A Stillness at Appomattox (201 page)

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Authors: Bruce Catton

Tags: #Non Fiction, #Military

Banks, Gen. Nathaniel F., 237 Barlow, Gen. Francis, at Cold Harbor, 182, 190, 416; at Spotsylvania Court House, 135-42


Beauregard, Gen. P. G. T.,


212-14, 217-22 Belle Plain, supply base at,



Bermuda Hundred, Butler's


army held at, 150, 171, 209-

10, 212, 217, 232 Bethesda Church, 160 Biblical authority cited for

Northern victory, 259-60 Birney, Gen. David Bell, 136,

214, 221, 223-24 Blair, Francis P., 293 Blair, Montgomery, 293, 240 Bloody Angle, Spotsylvania

Court House, battle at, 142-



Bombproofs in Petersburg trenches, 229-30

Bounty soldiers, 26-35

Bragg, Braxton, 19


Brock Road, Wilderness, 69,


82, 85, 97-99, 104, 106 Brooks, Preston S. "Bully," 236


Burnside, Gen. Ambrose E., 59, 208; at Cold Harbor, 179, 192, 204; in Petersburg campaign, 217-25, 247, 249-55, 268-85, 376; at Spotsylvania Court House, 113, 132, 134, 141; in Wilderness battle, 70, 90-91, 96, 97

Butler, Gen. Ben, 66-67, 150, 171, 208-9, 232-35, 237; in attempt to seize Richmond, 7, 56; in support of Petersburg campaign, 209, 232

Campbell, John A., 371-72

Carroll, Gen. Samuel, 100

Casualties, care of, 115-23. For figures
specific actions

Cavalry, policy under Sheridan, 51, 54-55, 113-15

Cavalry divisions: 2nd, 342; 3rd, 4-5

Cedar Creek, battle of, Shenandoah Valley campaign (Sheridan's ride), 344-56

Chamberlain, Gen. Joshua, 396-401, 423-24

Chancellorsville crossroads, 70; in Wilderness battle, 90-91, 95, 106


Chandler, Zachariah, 236, 340 Chaplains, 242-43 Chase, Salmon P., 340 Chattanooga, battle of, 45
228, 357 Chicago Board of Trade, 311-12


Chickahominy River, 166, 174, 204


Christian Commission, 243 City Point, supply base at, 218, 359-60


City Point Railroad, 211, 359-60

Civilian reactions and attitudes, 195-199, 235-37, 311-12

Cold Harbor, battle of, 169-205; casualties, 186; success of first day, 169-74; frontal assault on Confederate position, 180-87; withdrawal from, 201-5

Colored Infantry, 36th Regiment, 263

Colored soldiers.
Negro soldiers in Union Army

Committee on Conduct of War, 208, 303

Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, 61-62; attack on Washington, 290-99; at Cold Harbor, 166-205; disposition of, before Battle of Wilderness, 6, 65-67, 69-70; in Petersburg campaign, 211-32, 247-55, 263-86, 357-406; in retreat to Appomattox, 407-25; in Shenandoah campaign, 332-40; at Spotsylvania Court House, 109-16, 123-47; in Wilderness battle, 71-106

Confederate intelligence operatives in North, 326-31

Connecticut regiments: 1st Cavalry, 382; 2nd Heavy Artillery, 173, 243, 300, 355; 12th, 337

Conscripted soldiers, 26, 34-35

Copperheads, 328-31

Cowards, treatment of, 153-54

Crater made by mine explosion at Petersburg, 273-86

Crawford, Gen. Samuel W., 81, 113, 230, 395-96, 398, 400

Crook, Gen. George, 201, 314, 333-36, 346-49

Custer, Gen. George Armstrong, 10, 22-23, 344, 355, 382, 385, 387-89, 414, 419

Cutler, Gen. Lysander, 191, 241

Dahlgren, Adm. John A. D., 8, 20


Dahlgren, Col. Ulric, 8-20 Dana, Richard Henry, 46, 238 Davis, Jefferson, 326, 332, 369,


371, 373-74 Democratic Convention in Chicago, 1864, 324-31 Deserters, Confederate, at

Petersburg, 369-70 Devin, Gen. Thomas C, 387-88


Dinwiddie Court House, battle of, Petersburg campaign, 384-90

Disabled veterans, corps of, 162-64

Disciplinary methods in army,


35-37, 153-54 Douty, Lt. Jacob, 273 Drafted soldiers, 26-27, 34-35


Gen, Jubal, 231, 289;


attack on Washington, 290-300; in Shenandoah Valley campaign, 300-1, 332-39, 343-56, 382 Earthworks.


XVIII Corps, at Cold Harbor, 171-73, 178-80, 184-86, 192, 204; in Petersburg campaign, 209-16, 219, 223, 268, 281-82

VIII Corps in Shenandoah Valley campaign, 314, 333-36, 346-48

Election, presidential, 1864, 361-63

Elmira, N.Y., Federal prison camp at, 313-14

Ely's Ford, Rapidan River, 11

Emory, Gen. William H., in Shenandoah Valley campaign, 292, 302, 315, 333-34, 347-56

Enlisted soldiers, 37-40

Entrenchments, 159, 176-77; at Cold Harbor, 180-81, 187, 188, 191; Confederate, at Spotsylvania, Upton's assault against, 128-32; at Petersburg, 210, 211-12, 219-20, 227-31, 357-58; undermining of Confederate fort at Petersburg, 246-55, 265-73

Ewell, Gen. Richard S., 77, 92, 100, 134, 146, 415

Excelsior Brigade, 224

Falls, Ben, 41

Farragut, Adm. David, 338

Ferrero, Gen. Edward, 255,


264, 268, 272, 282-86 Fieldworks.
Entrenchments V Corps, 58, 241-42; at Cold Harbor, 179, 201-4; in march to Appomattox, 411, 416, 420-23; in Petersburg campaign, 217-20, 223-26, 267, 280-81, 364-66, 384, 389-400; at Spotsylvania Court House, 109-13, 128, 133-34, 146; in Wilderness battle, 68, 70-83, 90-92, 96-97


I Corps, 56

Fisher's Hill, Shenandoah Valley, battle of, 338-39

Five Forks, action of, Petersburg campaign, 387-89, 392-99


Forrest, Gen. Bedford, 263 Forsyth, Maj. George A., 351-53


Fort De Russey, District of


Columbia, 297 Fort Donelson, Tenn., Union

victory at, 45 Fort Fisher, N.C., expeditions

against, 368 Fort Pillow, Term., massacre

of captured Negro soldiers

at, 263


Fort Stedman, Petersburg works, Confederate assault on, 375-78

Fort Stevens, District of Columbia, 293-99

Fortress Monroe, 203

Franklin, Gen. William B., 303

Fraternization of Union and Confederate soldiers, 61, 160, 195-96, 229-30, 364, 367

Frederick, Md., Confederate levy on, 291

Fredericksburg, care of wounded at, 116-23

Fremont, John Charles, 237, 340


Front Royal, battle of, 339-40 Frontal assault, obsolescence of, 176


Germanna Road, Wilderness, 68-69.
See also
Brock Road

Getty, Gen. George W., 83-86, 90-92, 96, 335-36

Gibbon, Gen. John, 98, 136, 239-41, 420; at Cold Harbor, 183-84; in Petersburg campaign, 214

Glendale, Confederate position at, 211


Gordon, Gen. John B., 346-50 Grant, Gen. U. S., 41-50, 150-51, 166-67, 326; at Cold Harbor, 170, 174, 181; command problems of, 192-94, 233, 368; made commander in chief, 41-42, 47-55; in march to Appomattox, 407-10, 412-13, 416-19, 425; in Petersburg campaign, 217-19, 225, 238, 250, 266, 269, 271-73, 284-85, 359, 378-81, 383-87, 393-94, 401-2; plan for cutting Southern supply routes, 199-204; and Shenandoah Valley campaign, 300-1, 302-6, 309-10, 332-41; southward move from Spotsylvania, 149-52; at Spotsylvania Court House, 113, 114, 124, 126, 132; in Wilderness battle, 65-68, 75-77, 83, 90, 100-3, 105 Greeley, Horace, 325, 327 Griffin, Gen. Charles, 72-79, 398-400, 411, 416, 422, 423 Guerilla warfare, in Petersburg campaign, 366; in Shenandoah Valley, 317-20, 342


Halleck, Gen. Henry W., 200, 237, 303-4; in defense of Washington, 288-93

Hampton, Gen. Wade, 15, 164, 231

Hancock, Gen. Winfield Scott, 57, 367; at Cold Harbor, 174, 178-84, 192, 204; in Petersburg campaign, 213-19, 221, 239, 266-67, 271, 358; at Spotsylvania Court House, 113, 132-44; in Wilderness battle, 70-71, 83-87, 90-92, 97-100

Hare house hill, Petersburg campaign, 219, 221-22

Hartranft, Gen. John, 377

Hatcher's Run, Petersburg campaign, 383-85

Hawes's Shop, 160

Hays, Gen. Alex, 101

Heavy artillery regiments, 53-54

Heiduc, Trooper, 356


Hill, Gen. A. P., 83, 86, 89-91,


239, 406 Hines, Thomas H., 327-30 Hinks, Gen. Edward W., 210,

211-16, 263 Hood, Gen. John B., 332 Humphreys, Gen. Andrew A.,

134, 368, 384, 414, 417 Hunter, Gen. David, 201, 231,

289-91, 305-6, 322 Hunter,
M. T., 371-72 Hyde, Maj., 124


Infantry, consolidation of corps, 55-57; training of, under Grant, 52

Intelligence operatives, Sheridan's, 317, 410-11; Southern, 326-30


Invalid Corps.
Veteran Reserve Corps Irish Brigade, 35, 364-65 Iron Brigade, 53, 81-82, 144, 165, 366


James River, crossing of, by Union army, 205-6


James River Canal, 201

Jericho Ford, 160


Jerusalem Plank Road, Petersburg, 220, 223, 239


Jetersville, 411

Johnston, Gen. Joe, 331-32,


379, 409 Julian, George W., 373


Kilpatrick, Gen. Judson "Kill Cavalry," 4-6, 51; attempt to seize Richmond, 5-21

Lamon, Ward, 340

Laurel Hill, Spotsylvania, battle of, 123

Ledlie, Gen. James H., 221-22, 270-79, 282

Lee, Gen. Robert E., 20, 290; at Cold Harbor and Petersburg, 170, 218-19, 222-23, 267, 379, 387; Northern respect for, 48; in retreat to Appomattox, 408-9, 412-13, 415, 425; at Spotsylvania Court House, 134, 140; in Wilderness battle, 91, 101

Letcher, Gov. John, 291

Lexington, Ky., 48th Pennsylvania Regiment in, 247

Lincoln, Abraham, 46, 51, 125, 148, 198, 289, 371; amnesty proclamation of 1864, 5-6; in campaign of 1864, 325-26, 340; in Confederate attack on Washington, 298-99; nomination for second term, 235-37; peace proposals of, 373; re-election of, 362-63; support of Grant by, 304-5, 368; visit to City Point, 378-82

Longstreet, Gen. James, 45, 89, 91, 98-99

Lynchburg Road, battle of, 420-22

McClellan, Gen. George B., admiration of army for, 49, 56, 361-62; defeated for presidency, 362; nominated for presidency, 331

McClernand, Gen. John A., 237

McCook, Gen. Alexander McD.,


293, 296-97 Mahone, Gen. William, 364 Maine regiments: 1st Heavy

Artillery, 224; 5th, 40; 20th,



Malvern Hill, Confederate position at, 211

Massachusetts regiments: 1st, 85; 1st Heavy Artillery, 224; 12th, 54, 109-12, 165; 13th, 39, 60; 15th, 239-40, 241; 19th, 40-41, 183, 241, 245; 20th, 241; 22nd, 31; 25th, 39; 28th,
Irish Brigade; 36th, 273; 39th, 221-22

Meade, Gen. George Gordon, 3-4, 41-42, 55-57, 151-52; at Cold Harbor, 178-79; in march to Appomattox, 409, 412-13, 421; in Petersburg campaign, 215, 217-25, 238, 249-52, 267, 271-85, 376-77; at Spotsylvania Court House, 113-14, 121, 132, 192; in support of Kilpatrick raid on Richmond, 7, 20; in Wilderness batde, 73-75, 77, 90-91, 102

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