Addicted (Addicted Trilogy Book 1) (11 page)

I moved toward him and he instinctively gripped my
elbow, helping to usher me from the shop. I normally would have taken his
actions as possessive but truth be told, I didn’t mind—not from him. I was
thrilled each and every time he thought to touch me, even in the most innocent
of ways.

Once outside, he escorted me further down the
sidewalk, away from the big window of the store.

Figuring we were in a more private spot, away from
any potential roving eyes, he stepped closer. “I’ll call you later tonight.” It
was all he said before he leaned down and kissed me. It was a simple, soft kiss
at first, but the longer his lips covered mine, the more sensual the entanglement
became. He started invading my mouth, searching for my tongue to entertain his
own. Our display was not fit for public consumption, but I didn’t care. Any
reservations I would have had completely disappeared with every stroke of his
kiss, every graze of his lips and every breath we shared.

Raising his hand to grip the back of my neck, he accidentally,
or purposely, grazed the side of my breast. The look on his face gave nothing
away, but it didn’t matter; he was going to drive me crazy, right there in the
middle of the sidewalk in broad daylight.

Suddenly, he broke the kiss, leaving me wanting
more. I was sure it was his intention all along. His gaze lingered on my mouth until
he eventually connected with my eyes.

He was grinning. Big.

“Are you happy with yourself?” I panted breathlessly.

“Why, yes, I am.” He was still smirking as he walked
toward his car.

Katherine was patiently waiting for me when I
finally made my way back inside. I was unknowingly running my fingers across my
lips when I saw her, staring at me with a questioning look in her eyes.

“What?” I asked, baffled by the expression on her

“Honey, do
you know who that is?”

“Yeah, Alek
Hello? You just met him.

“How do you
know him?” I wasn’t sure I knew exactly what she was asking me, my impatience
for this whole dance quickly irking me.

“I met him when he came into the shop, just like he
mentioned. I’ve run into him a few times since then.” I didn’t get into any of
the specifics with her; I wanted to keep those private. Plus, I didn’t even know
where to begin or how to explain our encounters.

Coming out from behind the counter, Katherine took
a few steps until she was standing beside me. The look on her face was shock
mixed with wariness. “He is
. He owns half of Seattle and then some.”

“Yeah, I found out all that yesterday.” There
wasn’t much more to say other than that.

“Be careful, honey. He has quite the reputation,
and I would hate for you to be swept off your feet, blindsided by his charm,
and of course those looks of his. But then again, who could resist that face?”
she said, more to herself than to me. “Oh, if only I was about forty years
younger…” She trailed off as the corners of her lips turned up, meeting her
eyes immediately.

Her outburst had us both laughing, and it felt good
to release some of the tension which had been building since he’d walked
through the door.

“But seriously, be careful with him.”

“I will. We’re only friends anyway, so
it’s no big deal,” I lied. I wanted to protect my secret a little while longer.




Katherine’s outburst about Alek had me wanting to
do some research of my own. I had to see what I was in for if I was going to
continue to entertain the idea of seeing him again. Utilizing the computer at
the front desk, I made quick work of it since I didn’t want to tie it up for
too long.

Searching for the name ‘Alek

instantly bombarded me with image after image of the man who sent my heart
aflutter. Most of the pictures were of him with a woman. So many different
women. My excitement fell the more I saw, inexplicable feelings of jealousy
coursing through my veins. After my eyes had enough of the barrage of pictures,
I couldn’t decide which was worse: the fact he was always with a different
woman or that he couldn’t settle on just one.

Nevertheless, he always looked stunning, ever the
photogenic subject. Most of the images looked like they were from some sort of
fundraiser or charity type event, the formalwear a sure giveaway. Mixed in with
the formal pics, there were some candid ones, as well. Walking out of a
building, getting into the back of a town car and even strolling along while
talking on his cell phone were among the many other images ingraining
themselves into my brain.

When I finally peeled my eyes from the pictures, I
read some of the articles. He was very involved in numerous charities, but the
one which he seemed to be the most active with was for domestic abuse.

Out of all
the causes in the world, why this one?

When I came across some clippings mentioning his philandering
ways, I almost stopped my search altogether. But of course, my curiosity won
out, needing to find out as much about Alek as I could.
When is Seattle’s most eligible bachelor going to finally settle down? Who
is the woman on his arm this week? Is Alek
seeing two women at the same time?
Those were the types of articles I came
across, aggravating me more than should have been normal.

Katherine was right. I should be careful with him.
he had his own agenda for wanting to see me. Maybe he was only trying to get me
into bed, seeing me as a challenge because I was a virgin.

No matter how much I tried to reason with myself, I
couldn’t stop myself from finding out.


I made it home in time to meet with the install
guy. He was in and out in record time, going over all the instructions before
he left. Admitting I felt safer was almost like admitting defeat; that Alek
really did know best. But I wouldn’t dwell on it too much, realizing the sense
of security his generous offer provided was long overdue.

“Sara, your cell is ringing. Do you want it?” Alexa
called out from the kitchen.

I knew exactly who it was from the ringtone. “Let
it go to voicemail. I’ll get it when I’m done changing.” I wasn’t planning on
going anywhere for the evening, so my normal protocol was to change into PJs
for the night.

My phone instantly started ringing again, went to
voicemail then started ringing again.

Man, is he

The fourth time my phone rang, I picked it up.

“Are you okay?” he blurted out before I could even
say hello. “I was worried something happened to you.” His tone confused me. He
seemed irritated but also genuinely worried, for what reason I had no idea.

He just had
someone install a high-end security system. What the hell does he think would
happen to me in that short amount of time?

“I was busy, Alek.” My curtness came out more stern
than I planned but maybe it was for the best, letting him know I was a grown-ass
woman who didn’t answer to anyone.

“Too busy to answer your phone?”

“What did you need, Alek?” I asked right away,
wanting to get to the point of his call. I was weirdly flattered he was worried
about me, but he was going about it all wrong.

“I’d like you to answer the phone when I call you,”
he demanded. After a few moments of silence, I parted my lips to respond with a
smart-ass comment but he cut me off before I could speak. “Please,” he beseeched,
his tone softer than before. I heard a twinge of desperation in his voice and
it confused me.

If I agreed with him, he’d move on. So that was exactly
what I did.

“Fine, Alek. Fine,” I huffed into the phone, so
ready to change the subject.

Pleased with my response, he jumped right into it. “So,
now that the installation is done, are you all clear on how to use the system? Have
you ever had one before? Do you know what to do? Does Alexa? I have the same
system, so if you need any help, I can be there in no time at all.”

Jesus, he didn’t even take a breath. His verbal
spewing had me smiling—until a certain thought occurred to me.
How did he know the install guy was gone?
Oh, good Lord, he was unbelievable. “Did you have him call you when he finished
the job, Alek?”

“Of course I did. Why, does that shock you? Because
it shouldn’t.” I heard him chuckle, relieving some of the tension on his end. Or
was it on my end?

“No, I guess not,” I confessed.

It really

“So, are you okay with operating it?”

As I was describing my comfort level with the
complicated piece of equipment, I heard a knock on the front door. “Hold on,
someone’s here.”

My fingers circled the knob and I tugged it open,
not even really paying attention to who it could have been.

I sucked in a rush of air when my eyes landed on
the man crowding the entryway, looking even more delicious than he had earlier
in the day. Alek didn’t even wait for me to invite him in, instead taking a few
steps forward, brushing past me as he entered the small but comfortable space.

He was still dressed in his fancy suit, his tie a
little lopsided from a long day at the office. I didn’t think I’d ever tire of
seeing him dressed that way. Although he made casual look just as sexy. Actually,
he looked even better practically naked, a memory forever etched into my brain.

So, in essence, no matter what he was wearing, or
wearing, he was still drool-worthy.

“How long have you been standing there? And why
didn’t you tell me you were on your way over?” It was then I remembered I was
in a tank top, braless nonetheless, and small jersey shorts. My pajamas.

He took his time perusing my body, making me blush
profusely for some reason.

“I just pulled up, and I didn’t tell you I was
coming over because I didn’t want you to try and talk me out of it. I needed to
see you.” Taking another quick glance up and down my body, he took a step
closer, both fists clenched at his sides. “Why would you answer your door
dressed like that, Sara?” The air between us instantly shifted to an
uncomfortable one. He was actually pissed off.

He really was unbelievable. I thought women were
the only ones with those kinds of mood swings.

Defensively, I put my hand on my hip, trying my
best to keep the sarcasm from my voice. “Well, the only person who would come
by to see us would be Matt. So it’s perfectly fine I’m dressed this way.”

Apparently, it was
the wrong thing to say.
His nostrils flared, and his jaw clenched so tightly I
thought it would shatter from the sheer pressure alone.

“You fucking dress like that around Matt? I can see
your tits straight through your tiny-ass shirt. And those shorts are clinging
to every part of you.” Realizing he was almost shouting, he took a deep breath
before continuing. “I’m doing everything in my power not to drag you into your
room and rip off what little clothing you have on. I can only imagine what runs
head when you dress like
this.” He was fuming, pacing back and forth in front of me. “Do you want to
fuck him, Sara?”

I hadn’t been around Alek all that much, but it was
the most he’d cursed in my presence and the fact it was in anger, directed at
me, was throwing me off.

It was a good a time as any to tell him Matt was
gay, but I didn’t want to. It wasn’t my place to tell anyone, but he was
leaving me no choice. I really didn’t want him to think there was anything
going on between us. The unnerving need to tell him was becoming too much.

“It’s not a big deal, Alek.” Sensing he was getting
ready to yell again, I quickly interrupted him before he could utter another
word. “He’s gay. Matt’s gay, Alek, so there’s nothing for you to be worried
about. He couldn’t care less if I answered the door naked, although that might
embarrass the both of us.” I was trying to make light of the situation, but I
could see by his expression he wasn’t amused.

Not in the least.

Damn, Mr.
Temperamental is really in a mood.

Daring to crowd his personal space, I courageously
took a single step in his direction, his demeanor softening the closer I moved
to him. I was still unsure of his mood so I stopped there, close enough to
gauge his curiosity but far enough to retreat if I had to.

“You still shouldn’t be dressed like that in front
of anyone, Sara.”

“Even you?” The words left my lips before I’d
realized what I’d said.

“Especially not me. Not if you want to preserve
your innocence,” he confessed, trying to disguise the look of want hiding
behind his beautiful eyes. He huffed a quick breath and stalked toward me, looking
as if he was going to pounce if I didn’t take cover.

His movements forced me to retreat, slowly making
my way toward the kitchen. Our eyes locked on one another, his smoldering gaze
almost too much to bear. He was telling me everything and nothing at all. Desire
was clear in not only his face but the rise and fall of his chest. The curve of
his mouth and the sight of his tongue teasing his bottom lip were driving me

His mere presence ignited my desire. What would
happen when he actually touched me?

It wasn’t until my back came flush with the kitchen
island did I stop moving. Before I could even attempt to turn away, he wrapped
his arms around my waist and hoisted me on top of the counter. Moving his
strong body between my thighs, he pushed my scantily clad legs apart to fully accommodate
him. His thick arousal pressed tightly against the seam of his pants.

I was lost.

Lost in what I’d fantasized about since I’d met

Lost in the dream of it all coming true.

Lost in…him.

Working his hands up from my waist, he brushed his
fingertips over my sensitive nipples, hardening them at once.

“Alek,” I pleaded, the mere thought of what was to
come making me squirm where I sat, imprisoned in his lustful hold.

“I tried, Sara. I really did,” he whispered quickly
before he leaned down to capture my mouth. His kiss wasn’t gentle. It was deep
and hungry. He was desperate to taste me.

To own and claim me.

I didn’t resist him, not at all. Snagging my lower
lip, he dragged the sensitive flesh through his teeth, causing me to lose all
control. Completely and utterly. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled
him closer.

He had one of his hands firmly placed at the nape
of my neck, almost as if he was holding me in place so he could continue his
assault on my slightly bruised mouth. His other hand lowered until he grabbed the
waistband of my shorts. Pulling the fabric away from my belly, he slid two
fingers down until he found my clit.

He broke our kiss, moving slowly toward my ear,
nibbling at my skin until he landed on my lobe. “Do you want me inside you,
Sara? Do you want to feel me stretch you? Tell me you can’t wait for me to fill
you”—he bit the sensitive skin—“with my thick cock.”

What the hell could I say to that?
Yes, please
sounded too polite. What I
wanted to scream was
Hell yeah
I want you to fuck me into the middle of
next week
. But those weren’t the words I chose. Instead, a simple “Yes”
escaped my lips. I was hoping he knew what that one simple word really entailed.

Every stroke from his fingers made me so dizzy, I couldn’t
even think straight. I wanted to order him to take me to my bedroom and have
his way with me, but I couldn’t get the words out. I could only focus on what
he was doing to me, right there in the middle of my apartment.

My hands lifted upwards until they were tangled in
the thick mane of his dark hair. Gripping him hard, I pulled his lips to mine
once more, making it so we were devouring one

His hand was still expertly working on me, bringing
me closer to orgasm. I moaned into his mouth, pleading with him to continue
until my body exploded. “That…” I panted. “That feels incredible. Don’t stop. Please…”

It wasn’t until he pushed inside, my walls gripping
his fingers, did I build toward my release. His thumb feverishly worked my clit
as his fingers stretched me, the feeling strange but amazing.

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