A Sheep In Wolf's Clothing (Welsh Wolves) (13 page)


With that word filling the air and invading Kieve’s mind, Reese smashed his lips against Kieve’s, taking them in a hard kiss. Reese released the grip on Kieve’s shirt and pressed into the man, his mind blurring with the wild sexual taste of his mate. He eased back on the kiss, just enough to give Kieve a moment to breathe and to allow Reese to plunge his tongue into the wet cavern of his mouth.

He waited for Kieve to protest, but Kieve reached around and grabbed Reese’s ass, pulling him close. They were near enough in height that their cocks met, hot and hard. A low groan rumbled from Kieve’s throat and Reese savored every wicked vibration. The violence of need that surged through him drew him back from the kiss. He needed to—

He scraped his teeth across his mate’s neck. The scent of Kieve’s skin was making him dizzy. His gums tingled with the urge to free his canines and bite down, mark and taste his mate.

The nights he’d been in Kieve’s bed—appearing as the guy’s “dream lover”—had haunted Reese’s dreams and all his waking moments. He’d had to be so careful, couldn’t leave a mark that might show. But now he couldn’t resist the urge. He couldn’t bite the sexy man—wasn’t about to bind the poor guy to a blind wolf—but he had to leave some kind of sign that this body belonged to him.

He bit down, just a touch too hard to be pleasurable. Kieve flinched, but his cock also pressed against Reese’s leg. Those hot hands on his ass slid up, under Reese’s shirt. Damn, he’d dreamed about Kieve’s touch, those sexy work-roughened fingers sliding over his skin.

With a growl, Reese pulled back, lifting his body away from Kieve’s but still holding him trapped against the wall. It was times like this when he would have killed to get his sight back. He wanted to see the look on Kieve’s face.

He could hear the rapid breaths bellowing in and out of Kieve’s lungs, but was that from panic or lust?


Kieve’s hands landed on his hips, yanking him back until their bodies slammed into each other. Damn, his mate was strong for a human. Reese usually ended up with small men. He’d never had a lover—except for that ill-fated night with Micah—who’d been his size. Kieve’s mouth covered his, taking his turn to slide his tongue into Reese’s mouth.

A whine teased the back of Reese’s throat. His mate tasted so good and that little bit of dominance made his cock ache. Not that he wanted to bottom, but the thought that his mate could challenge him lit every nerve in his cock.

The whimper turned to a growl and he grabbed Kieve’s ass, squeezing, pulling him close. Their cocks rubbed together, blocked by layers of thick denim. Claws poked out the tips of Reese’s fingers and he knew with one good slice he could rip through the heavy material and have that sweet dick out.

Kieve yanked his mouth away and gasped in a breath. “We need to stop.”

Reese ground his teeth together to keep from howling. He could feel Kieve’s hard cock pressing against him and knew Kieve liked to be fucked. What was the problem?

“Okay.” Reese said. He wouldn’t force anyone. “Why?” he heard himself ask.

“Because if we don’t, you’re going to end up fucking me right here.”

Reese pulled back. His wolf howled in his head, but Reese pushed the sound away.

“Are you saying you don’t like to be fucked?” He couldn’t keep the challenge out of his voice. He remembered more than once when he was Kieve’s “dream lover” that the man had begged to be fucked.

“Oh, no. I’m good with getting fucked, but this picture frame is digging into the back of my neck.”

Reese reached up, his fingers brushing across the metal frame.

“Poor baby.” He skimmed his touch to the back of Kieve’s head, making sure his mate wasn’t hurt. The word “mate” triggered his instinctive panic, but the delicious scent of Kieve’s arousal calmed the human’s urge to run. The wolf wasn’t physically present, but the animal was asserting its will.

Reese slid his fingers into Kieve’s hair and pulled him forward, back to Reese’s mouth. Those soft lips opened for him and Reese plunged his tongue inside, moaning at the heady taste of his mate.

He briefly considered flipping Kieve around and fucking him right there, but he knew that once he got inside his mate, it wouldn’t be a fast, hard fuck. It might be hard, but no way was it going to be fast.

He pulled back. “Come on.” He grabbed Kieve’s hand and dragged him toward the stairs.

Knowing the house by heart, Reese had no trouble leading his lover up the stairs and to his room. And Kieve didn’t seem to be resisting at all, in fact, he followed along, pausing at one point to slide his hand over Reese’s ass, squeezing like he couldn’t resist the feel of it.

Reese pulled him into his room and slammed the door behind them. The others would be coming home eventually and he didn’t plan to be done with Kieve any time soon.

Kieve’s aura was a blazing presence in the small room. Reese tracked his progress across the small space and followed, his fingers instinctually reaching for clothes. He needed to get his mate naked so he could feel all those hard muscles once again.

His hands landed on bare skin.


“Why waste time?”

“Exactly.” Reese didn’t move. He let his fingertips run down the front of Kieve’s body, relearning the ripples in the man’s abs, skimming through the thin line of hair that disappeared into the top of his jeans. He tore open the top button, the zipper spreading wide as Kieve’s cock pressed forward.

Reese slipped his hand inside the tight opening, curling his fingers around the hard shaft. Kieve hissed in a breath as Reese gently squeezed. Heat filled his palm and it was all he could do not to rip away the material to get to his mate’s cock.

Reese tapped the waistband of Kieve’s snug briefs though he didn’t let go of his dick. “What color are these?” His mind was searching to fill in the picture. After his conversation with Dex, he’d been able to come up with a reasonable image in his brain—shades of Hugh Jackman

“Uhm, blue.”

“What shade?”

“What? Oh.” It seemed to take Kieve a moment to remember that Reese couldn’t see. “Right. Royal blue, I guess?”

Reese smiled and tugged on the elastic, not pulling the briefs down but just rubbing them across Kieve’s skin.

“I would have thought you were a white and tight kind of guy.” Despite his strange fascination with reality TV, Kieve had appeared remarkably conservative.

“I usually am. These were a gift.”

“From a lover?” Reese released the elastic, letting it snap against Kieve’s hip. The wolf growled in Reese’s brain. He knew it was insane. Neither of them were virgins at this party and it didn’t matter anyway because Reese was not—definitely not—looking for a mate. Still he didn’t like the idea of Kieve wearing another lover’s gift in his presence.

“Uh, no. Sister. She decided it might spice up my love life.”

“And has it?” Reese tightened his grip on Kieve’s cock.

Tension washed through Kieve’s body. “This is the first time I’ve worn them so...yes.”

Reese chuckled. “Good answer.” He leaned in and kissed Kieve, driving his tongue into the other man’s eager mouth. “Take them off,” he murmured against Kieve’s lips, loving the way his mate responded. He couldn’t resist the urge. He scraped his fingers down the other man’s chest, letting the tips of his claws peek out. He didn’t gouge the skin but just scratched fine lines down that lovely hard flesh. Fuck, this was when he missed his eyes.

But if he couldn’t see, he could touch and taste.

He gave Kieve a shove, knocking the guy off his feet, smiling as Kieve yelped seconds before he hit the mattress. The colors in Kieve’s aura flashed.

“Did I startle you?” he chuckled.

Kieve’s fingers stumbled across Reese’s hip, finally hooking on his waistband and pulling him forward. “I didn’t know what was behind me.”


“Oh shit. The lights are out, aren’t they?” He took a step back, planning to flick the switch, but Kieve’s grip tightened and he didn’t let him move.

“It’s okay.” He slid his hand up under Reese’s shirt. “I don’t need the lights.”

The hot caress moved up his chest and Reese needed to feel all of his lover’s touches. He grabbed the bottom of his T-shirt and yanked it off over his head. Strong rough fingers skimmed over his stomach, teasing caresses that ignited every last nerve.

Reese held himself, trying not to rush when all he wanted to do was rip open his jeans and shove his cock into Kieve’s mouth. But Kieve seemed to want to touch, to take it slow. He ran his hand over Reese’s cock, exploring through the thick denim.

“Lovely, you’re killing me.”

Kieve chuckled but seemed to hear the strain in Reese’s voice. He slipped his hand inside Reese’s jeans, protecting his dick as he eased the zipper down. The fly separated and Reese’s cock jumped against Kieve’s hand, practically begging to be freed. Again, that wicked, sexy laugh reached Reese’s ears.

Kieve moved so slowly Reese was starting to think he’d imagined the frantic kisses and caresses downstairs.

His jeans and briefs were shoved down.

“Finally,” Kieve sighed, sounding frustrated. “It’s harder than I thought doing this blind,” he groused. “Oh, sorry.”

Reese couldn’t stop his own laugh. “Don’t worry, lovely.” He took over and shoved his jeans down and kicked them off. He moved forward, invading Kieve’s space, guiding his lover back onto the bed. “You did just fine.” He reached down and wrapped his fingers around Kieve’s hard cock. “You’ll find not being able to use your eyes, makes your other senses stronger.” He gave the shaft in his hand a slow, tight pump.

“Close your eyes,” Reese whispered as he slid up beside him, still jacking that long cock. “Just feel what I’m going to do to you.”

Reese leaned in and scraped his teeth across Kieve’s pec. Kieve cried out and arched into the touch.

“Wh-what are you going to do to me?” he asked and Reese remembered how hot it made Kieve when he’d talked dirty.

“Oh, lovely, I’m going to mark you and fuck you, drive my cock into you, fuck that sweet ass until every time you move tomorrow you’ll feel me.” He bit again, not hard enough to break the skin but enough so Kieve would feel it. Reese let his tongue trail across the firm flesh until he found the flat nipple. He lapped at it, loving the way the tiny peak drew up for him, and then sucked the sensitive skin into his mouth. Kieve slapped the mattress with his hand, but he didn’t push Reese away. Reese smiled and licked the same spot, savoring the way his lover twisted against him, as if he wanted to get away but the pleasure was too much.

Reese continued his way down Kieve’s body. It had been more than a week since he’d been able to touch and stroke all that smooth skin. He knew it was just sex but, damn, he’d missed the scent and taste of this man. His wolf was going crazy inside his head, thrilled to be touched by his mate. He nipped at the tight abs, Kieve’s cock bumping against his chin.

The hot masculine flavor of his mate made the wolf howl in Reese’s head. His cock ached with the need to plow into Kieve’s ass.

Reese bit down again on Kieve’s taut stomach muscles.

“Fuck.” The shout filled the room, but even Kieve heard the plea behind the word. Damn, the man had some sharp teeth, each tiny bite setting his nerves on fire. He needed more. The three nights of having his dream lover had trained his body for pleasure and the past week of his own hand hadn’t done it. He needed to be touched, fucked. He slid his hands over every bit of flesh he could reach. He’d never fucked in complete darkness before, but the sensual aspect of learning his lover by feel made his heart pound. He realized this was how Reese learned the world.

And still he managed to dominate and top Kieve with strength and confidence. Damn, just what Kieve was looking for.

“Turn over, lovely. Let me have that sweet ass.”

“Lovely”—the pet name triggered something in his mind, but before he could process it, Reese kissed him again and his mind went blank.

Letting Reese’s touch guide him, Kieve turned over until he knelt on the bed, his ass in the air. The sensation of being there, on his hands and knees, in front of a man who couldn’t see him was strange. But what Reese couldn’t see with his eyes, he more than made up for with his hands. Hot strong fingers ran across Kieve’s ass, digging into the muscles as if testing their strength.

“So beautiful,” Reese murmured. A shaft of pride moved into Kieve’s chest even though he knew Reese couldn’t actually see him. Still the man’s hands hadn’t stopped touching him. Reese’s lips pressed against the small of Kieve’s back. “Let me have you, lovely.”

The seductive plea flowed into Kieve’s chest. He’d never felt so comfortable with a brand new lover before. Reese’s voice sounded so familiar, like his dream lover. Kieve shook his head, trying to clear it. He needed to keep the focus on the here and now, not get lost in some fantasy. Strange, he’d never had the problem of confusing fantasy with reality before.

The two men blended together in Kieve’s mind—his dream lover and Reese. He knew he should probably stop this—wasn’t it tacky to fuck a guy when you were thinking about someone who didn’t exist?—but “real” Reese easily pushed the fantasy aside, his hard-on rubbing against Kieve’s hip.

Cool fingers slipped between Kieve’s ass cheeks. He tensed. It had been a long time since anyone had fucked him and it usually wasn’t a first date kind of thing, but after four nights of being tempted by his fantasy, teased with the possibility of being fucked but never getting it, he needed this.

“Sh, lovely, I’ve got you. Going to make you feel good.”

That voice—fuck, Reese sounded so much like Kieve’s dream, he couldn’t fight the fantasy any longer and just let the dream take over. He must have relaxed because he heard Reese murmur his approval.

“That’s it.”

The faint intrusion of one finger became two. He pressed his lips together and absorbed the burn, letting the sensations blend from pain into pleasure. Reese’s sexy voice helped, slipping into Kieve’s mind, seducing him from the inside out. Slowly, Reese began to fuck him with his fingers, a shallow, gentle penetration that lured Kieve into relaxing, letting his lover in.

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