A Trap King's Wife 1

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Authors: Jahquel J.

Tags: #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Romance

A Trap King's Wife (A Trap King's Wife Book 1)
Jahquel J.
Urban Chapters Publications (2015)














© 2015 Jahquel J. Published by Urban Chapters Publications.


All rights reserved.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.


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Wale: Even if you make plans you never think you’re really ready for marriage?


Seinfeld: No it’s uh, it’s like any growth. You’re no- you can’t be ready for it because tha- it’s growth, it’s gonna be new. It’s gonna be new. You’re gonna have a new life, you’re gonna be a new person.








              I pushed my stroller down the cold New York weather, trying to make my bus in time. I couldn’t believe I was out here with my twin daughters at three in the morning; going to visit my baby father. The ride to
sing sing
prison was a long one, but getting there on public transportation was the hard part. I saw the bus turning the corner and quickly pushed the stroller to make the bus. I got right to the corner, and the bus driver smirked and closed the doors in my face.

              “You fat ass pig! You did that on purpose!” I screamed and hit the bus, as it was pulling away.

              I pulled the double stroller close to me and sat down on the cold bench. I moved my curly mane out my face and sighed in frustration. “Don’t worry, lil’ mamas, we will be on the way to daddy soon enough.” I rocked the stroller and cooed.

              “Ma’ I saw what that nigga did and that was fucked up,” I heard a man’s voice behind me. I turned and looked over my shoulder, while clutching my blade, just in case.

              The man that had to be about 6’5, and was a big boy, but not in a sloppy way. He had a light brown complexion, trimmed facial hair, with a goatee. He was standing there with a fur coat, timberland boots and dripped in jewelry. I wasn’t usually into bigger men, but he was really cute, with his waves on swim and his brown bedroom eyes. I stood up and walked in front of my stroller and folded my arms.

              “Can you believe that? These bus drivers act like they’re God or something,” I vented and rocked my crying daughters.

              “Yeah, if I wasn’t so concerned with you and your kids I would of followed his ass. You need a ride?” He asked.

              I shook my head no and went back to the seat and bounced my legs to warm myself. “Nah, I’m fine. Thank you though,” I replied over my shoulder.

              He came closer and leaned against the mailbox and rolled his jacket sleeve up to see the time on his iced out presidential Rolex.  “It’s three in the morning, you don’t need to have those babies out here.”

              Blowing air out my nose I stood up, irritated. “I am a good mother and I don’t need to be explain my motives for being out here. I never asked you to stop.” I snapped.

              He put his hands up and smirked, it was then that I noticed he had a perfect set of teeth. “Chill, ma’ I don’t want your kids and yourself in the cold. I promise I’m not a bad guy, and I’ll get you to where you need to go,” He offered.

              I had to weigh my options. The next bus wasn’t for another hour, and if he drove me to where I needed to go I would be able to make my bus and not miss the visit.

              “I have a razor and will not hesitate to slice and dice you if you hurt me or my babies.”

              “That wont be necessary,” He chuckled and led me to his car parked on the corner.

              I laid my eyes on the navy blue Range Rover with a nice pair of rims and dark tints. I pushed the stroller toward the backdoor and started to unbuckle the car seat from the stroller.

              “I got this, you can sit up front,” He advised and I got into the front and still turned to watch him with my babies.

              “What you know about car seats,” I joked.

              “I know a little something, what’s their names?”

              “That’s Pride, and that’s Joy,” I pointed to each of my babies.

              He smiled and nodded. He placed Joy’s car seat in the back, folded the stroller and got into the driver’s seat. “Alright, where you going Miss Lady?” He started the car, and the heat came and engulfed my cold body.

              “You can drop me off on 34st, I’ll catch the bus from there,” I told him and sat back. The seat made me melt and want to take a nap. Taking care of two one-month-old babies alone, working and going to school was taking a toll on me.

              My mother helped, but she worked fulltime and had her own life. It wasn’t her responsibility to take care of her grandchildren fulltime.

              “Nah, I’ll drive you wherever you need to go. Now, where you going?”

              “Sing Sing,” I whispered.

              “Ight, I know the way. My brother is in there, so I’ll visit him and take you. Cool?”

              “You would do that?” I looked into his eyes. “I really appreciate this, truly,” I thanked him.

              “Yeah, you good, Ma’. You don’t need to take those babies out again,” He smiled and started the car.

              I smiled and looked out the window as the city flew past my window. It wasn’t too long after that we were on our way and the greenery started to pass the window. I don’t know why I was even worried about taking my daughters to see their father. Dyron had got locked up at my baby shower when I was six months pregnant for drug trafficking. I was devastated watching my baby father and love of my life get escorted on what was suppose to be the celebration of life. They offered him two years and probation, but he decided to go to trial, and was sentenced to ten years. 

              His mom made me promise to make him a part of our daughters’ life. Which is why I am out here in the crack of dawn trying to get to his visit. It’s crazy his mother wanted me to make her son a part of her grand daughter’s life, but when I called her to take me to the visit, she declined and ignored my calls.

              “What’s your name?” I broke our silence.  I had got into this man’s car and didn’t bother to ask him his name.

              “Jaeshawn,” He responded.

              “Cool, my name is Tiara, I really appreciate you doing this for me. I know you didn’t have to,” I thanked him again.

              “Nice to meet you, Tiara. Not to be all in your business, but what you doing going to sing sing?”

              “My baby’s father is in there and I’m bringing the girls to see him for the first time,” I revealed.

              “How old are they?”

              “A month,” I held my head down.

              I know I was stupid putting my babies in danger by making this trip, but I didn’t feel like hearing Dyron’s mother and sister’s mouth.

              “Ight, sit back and relax, we’ll be there soon,” He assured, and I smiled sitting back and waiting to see Dyron.















              I sat in the house another night wondering where the hell my baby father was. Once again his ass was out until the wee hours of the morning, and I was sitting here like an asshole. Yeah, Jaeshawn and me weren’t together, but he still needed to bring his ass in this house at a decent hour, and he didn’t. We have a one-year-old son, Keyshawn, and he was barely home to be with him.  I spent my entire day and night with our son and only got out once in a while. I called his phone for the third time, and once again he clicked me to voicemail. I sucked my teeth and got into my bed and pulled the covers over my body.

              I wasn’t bad looking and I wasn’t a stupid chick. I stood 5’5 with mocha brown skin, hazel cat like eyes and a pair of juicy lips. My hair was styled in a 22inch Malaysia weave that was colored sandy brown. After having our son I had thighs, ass and breast, but that didn’t matter. If I could change one thing it would be my tiny beer gut. I loved beer and cigarettes. It seemed the more Jaeshawn stressed me out, I was popping the top on one and slugging it to the back of my throat. My house phone rang and I rolled my eyes and answered it.

              “Yeah,” I answered, sounding annoyed. Whoever it was would catch the hint, and not hold me long.

              “Kaysha? Where is Jaeshawn?” His mother asked, I looked at the time and it was seven in the morning. I rolled my eyes and bit my tongue.

              “No, he hasn’t come by my house in a couple days, although he said he would come when he got finished with business,” I rattled on.

              “I could care less about your problems. I’ve been calling him for hours and he hasn’t answered. “

              “You and me both,” I snapped.

              “Tell him to call me when you get in, bitch!” She yelled and hung up in my ear.

              I hated that bitch with a passion, which is why I constantly kept my son away from them. If she couldn’t treat me with respect, she wasn’t going to have a relationship with her grandson. When Jaeshawn was acting up, I kept him away from our son too. I wouldn’t answer his calls and I would go stay with my sister in the Bronx for a couple days. Call me petty, but that was what had me living like I was. I was hood rich and everybody and their mama knew it. I drove a BMW truck, kept no less than five thousand dollars on me, and had a closet full of designer clothes.

              I lived right in the heart of East New York, Brooklyn in the projects. I paid little to nothing for rent and got food stamps, while my baby daddy was paid out the ass. Each time he would pull a disappearance act, I would keep our son away from him and soon as I came back around, I had him eating out the palms of my hands. I rolled over and got some sleep before getting my day started later on.



              I fed, bathe and dressed my son before going to get myself right. It was still cold outside so I had to dress warm, but cute. I settled on a Montclair ski jacket, tight skinny jeans and a pair of thigh high riding boots. I put my hair up in a high ponytail, and put all my jewelry on. When I was finished I spritz some perfume on and grabbed my son and his diaper bag. I went down stairs in the piss smelling elevator and got right into my truck. I buckled my son in, who was screaming his head off.

              “I wish you would shut the hell up,” I screamed, startling him and the pedestrians walking by the car. “Damn, always airing those damn lungs out,” I continued and started the car.

              For the rest of the ride, he was quiet and looked out the window. Keyshawn already knew not to try me with his bratty antics. Once I started screaming, his ass knew to take the backseat. I swerved on the highway and made my way uptown to see my sister, Brandi. Brandi lived with her baby’s father’s mother and had two kids by his ass, all under the age of six. I don’t know how she managed, because I was pulling my hair out with just one child.

              I pulled onto the block and sure enough Brandi was sitting on the stoop with her cigarette and talking smack to whoever passed by. I knew she had to be feeling nice because it was a little after one in the afternoon and it was about forty degrees. I grabbed Keyshawn and sat next to her on the stoop.

              “Hey, Key-Key,” She smiled, and kissed his cheek.

              I moved him out of her way and gave her a stank look. “Come here, Ivory, come take you cousin in the house.” My five year old niece came and took my son.

              “Brandi, keep that smoke away from him,” I warned, she waved me off and we went into the house.

              Her baby father’s mother was sitting in the living room hollering at her grandchildren. I stepped over the toys and everything else that was scattered all over the house and followed behind my sister. We went into her bedroom and she slammed the door and got back under her covers. I turned my nose up at the messy ass room, and the pit bull in the cage in the corner. I sat on the edge of the bed and crossed my legs.

              “What’s going on with you?” She sparked up another cigarette.

              “Nothing, I’m getting tired of Jaeshawn and his bullshit,” I sighed, reaching for the cigarette.

              “Girl, please. If you were tired you would stop opening your legs to him and running every new bitch he fuck with away. At least that nigga does for his son and spends time with him. You act like you got the short end of the stick,” She laughed and lit her own cigarette.

              “I get tired of being alone, while he showcase every bitch around like I haven’t been there for him. I was there before he got all the money. I should have a rock on my hand and a big ass house,” I complained.

              Brandi laughed and waved me off. She pulled the blanket off her body and went in her dresser. She fumbled through her top draw and sat down with a bunch of papers. “Tired? Girl I’ve been with Jamal’s ass and we got two damn kids. Do you see a damn ring? Not to mention I stay at his damn house and he don’t even make it home every night. I got something for his ass though. I’m done living in this house with my babies. Every night his mother throwing spade parties with all these people drinking, cursing and yelling all night. Hell, I’m ghetto like the next person, but I need my own,” She vented and handed me a paper.

              I took the paper and read it over. She was accepted into NYCHA, which was New York City housing authority. She also was accepted into my projects and building next to mine. I was hype and started shaking my ass.

              “Brandi, you’re finally getting your own. I’m proud of you.” I hugged her.

              “About damn time, and Jamal aint coming with us. I moved in this house with the expectation that he would move us out, but he still stuck being a little boy and I don’t have time.” She waved me off.

              “Well, girl this calls for a celebration. We should have mommy watch the kids and go out tonight. It’s Saturday and we need to get out.”

              “Kay, I don’t have clothes. All my money went to getting furniture for my babies and shit for the apartment,” She put her head down.

              “I’m your sister and you already know if you need something I will make it happen. Get the kids together and we’ll head over to mommy’s house. Alright?”

              She got up and started planning their outfits. You can call my sister a lot of shit, but she made sure my nieces were dressed in nothing but the best. She would be wearing sweats all day, but her kids were always dressed in the latest shit. No thanks to her no good baby daddy. Jamal was always trying to find a come up, and whenever he did it was only for a short amount of time. During his ‘up’ times, his kids or my sister never benefited.

              “What you thinking about?” Brandi asked me.

              “You getting yourself together and leaving Jamal alone. I’m happy for you.” she smiled and continued getting her kid’s clothes together. When she was done getting them ready, we headed out the door and went to my mother’s house.

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