

you? Really? Will you stop loving Kylie's mum if I do?”

He looked astonished at me.

mum? Cassidy. I have only loved one woman in my life, you. There has
never been anyone else.”

why have you made love to Kylie's mum? I should have been her mum
David..” I cried. I really meant what I said.

It's time you know. Kylie's mum and you. Well you are-”

am what? David.. do you think that you're the only one to suffer huh?
Do you think I like the way  Claire Morrison keeps looking at
you...” I shouted. 

told you she means nothing. You can't really be jealous of her.”

saw you.” I admitted. I needed to tell him. I wanted to know
what happened after I ran away.

me? What do you mean?” He asked while he looked at me in a
perplex manner.

came in the library. You were with her.” My eyes sought his, I
wanted to look straight in his eyes while he told me what  had

we were discussing about the piece of writing she wants to present
for the competition,” he said calmly.

I noticed, does that include letting her touch your hand and face?”
I asked. I felt a lump in my throat. He looked at me startled.

how long have you been spying on me? Not much it seems,” he
said a little annoyed.

wasn't spying. I came to search for you.. I-”

He grabbed my waist and
pulled me into him and hugged me tight..

what are you doing? Someone could see us.”

you think I care about anything else that is not you?! Cassidy I
don't know what you saw and how much you saw but I have told Claire
that if she tries to do that again I will report her. That I won't
accept to see her any more alone after class and to leave me alone.
Cassidy I would never betray you. You're the love of my life, what
else can I do to show you how I feel? My God.. tell me what to do and
I'll do it OK. Cassidy marry me, become my wife. Let's live like a
family, you and I and Kylie and maybe another one or two kids.”

Kids? What do you mean?”

needs a brother or a sister. Cassidy think about it please.”
His voice cracked emotionally. He buried his face in the crook of my
neck and pressed me into his body. I couldn't move I was trembling, I
felt so happy, he had asked me to marry him again. To be his wife.
There wasn't anything else I desired more than that.


don't give me an answer yet. I want you to think well about it. And
you need to know a lot of other things as well before deciding.”

things?” I asked already feeling bad. The more I knew the more
things got complicated.

of your past. Things about you and me and about you and Tyler.”

I know he was my teacher as well.”

His eyes widened in


told me. I know everything, that he lost his job because of me and
that I was in love with him first before I fell for you.”

else did he tell you?” he asked a little concerned.

else. Is there anything more I should know?”

a lot of other important things. Maybe it's time that you know about
your past. But before think about my proposal.”

David, I will. Listen, I only have to work for Tyler for another few
weeks, then I'll quit. I won't see him again. I want you. I love
you.” I said with a broken voice. I meant every word that I

Listen to me I have decided that I'll leave you free for some time.
It's the best solution.”

I said in panicky tones. What did he have in mind. “David?”

if we stay a little far from each other you'll finally be sure

I don't want to stay far from you. I decided. I'll speak to Tyler.”

your time, I'm honest Cassidy, analyse your life. What do you want
and with whom you want to share your life, me, Tyler or possibly even
another guy.. maybe Blake.”


neither me nor Tyler is the right person.” He heaved a sigh.

no.. David we're just friends.” I reassured me.

Cassidy, I believe you. I have to go now. I have another lesson.”
He said letting me go.

will I see you?”

at the lesson. If you need help with your essay tell me.”

I meant out of school. I meant like a couple. David don't do this to
me.” I pleaded.

you're ready you'll find me waiting for you. I love you.”

Saying that, he left. I just
wanted to cry. Why was he doing all this? Why was it so difficult for
him to believe that I only loved him and that Tyler would never mean
as much as he means to me. What mess had I done in my past to make
David behave like this? I must have  made him suffer and a lot.

Needless to say that in the
following two lessons I didn't even know that I was at school. I
couldn't stop thinking about David's words. He had said, strange
things. He was going to tell me something about me and Kylie's mum if
I hadn't interrupted him, maybe we knew each other. After school, I
went home and took a shower and then I started immediately to do my
homework. I didn't have even time to eat. I had exactly an hour
before the arrival of Tyler. I finished off one essay and began a
sketch for Art. I peered at the clock it was almost 5 o'clock. I
grabbed a bag and put my assignments inside, maybe during the break I
could continue these at work, I decided. I had to finish them. Just
then I heard a horn. Tyler had arrived. I put on my shoes and went
hurriedly down the stairs. I opened the door and saw Tyler waiting
for me in the car. I slammed the door shut and ran towards him. I
opened the car's door and jumped in.

how are you?” He said as soon as I closed the door.

fine.” I said without even looking at him. I was still angry
with him.

look like that. Are you tired?”

I'm fine really, maybe we should go. I have still a lot of homework
to finish after work.”

He dragged his gaze over me
for a couple of seconds before he started the engine. We lapsed in
silence, during our journey. I wasn't in the mood for any of his
sarcasm today, I hoped he would behave. When we arrived at the hotel,
he jokingly asked me if I wanted to reach the office using the
stairs. I gave him a sharp look...

come on Cas, smile. You're so moody today. What's wrong?”


not true. Was David still angry because of what happened this
morning?”he asked. “I thought he would kill me when he
saw us together.” His lips tipped up into a grin. I hated when
he did this.

I don't want to discuss him with you OK? I know you don't stand each
other. So stop it, please. I'm here for work and nothing else.”
I snapped. He looked at me a little hurt. Maybe I had exaggerated.


doesn't matter. Let's go at the office. I'll show you what you have
to do OK.”

I followed him in. I sat
down at my desk. He grabbed a chair from his office and dragged it in
my office and sat near me. He opened the drawer and pulled out some
files that I needed to check and then he started to explain what work
should be done.

do you think you can do this?” He asked after he finished.

think so, it doesn't seem so complicated.”

in case you need help or you have a doubt, just call me, I'll be
working on the computer in my office.”

He stood up and reached
inside his office. For the first time, he was behaving. I opened the
first file and it didn't seem so difficult to do. In less than 10
minutes I had done the first two pages but when I started the third
page things got more complicated and I couldn't understand anything.
Too many numbers. I stood up and went near Tyler, who was having
coffee and talking on the phone. He continued to giggle while he
talked. He hadn't took notice of me. I opened my mouth to call him
but I stopped. I was going to return back to my office when something
he said drew my attention.. 

at 8.00 is great, I'll come and pick you up. Don't let me wait like
usual OK. Yes, it's fine.. see you. Have a nice evening.”

Oh, so he had a date the
following day. So much effort to try and persuade me to be his and
then he went out with other girls. I had no right to be jealous nor
to tell him what to do. I had chosen David so it shouldn't bother me
at all what he did, right? Well for some reason I had to admit that
it did a little. Even though, a little...

do you need anything?” he asked interrupting my thoughts. I
hope he hadn't noticed that I had heard his conversation.

yes I don't understand these amounts. Which shall I count, the higher

you have just to subtract the lowest amounts from the higher so I
know exactly how much was the profit.” He explained.

OK, I thought it was more complicated than that.”

it's not. Nothing is complicated when you know what to do. When you
know what you want.”

He looked at me in a way
that my interiors scream. Was he still talking about the numbers?

return back in my office now thanks.” I said trying not to show
how his gaze had affected me.

I disappeared in my office
without even waiting for his reply. I continued with the work and
after about an hour he came in my office holding a cup of tea.

why don't you take a break. I know that numbers can be very tiring.
Here drink this, do you want me to order a croissant or something for
you?” I asked gently. My gazed at him briefly. Did he always
behave like this with his employees? I wondered.

wrong, why are you looking at me like that?”

are you so gentle with me today? This is not you. Do you usually
bring coffee to all your employees?”

He smiled.

to the pretty ones.”

I gave him a pointed look
and he chuckled.

Cassidy I was only joking. How many things you still don't know about
me. I'm not the bad boy that you think. I know that maybe we haven't
started off on the right foot and that sometimes I tend to exaggerate
but I have my good moments as well. And to answer your question. No.
I never make coffee for my employees,usually it's the other way
round, they make it for me. I brought you tea, you don't like

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