A Taste for Blood (The Godhunter, Book 6) (42 page)

Bolstered by feline forgiveness, I managed to make it to my bedroom. It was empty and I was shocked to find that it was a relief to me. I sighed and put down my travel bag. Nick jumped on it to convey his absolute refusal to allow me to leave again any time soon. I smiled at him and went in search of the others. He followed closely.

I poked my head into the common room and was surprised to find Fallon and Samantha sitting there with the other Intare. They all looked up at once but instead of shouting a welcome, they called out greetings in more mild tones. Samantha approached me and I remembered that they were supposed to be living with us now. Duh, that's why she was there.

How are you feeling?” She had stopped a foot away from me. That hurt a little.

Get over here,” I laughed and the noise level went back up as the rest of my boys realized I was back to normal.

I got hugs and kisses and when I was done, I saw Trevor and Kirill standing in the doorway. Kirill had a brilliant smile on his face but Trevor looked worried. I went over to them with a hesitant smile and hugged them both at the same time.

Trevor's wolf rammed against me from the inside, trying to get to her counterpart in his body. He groaned and buried his face in my hair, feeling the reunion too I'm sure. Around us was Kirill and I realized that Kirill had been a force to bind us together almost as strong as Trevor's soul in my body. Kirill was our mediator, and now, my hero.

You helped me get through the roughest days of my life,” I looked up at Kirill and kissed him. “How did you know what to do for me?”

I had very good teacher,” he whispered and leaned his forehead to mine. “Ve even now, da?”

Does that mean you no longer want to be Ganza?” I teased.

Zat not even funny,” he frowned.

Are you better now?” Trevor interrupted as he pulled me toward the master bedroom.

Better, yes, completely healed,” I shrugged. “We'll have to see but I do need to talk to you about some things. I'd like to have Odin and Azrael here too. Can we get word to them?”

Odin's here,” Trevor looked at Kirill. “Can you go get him and have word sent to Azrael?”

I take care of it,” Kirill turned around and headed back to the common room.

Odin's here?” I blinked at Trevor.

I invited him to stay while you were unresponsive,” he gave me a lopsided grin. “We've bonded a little over this whole thing. Both of us had no idea how to handle you or help you. Kirill was the only one who could even get you to eat. The only one you'd let within striking distance.”

Yeah, I remember a little. He took his time and set things just right so they would help calm me. I'm not sure how long I would have been under that table if Kirill hadn't been there.”

What happened to you?” Trevor's eyes bored into mine.

I broke,” I shrugged, trying to look nonchalant but feeling like every movement was jerky, robotic. “I was so angry and scared. I didn't want to be touched ever again. I just broke.”

Well, under the circumstances,” he grimaced, “I guess it's kind of to be expected. I was so worried about you though. I feel like I spend all of my time worried about you or us.”

I know,” we had reached our room and I pulled him over to the couches to sit with me. “I understand how horrible it is for you to wait and wonder or just be unable to act. I get that now. Ever since I had to stand by and watch Fallon fight, I've understood better. I don't want you to have to go through that again and I really don't want to have to go through what I did ever again.”

Okay,” he sighed. “I'm glad you can see what we've gone through and I know it's not your fault. I don't want you to feel like I'm blaming you. It's just this latest situation has really made me feel  helpless.”

I as well,” Odin came striding into the room. “Vervain,” he stopped in front of us and I stood to hug him. “Trevor was kind enough to allow me to stay here while we waited for you to get through this. I sent the boys home though. Vali was getting rather testy. I think he needed to hunt something.”

A flash of running through the Forgetful Forest hit me and I swallowed hard.

“Are you sure you're better?” Odin peered at me.

Yes,” I sat back down. “I dealt with some things that were holding me back.”

What things?” Azrael came in at the perfect time of course. He had a talent for doing that.

Hey,” I stood up again to hug my angel and the scent of vanilla orchids wafted over me.

Hey back,” he let go and we all took a seat.

I had to come to terms with the differences in the way faeries think as opposed to how we think,” I held up a hand when Trevor started to growl. “Just let me get this out. I lived with them for three months, even though it only seemed like three days to all of you. I got to know them, love them, and understand them better. Coming back here and facing what had been done to me with my human ideals was tearing me apart. I had to see it from a different perspective.”

No matter what perspective you take, Carus,” Azrael interrupted, “that dragon stole you away and raped you.”

Yes, that's how you see it,” I nodded. “He saw the chance to breathe new life into his dying race. Even though he had good cause to hate humans, he was willing to overlook his hatred to create life with me for the greater good.”

Are you fucking kidding me?” Trevor sat back hard and crossed his arms over his chest. “You want us to see what he did as altruistic?”

No,” I sighed. “I want you to try and remember if you've ever been faced with having to do something horrible to someone you barely knew, in order to achieve something important for those you loved.”

All my men got silent.

“Exactly,” I frowned. “Arach didn't want me. This wasn't about love or even lust. It wasn't personal at all. This was about his dying race and the chance to have a child to pass his throne to. It wasn't until after he got to know me that it became complicated for him. He started to change, to develop feelings for me, all of which I know for a fact from tasting his blood.”

So you've forgiven him then?” Azrael looked pretty accepting, but I guess that was kind of his nature, the others still needed some time.

I have,” I held up both hands in a placating gesture, “but that doesn't mean I'm going back there to birth dragon babies.”

Well I'd hope not,” Odin grimaced. “So what
it mean?”

I'm going to keep the way open,” I shrugged. “Keep talking to him and maybe even visit Faerie again in the future. It's a part of who I am now and he did help me learn to control these new magics. In fact, he did something to my dragon that prevents her from taking control. If she had taken control, I may have lost everything else. He saved my other magic, even though it would have suited him better not to.”

I don't like it,” Trevor growled.

Neither do I,” Odin added, “but we'll live with it.” He gave Trevor a meaningful glance and Trevor fell silent. “If that's what it takes to keep you sane, we'll live with it.”

Thank you,” I felt the weight leave my shoulders. “I'll keep you all informed of anything that happens pertaining to Faerie.”

As long as I don't have to live with that cat again,” Trevor rolled his eyes. “He left hairballs everywhere.”







Chapter Sixty-Five


We've found Phonoi,” Trevor burst into the bedroom with his announcement.

Kirill jumped off the bed, where we'd been reading together, and ran out the door without a single word.

“What the?” I watched him leave. “Who's Phonoi and why did Kirill run away when you mentioned him?”

Phonoi,” Trevor raised his brows at me. “The guy who instigated the murder at Moonshine?”

Oh, right,” I'd completely forgotten about that little mess.

Are you coming?”

Oh, we're going now?” I blinked. It had been ages since I'd had to fight someone and I was still a little unsure of myself after the whole Arach thing.

You can stay here, Vervain,” his look softened. “It's okay, I understand.”

No way,” I jumped from the bed. “They're targeting us because of me. I'm going with you.”

Okay,” he frowned, “if you're sure.”

I'm sure,” I went to get my fighting leathers on and he went to help Kirill corral the Intare.



Chapter Sixty-Six


Why do they all have to live here in Hawaii?” I whined as I sneered at Phonoi's Kahala mansion from its luxurious front lawn. “And why do they get to live in places like that?”

Hawaii's got great weather,” Trevor shrugged while he monitored the Intare as they got into position. “And most gods have lived long enough to have lots of money.”

It still blows,” I adjusted the straps of my leather gloves, they didn't feel right. Three months in Faerie and my favorite weapon didn't feel right. WTF? “Why can't they try Bermuda or Bahama, or Bora Bora, someplace warm that begins with B instead of H?”

Because then they couldn't be close to you, Minn Elska,” He laughed low in his throat. Kinda sexy. I thought about asking him to take me home and make wild, werewolf love to me instead of killing some dude. I had a bad feeling about all this.

Let's just get this over with.” I said instead.

We flowed inside, through windows and doors, whichever was closest to the position Trevor had placed everyone in. There wasn't any sound from inside the house so I started to wonder whether we'd have to sit and wait for the bastard to come home but when I made it up to the second floor, I found Phonoi already subdued by my Intare.

He had black hair sheered closed to his scalp with one long, white streak that fell over his right eye. He was pale but not like a vampire, just normal white skin. What wasn't normal, besides his odd hair, were his black claws. I hadn't seen them in the video, I'd been too busy focused on the malice in his dark eyes, but all tied up, his claws were prominent, peeking through the ropes as they were.

My mother shall kill you all,” Phonoi said calmly. “You'd do best to release me and forget about coming after my family.”

So we're just supposed to do nothing while you incite violent deaths at our club?” I frowned at him. There was no heat to my words, I was just confused, and for a second I recalled the way Isleen had answered my question once in the same manner, politely interested but not invested enough to get angry. How much had Faerie changed me? The room had gone quiet and I realized Phonoi must have answered my question while I mused.

Sorry,” I shook my head and focused on him again. “Did you say something?”

I said you deserve the punishment I've been dishing out,” Phonoi's composure was gone, he was practically snarling. “You killed my father...”

Yes, I know,” I sighed. “I should prepare to die. Got it, Inigo Montoya.”

Do you want the honors?” Darius stood to one side of the prisoner chuckling a little.

No,” I swallowed hard and looked away. When had I gotten squeamish? That couldn't be good.

I'll do it,” Trevor growled and prowled forward.

I almost reached out a hand to stop him but I knew this had to be done. If we let him live, our lives would be in jeopardy. So I kept my eyes averted and tried to ignore the sound of a werewolf beheading a god. This wasn't me either. I believed in facing death, especially when it was I who had brought it about and even though I wasn't the one delivering the blow, I had definitely brought death to this god's door. I took a deep breath and turned around.

Phonoi's eyes were wide but other than that, he showed no expression as his head was removed viciously from his body.

I frowned down at the pool of blood that was making its way across the tile to my feet. It hadn't really been a challenge at all, what with all the lions we'd brought with us. All of us against one man, Phonoi hadn't stood a chance. It made me feel a little sick. It just didn't sit well with me. He'd instigated murder and made life difficult for us lately but was it okay to just kill him like that? No fair fight, no chance to defend himself?

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